View Full Version : Some advice making characters(both PC and NPC)

2016-08-07, 09:13 PM
So, I'm making characters for a /tg/ quest. Please give me help making them. I don't want specific optimized builds, just ideas and advice.

Yes, I know the HH is broken like hell when layered with tons of templates and with the War Hulk PrC adding tons of strength. That being said, it's not too overpowered when not on a cheese rush, right? So, how should I use this guy? This is not a BBEG final boss in the slightest, and moreover IT IS NOT A CHUCK E. CHEESE BUILD.


-Young adult. That's the lowest age catagory with a Large size or higher for copper dragons. Well, unless Shapeshift or any spell that allows him to become a human requires a higher age catagory; in that case make him the lowest age catagory that can do that.

-No War Hulk, and no barbarian as the base class either. Not the image I'm looking for. Fighter is OK.

-No extra templates. At least, not ones with a high strength bonus.

-Using the spells he has for maximum effect(trolling or otherwise) but please refrain from using spells like Rightous Might. Casting the Returning spell on the projectiles is encouraged if possible, however.

-No magic items in his base dragon state.

-Add a stat sheet or something, please, for reference.

I forget which domain it was or if there isn't one in the necromancy spell list either, but there is an Awaken Undead spell, which grants an unintelligent undead sentinence. How would you make this guy into a reasonably powerful secondary character?


-An awakened undead, preferably with a LA +0. An awakened skeleton sounds good.

-Either a pure fighter type or a gish.

-This quest starts at about level 10 or so, and may get to the 20s at the very end. Something that fits that.

-Again, no cheese.

-Stat sheet or something similar.

One of the antagonists I have planned is a Chaotic Evil one with the Soul Eater PrC. The image I have planned is a sociopath drunk with power(though smart enough to know when to fold it), but relatively normal looking - a monstrous being that eats souls is scary enough, but a normal being doing so would be much more creepier.


-Chaotic Evil alignment. So no druids or monks. However, barbarians are also not allowed, due to it not fitting the image I have.

-A relatively humanoid looking Medium sized race. Nothing that screams unnatural on its own, and preferably having a gentle or even benign reputation, but one with a CE alignment and the Soul Eater PrC... gulp. No Aasimars, though, since I have a seperate Aasimar villain idea. My homebrewed race, the Deathborn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?495393-Making-a-homebrewed-race-called-Deathborn&highlight=deathborn) fit it well, but it isn't complete yet. Elans are forbidden for spoilery reasons(even more than almost this entire spoiler box).

-Fast and furious; speedy and gets in lots of hits, and very dangerous to take head on, as well as not having the CON stat of a wet tissue golem. Still should be speed based, however. Since he'll probably have the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, adding the Snap Kick feat sounds good.

-Having a way to fight even if his Energy Drain touch is blocked by a Death Ward or something. I'm thinking about a dagger with Nectotic Focus, since that way also allows him to use the Energy Drain effect while using a weapon.

-The build must eventually have all ten levels of Soul Eater.

-Again, a stat sheet for reference.

Okay, this is rather vague, but this character is an Aasimar, and uses this to put to pretend she is a good, respectable, while in reality she's a major bitch. I'm thinking cult leader, but anything goes if a) the front she puts up is good enough for her to be popular and relatively high status, and b) not lose her powers when the truth is revealed, so she can escape to exact revenge on the main characters.


-Neutral Evil alignment. So no paladin/blackguards or monks.

-Whatever spells or abilities she uses, they must have gained them through immoral ways and be able to hide that, and/or have ways to pervert them into doing some very nasty things.

-High CHA and/or high Bluff checks. No Diplomancy, though - people with good Sense Motive checks should be able to be wary of her.

-No cleric levels or favored soul levels. A worshiper she ain't.

-As always, a stat sheet.

To be honest, a Paladin with a spiked chain sounds badass, but it seems a bit odd.

It won't when she falls so hard she leaves a hole in the ground.


-Falls somewhere after level 10 and before 19, as she both falls mid-story due to the actions of the main characters(like Miko, except she was already a willing jerkass instead of just a fanatic like Miko.), and becomes a blackguard for revenge.

-Uses her weapon well. Spiky death on a chain sounds badass whatever the alignment.

-(optional)Levels in other classes, ones she took before becoming a paladin, for more effective fighting(ie: two level dipping in fighter for feats).

-Able to use most or all of the blackguard abilities.

-And yet again, a stat sheet.

You know how most RPG protagonists are chosen by deities to be the hero? That sounds a lot like the Favored Soul class. Also, going on a quest to prove oneself sounds a lot like the Kensei class. This is less crappy as it sounds since Concentrate is can be used with divine magic and Diplomancy uses Charisma, and both are usually useless for normal warrior-kensei. The problem is skill points, however.


-Lawful Good(duh).

-Decent levels in Favored Soul and capable of full levels in Kensei.

-Good at using a bastard sword two handed.

-Don't focus on healing. The party he's in already has a cleric, bard, and two other classes with reasonable self-healing. Instead, focus on buffs, and maybe a few attack spells if you can fit them in.

Edit: PM me if you have a build.