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2016-08-08, 02:10 PM
Slayer Feats


Heroes of old written in history by what they have accomplished, rescuing nobility, winning war, felling tyrants, but none so acclaimed than one who slays mighty creatures that threaten the world. Many a great stories speak of such tales though few of those heroes ascend to become masters of killing such beasts.

Slayer feats function like other feats and except that most of the features are fueled by prowess die except for the first. You only can use one prowess die at a time and it only can modify a d20 roll once unless stated otherwise.

The size of this pool is determined by each slayer feat you possess as stated and another one if you possess the Extra Attack feature. This pool refreshes after a short or long rest. Additionally if you have used a die against a creature that corresponds to any slayer feats you possess and you have reduced them to 0 hit points you refresh one die.

When you would take your first one you use a d6 die for these features. This die increases by one size when you would take a second and third but not any more other than by Master Slayer.

Big Game Hunter
Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain a beast with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You gain proficiency with the Survival skill and you can track creatures at a fast pace.
You gain one prowess die
When you would hit a beast with a weapon attack you can expend a prowess die adding it to the damage roll. Additionally the creature's movement is reduced to 0 unless it uses its action to release itself or until the start of your next turn.
While engaged in combat against a beast you can expend a prowess die to make a physical ability check against it as a bonus action. You may add the die to your roll, this bonus though only applies against beasts.

Clockwork Nemesis

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain a construct with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You gain proficiency in Investigation checks and your weapon attacks may be treated as adamantine when it is beneficial.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would make an attack against a construct you may expend a prowess die adding the result to your damage roll. If successful they can't use any reactions until the end of your next turn.
When would be attacked by a construct as a reaction you can expend a prowess die to make an attack against it adding the die to the roll. If successful the next attack roll it makes is with disadvantage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.

Dragon Slayer

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain a draconic creature with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You gain resistance to either acid, cold, fire, lightning, or poison damage.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would make a weapon attack against a Draconic creature you may spend one prowess die to add its roll to the attack. If you would hit that creature you may add the result to your damage roll.
As a reaction against an area of effect from a Draconic creature you may expend a prowess die adding it to the result of the save. If you make the save you gain temporary hit points equal to your prowess die+con. modifier.

Elemental Bane

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain an elemental with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You gain proficiency in Nature checks and you can detect whether the elemental plains have any influence on the terrain.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would hit an elemental with a weapon attack you may expend a prowess die adding it to the damage roll. Additionally the next attack roll of your choice that creature makes is made with disadvantage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.
When you would roll for a physical save against an elemental as a reaction you can expend a prowess die adding it to your result. If successful you take no damage from that source.

Fiend's Dread

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain a fiendish creature with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You have advantage on saves against being Frightened and your weapon attacks are treated as silver when it is beneficial to you.
You gain one prowess die.
While engaged in combat against a fiend you can expend a prowess die to make a mental ability check against it as a bonus action. You may add the die to your roll.
When you would hit a fiend with a weapon attack you can expend a prowess die adding it to the damage roll. Additionally an attack roll of your choice against is made with advantage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.

Foe of the Feywild

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain a fey creature with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You gain proficiency in Arcana checks and you can sense the presence of magic with in 30 feet. This alone doesn't allow you to pinpoint the source.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would make a weapon attack against a fey creature you can spend a prowess die to adding it to the damage roll. If successful select an ability score they have disadvantage on those ability checks until the start of your next turn.
When you would roll for mental save against a fey creature as a reaction you can expend a prowess die adding it to your result. If successful the next effect that it uses that forces a save you make with advantage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.

Giant Killer

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain at least two giants with a CR greater than 1.

You don't provoke opportunity attacks from creatures two sizes larger than you as long as they don't have advantage on the attack.
You gain one prowess die.
When you or an adjacent ally are hit by a melee attack from a giant as a reaction you can expend a prowess die adding the result to your and their AC. If successful the giant takes damage equal to your prowess die+dex. modifier(minimum 1)
When you would make a physical ability check against a giant you can expend a prowess die adding to the result. If successful your next weapon attack roll adds the die's result to its damage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.

Master Slayer
Prerequisite: Character level 16, must have 3 slayer feats and killed a creature from each feat with a CR greater than 5, Extra Attack feature.

Your prowess die become d12's
The creatures your slayer feats specify become Favored Enemies to you as the Ranger feature.
Any abilities that rely on your prowess die maybe used on any other creature in which you have a slayer feat for.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would take the Attack action you can expend a prowess die to focus your blows into one mighty strike. The attack roll is made with advantage and each extra attack you could make adds its damage dice to your normal attack while adding your prowess die as well. This damage is not subject to resistance and shuts down any regeneration nor can they be healed until the end of your next turn. If both attack rolls would hit the creature any legendary actions they may possess are decreased by 1. You may use one other prowess die feature with this one if applicable.

Monster's Bane

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain a monstrosity with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would hit a monstrosity with a weapon attack you can expend a prowess die adding it to your damage roll. Additionally an ability check of your choice the creature makes is made at disadvantage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.
When engaged in combat against a monstrosity you may expend a prowess die as a bonus action select an ability score you add the die to each save of that score from a monstrosity until the end of your next turn.

Stalker of the Far Realm

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain an aberration with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You are resistant to psychic damage and those with telepathy can't sense your presence with that feature.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would roll a mentally based ability check against an aberration you may expend a prowess die adding it to the result. If successful the next weapon attack roll you make against that creature is made with advantage as long as it done by the end of your next turn.
When you would roll for a save against an aberration that has targeted you as a reaction you can expend a prowess die adding it to the roll. If you make the save the aberration takes force damage equal to your prowess die+wis. modifier(minimum 1).

Scourge of the Dead

Prerequisite: Character level 4, must have slain an undead creature with a CR greater than 1 in two different encounters.

You gain proficiency in Religion checks and when you would slay a creature it can't be reanimated into an undead creature including undead.
You gain one prowess die.
When you would make a weapon attack against an undead creature you may expend a prowess die adding it to the damage roll. If successful the next attack against another undead adds the result of the prowess die as well as long as it is done by the end of your next turn.
When an undead creature would target you with an effect that allows a save as a reaction you can expend a prowess die adding it to the result. If successful the next save they make is made with disadvantage as long as it is done by the end of your next turn

Updates: Changed formatting and typos as well as ready for PEACH.

2016-08-09, 08:43 PM
Reserve Post

2016-08-09, 09:15 PM
Is there something wrong with it?