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2016-08-07, 01:17 PM
New Years Eve.

At Midnight, the Comet Struck.

This news would not be known across the old world instantly, but soon word spread of the destruction of the city of Mordheim. Followed soon by rumours of what exactly it was that had struck the city.

Spring 2000
The Port of Marienburg

On the mouth of the Reik, the largest river in the Empire, straddling both banks with docks, warehouses and of course, taverns, there are those who would claim that it was the most cosmopolitan, sophisticated city in the world. If you didn't mind the smell of an empire washing out into the marshes.

One of the more famous taverns, founded in 1598 a year after the city was invaded and temporarily annexed by Brettonia, is the Maid of Mousillon, famed for it's soft beds and fine wines. Three stories high on the western waterfront of the Guilderveld district, it's windows are often discretely curtained and a soft light shines late into the night.

15th of Pflugzeit
The Maid of Mousillon

You have answered the call of Johanes "Cash" Fitzroy-Stellaburg, a merchant, money lender and landlord. As you arrived, Johanes made no mention of the debt between you, nor the way he wished you to repay him, merely requesting you stay until all his "Associates Arrive".

Tonight, he has asked you join him for supper and you are shown into his upstairs dining room by one of the many maids. For some of you, the mere sight of the cutlery is more civilization than you have thus far experienced. For others it is mere clumsy attempts of man at pretention.

After soups, spiced wine, both fish and meat courses and with nuts and cheeses spread out before you, the rotund figure stands, and makes his fine crystal goblet ring with a single tap of his bejeweled fingers.

"My Friends and Associates" Cash's voice is rich and heavy, like the soup of the first course, a little slick with the grease too. "I thank you for attending and enjoying my hospitality in peace." Johanes had in fact arranged the seating to keep Elf and Dwarves apart.

"It was not the joy of fine dining in company that caused me to arrange this party though. I am sure you are all aware that following signs and portents, the City of Mordheim has been struck by the fist of Sigmar" Saying this he made the sign of the twintailed commet, but also bowed to a shrine of Taal amongst the hunting trophies on the wall.

"This has posed some difficulty for me, as my Factors in the city are no longer reporting to me. I own several properties inside and outside the walls of Mordheim. In these troubled time, I cannot rely on the imperial messenger service, I cannot trust in the Elector counts not loyal to Countess Magritta, our rightful empress, to provide me justice if I ask for investigation."

Johanes drained his cup of wine, and having dismissed the servants earlier, poured himself another from the jug before him.
"Thus I find myself calling in the favours from my friends. I will appoint you my agents, to report on my properties and investigate any potential profit...

Pope Scarface
2016-08-07, 07:33 PM

Farfelu is tall and broad-shouldered, with tanned skin and shoulder length black hair. His facial hair is sparse, but not clean shaven. He wears a simple hide skirt that stops just above the knees, and has several pouches attached to it. While he normally goes bare chested, in deference to the occasion he is wearing a simple linen tunic, and has left his weapons belt in his room, carrying only a knife and a stone handaxe at his waist this evening.

Farfelu has not spoken or eaten much during the meal, answering any small talk with short direct replies, and not finding the spiced foods, cheeses, and wines much to his liking, although he did go through a handful or two of the nuts.

As his host gets to business, he looks about at his future traveling companions, seemingly sizing them up, but keeping quiet, as he seems rather obviously out of his element in these surroundings.

2016-08-08, 12:16 AM
The stout warrior would seem more eerie than approachable. His jawline covered by a leather mask that lacks any real features. Otherwise, he keeps brown hair to the length of his shoulders, and what part of his face is visible reads of scars and wounds. He wears a chain shirt over a green hooded tunic, the hood currently worn down. No jewelry, no sign of wealth. You would call him a plain man and perhaps less, if you were to see him on the streets.

Vitus had no words to share, mostly because he couldn't with ease. He had chose only to partake of drink, as it was easier to slide the contents of a glass into his mouth with his mask on than it was food. His eyes lazily scanned the others as he listened to the speech, but he knew there was little worth saying on the matter. A favor owed was a favor repaid. At the mention of the trip, his eyes turned back to their host, locking on as he waited to hear the other's inputs.

2016-08-08, 12:57 AM
Nim Rook

The slender man tilts his head to the side at their host's words. The remains of his meal lie before him on the table, having been picked apart in a curious mix of formal manners and rustic gusto. He thinks for a moment on what he had learned on the journey here, and during his time in the port town.

It is not surprising that, given a friendly and attentive ear, both travelers and sailors were happy to share their accounts of what was passing in the world, and the topic on the tips of their tongues (apart from rumours of war and succession) had been the hammer from the sky that had struck down the mighty city.

Brushing his hands first down his plain brown linen shirt, then up almost reflexively over his short scruff of hair, Nim leans forward, his grey eyes piercing in their gaze upon "Cash".

"You speak of profits in a city that has suffered disaster. What is it, specifically, that you are asking us to retrieve? Beyond that, I do not think myself wrong in assuming that we are each here to pay a debt. Is this service, this journey into Mordheim, considered full payment of each debt?"

Pope Scarface
2016-08-08, 07:09 AM
Farfelu leans over to grab another handful of nuts, then leans back a little in his chair, seemingly put at ease by someone else taking the initiative to ask for more details on this obligation.

2016-08-08, 11:09 AM
Boki was glad to meet a fellow dwarf at the table. He greeted the bearded kinsman with all the usual pleasantries and was delighted to find he was sitting next to him during dinner. It made the meal a lot more bearable. But even meeting the dwarf couldn't dampen Boki's impatience to get on with it. After all these months he finally got a lock on where he might find his brothers and he was burning to go and search them out. However, with a journey towards the doomed city ahead of him and all the dangers that might come with it, he could see the advantages of travelling in a group. That, and getting rid of the favour he owed Johanes made him sit through the dinner with angelic like patience.

2016-08-08, 11:31 AM

The tall pale elf had a proud pose to himself most of the time, his silky platinum hair lay long over the white fur that covered his shoulders, a white patterned doublet covered the his torso and fine sky blue sleeves of a shirt that has seen better days came from under it. Few thin scars could be seen scattered over his skin.

Seeming to rather enjoy the fine cuisine, eating it in a way that weaved between etiquette and the lack of it, tearing large chunks of loaf and smearing them over meat sauce with bare hands, but gently wiping the greasy fingers on a provided handkerchief. At times, he seemed rather distracted, looking at the door as if he hoped to see something through it, other moments he spent quietly shaking his head in disapproval of the way the dwarves were eating.

As Cash speaks, the elf raises one eyebrow as he ponders over his words, briefly looking at the others before answering, leaning back against his chair "A simple enough task, it sounds. Only I hear that the situation in Mordheim stands most dire at the moment. What would you be able to further inform us, so that we can prepare beforehand, master Johannes?"

2016-08-08, 04:44 PM
"Cash's" Dining Room, The Maid of Moullison

The Portly Marienburger wiped his lips with a fine table cloth edge and then leaned forward, ringing a small bell that was next to his plate.

"Information about the precise nature of Mordheim's disorder are hard to come by. Reliable information that is, there is talk of all kinds of devilry. Beasts out of legend and monsters from the dark ages if you would believe all a beggar might tell... I do not. Already stolen property from the city has surfaced at auctions in Middenheim and Altdorf. The city still stands, I am sure."

As he sipped more wine, a servant entered, another of the maids of the inn. She carried a package of papers, wrapped loosely in a leather cover.

"Thank you Gertrude" Johanes dismissed her with a wave of his hand and she left, not turning her back and eyeing with some wonder the varied guests her master had at his table.

"I have some hope that you will find your own goals aligning with mine. I intend this to fulfill the debts between us through mutual profit, rather than anything as gross as repayment" He makes it sound like he is not known to employ people to do many gross things for those that fail to make a repayment. His gaze and jovial grin falls on Nim Rook, and he passes a vellum sheet, embossed and written in black and vermilion down the table.

"Your Parents made me trustee of their estate, and to that end, you have an interest in the temple of Taal on the banks of the River Stir. If as case maybe, you may be the only remaining governor of the temple, with full control as stated in your writ.

Turning to Farfelu, his smile did not change.

"And I have found you a priest to help you bring the blessings of Taal to a city badly in need"

He clapped his hands together, and his smile grew broader still. He proffered forth the wine jug, to pour for any guest that had a wish.

"In company, you can investigate a few other properties I own. He held forth the jug for the newest of his associates, though he had dealt with Boki's father as a customer in the past. "Master Starfinder has his own reasons for going to Mordheim, but I am sure he will benefit from having a secure base from which to explore the city."

Johanes unrolls a longer scroll, which seems to be a list of properties and lays it carelessly on the fruit bowl in the center of the table.

"I know Master Fordiag will be a trusty guard and guide to the city, for he has travelled the Empire over and back, slaying Orcs, Grobi" the Marienburger's accent makes the word sound like a young child swearing rather than the harsh proper tones, but no human ever manages the sounds correctly. "and the like where ever he went. I trust you will not consider this task too steep for your own obligations?"

"I am sure too, you will find a like minded companion in Vitus here. He fought at the Blackfire Pass and I would consider myself well satisfied if you both would ensure my businesses safe arrival in Mordheim, and their safety in the city. At least until things have stabilized..."

He passed a tightly wound, though unsealed scroll to Ffermwyr.

"This too, I would ask your aid in, for none of the Elector Counts, for all that they would stop Men or even, foolishly Dwarves from going about my lawful busisness, they will not, I think, wish to delay an Elf of far Ulthan. You are known not to deal in the feuds of the Empire.

"In the morrow I have barges going up river, and within the week I have mule trains headed to Middenheim. By Sonstill, Mittherbst at the latest, I will join you in Mordheim."

2016-08-08, 05:30 PM
Nim Rook

The young man's hands shake for a moment as he reaches out to take the parchment, a near indiscernible moment of emotion crossing his face before it stills once more. His voice, when he speaks, is calm.

"So I am to take ownership of a temple, then. You have my thanks for its care in the years that have passed. A temple of Taal... My parents had not mentioned any religion..." he trails off for a moment, lost in thought. He absentmindedly picks up the papers that had been left on the table.

His gaze turns to Farfelu. "I take it then that you are a priest of Taal? I know not the state of the... My temple, but I would be grateful for any assistance you might provide."

Looking over the papers, he ponders the significance of the amounts next to each pairing of address and name. Perhaps an expected drawing of income?

Pope Scarface
2016-08-08, 10:01 PM

Farfelu sighs and nods. "That is the path I find myself walking," he says, with a hint of resignation and an edge of resentment to the tone of his voice. He stands up from the table. If there is a window, he walks over to open it. Otherwise, he alternately paces and catches himself pacing and stands perfectly still for a moment, before finding himself pacing again.

2016-08-09, 01:08 AM
Nim Rook

Nim watches the man rise and move with concern, sensing discomfort in the other man. He rises and moves towards him, his movement surprisingly smooth and swift. He stops a pace away from the dark-haired priest, lifting a hand to touch the other gently on the shoulder.

"It was not my intent to cause you trouble, sir. From your tone, I suppose that the mantle of Taal is not a light one to bear." He pauses a moment, then continues. "I have lived a life of devotion rather than faith, so perhaps advice is not mine to give. If it offers comfort, however, let me say this: if you wish to lead my temple, you will have leave to run it as you see fit. I shall not put form or chains to your faith." I offer a gentle, sincere smile, squeezing gently with my hand.

Pope Scarface
2016-08-09, 06:42 AM

He tenses at the contact, and a low growl passes his lips before he catches himself. "I carry the wild within me. Kindly remove your hand. If there is no one to tend one of Taal's sacred places, then I will fulfill my duties, but I am not a leader of men."

2016-08-09, 11:51 AM
Vitus looked around at the other's exchanges, lifting more wine to the edge of his mask and managing to drink it, until his name was called. His brow perked a moment, sitting his glass down. A finger was pressed to the side of his throat, and through what seemed to be almost hoarse words, he managed a reply. "If it... Bleeds... I can... Kill it..." A simple addition to what had already been said. He WAS a veteran, and he damn well had the scars to prove he could manage himself if battle came to.

2016-08-09, 12:02 PM
Nim Rook

He withdraws his hand, not swiftly but without any delay. "There is wildness in all of us, but I respect your stance. As I said, your investment is up to you."

The young man returns to his seat, sips his wine, and gazes about the table.

2016-08-09, 12:23 PM
Boki holds out his cup for Johanes to fill while the priests of Taal have their moment. He drinks it in one go and slams his cup on the table.
"I'm in." He states matter of factly. His word seems to carry gravitas, and he means it.

2016-08-09, 12:52 PM
Khordun eats and eats during the dinner, stuffing himself with the many delicacies that have been presented to them. Nothing beats a dwarf's cooking, but this sure as hell came close! He exchanged pleasantries with Boki, but felt that there was something off. He was sure that he knew this dwarf from somewhere...bah, he'll figure it out later.

When addressed by Johanes, Khordun laughs loudly. "Ya know me to well! Ain't no challenge to great for me and my axe, we'll be safer than a hog with her mother!" He laughed at his bad attempt at a joke.

Khordun gave Boki a friendly smack on the back, showing his happiness to have another dwarf on the job. "With two dwarves working together, there ain't nothing that'll stop us, right? Say, have we met before?" Khordun gives Boki a confused look.

Pope Scarface
2016-08-09, 08:14 PM

Farfelu continues to pace nervously awhile before leaving the room, looking for a way outside. Once there, he'll find something to climb, a tree or a tall building, and wait there for the group he is to travel with to leave the confines of the building.

2016-08-10, 05:10 PM
"Cash's" Dining Room, The Maid of Moullison

"Priest's eh?" Johanes Laughed.

"Well, that is settled then" He lifts his glass as a toast to you. "Leave on either route as you please."

One Hour Outside of Marienburg
16th of Pflugzeit

The Road to Middenheim has not been maintained for several centuries... though it has been heavily used. Once well paved, even this close to the city the stones are cracked or looted for building material, and the repairs are more mud than gravel. Rotting pylons support some of it where the land grows soft and marshy, though it mostly winds from islands of stable turf.

You set off after noon, as soon as the mule train was loaded from the mornings tide. Precious goods bound for the city of Middenheim from some far off place. Wilflric and Sviggen, the two, self described grooms rather than muleskinners are stout men, armed with light crossbows and oak staves that they use as walking sticks. They lead the animals with a confident step, letting the Mare lead the mules at a steady pace.

You have been making good time, and are just out of sight and smell of the city in this flat plain. Around you the brush of willow and bramble breaks into reed and a few open stretches of water. Thankfully, the biting insects are not yet at their worst, though if this is any indication, high summer would not be a pleasant time to take this path.

2016-08-11, 01:09 AM
Nim Rook

The young man swats a fly as he jogs along, keeping pace with the mules easily. His sword and axe bounce on his hips with the motion, though he makes little sound. His staff rides easily on his shoulder, held loosely in one hand. He seems at home on the road, the open skies and easy pace cathartic to the emotions that swirl within him, never rising close enough to the surface to be seen.

He takes it upon himself to patrol around the caravan, having discovered that none present could match his speed. Out of sight of the caravan, he stops for a moment here or there to feel the flames of his parents pyre on his fingertips. He uses these opportunities to practice the air punches he only recently discovered, blasting rocks and fallen branches at a range that surprises him.

Each time he returns, his face is inscrutable.

2016-08-11, 04:35 AM
Boki, having settled into a comfortable walking pace, looks around and enjoys the scenery. Its quite exotic compared to his homeland. He walks beside Khordun.

'Not bad, this countryside. Still I miss the crisp morning air in the mountains. I've been wracking my brain, but by Grungni I can't remember meeting you before. I call Karaz-a-Karak my home. You?'

Pope Scarface
2016-08-11, 06:39 AM

Farfelu walks quietly along towards the back of the caravan, occasionally slipping away and coming back with a handful of berries or nuts. At one point in the journey, he comes back with most of a pair of rabbits tied and left dangling from his belt. If you look carefully, you may notice a bit of fresh blood from the kill on his lips, as he had the first part of this meal raw.

2016-08-11, 12:19 PM
Khordun had to agree with Boki, trying to swat off a bug or two as they walked. "Nah, to much water around these parts, not enough tall, solid stone. And I've actually been travelin' for many years now, goin' where my axe leads. Ya see many faces when ya busy fightin' and travelin', so maybe I'm mista..." Suddenly. it hit him, "Oh wait, ya last name is Starfinder right? Don't you got a brother?"

2016-08-11, 12:24 PM
Boki at looks Khordun surprised by the question. 'I've uh.. I've got two of them actually.'

2016-08-11, 01:16 PM
Vitus would walk alongside the front. Preferring to be there, to keep an eye ahead and to let the others talk. He was not one for words usually, and the scars all but helped that fact. He did perk his ears a bit to the conversations, but he tried to keep his focus up ahead, not wanting to lose it should anything go amiss. Eventually eyes fall on Nim and his antics, speaking up as best he can to the excited one. "Save energy."

2016-08-12, 10:48 AM

The pale elf walked sternly behind the caravan, the huge snow lion always at his side, mostly distracted pawing and licking at the insects that got too close. He seemed watchful, looking behind him from time to time, used to dark elf ambushes, but not really on edge, as his large silver axe rested at his right shoulder. His heavy fur clothing, unfit for the climate, were thrown over the last of the carts, and now his shining scale mail could be seen. "Gwyn! Down, girl, quiet", he ordered as the cat became to annoyed by the insects around. Looking back forward he speaks louder to no one specifically "How many days ahead of us?"

2016-08-12, 11:55 AM
Nim Rook

Looking over at the dark-haired man swathed in cloth and metal, Nim nods respectfully.

"Worry not for my energy, friend. I travel free and easy, and the land kisses the soles of my feet." I pause a moment, trying to remember. "You are Vitus, are you not? Why cover your face in this manner? In this humidity, it must be difficult to breathe."

He has slowed his pace to match the speed of the caravan and his ally.

2016-08-14, 03:09 AM
Edges of the Marienburg Marshes
19th of Pflugzeit

There used to be Inn's on the route, but only one was still open in these troubled times. The others were roofless, and the grooms used the ramshackle stable buildings but themselves camped out under canvas to take advantage of what little breeze blew across the marshes.

The one time you did have a room and a home cooked meal you at least didn't have to pay. None of "Cash's associates" pay for food or rooms in any inn that Cash has an interest in. The Rushes on the floor were fresh, but other than that, the inn was dilapidated, the ale thin and the food over boiled vegetables and some mysterious fish.

On the third day, Farfelu's sharp eyes began to pick up lots of animal tracks, about a day ahead of you a mixed herd of goats and cattle has been driven down the highway. No sign of the drovers does the wild man detect. The land began to rise, and soon became drier. The livestock had not browsed down the foliage at the side of the road, clearly the drovers were moving at some speed.

The camp that night was in a copse on a hill, looking back the expanse of Marsh and road stretched into the mist, while the rolling fields and farms of the land outside Gieten, a town you should reach within the next day, spread out before you to the north west.

Farmland Near Gieten
20th of Pflugzeit

The Grooms always awaken before dawn, feeding the mules, themselves and then loading up each sack onto it's respective mule. Their braying and complaints are near constant, but there are moments of peace in the morning light.

Nim and Ffermwyr both look west, and are surprised to see the dawn reflected. A red light and haze of thicker white fog rises down the road. Upwind of the campfire, the smell of cooked pork and woodsmoke still reaches both of their noses from some far off place. At the next major rises of hills, a few miles away, the flashes of flame can clearly be distinguished.

Pope Scarface
2016-08-14, 07:51 AM

Farfelu takes off in a run towards the flames, moving much more quickly than you've seen him move before, to get a closer look at the source of the fire.

OOC Edit - Misread. This doesn't happen until we are close enough for the flames to be obvious to everyone.

2016-08-14, 02:11 PM
'Where's he off to?' Boki asked noone in particular while putting on his armour and stuffing his things in his backpack. He walked over to Khordun.
'I think somethings up.'

2016-08-15, 04:19 PM
Nim Rook

"Fire and food, in the distance... but that must be some flame to be seen at this distance." I beckon to Farfelu. "Shall we go and see what is happening? I have a feeling we are faster than our companions, and could return easily if we have need."

Nim takes off at a run, just slightly outpacing the priest of Taal as they race towards the fires. He keeps his eyes and ears focused, in the interest of gathering information so that he can relay any threats to his companions.

Pope Scarface
2016-08-15, 07:12 PM

"Fire. The pride of man. With the tracks I've been seeing, I expect we will not like what we find," he mutters ominously, as he takes off in a run (for real this time). He lets Nim take the lead as he looks for signs of nearby enemies... or fleeing victims.

2016-08-16, 08:13 AM
Farmland Near Gieten
20th of Pflugzeit

In the early light of dawn, Nim and Farfelu advanced down the road. Within 50 yards, they had lost sight on the next hilltop, the rolls of the land hiding temporarily the village. The route was much the same as the day before, following the gentle rolls of the land and winding around the farmers field boundaries.

When they crested a rise again, after two miles of dusty road, it returned to view. At this time of the morning, with the mist, red dawn light, it was a pretty sight. A few farm buildings, hedgerows and corpses...

...on taking a closer look, the red light was from fires, smouldering and burning still, the farm buildings having lost their rooves. The mist was smokey, and the cooked pork smell was stronger. And in the ruined doorway of a barn, there were two corpses white against the dark earth of the ground.

2016-08-16, 12:00 PM
Nim Rook

The sight of the burning houses and corpses puts Nim immediately on his guard. He drops to a crouch, gesturing for Farfelu to come close. "Something dire happened here. We don't know who or what may still be around. I shall keep watch here, travel back to the group and bring them forward." Nim gestures towards the burning buildings.

"Don't worry about me, I can outrun whatever did this if I must."

2016-08-16, 04:11 PM
Khordun shrugged, finishing up his morning axe swings. "Ay, nothin good ever comes from runnin around in the morning. We best be ready for anything friend." A final swish through the air ends the warm-up, and Khordun grabs the rest of his supplies in anticipation to get moving. "So what brought your two brothers to me, Boki?"

2016-08-16, 08:25 PM

The elf raises one concerned eyebrow as the two gentlemen lunge ahead of the group, stretching his neck as much as possible and standing on his toes trying to see anything ahead. After a brief moment he grows frustrated, snaping his finger twice at his great cat to urge it while his eyes are locked on the hill and the on the horizon, he picks up his pace and shoves his axe ahead with his shoulder, holding it now with both hands, walking faster ahead. "What goes on ahead!?" he shouts to the duo.

Pope Scarface
2016-08-16, 08:59 PM

Paying no heed to Nim or concern for stealth, Farfelu walks into the burning village, intent on finding any who might still be alive. As he passes by the nearest of the burning buildings, he tests his will against the flames, extending his hand towards them and concentrating on extinguishing the flames....

2016-08-17, 04:51 AM
20th of Pflugzeit

As Nim and Farfelu take in this sight, and the wild follower of Taal begins to advance on the burning ruins, as he does so, he catches sight of movement in the destruction.

Before he can do more than divert his attention to this instead of attempting to quell the very elements of the world, he hears the fair voice of Ffermwyr "What goes on ahead!? calling faintly, carried to his ears on the breeze.

But not to his ears alone, as the movement that caught his attention reveals it self, turning at the sounds, of their approach and striding into view, A Huge, Cattle Faced Minotaur. Unleashing a Bellow that echo's far back to the Hills, rising to it's legs from where it had been sleeping, a gnawed human leg still clasped in it's clumsy hand.