View Full Version : Transmuting creatures with multiple heads.

2016-08-05, 11:26 AM
There are several useful buff spells that grant the subject a bite attack or enhancements to their bite attack. What happens when you use such spells on your chimera or hydra minion. Does each head gain the benefit?

Specifically, I am using a winter wolf familiar via the improved familiar feat, and I frequently transform him into a hydra for many frosty bite attacks (the bonus cold damage applies to each head as I understand).

I would like to cast the "Jaws of the Moray" spell (from stormrack) which would improve the damage of his bite and grant a latching mechanic similar to improved grab. But do I pick one head to receive the benefit, or do they all get it?

Thanks in advance.

2016-08-05, 11:36 AM
From my reading of the spell, Jaws of Moray would appear to give one bite attack to the target who can use their own bite damage if that is greater. In the case of more than one heads you would choose which bite attack to use.

2016-08-05, 11:39 AM
A related question, but much less likely to fly;

If you share spells that grant breath attacks (such as dragon's breath) with your multi-headed familiar, does each head get a separate breath attack? If I was a DM I'd say no, but just thought I'd throw that out there as food for thought.

2016-08-05, 01:55 PM
It's all going to depend on the wording of the specific spell. There is no catch-all answer that will apply in every instance.

2016-08-05, 04:00 PM
A related question, but much less likely to fly;

If you share spells that grant breath attacks (such as dragon's breath) with your multi-headed familiar, does each head get a separate breath attack? If I was a DM I'd say no, but just thought I'd throw that out there as food for thought.

Breath weapons are usually activated as a standard action. To activate more then one breath weapon per turn you would need more the one standard action available.
Also the spell in question provides the caster with a (as in singular) breath weapon.

The second point should apply to pretty much all instances of attaining breath weapons: the rules say how many breath weapons you get. Normally you get one. The if the number of your heads would be relevant, it would be mentioned in the rules.