View Full Version : FF inspired summoner in 5e?

2016-08-04, 08:05 PM
Referring to the summoner job often featured in final fantasy such as Yuna from X. It is a job capable of summoning creatures with more powerful ones often having some restriction, and also generally features support magic. In 5e, the closest thing to a summoner seems to be a conjuration wizard, but it lacks the support/clerical elements.

So I have two questions:
What class or class combinations would you use to fulfill the summoner thematically?
Is there a good homebrew that fulfills the summoner theme better than the options in the core rulebooks?

2016-08-04, 08:27 PM
This depends on what series you wanna go with. If we're talking like 10 or 12 here where summons are these big peristant things you call down, that would be harder to work in. If we're talking more in the Final Fantasy 4/7/BD vein where they're basically just bigger and more costly versions of regular spells that's probably pretty easy to do as archetype.

I mean what is say, Ifrit's Hellfire other than just a big stonking Fireball spell?

You could probably pull it off as Archetype that had something along these lines.

Call Forth: When you gain this feature choose one spell you can cast. You gain the ability to summon forth a power spirit able to bring to bear a more powerful version of it. As an action declare what spell you are calling forth a spirit to channel, spending two spell slots. Until the start of your next turn you must Concentrate on this ability. At the start of the next turn your next turn, if you are still concentrating on this ability a spirit comes forth and casts the chosen spell with as though cast from a spell slot equal to combined level of the two slots spent.

For example. You choose the spell Lighting Bolt for this feature, saying that you've learned to call forth the great Spirit Ramuh and his "Judgement Bolt".

You choose to Call Forth Ramuh using your action for the turn. You spend a 3rd level slot as normal for casting Lighting Bolt, plus an additional 2nd level spell slot.
You begin to Concentrate on Call Forth
Assuming nothing breaks your concentration. At the start of the next turn Ramuh Appears unleashing Judgement Bolt (this is a functionally equivalent Lighting Bolt cast as 5th level spell)

I think this is in keeping with FF summons in that it:

It mostly does what regular offensive magic does, only more so.
It does so at an extra cost probably that is not super efficient.
It takes extra time and is easier to interrupt (see FFT), but doesn't really dampen your action economy too much.

Obviously this is just a rough idea, an actual implementation would probably need to be more flexible and have the numbers tweaked a bit. However I think something like this would get the job done with minimal footprint.

You could go also go whole-hog with a full class but Final Fantasy summons are just so often flashy, big slow spells on top of a regular spell list I think this may actually fit the bill pretty well.

2016-08-04, 08:33 PM
I've been thinking a little about this. I won't get too much into it, but I was thinking it could be handled very nicely by using the Rogue HP, Armor, and weapon profs. For the class features get the ability to summon, or perhaps bind outsiders of increasing power levels as you level up. Start with say, a mephit at level 1. At level 3 you specialize in Fiends, Elementals, Celestials or Fae. Finally, you steal wholesale the beastmaster way of handling pets, meaning you have to give your action economy to your pet as you are controlling them through your force of will. You'd also give your pets the BM bonuses, meaning even that first mephit would be a beast when you're level 20. You could have multiple pets, basically one of each available CR, but could only have one active at a time.

2016-08-04, 08:41 PM
I've been thinking a little about this. I won't get too much into it, but I was thinking it could be handled very nicely by using the Rogue HP, Armor, and weapon profs. For the class features get the ability to summon, or perhaps bind outsiders of increasing power levels as you level up. Start with say, a mephit at level 1. At level 3 you specialize in Fiends, Elementals, Celestials or Fae. Finally, you steal wholesale the beastmaster way of handling pets, meaning you have to give your action economy to your pet as you are controlling them through your force of will. You'd also give your pets the BM bonuses, meaning even that first mephit would be a beast when you're level 20. You could have multiple pets, basically one of each available CR, but could only have one active at a time.

That's not.. what a Final Fantasy Summoner does though. Final Fantasy summoners aren't dudes who have a stable of little pets following them around (Save Final Fantasy 14). They're the spell casters that spend an extra long term casting a spell for what amounts to this:

"Summoner: Awesome monster COME FORTH"
"Monster: 'Sup bro. You want me to blow up those guys?"
"Summoner: Yes Please"
"Monster: See ya next time bro"

They're almost always named monsters with specific lore & story points. You don't summon "Your" earth spirit #1239 which is much like the other earth spirits but your own. You call forth the spirit of the-one-and-only Bahamut, King of Dragons.

EDIT: The ones who don't do that kind of call forth the big guys to actually take your place in battle with the summoner getting shunted-off into some really-never-quite-explained-well Aether Space until the summon runs out of juice and dumps them back into the world.

2016-08-04, 09:04 PM
The easiest, and probably most boring way to achieve this is in the form of refluffing any existing spell to say "Instead of X, Y shows up and does X."

A more fun variant, and this may not be balanced since I just came up with it, could work like follows.

Concentration, 12 seconds
VSM (Ruby worth at least 50gp idunno)
10 Foot Circle.

"Requires 12 seconds of Concentration. At the end of the duration, the Primal Being of Fire, Ifrit is summoned and just completely wrecks everything. Do 10d10 damage"

The damage is meant to be clearly imbalanced. I would imagine that taking two turns to cast would allow you to get away with much higher damage numbers than normally permitted though. (Lower DPR in exchange for Spell Slot efficiency)

2016-08-04, 10:26 PM
That's not.. what a Final Fantasy Summoner does though. Final Fantasy summoners aren't dudes who have a stable of little pets following them around (Save Final Fantasy 14). They're the spell casters that spend an extra long term casting a spell for what amounts to this:

"Summoner: Awesome monster COME FORTH"
"Monster: 'Sup bro. You want me to blow up those guys?"
"Summoner: Yes Please"
"Monster: See ya next time bro"

They're almost always named monsters with specific lore & story points. You don't summon "Your" earth spirit #1239 which is much like the other earth spirits but your own. You call forth the spirit of the-one-and-only Bahamut, King of Dragons.

EDIT: The ones who don't do that kind of call forth the big guys to actually take your place in battle with the summoner getting shunted-off into some really-never-quite-explained-well Aether Space until the summon runs out of juice and dumps them back into the world.

Well, not being too up on FF, I put out my current best summoner concept. What you describe could, I think, be handled as a kind of wild shape. Beastie shows up, replacing your form, your form returns when the bestie's is defeated. It wouldn't be wildshape, just treated that way with the forms being the creatures you learned how to "summon".

2016-08-04, 11:02 PM
Still very different from what a traditional FF Summoner does.

It's a casting time, and then a big guy shows up through a CGI cutscene and does one attack then leaves.

III, IV, V?, VII, VII, IX all followed the pattern of "Cast a Spell, Eidolon/Primal/Summon appears, uses Signature Attack, and then disappears"

Final Fantasies X and XIII had something more like wild-shape, where the Summoner's Summon replaces the party for the duration of the ability. In XIV, they're basically just a Wizard who knows Find Familiar and specializes in damage over time spells.

2016-08-05, 10:52 AM
I had the same problem finding a summoner class in the line of Final fantasy summoners. So I homebrewed one myself. FFX being my favorite edition I based it mostly off Yuna. As I cant post links, I have included the entire class.

Here is my work to make a a final fantasy style summoner in dnd 5e. Let me know what you think.

Proficiency in 2 skills from list, charisma and dex saves, sorcerer weapons. d6 hit die. Can use arcane focus.
Charisma based caster, selects spells from sorcerer list. Start with 2 spells known at level 2 and gain a new one at ever second level for a total of 11
Aeons use your stats and some some number of hp based on your summoner level and each get 1 spell 1/long rest in increasing level 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th,and 5th
Requires an action to command your Aeon to take an action. Directing your aeon to move is free though.
Each aeon gets one overlimit 1/long rest. Overlmit takes aeon to 0hp. Max Overlmit level follows max spell levels of full casters

Summoner: Max overlimit lvl
1 - Summon Aeon(Valefor), sorcerer cantrip -
2 - 1/2 progression spellcasting, Summoning order -
3 - The greater threat, overlimit 2
4 - Ability score increase 2
5 - Additional aeon (Ifrit or Verius) 3
6 - Summoning order 3
7 - Powerful presence 4
8 - Ability score increase 4
9 - 5
10 - Additional aeon (Ixion or shiva) 5
11 - Summoning order 6
12 - Ability score increase 6
13 - 7
14 - Additional aeon (bahumat or anima) 7
15 - Aspect of the aeon 8
16 - Ability score increase 8
17 - Additional aeon (origin) 9
18 - Summoning order 9
19 - Ability score improvment 9
20 - Supreme Summoner 9

The number at the end is the Max Overlimit level but it doesnt want to format nicely.


1 Summon Aeon: You may summon an aeon as a manifistation of your power. You can summon an aeon as an unlimited number of times per day unless it is reduced to 0hp.
It can be summoned as a bonus action or an action, and dismissed as bonus action. The Aeon appears beside you and last until dismissed or reduced to 0hp. You start with Valefor at level 1. You gain more aeons as you increase in level. At level 5 you gain Ifrit or Verius. At level 10 you may choose either Ixion or Shiva. At level 14 either Bahumat or Anima and at level 17 you gain Origin. Aeons can not be healed with the exception of white magic abilities but regain all of their hp when you take a long rest.
1 Sorcerer cantrip: You learn one cantrip from the sorcerer spell list
2 - Spellcasting: Follows half spellcasting table for spell slots(see Paladin) and your spellcasting ability is charisma. Spells known as sorceror.
2 - Summoning Order: You gain access to the summoning order abilities from your chosen order at levels 2, 6, 11, and 18
3 - The greater threat: Enemies will always see your aeon as the greater threat. Unless they suceed on a wisdom save, they cant attack you while you have an aeon present. This effect ends if you make an attack or cast a spell that effects an enemy creature.
3 - Overlimit: Each Aeon gains access to their overlimit, and may use it once at the max overlimit level indicated. Using overlimit reduces the aeon to 0hp. All aeons regain their overlmit when taking a long rest.
7 - Powerful presence: While your aeon is summoned you gain advantage on all intimidation checks you make.
15 Aspect of the aeon - At level 13 whenever you have an aeon summoned, you gain resistence to the type of dmg the aeon does.
20 - Supreme Summoner: Overlimits no longer reduces aeon to 0hp but can stil only be activated by each once

Summoning orders

Order of White mages:
The order of white mages focuses on learning the power of healing so that they may protect their aeons who in turn protect them.
2 Expanded spell list(available not known - as warlock): 1 Cure wounds, 2 Lesser Restoration, 3 Revify, 4 Death ward, 5 Raise dead
2 Cura - You may expend a spell as a bonus action to heal your currently summoned aeon 1d8 per spell level
6 Shadow of their wings - When you summon an aeon within 30ft of you, you become invisible until you attack or cast a spell or you end your turn more than 30ft away from it. White mage abilities dont break this.
11 Esuna - Your touch mimics greater restoration 1/long rest - works on aeons
18 Life - Restore unconsious creature to full health 1/long rest - works on unsummoned aeons

Order of Black mages:
The order of black mages focus on mastering the arcane by both turning to arcane secrets of great wizards and imitating the abilities of their aeons to harness and enhance their destructive power.
2 Expanded spell list(available not known - as warlock): 1 Tasha's hideous laughter, 2 Nystul's Magic Aura, 3 Leomund's Tiny Hut, 4 Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere, 5 Bigby’s Hand
2 Aeon Empowerment: Expend a spell slot as a bonus action to empower your aeons cantrips and spells. Add 2d8 +1d8 per spell level above 1st (Max 6d8) to a single dmg roll of the spell.
6 Aeon spellcasting: Aeons can cast their spells using your spell slots
11 Cooperative casting: When you cast a spell your aeon can cast a cantrip as a bonus action 1/short rest
18 Ultima: You become so entwined in aeon spellcasting that you learn your own overlimit. 10d8 necrotic dmg in 40ft cube. con half and cant be healed. Takes you to 0 hp if under level 20.

Uses all your stats + your proficiencies except hp and ac. Cant be healed aside from white magic.
aeon ac = 13 + dex
hp of each eaon increases with level +1 hp/level from 1-4, +2 hp/level from 5-10, +3 hp/level from 11-16, +4 hp/level from 17-20 (similiar to cantrip progression)
Each aeon has dmg resistence of the type of their type.
Aeons choose their spells from any spells list following the restrictions noted

Valefor: 13hp, pick any sorcerer cantrip and 1st level sorcerer spell
Type: psychic, Vulnerabiltiy: force
Energy Beam: line attack, on a hit does 4d6 + 2d6 for each overlmit level above 2nd to a max of 12d6

Ifrit: 23 hp, Any fire cantrip and 2nd level spell - ie firebolt, burning hands, scorching ray, burning sphere
Type: fire, Vulnerabiltiy: cold
Hellfire: 20ft radius, 6d8 + 1d8 for each level above 3rd to max of 9d8 dex half

Verius: 23 hp, Any acid cantrip and 2nd level spell - ie acid splash, melf's acid arrow
Type: acid, Vulnerabiltiy: lightning
Corrosive blast: 30ft cone, 6d6 initial dmg + 2d6 dmg at the begining of your next turn + 1d6 to each dmg for each level above 3rd to max of 9d6 + 5d6. Con half and no additional dmg.

Ixion: 38 hp, Any lighting or thunder cantrip and 3rd level - ie lightning lure, shocking grasp, thunderclap, thunderwave lightning bolt, call lightning
Type: lightning, Vulnerabiltiy: acid
Thunderstorm: Mimics chain lightning except 5 targets total and up to 30ft apart, 8d8 + 1d8 for each level above fifth to max of 10d8, dex half

Shiva: 38 hp, Any cold based - ie ray of frost, icy knife, Snilloc’s Snowball Swarm
Type: cold, Vulnerabiltiy: fire
Diamond dust: 60ft Cone, 8d8 + 1d8 for each level above fifth to max of 10d8, con half. A creature killed by this attack becomes a frozen statue until it thaws.

Anima: 54 hp, Necrotic cantrip and 4th - ie chill touch, vampiric touch
Type: necrotic, Vulnerabiltiy: radiant
Oblivion: 40ft cube 10d8 + 1d8 per level above 7th to max of 11d8 and dmg cant be healed, con half

Bahumat: 54 hp, radiant cantrip and 4th - ie sacred flame, guiding bolt, moonbeam, crusaders mantle, Guardian of faith, Spirit guardians,
Type: radiant, Vulnerabiltiy: necrotic
Maega flare: 20ft radius column 10d8 + 1d8 per level above 7th to max of 11d8 and blinds for a round, con half and no blindness

Origin: 68 hp, Force cantrip and 5th level - ie eldritch blast, bigbys hand, wall of force
Type: force, Vulnerabiltiy: psychic
Unmake: Choose targets in 20ft radius each takes 10d10 + 40 force dmg and anything reduced to 0hp is instantly turned to dust, con save for half

2016-08-05, 02:27 PM
I'd honestly just refluff the moon druid. Rather than changing shape and fighting in that form till the form is killed, you instead summon some creature that occupies your space and fights for you. Let the DM pick or create some named mythical creatures for your special shifting.

2016-08-05, 07:25 PM
Still very different from what a traditional FF Summoner does.

It's a casting time, and then a big guy shows up through a CGI cutscene and does one attack then leaves.

III, IV, V?, VII, VII, IX all followed the pattern of "Cast a Spell, Eidolon/Primal/Summon appears, uses Signature Attack, and then disappears"

Final Fantasies X and XIII had something more like wild-shape, where the Summoner's Summon replaces the party for the duration of the ability. In XIV, they're basically just a Wizard who knows Find Familiar and specializes in damage over time spells.

Now that just sounds like spells with a particularly spectacular and otherwise meaningless fluff.

2016-08-05, 10:37 PM
EDIT: The ones who don't do that kind of call forth the big guys to actually take your place in battle with the summoner getting shunted-off into some really-never-quite-explained-well Aether Space until the summon runs out of juice and dumps them back into the world.

This sounds like a fascinating character type, when they summon the DM takes control of the NPC that arrives and the player leaves the room only returning when the creature dies/the spell ends. Like a Jekyll/Hyde scenario, where the player has no idea what occurred in between. That could create some fairly cool scenarios, almost like time travel blipping.

2016-08-24, 03:02 PM
I love FF! This is so cool!