View Full Version : Player Help Psychic Reformation, Linked Power, Synchronicity - when it becomes "too much"?

Kuu Lightwing
2016-08-08, 10:48 AM
Like I said in my previous thread, now I'm playing a level 7 Seer in our campaign, and she has all the tools from the title available to her (Well, she would get PsyRef at the next level) I know that some would consider those things overpowered, so, what would be considered a "Fair Use" of these powers/feats?

- I'm tempted to use PsyRef to do some crafting for me and for my party (1/day Psychoportive Shelter Universal Item anyone?) and reform back into "adventuring form", as well as us fix some of my power choices if it doesn't work. Is it too much "cheese"?

- Linked Power and Synchronicity... Well, maybe I'm just having wrong selection of powers, or maybe I should get some dorjes, but using them to get more actions to manifest more powers would seem to be pretty taxing on PP. So, when is it broken? How should I limit the usage of this combo? I guess I can nova for like 14d6 damage or 4d4 CHA damage in a single round, but how useful is that really?

What in general would be a good way to use Synchronicity?

2016-08-08, 11:18 AM
Like I said in my previous thread, now I'm playing a level 7 Seer in our campaign, and she has all the tools from the title available to her (Well, she would get PsyRef at the next level) I know that some would consider those things overpowered, so, what would be considered a "Fair Use" of these powers/feats?
When in doubt, clear it with your table. Explain what you are going to do, and why. If the DM says "that's too strong" then think about it. If the players say that, it's definitely no-go.

- I'm tempted to use PsyRef to do some crafting for me and for my party (1/day Psychoportive Shelter Universal Item anyone?) and reform back into "adventuring form", as well as us fix some of my power choices if it doesn't work. Is it too much "cheese"?
Using psyref to fix power choices is basically what it's for. But unlike wizards, psions are spontaneous casters whose powers occupy valuable powers known slots. Expecting someone to take a power and then not use it as often as possible is unfair to that player. It's not like it doesn't come with costs, either.

- Linked Power and Synchronicity... Well, maybe I'm just having wrong selection of powers, or maybe I should get some dorjes, but using them to get more actions to manifest more powers would seem to be pretty taxing on PP. So, when is it broken? How should I limit the usage of this combo? I guess I can nova for like 14d6 damage or 4d4 CHA damage in a single round, but how useful is that really?

What in general would be a good way to use Synchronicity?
As a rule of thumb, action economy abuse is big fat cheese. Not only does it greatly increase your effectiveness, you are also getting to do more stuff per round than anybody else at the table, and that leads to spotlight hogging and the other players feeling useless. Unless of course everyone is doing it, but then you wouldn't be asking the question, would you?

Kuu Lightwing
2016-08-09, 12:19 AM
Well, DM seems to be fine with Psychic Reformation... other players probably don't care much, honestly. :) As for Synchronicity, yea, nobody abuses action economy. We have a blaster sorc, summoner druid (she doesn't use her Wild Shape much and usually spends her actions summoning or Calling a Lightning) and an ISO standard barbarian with Power Attack and huge two-handed axe. She doesn't use Power Attack much, though... Also a Favored Soul, but it's mostly a temporary character, more of an NPC played by a player for a couple of sessions, then he would swap out (And actually that player would be a DM after that) and we'll have an optimized(at least to some degree) Conjurer. Sorc might swap for something else too.

I got your point. Should I retrain Synchronicity for something like Psi Grease or Entangling Ectoplasm? I actually have an opportunity to tweak my power choice a bit at this point (DM is okay with that), because we only had one session and I kinda was picking powers in a hurry. DM even asked me to switch something for Divination (Bye, Telekinetic Maneuver, I wanted to try you... :smallfrown:). She haven't manifested anything but Divinations (And Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions off-scene) so, those are the only things that are set in stone.

2016-08-09, 12:47 AM
I'd give a little demonstration first, and slowly ramp up the cheese just so that everyone knows what they're getting into/don't feel tricked.

Kuu Lightwing
2016-08-09, 05:29 AM
Well, my current selection of powers is following:

Level 1
- Vigor
- Call to Mind
- Call Item
- Synchronicity
- Crystal Shard

Level 2
- Sensitivity to Psychic Impressions
- Clairvoyant Sense
- Share Pain
- Ego Whip
- Energy Missile (Expanded Knowledge)

Level 3
- Time Hop
- Energy Wall
- Dispel Psionics
- Touchsight

Level 4
- Dimension Door, Psionic
- Divination, Psionic

- Psicrystal Affinity
- Linked Power
- Psionic Meditation
- Expanded Knowledge (Energy Missile)
- Psychic Knowledge (ACF)

So, I might be a touch heavy on PP-expensive powers, I don't know. I'm not quite sure if I can cheese all that much with this list, even with Synchronicity. She's got a lot of information-gathering stuff and in combat she's mostly limited to damaging powers and Ego Whip, and that might be suboptimal. I'm actually considering swapping Synchronicity for Grease, Psionic and Linked Power for Extend Power, for example.

2016-08-09, 09:32 PM
You don't have much in the way of Encounter changing powers, that tend to be PP efficient and a lot of Heavy PP using direct damage. If I were in your shoes i'd use my diviniation spells to get surprise on enemies then open up with an Energy wall to split up the enemy group and follow with whatever Non PP using offence you can muster for the rest of the fight and just save the Syncronicity chaingunning for when a Boss needs to die NOW.

Kuu Lightwing
2016-08-09, 11:46 PM
You don't have much in the way of Encounter changing powers, that tend to be PP efficient and a lot of Heavy PP using direct damage. If I were in your shoes i'd use my diviniation spells to get surprise on enemies then open up with an Energy wall to split up the enemy group and follow with whatever Non PP using offence you can muster for the rest of the fight and just save the Syncronicity chaingunning for when a Boss needs to die NOW.

Yea, that's what I was thinking about - not many things to use Linked Synchronicity with. I'm actually open to suggestions how to change my power list and feats - DM allowed me to tweak it a bit until the next session. I don't want to drop my divinations, though. For now I swapped Synchronicity for Grease and I'm thinking about replacing my metapsionic feats with something else or at least change Linked Power for, say, Transdimensional Power.

I picked those offensive powers to cover various things - Crystal Shard for no-save no-SR damage, Energy Missile as no-attack-roll AoE, against stuff with bad Reflex or Fort save, and Energy Wall as some sort of battlefield control. So, how do I improve my list?

2016-08-22, 03:36 AM
You've got a blaster and a shapeshifting melee monster in your party already, and while layering AOE damage is a valid stratagey especially vs groups a better bet would be to double down on the information gathering divinations so that EVERY fight you enter is you ambushing an enemy and replace Energy missile with Astral Construct so you can have a custom tailored melee monster or 3 up before combat begins.

2016-08-22, 02:14 PM
Energy Missile is pretty great for sundering, though. You get to target their gear and still blast them in the face, and sonic damage ignores hardness, making it very effective at "debuffing" them by smashing their weapon and armor without sacrificing damage output. That's the real strength of the power.

2016-08-22, 05:42 PM
Consider AC, Force Screen and Inertial Armor are nice if you aren't wearing armor or using a shield. Bracers of Armor are expensive and extended duration Inertial Armor is a replacement that works versus incorporeal attacks and scales well too. Which will be shorter in your game, money or powers known?

Consider offense, you're pretty good here, nice variety and selection. Personally the next offenseive power I'd take would be Retrieve at 11th or 12th level. Also I'd reconsider Time Hop. Power resistance, a save, a per round flat DC wis check, it's like a slightly worse version of Hold Person. You can't even coup de grace them.

Consider non-AC defense, Energy Adaptation now and Power Resistance soon, Mind Blank and Freedom of Movement on the to-do list.

Consider your hit points, you've done this with Vigor but the feat Psionic Body and lots of psionic feats is a good option too. Expanded Knowledge is a psionic feat, +2 hp for taking it.

Consider utility, you're a Seer, you're good here. True Seeing and Detect Remote Viewing come in very handy later.

Consider endurance, a strong nova round is nice but what happens if you bounce off the power resistance or the target turns out to have evasion and makes all the saves. I've found that it's best to avoid massive power point dumping unless you know that you need to end the fight ASAP and that you won't desperately need the power points later. It's one of the reasons that Retrieve was so good for me, at later levels it was more efficent for me to yoink armor, weapons, spell components, holy symbols, and a Staff of Necromancy away from enemies than to do direct damage.

Psychic Reformation is fine, your whole party and the GM should be happy you have it. There's a cost to pay but it's worth it. Your Favored Soul doesn't need to pick up Remove Curse or Raise Dead instead of something that's useful every day and won't have to rely on scrolls or NPCs, that's just the first benefit of having it. When I played a psion in a game from level 2 through to level 16 I psy reffed out of Telekentic Maneuver, Telekinetic Thrust, Ectoplasmic Shambler, and Disintegrate.

Kuu Lightwing
2016-08-22, 11:52 PM
Guys, guys, thanks for the advice, and I could find them useful later, but for now, this party is taking a break (and Favored Soul got sent to Nine Hells, for the record) We decided so, because playing at those levels was a bit too much for some players, and we are planning to start a new game at level four. First session is probably next week. I'm making a swordsage inspired by Emily Kaldwin from Dishonored II.