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2016-08-28, 12:45 AM
So I've been toying around with the dragon/beast/murloc archetype and so far... well...

Priest seemed like such a good choice on paper. :smallfrown:

Has anyone else had success trying to build a working deck for Vek'lor lite (the Curator)?

I've been toying with a druid version. It's been doing well in normals and won 4 or 5 games in ranked today bringing me back from rank 5 to 4, but I'm not sold on it. I think it suffers against the popular shaman archetypes right now.

Anyway, here's my take on the list
2x Innervate
2x Enchanted Raven
2x Living Roots
2x Raven Idol
2x Druid of the Saber
2x Mark of Y'shaarj
2x Wrath
2x Mounted Raptor
Fandral Staghelm
2x Savage Combatant
2x Swipe
2x Azure Drake
2x Druid of the Claw
2x Stranglethorn Tiger
2x Menagerie Warden
The Curator

Other than the legendaries, it's a very tight list. If you wanted to add some tech cards, I'd suggest Feral Rage or Mulch, possibly by cutting a tiger and one of the 4 or 5 drops. One could also cut the Fandral and the raven idols along with one other card and run 2x violet teacher and 2x power of the wild, but I think that just amps the vulnerability of the deck further, whereas the raven idols give you a way to look for something different (like grabbing a big minion or a removal spell).

There's also an argument for cutting something to get Sir Finley in there so the curator draws you three cards instead of 2, but frankly, murlocs all suck and switching out of the druid hero power usually isn't good, imo anyway. Coldlight Oracle might, maybe, be viable if you're seeing a lot of control as a way to mess up decks that get their hands too full while also refilling your own hand during the midgame. I haven't tested it though and I find the card unappealing.

I can't watch the video for some reason; but I DID play against and lost HORRIBLY to a beast Druid yesterday who had Reynad as his username, so I'm going to say yes.

Oh yeah, that's totally you.

Doesn't anyfin by definition require lasting until at least Turn 10? By the current meta, that's pretty non-aggressive.

Blue text=sarcasm. It's a commentary on how the current meta is so slow that murloc paladin feels fast. Which isn't really true, but there are a lot of decks running 10 mana finishers floating around.

2016-08-28, 01:09 AM
Blue text=sarcasm. It's a commentary on how the current meta is so slow that murloc paladin feels fast. Which isn't really true, but there are a lot of decks running 10 mana finishers floating around.

Can't assume blue text = sarcasm without any indication of it. I know at least a few posters actually just use blue text for every post, and got upset when everyone assumed they were being sarcastic.

That said in this case you are probably right.

2016-08-28, 01:23 AM
I considered making a longer comment. With a progression of Anyfin ==> N'zoth ==> Healadin.

I love grinding out matches. I also enjoy beating in faces. But both have their places.

2016-08-28, 01:53 AM
Can't assume blue text = sarcasm without any indication of it. I know at least a few posters actually just use blue text for every post, and got upset when everyone assumed they were being sarcastic.

That said in this case you are probably right.

The user you are probably talking about (Tempestfuy) that used blue in every post got banned (And got at least one infraction for using excessive formatting from using all blue as well as ignoring mods who told them to stop), they brought it up once in the board/site issues section. While blue shouldn't be assumed to be sarcastic, when someone says something silly that doesn't make much sense it is pretty safe to assume it is sarcasm particularly if it is colored blue.

Anyways, I do enjoy really slow control decks myself though I will probably always favor zoo despite it being a much faster control deck. It was the first competitive deck I could make back in the days when adventures didn't exist to spike up the cost of zoo and I have kept with it since. I might try healadin sometime if I ever open up the cards to do it, seems like that form of control would be perfect for me but it is so expensive to make (It kind of reminds me of the original control warrior. I always wanted to try it but the cost was so much.).

2016-08-28, 02:05 AM
I miss old Ironbeak Owl, BGH (Have one in Gold) and Molten Giant.

I should go play more Wild.

2016-08-28, 02:21 AM
I miss old Ironbeak Owl, BGH (Have one in Gold) and Molten Giant.

I should go play more Wild.
Wild doesn't change those. They were nerfed, not rotated out.

I do wish Owl and the Molten Giants hadn't been, in retrospect. Silence has become too rare, and Moltens have sadly proven not playable at their new cost. BGH I'm okay with, though - it could still be a good tech card if there's enough targets for it in the meta.

2016-08-28, 09:38 AM
I considered making a longer comment. With a progression of Anyfin ==> N'zoth ==> Healadin.

Why did you write "Anyfin" three times? :smallconfused:

:smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

2016-08-28, 01:10 PM
They are different in some ways. N'zoth has one huge impact swing. Anyfin goes for inevitability. The most fun with the stalliest decks is when you run 0 card draw, have 9 cards in hand, and have hit the button 20 times.

The old Paladin control deck I used to run only ran Lay on Hands for draw. Even now I run only as little as possible.

2016-08-28, 01:54 PM
So I've been toying around with the dragon/beast/murloc archetype and so far... well...

Priest seemed like such a good choice on paper. :smallfrown:

Has anyone else had success trying to build a working deck for Vek'lor lite (the Curator)?

I've seen a variation of dragon Paladin that runs Vilefin Inquisitor and Huge Toad along with The Curator and the Menagerie cards.

Gray Mage
2016-08-28, 01:58 PM
So I've been toying around with the dragon/beast/murloc archetype and so far... well...

Priest seemed like such a good choice on paper. :smallfrown:

Has anyone else had success trying to build a working deck for Vek'lor lite (the Curator)?

Possibly paladin is a good fit, as you have murloc knight, kodo and azure drake (possibly other dragons too).

2016-08-28, 02:42 PM
I miss the sorry emote. SOmetimes I did use it to taunt people. Some of the time. But I also did use it to elicit sympathy. It had flexibility that Oops lacks.

2016-08-28, 02:51 PM
I miss the sorry emote. SOmetimes I did use it to taunt people. Some of the time. But I also did use it to elicit sympathy. It had flexibility that Oops lacks.
I've missed that since the moment they removed it. I never used it as a taunt - but by contrast, I feel like I can't use "Wow" as anything else, because it always sounds that way to me. That change was just a bad decision, IMO.

2016-08-28, 02:58 PM
Yeah, regardless of one's thoughts on removing "sorry," adding "wow" was just weird.

2016-08-28, 05:22 PM
My favourite thing about it is that they removed 'sorry' because it was too sarcastic, and then replaced it with 'wow,' which is EVEN MORE sarcastic.

2016-08-28, 05:37 PM
Why did they not add a "Good Game" emote instead? They even recorded them for all the original heroes already. Sigh.

The Glyphstone
2016-08-28, 05:40 PM
Because they thought it would be used sarcastically, apparently.

2016-08-28, 05:41 PM
Enemy Mad Bomber kills his own Mind Control Tech: "Spectacular!"

Yep not sarcastic at all! <_<

2016-08-28, 06:08 PM
Why did they not add a "Good Game" emote instead? They even recorded them for all the original heroes already. Sigh.

They have "Well Played" which is close enough. I wish they brought back the "Lucky" emote, especially with Yogg so prevalent.

2016-08-28, 06:34 PM
Because they thought it would be used sarcastically, apparently.
I defy you to come up with a situation in which saying "good game" would appear sarcastic, but saying "well played" would not appear at least as sarcastic.

2016-08-28, 07:14 PM
I think Well Played is a better emote to have than Good Game. Good Game is only useful for that specific purpose - either thanking an opponent for a good match or sarcastically doing the same. Well Played has wider use - you can say it after an especially good play by your opponent, or use it sarcastically after an opponent has made a particularly stupid move.

Having had Wow around for a while, I don't object to having it anymore - it's a fun one to do after Yogg-Saron or after someone drops Call of the Wild into two free Arcane Giants, yadda yadda. I am upset that they removed Sorry for it, I wish they'd just added it as an additional option instead. And of course, the stated reason of sarcasm is stupid.

The Glyphstone
2016-08-28, 07:34 PM
I defy you to come up with a situation in which saying "good game" would appear sarcastic, but saying "well played" would not appear at least as sarcastic.

Hey, I didn't make the decision, and never said I agreed with it.

2016-08-28, 09:15 PM
I miss the sorry emote. SOmetimes I did use it to taunt people. Some of the time. But I also did use it to elicit sympathy. It had flexibility that Oops lacks.

I mostly used "Sorry" when I had to step away during a game, rope an obvious turn to explain that I wasn't BMing him; I also used "Sorry" when my opponent dced and then reconnected to me killing him.

I like "Wow" as an emote, especially now that people stopped using it as a "look, I have lethal!" BM. I use it either as a truly "Wow" moment, like when a good or bad Yogg is played or someone does an incredible play or when I feel salty about a piece of bad RNG for me (like a flame juggler miss).

I like that Wow lets me express my saltiness without it being really aggressive toward the other player like Threaten would be.

2016-08-28, 10:56 PM
I've seen a variation of dragon Paladin that runs Vilefin Inquisitor and Huge Toad along with The Curator and the Menagerie cards.
I wanted to try this out, then I realized I don't have Vilefin. :smallfrown:

But I really dig the fact that using Vilefin lets you get a consistent buff target for the Menagerie cards.

2016-08-28, 11:42 PM
Moat Lurker + Sylvanas continues to be the most fun combo in the game.

Just went up against Dragon Warrior with my N'zoth Pally. my early game was crap (he managed to slam+execute my doomsayer), by turn 5 he has me down to around half health, has the Warrior charger that requires a dragon to activate and a Frothing Berserker building up. I coin out Sylvanas. His turn 6 he ignores sylvanas, charges into my face dropping me to like 9 health, then summons a drakonid crusher. Turn 6 use Sylvanas to kill the dragon charger, summon moat lurker, it eats my n'zoth and steals his 9/9 Crusher. His next turn he goes face again, dropping me to like 3 health and summons another Crusher. My turn 7 I Peacekeeper his crusher, ram my moat lurker into his Berserker, killing them both and rezzing my sylvanas (at full health!). He's now got a 1 attack crusher on the board up against my pretty full board and much better hand.... he just concedes. Best turnaround.

2016-08-28, 11:50 PM
I wanted to try this out, then I realized I don't have Vilefin. :smallfrown:

But I really dig the fact that using Vilefin lets you get a consistent buff target for the Menagerie cards.
Huh, I must admit, that is a pretty interesting observation - particularly since Murlocs are generally the worst of the Dragon/Beast/Murloc set to work into a deck. There might very well be some potential there.

Of course, I don't believe I have Vilefins either - I think I got one and disenchanted it - but if somebody comes up with a working Menagerie deck using it, that may actually be worth considering crafting them for.

2016-08-29, 03:01 AM
Not if you are already a paladin, then you got murloc knights who are pretty darn good on their own right, and generate even more buff targets (who might not be as instantly nuked as the knight)

The whole issue with Menagerie deck, is that to run it -right- you need the 5 Menagerie cards, and at least 4 of each dragon, beast and murloc. that's 17 cards just there. at best you want every minions in your deck to qualify as either Menagerie or a target.
And while good, or at least decent dragons are easy to find (azures midgame, farie early, finishers late) very few races can find both decent murlocs and decent beasts. Other than paladin at elast.
And you need every single murloc/beast/dragon to be at least decent on its own even without any Menagerie triggers, as you might not get. them

Its very cluncky, and very inconsistant.

Would probably be a blast to play though, for the sheer possibility of it spinning out of control.

2016-08-29, 03:46 AM
I'm running the Curator and two Azure drakes in my Beast Druid deck with rather good results. Screw murlocs :P

2016-08-29, 04:13 AM
I'm running the Curator and two Azure drakes in my Beast Druid deck with rather good results. Screw murlocs :P

*Hi fives murloc-less Curator buddy*

As far as matchups, I think beast druid has a better matchup vs. priest and most variations of shaman than token druid, but token is better in the mirror and against dragon warrior. Or at least, that's how I've done.

2016-08-29, 05:28 AM
I've been trying out Dragon Paladin, and it seems to be... sort of ok. Of course I don't have the Spire cards yet, but I'm not sure they'll be quite enough to make it really good.

2016-08-29, 09:27 AM
Not if you are already a paladin, then you got murloc knights who are pretty darn good on their own right, and generate even more buff targets (who might not be as instantly nuked as the knight)

The main problem I've found is that Murloc Knight or its followup Murlocs have to be out in order to receive the buff, which means you generally have to be able to play the buff minion on the following turn, and that's assuming the other player wasn't able to remove or trade into all your Murlocs.

Vilefin is more consistent because you can play Vilefin at any time early in the game, then keep tapping for tokens. You're far, far more likely to be able to find a Murloc target for the Zoobot or the 5-mana version (I forget the name right now) in that scenario, since you have a murloc on demand.

2016-08-29, 10:10 AM
*Hi fives murloc-less Curator buddy*

As far as matchups, I think beast druid has a better matchup vs. priest and most variations of shaman than token druid, but token is better in the mirror and against dragon warrior. Or at least, that's how I've done.

I've faced a couple Beast Druids as a Token/Yogg druid. They got the dream (Stranglethorn Tiger -> Menagerie Warden) but I already had an Ancient of War up.

Not sure if that's a feature of me just drawing really well or if the matchup is favored; I think Beast Druid has trouble dealing with the large board shenanigans a Violet Teacher/Fandral + Power of the Wild enables.

2016-08-29, 10:14 AM
The main problem I've found is that Murloc Knight or its followup Murlocs have to be out in order to receive the buff, which means you generally have to be able to play the buff minion on the following turn, and that's assuming the other player wasn't able to remove or trade into all your Murlocs.

Vilefin is more consistent because you can play Vilefin at any time early in the game, then keep tapping for tokens. You're far, far more likely to be able to find a Murloc target for the Zoobot or the 5-mana version (I forget the name right now) in that scenario, since you have a murloc on demand.

As a wise little girl once said...

Why not both?

2016-08-29, 10:19 AM
I think the main problem with curator and the others is that people are trying too hard to get three different types of cards into one deck. Curator is really good even if you just draw two cards (arguably better than pre-nerf ancient of lore) and the other menagerie cards are good even if they just hit two cards. Meanwhile, the menagerie decks I have seen keep trying to stuff mediocre cards that don't synergize well just to try to draw three off of curator or get 3 buffed weakening the deck to try to make a few of its other cards stronger. For example a lot of people experimented with tinyfin and the menagerie cards just because if you play it followed by a buff card it is good value. The problem is tinyfin is a bad card by itself and is actively making the deck weaker from being in it even if it being buffed is good.

2016-08-29, 02:13 PM
I think finley is pretty much the only target for Curator, but this requires there being some situations where you want to change hero power.
The only target, because a more murloc focused deck probably isn't going to be able to run curator reasonably anyways.
Although maybe it would work in an anyfin deck

Dragon azure drake fits into a lot of decks.

Beast probably more deck dependent, but stranglethorn tiger and stampeding kodo strike me as the generally best two.

2016-08-29, 02:35 PM
If you want to play Curator, you should not be "forced" to run all three tribes.

Like, if the "cost" of adding Curator to your deck is adding 6+ copies of suboptimal cards, you're probably paying too much for it.

If you start from a deck that already runs one of the three, it's much easier to fit the others.

Like Beast druid, or Paladin (which often runs Kodo and can run Murloc Knights and Azure Drakes with no trouble)

2016-08-29, 02:38 PM
I think finley is pretty much the only target for Curator, but this requires there being some situations where you want to change hero power.
The only target, because a more murloc focused deck probably isn't going to be able to run curator reasonably anyways.
Although maybe it would work in an anyfin deck

The 2 damage AoE murloc can be used in a Renolock deck. And I think there were some Anyfin lists that use Curator along with Kodos and an Azure drake.

2016-08-29, 03:23 PM
The 2 damage AoE murloc can be used in a Renolock deck. And I think there were some Anyfin lists that use Curator along with Kodos and an Azure drake.

I've also seen a Mill Rogue fetching Coldlight/Kodo/Azure.

2016-08-29, 03:33 PM
I've also seen a Mill Rogue fetching Coldlight/Kodo/Azure.

That doesn't actually make mill rogue good though. :smalltongue:

2016-08-29, 03:46 PM
I've also seen a Mill Rogue fetching Coldlight/Kodo/Azure.

kodo seems really bad in mill rogue.

It would probably be better with just pulling Azure drake+ coldlight oracle. Actually, for how important getting coldlights are for the strategy it might be worth it to run it with just them.

Also I forgot about coldlight and the deal 2 damage to everything guy.

Curator will probably only see use in combo decks. Decks where knowing what you will draw is actually a benefit.

Things like mill rogue, and possibly dragon decks.
Maybe he can fit into reno decks, but I think he will normally draw less than 2 cards, maybe something like 1.5-1.8 on average, assuming you only have one card of each type in the deck. 1.5 card draw might make up for his meh body, but it also requires running 1-2 cards you wouldn't normally add to the deck. So I am not sure he actually would be worth it.

2016-08-29, 03:53 PM
Also I forgot about coldlight and the deal 2 damage to everything guy.

I actually think that a 1 of coldlight could be good in beast druid in a meta with a lot of control decks. Beast is relatively capable of playing out its whole hand, so if you're playing against decks that mostly fill up their hand, pulling a coldlight either naturally or with curator gives you a restock to finish them off and is either irrelevant to their already full hand or actively harmful if you get lucky and wind up burning something important because their hand is too full.

2016-08-30, 08:25 AM
The main problem with Coldlight is that it makes for a bad topdeck. You always have to consider that as well: you don't have any way to guarantee that you won't draw a given card, and when you consider that the odds of drawing the Curator are the same as the odds of drawing that card...

2016-08-30, 05:04 PM
HAHA! Turn four victory on heroic crone and I didn't even play a minion

Turn 1)Power Word Shield
Turn 2)Divine Spirit
Turn 3)Divine Spirit + Inner Fire and Swing
Turn 4)Swing for lethal.

2016-08-30, 06:16 PM
HAHA! Turn four victory on heroic crone and I didn't even play a minion

Turn 1)Power Word Shield
Turn 2)Divine Spirit
Turn 3)Divine Spirit + Inner Fire and Swing
Turn 4)Swing for lethal.

Oh my! That's really impressive.

2016-08-30, 06:26 PM
That doesn't actually make mill rogue good though. :smalltongue:

Mill Rogue is very swingy and often depends on topdeck RNG. That being said the deck is very fun and can catch many "serious" decks offguard. Sadly the prevalent aggro decks are almost immune to burning cards.

2016-08-30, 11:13 PM
So I was in an Arena game, and I only needed 6 damage for lethal. Unfortunately, my opponent had a big ol' Bog Creeper on the board, which I was going to trade my minions into. But first, I played Museum Curator to see what I'd discover...

...and there it was: Moat Lurker.


HAHA! Turn four victory on heroic crone and I didn't even play a minion

Turn 1)Power Word Shield
Turn 2)Divine Spirit
Turn 3)Divine Spirit + Inner Fire and Swing
Turn 4)Swing for lethal.
I need to try this now. That's amazing.

2016-08-31, 11:43 AM
Well, I discovered that Stormwind Champion counters Pyro Equality. Leaves enemy minion other than the Champion alive at 1 health. I probably shouldn't play arena anymore, I seem pretty bad at it.

2016-08-31, 11:47 AM
The brawl's up. Medivh vs. Medivh with all-portals decks (not 30 unstable portals, a mix of every card in the game that says "portal" in it plus Party Portals that summon random characters from Karazhan), each player having one of their seven minion slots committed to an invulnerable minion who does nothing but make every portal card cost 1 less.

2016-08-31, 12:54 PM
They're not just invulnerable: they're not counted as minions. So you can't target them with any spells, either.

2016-08-31, 01:58 PM
The Dranei Mediva said "Spooky!" when their player summoned a Shifting Shade. Haven't heard any other interactions.

First two games I lost by turn 7, by getting portals like Frostwolf Grunt and Elven Archer vs enemy Mechbearcat and Sylvanus. (for the sake of science, if you Firelands Portal a Sylvanus, she *does* steal the minion you summon, not that I could have won anyway).

Third game I won by getting the 3/5 Trogg and Mukla off my first two Unstables, followed by not-frostwolf-grunt minions and a Soulpriest+Moonglade combo.

2016-08-31, 02:00 PM
The Medivahs seem to have special lines for when you play poison minions, stealth minions, or when especially powerful minions attack.

2016-08-31, 02:22 PM
I won the second time. My first "random 4-cost minion" was a Dreadsteed. And I got Baron Rivendare from an Unstable Portal. Cue herd of five dreadsteeds, as each time one dies two replace it.

Thomas Cardew
2016-08-31, 02:32 PM
I won the second time. My first "random 4-cost minion" was a Dreadsteed. And I got Baron Rivendare from an Unstable Portal. Cue herd of five dreadsteeds, as each time one dies two replace it.

How do you miss an opportunity like this to say "Cut off 1 head, two more shall rise!" SMH

Side question, do the Medvih wins count as mage? I've got a win 5 brawls quest so I'll be do them anyway but I want to know if I should wait till I can reroll my 2 win mage quest.

2016-08-31, 02:33 PM
They do, yes.

2016-08-31, 03:18 PM
Brawl is fun, but the lack of major comeback mechanisms tends to mean whoever gets lucky with their portals first wins. Would have been a bit more interesting I think if they'd included random Mage spells into the decks to give a hope of drawing an AoE to swing the match. Maelstrom Portal just doesn't cut it.

Ragequit my last match after my opponent Ironforge Portalled into a Pit Lord, and then when I did mine on my turn I got a Keeper of the Grove.


Also, drawing 5 Ironforge Portals in a row is an insta-lose. The game hates me.

Edit 2:

The very next game, my opening hand? 2 Ironforge Portals and a Firelands Portal, which I mulliganed into...3 Ironforge Portals. My first draw? Ironforge Portal.

Did I personally piss off a Hearthstone developer without realizing it?

2016-08-31, 03:55 PM
You aren't the only one that RNG hates. It's been a total ******* to me.

2016-08-31, 05:27 PM
How do you miss an opportunity like this to say "Cut off 1 head, two more shall rise!" SMH

Side question, do the Medvih wins count as mage? I've got a win 5 brawls quest so I'll be do them anyway but I want to know if I should wait till I can reroll my 2 win mage quest.

And you missed an opportunity to say "Cut off 1 Dread, two more shall rise!" ^_^

2016-08-31, 06:46 PM
Brawl is fun, but the lack of major comeback mechanisms tends to mean whoever gets lucky with their portals first wins. Would have been a bit more interesting I think if they'd included random Mage spells into the decks to give a hope of drawing an AoE to swing the match. Maelstrom Portal just doesn't cut it.

Yep, it winds up being a bit of a drag, and since there's stall spells also included, you can't try rushing face when you're behind.

2016-08-31, 07:03 PM
The Dranei Mediva said "Spooky!" when their player summoned a Shifting Shade. Haven't heard any other interactions.

First two games I lost by turn 7, by getting portals like Frostwolf Grunt and Elven Archer vs enemy Mechbearcat and Sylvanus. (for the sake of science, if you Firelands Portal a Sylvanus, she *does* steal the minion you summon, not that I could have won anyway).

Third game I won by getting the 3/5 Trogg and Mukla off my first two Unstables, followed by not-frostwolf-grunt minions and a Soulpriest+Moonglade combo.

The Blood Elf Mediva said something about "Tito" when my opponent summoned a Timber Wolf.

Djinni of Zephyrs is really good with Silvermoon Portal, flooded the board to victory.

2016-08-31, 08:44 PM
Yeah, I like getting a Kharazhan-themed Brawl with pre-made decks, but this has too much RNG for my liking. Might use it for Mage quests this week, but not going to be doing much more with it.

As an aside, they really should have made this Brawl Disco Medihv vs Evil Medihv, instead of making both players Evil Medihv. Not with his ludicrously OP hero power from the adventure, of course, just the portrait, but still. That would've been more fun.

2016-08-31, 09:37 PM
i think i have the ultimate "the brawl hates me" story

turn 2..opponent casts party portal..gets party elemental TIMES THREE

i cst party portal get the mime one and only one

turn 3 he kills my mime and casts party porrtal again..mime..TIMES THREE


kinda impossible to win when the game gives my opponent 3 cards from every portal........

2016-08-31, 09:54 PM
i think i have the ultimate "the brawl hates me" story

turn 2..opponent casts party portal..gets party elemental TIMES THREE

i cst party portal get the mime one and only one

turn 3 he kills my mime and casts party porrtal again..mime..TIMES THREE


kinda impossible to win when the game gives my opponent 3 cards from every portal........
:smallconfused: That sounds like a bug. From what I saw, Party Elemental is supposed to come as a trio, and just always does, but everything else that spell can summon is always a one-of, Mime included.

2016-08-31, 10:01 PM
This is the most brawls I've played without winning ever. I must have had at least 10 games and lost all of them.

2016-08-31, 10:52 PM
Something I had not realized. If Yogg kills an opposing Sylvanus, she'll steal him immediately, and all remaining spells he has left will be cast for the other player (e.g., they get all secrets and card draw).

2016-08-31, 11:26 PM
:smallconfused: That sounds like a bug. From what I saw, Party Elemental is supposed to come as a trio, and just always does, but everything else that spell can summon is always a one-of, Mime included.

I've seen 9 Party Portals. 3 were the Elemental. All of them summoned a *single* elemental.

2016-08-31, 11:32 PM
Something I had not realized. If Yogg kills an opposing Sylvanus, she'll steal him immediately, and all remaining spells he has left will be cast for the other player (e.g., they get all secrets and card draw).

Oh yes. I've been marathon watching the recent Hearthstone tournaments and that particular interaction has come up. Some casters even cite Sylvanas as a soft counter to Yogg. Yogg is a bit too random to make her a reliable counter, but she is a possible deterrent at least.

2016-08-31, 11:37 PM
It kind of depends on the game state. In fatigue, I'm generally more afraid of Yogg overdrawing me than anything else (Lost earlier today after a flurry of draw spells from Yogg put me from 7 cards left to 3 into fatigue) and so Sylv stealing him can result in killing your opponent that way

2016-08-31, 11:45 PM
Has anyone tested what happens when you revive a moat lurker? I know it retains the deathrattle if copied by mirror entity at least.

2016-08-31, 11:58 PM
The Dranei Mediva said "Spooky!" when their player summoned a Shifting Shade. Haven't heard any other interactions.

First two games I lost by turn 7, by getting portals like Frostwolf Grunt and Elven Archer vs enemy Mechbearcat and Sylvanus. (for the sake of science, if you Firelands Portal a Sylvanus, she *does* steal the minion you summon, not that I could have won anyway).

Third game I won by getting the 3/5 Trogg and Mukla off my first two Unstables, followed by not-frostwolf-grunt minions and a Soulpriest+Moonglade combo.

Lost pretty hard when my opponent got Troggzor off an Unstable Portal when he had board control.

Edit: Just got Yogg from Unstable Portal, that was fun. Interesting interaction, Yogg cast Sense Demons which gave me two imp cards, then Renounce Darkness. The two worthless imp cards became Hunter cards, including one King Krush XD

2016-09-01, 12:04 AM
I've seen 9 Party Portals. 3 were the Elemental. All of them summoned a *single* elemental.
:smallconfused: Again, that sounds like a bug to me - unless the board was too full to summon the extra two, anyway. I've played about five games of the Brawl now, and never seen anything but three Party Elementals or one of the other options (Mime, Romulo, Red Riding Hood, maybe one I'm forgetting). Heck, the description of Party Elemental when you mouse over it even includes the line "Comes with a party," which seems like a direct reference to it coming in sets of 3, in contrast to the other Party Portal minions.

2016-09-01, 12:15 AM
:smallconfused: Again, that sounds like a bug to me - unless the board was too full to summon the extra two, anyway. I've played about five games of the Brawl now, and never seen anything but three Party Elementals or one of the other options (Mime, Romulo, Red Riding Hood, maybe one I'm forgetting). Heck, the description of Party Elemental when you mouse over it even includes the line "Comes with a party," which seems like a direct reference to it coming in sets of 3, in contrast to the other Party Portal minions.

Turn 5.

My board has the Mediva, Elven Archer, some other terrible creature (maybe that was the Ancient Mage game?). 4 empty slots.

Cast Party Portal. Get 1 elemental. 3 open slots.

Cast Party Portal. Get 1 elemental. 2 open slots.

Enemy casts Party Portal, gets a Romulo to go with the Mime and Pit Lord he already had, etc.

The next game, it was the opponent who got a single Elemental, with...maybe Diva+2 creatures as well?

When you get the three, is your board completely empty? Maybe it summons elementals until you have 3 total minions?

But yeah, I read the mouseover text, and was wondering if it had a secret deathrattle or something to justify it being a strictly-worse Hood/Mime, but nope. Power of the Horde can get Frostwolf Grunt and Tauren Warrior so I assumed the Elemental was just the "dud" for Party Portal.

EDIT: *googles* Apparently for the first 2 hours of the brawl, it gave 1 elemental, then was patched to give 3 after that.

2016-09-01, 12:47 AM
Also, some interesting mechanics they're testing in this brawl.

Red Riding Hood: Taunt/Deathrattle: Enemies cannot attack this turn.
The Medivas can also be thought of as persistent auras, not minions or spells.

2016-09-01, 01:14 AM
The Medivas can also be thought of as persistent auras, not minions or spells.

Call it like it is and say that Hearthstone has the tech for enchantments as a new card type. :smallwink:

2016-09-01, 02:58 AM
So it turns out getting Yogg off an Unstable Portal in the new Brawl is ridiculous.

Never seen a 25-spell one without Brann before.

2016-09-01, 03:20 AM
Call it like it is and say that Hearthstone has the tech for enchantments as a new card type. :smallwink:

That does seem interesting. Although there may be issues if these cards remain as un-interactive as they are in the Brawl. As far as I can tell they can't be affected by anything? Maybe someone can Portal out a Deathwing and test it out. Stealth + Ongoing Effects apparently killed design space for Blizzard so I don't know if they would want to go back to that territory.

2016-09-01, 04:06 AM
Maybe make 'enhancements' have a 'fake' health counter and an "at the start of your turn, take 1 damage" text for making it work a limited number of turns.

2016-09-01, 04:10 AM
That does seem interesting. Although there may be issues if these cards remain as un-interactive as they are in the Brawl. As far as I can tell they can't be affected by anything? Maybe someone can Portal out a Deathwing and test it out. Stealth + Ongoing Effects apparently killed design space for Blizzard so I don't know if they would want to go back to that territory.

If they were going to do Enchantments, they'd have to do it as part of a major release that contains counters for all the classes. So each class might get a couple of Enchantment cards as well as a minion or spell that says "Destroy Target Enchantment".

I don't know that I'm a fan, personally. It would add another card into the "must use" slot in decks to counter whichever deck was running a powerful Enchantment as part of their combo, and since they'd be so hard to interact with drawing the counter-card or not would decide games. If ongoing effects are exclusively tied to minions there are a lot more options for removal. And like you say, Stealth is pretty much the same thing - cannot be dealt with by 95% of the cards in the game, and as such requires drawing into a single specific counter to deal with it. We're seeing a resurgence of why that's a bad idea with Stranglethorn Tiger + Menagerie Warden.

2016-09-01, 07:39 AM
Neither an aura nor an enchantment is a good way to think of the Medivas, because they occupy space as a minion (you can only have 6 minions summoned in this Brawl, and if you play Defender of Argus between a standard minion and a Mediva with another standard minion on the other side of the Mediva, it will affect one standard minion, only).

2016-09-01, 09:38 AM
Well, but if they'll ever make Enchantments, this is how they'll do it. It's in a minion slot just so it doesn't need new space in the UI.

Also, I hope Blizzard pushes this idea back a few years. There are so many more things they could do before adding a new card type.

2016-09-01, 09:42 AM
something i would consider an interesting experiment would be to raise the hero health from 30 to say 45, in a brawl ... would probably work better in terms of lowering the effectiveness of aggro decks as its more likely that they'll run out of steam before they manage to kill their opponents, and Blizzard have several times stated more or less directly that they'd like the game to become somewhat slower...

2016-09-01, 10:02 AM
EDIT: *googles* Apparently for the first 2 hours of the brawl, it gave 1 elemental, then was patched to give 3 after that.
That makes sense, then. Seems like somebody missed a line of code or something.

Makes me feel a bit less bad about that particular roll; I assumed that the winning strategy involved lucking into Mime because it was so obviously overpowered.

2016-09-01, 11:18 AM
Maybe someone can Portal out a Deathwing and test it out.
I was able to play a Deathwing during my third game of the brawl (first game I won) and I can confirm it does not kill the pseudo-minions.

Didn't get him off an unstable portal, oh no. That would have been far too easy. Instead I got Elise, played her, drew the map the next turn (or might have been the turn after, but it was oddly quick), then drew the monkey off the map's own draw (with something like 10 cards left in my deck, it had been a long game). Luckiest I will likely ever be with the monkey, and it had to happen in a random brawl of course. Monkey made 2 Deathwings in hand so I figured, why not? (also my opponent had a terrifying board and no cards in hand, so was actually a good time for Deathwing)

2016-09-01, 01:54 PM
SPIRE HAS DROPPED! (Not literally, because Karazhan isn't a ruin yet and you know what I mean)

3 bosses. First is Shade of Aran, I presume the second and third are the Dragon in the intro picture and Malchezaar, respectively.

2016-09-01, 01:56 PM
First two bosses were surprisingly easy. I wonder if Yogg'n'Load just glitched out the first boss or something.

2016-09-01, 02:31 PM
First two bosses were surprisingly easy. I wonder if Yogg'n'Load just glitched out the first boss or something.

His deck is almost entirely spells, and a lot of them target minions only. No minions, he just sits there. I beat him handily on Heroic with a Mage deck that ran no minions at all.

Only one that seems difficult on Heroic is the final boss.

2016-09-01, 03:48 PM
Playing discardlock makes for a difficult mulligan. Between curve, discard engines, and discard targets, you can typically only have two.

2016-09-01, 04:01 PM
Hmm, the final boss on heroic is pretty tough.

I feel like the orc is really tough, 3/3 charge minions are so much tempo. I'm really not sure what to use to go after her properly. If anyone has beat it, what did you run?

Edit: Got it with a N'Zoth control Paladin with Kel'Thuzad. Took a few tries though.

2016-09-01, 07:38 PM
Tried out Beast Druid today, though I ran two Azures and Curator (also, running a Mark of the Wild instead of Fandral since I don't have him, the additional taunt has been useful). It's a lot more fun than I gave it credit for, especially given the amount of removal they can afford to run while maintaining the curve. Really flexible on T5, tons of options to counter board states.

Can't wait for my Gold to rack up enough to play completed Discard Lock.

2016-09-01, 08:02 PM
They say Malchazar is pretty crap. They're probably right, I can't argue with the logic that 5 random Legendaries dilute your deck.

However, in my very first game with him he gave my Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale to lead into my Antonidas. Fireballs forever, yo.

He seems like a giggle, although at first I thought I was tripping when I pulled Rafaam out of my deck. I forgot that Malchazar was in there and was seriously baffled at where Rafaam came from.

Medivh is also pretty fun if the staff sticks. I wound up with a free 3-mana, 4-mana, and 5-mana creature from it. Extremely good value in a Control v. Control matchup, but I think he'd be too slow in a faster match.

2016-09-01, 08:50 PM
They say Malchazar is pretty crap. They're probably right, I can't argue with the logic that 5 random Legendaries dilute your deck.

However, in my very first game with him he gave my Mukla, Tyrant of the Vale to lead into my Antonidas. Fireballs forever, yo.

He seems like a giggle, although at first I thought I was tripping when I pulled Rafaam out of my deck. I forgot that Malchazar was in there and was seriously baffled at where Rafaam came from.

Medivh is also pretty fun if the staff sticks. I wound up with a free 3-mana, 4-mana, and 5-mana creature from it. Extremely good value in a Control v. Control matchup, but I think he'd be too slow in a faster match.

I was playing with it in my Dragon Paladin and ended up with Lorewalker Cho.

My opponent was using it in his Dragon Priest and got Chillmaw with Rend.

Oddly enough, I still won.

2016-09-01, 09:00 PM
Medivh is also pretty fun if the staff sticks. I wound up with a free 3-mana, 4-mana, and 5-mana creature from it. Extremely good value in a Control v. Control matchup, but I think he'd be too slow in a faster match.
Funnily enough, the first time I ran into someone using him, they were actually dumb enough to swing with the staff. And not in a way that made a lick of sense, either - he was setting up painfully-obvious preemptive flamestrike damage.

I'm enjoying the new Dragon cards myself. Netherspite Historian is like a better Museum Curator for Dragon decks (though perhaps a bit more inconsistent in the quality of the Discover, since there's more iffy Dragons than weak deathrattles), Book Wyrm is pretty nice - particularly in Paladin, where he combos with Aldor Peacekeeper - and that new Paladin 3-drop is definitely strong. I'm hoping Dragon Paladin can finally be a thing with these additions, and Dragon Priest gets enough of a boost to be viable again.

2016-09-01, 11:10 PM
Hmm, the final boss on heroic is pretty tough.

I feel like the orc is really tough, 3/3 charge minions are so much tempo. I'm really not sure what to use to go after her properly. If anyone has beat it, what did you run?

Edit: Got it with a N'Zoth control Paladin with Kel'Thuzad. Took a few tries though.

I usually beat these final bosses with a grindy midrange Paladin deck. I got past the Orc, but just couldn't deal with the final bosses Jaraxxus hero power on steroids and with only half health.

I then thought about an OTK deck and thought about doing the Warrior with Raging Worgen. It'd take 7 cards (Worgen (4) + Charge (2) + Inner Rage (2) + Inner Rage (2) + Rampage (3) + Cruel Taskmaster (2) + Faceless Manipulator to do the exact 60 damage needed to kill the boss.

After a while, I realized it was going to be stupidly difficult to grind long enough to draw all those pieces, get them hit by emperor, without using any of them to clear the enemy board. I tried a Patron Variant that also ended up being too difficult to live.

Finally it hit me. Anyfin Paladin. Has the benefit of not needing to keep combo pieces in the hand, I can use Old Murk-Eye, and there's a lot more healing in that deck than the Warrior OTK. I spent as long as I could with the Orc lady, killing all the murlocs, drawing both Anyfins and then played back to back Anyfins to kill the boss.

Could have been a little disastrous because I didn't sit down and calculate how much damage I would be doing. I ended up doing overkill by 1 damage.

2016-09-02, 10:25 AM
They say Malchazar is pretty crap. They're probably right, I can't argue with the logic that 5 random Legendaries dilute your deck.

Remember what they said about Elise. Gimmick deck here, troll card there. And it wound up being a mainstay in most control matchups. i said Malchezaar is good in control decks and even better in Control Warlock decks that can accept a dead card every now and then.

2016-09-02, 10:44 AM
So, for some reason, the +2/+2, summon a creature spell Brawl card allows me to target stealthed minions with it. Odd.

2016-09-02, 10:50 AM
The normal is pretty easy, especially compared to last adventure. I remember toward the end of explorer's you have to make special decks to win later in the adventure even if it's on Normal.

Shades of Aran Normal:

Tried twice... tempo mage doesn't work as well because I wasn't expecting him to play a new secret that's not in the game. Once you know how to play around that you can always attack first before putting down more then 1 minion. Face Shaman works well here.

Netherspite Normal:

Not sure what the stream's suppose to do. I tried with shaman deck and the totem helps block the stream. I do that because in WoW blocking the stream is important... Killed him off first try

Final on Normal:

Wasn't sure what to expect, picked to go with Yogg Token Druid and it was a good choice. My opponent was an orc with 15 health that likes to go face, but when Prince showed up I already got a pretty solid board and was able to kill him off in 2 turns.

The class fight was fun too! Never knew Headcrack would actually be useful. Will try my hands on Heroic tonight

I was playing with it in my Dragon Paladin and ended up with Lorewalker Cho.

My opponent was using it in his Dragon Priest and got Chillmaw with Rend.


2016-09-02, 10:51 AM
So, for some reason, the +2/+2, summon a creature spell Brawl card allows me to target stealthed minions with it. Odd.

You can always target your own stealth minions if that is what you mean.

2016-09-02, 10:58 AM
Remember what they said about Elise. Gimmick deck here, troll card there. And it wound up being a mainstay in most control matchups. i said Malchezaar is good in control decks and even better in Control Warlock decks that can accept a dead card every now and then.
Yeah, doubt it. No deck wants to accept a dead card. Besides, it's a general truism of card games that you want your deck to be as small as possible, for consistent draws. Only Mill/Fatigue decks might be an exception to that, but I can't see Malchezzar being too good for them.

Maybe if he could put in copies of legendaries you already had in your deck, or other class' legendaries, there'd be a glimmer of hope for him, but even then I wouldn't be too confident.

2016-09-02, 11:59 AM
Fatigue decks probably wouldn't mind sub-optimal free cards ...

2016-09-02, 12:19 PM
Got a deck that i would like some feedback on

Flame Imp x2
Mortal Coil x2
Possessed Villager x2
Voidwalker x2
Beckoner of Evil x2
Dark Peddler x2
Renounce Darkness x2
Twilight Geomancer
Disciple of C'thun x2
Twilight Elder x2
Summoning Portal x2
Crazed Worshipper x2
Kara Kazham x2
Usher of Souls x2
Twin Emperor

Early game I'm trying to fake out as a zoo-lock, but if the game goes on for long, I'm changing gear and aims at C'thun or Renounces and goes at it with cheap new cards replacing my zooy-theme warlock cards... Sure, i could probably get away with replacing one of the renounces with something else, but I'm feeling that the increased chance of having it on hand if needed is worth it, specially since it replaces its doublet...

I know its not a legend worthy deck but its fun nonetheless (and i'm never going to have time/patience to climb the ladder to more than high 10s)

Gray Mage
2016-09-02, 02:24 PM
Has anyone managed to beat Netherspite on Heroic? I've been trying taunt warrior to no sucess.

2016-09-02, 02:35 PM
Why does my battle.net client refuse to acknowledge that I checked "keep me logged in"? It's really annoying.

2016-09-02, 02:40 PM
Yeah, doubt it. No deck wants to accept a dead card. Besides, it's a general truism of card games that you want your deck to be as small as possible, for consistent draws. Only Mill/Fatigue decks might be an exception to that, but I can't see Malchezzar being too good for them.

Maybe if he could put in copies of legendaries you already had in your deck, or other class' legendaries, there'd be a glimmer of hope for him, but even then I wouldn't be too confident.

The deck I tried him in was Reno Fatigue Mage. Sometimes like I mentioned above, he's helpful. He gives 5 and 6 drops that my deck doesn't run to help fight for the board.

The rest of the time though...yikes. Nat Pagle into Millhouse Manastorm was the game that made me take him out.

The big problem is that Fatigue decks are often Reno decks, because you want to be bouncing your HP back to full a couple times. However, the extra 5 cards makes finding Reno nearly impossible. Dying on turn 10 with 20 cards left in your deck is a really awful scenario that happens way too often.

I also lost one match when my random Legendary got ganked by a Dragon Warrior deck that was randomly running Rend Blackhand. Ah, rank 21...

2016-09-02, 02:44 PM
Fatigue decks probably wouldn't mind sub-optimal free cards ...

As someone who plays fatigue whenever possible...probably not ideal. Yeah, might help in a mirror match, but for the most part, a fatigue deck doesn't die because IT ran out of cards, but because someone out tempoed it too rapidly, and they failed to lock down the board.

You really can't afford to stuff a fatigue deck with cards that don't help it's schtick.

2016-09-02, 02:45 PM
Has anyone managed to beat Netherspite on Heroic? I've been trying taunt warrior to no sucess.

You want zoolock. Void walker on blue portal turn one is a necessity; imp gang boss and cheap death rattle tokens on red portal asap. Keep tapping for replacement taunts; he won't attack them but he will sap them or destroy them with equalities. Finish with Power Overwhelming.

2016-09-02, 03:07 PM
Got a deck that i would like some feedback on

Flame Imp x2
Mortal Coil x2
Possessed Villager x2
Voidwalker x2
Beckoner of Evil x2
Dark Peddler x2
Renounce Darkness x2
Twilight Geomancer
Disciple of C'thun x2
Twilight Elder x2
Summoning Portal x2
Crazed Worshipper x2
Kara Kazham x2
Usher of Souls x2
Twin Emperor

Early game I'm trying to fake out as a zoo-lock, but if the game goes on for long, I'm changing gear and aims at C'thun or Renounces and goes at it with cheap new cards replacing my zooy-theme warlock cards... Sure, i could probably get away with replacing one of the renounces with something else, but I'm feeling that the increased chance of having it on hand if needed is worth it, specially since it replaces its doublet...

I know its not a legend worthy deck but its fun nonetheless (and i'm never going to have time/patience to climb the ladder to more than high 10s)

You admit it's fun but not that good, so I'm not quite sure what feedback you're looking for. If you want to make it good, I encourage you to pick one or the other archetype and commit to it. The reason this sort of transition style deck isn't run is that it tends to do worse than either extreme: if you draw your slow cards, you'll lose out on tempo and fall behind, and if you draw your fast cards you'll get a lead early but then run out of steam without being able to finish the other person before they stabilize. It's only good if you draw perfectly both early and late which is...not where you want to be. Hence most decks either run aggro redundancy with charging finishers like doomguard and Leeroy to get your last 5-10 points of damage through or they run full control to maintain the board until they can play their late-game stuff. Half and half is going to mostly suck and occasionally have one great game where you draw everything just when you need it.

As far as that particular deck, drop the summoning portals for something else, they're just terrible cards.

Has anyone managed to beat Netherspite on Heroic? I've been trying taunt warrior to no sucess.

You want zoolock. Void walker on blue portal turn one is a necessity; imp gang boss and cheap death rattle tokens on red portal asap. Keep tapping for replacement taunts; he won't attack them but he will sap them or destroy them with equalities. Finish with Power Overwhelming.

I did clear it with taunt warrior (though the zoolock thing sounds pretty solid). I ran goldshire footman and the 0/4 taunt guy whose name escapes me. I also ran a bunch of charge minions including the 3/1 wolfrider, kor'kron elite, and even bluegill warrior. Fun fact is that he won't attack into a goldshire footman on turn 1, even though he could kill it, not sure why. Anyway, you restart and mulligan for the 1-drops, then lead into fierce monkey, sludge belcher and their like, and play charge minions on the red side for immediate double damage. Took a couple tries, but not horrific.

2016-09-02, 03:18 PM
You want zoolock. Void walker on blue portal turn one is a necessity; imp gang boss and cheap death rattle tokens on red portal asap. Keep tapping for replacement taunts; he won't attack them but he will sap them or destroy them with equalities. Finish with Power Overwhelming.

This sounds smarter than what I did. I played a Mage with a bunch of Freeze and Taunts. I usually got my board cleared and died because I didn't manage to actually kill him.

The time I won, I got a tad lucky and he didn't have the board wipes. I drew both my Saboteur cards, which gave me the windfury damage to go face.

Gray Mage
2016-09-02, 03:21 PM
You want zoolock. Void walker on blue portal turn one is a necessity; imp gang boss and cheap death rattle tokens on red portal asap. Keep tapping for replacement taunts; he won't attack them but he will sap them or destroy them with equalities. Finish with Power Overwhelming.

In hindsight, probably way better than what I did. Putting in charge minions like Anarion did would've been smart as well, but in the end managed a win.

2016-09-02, 03:28 PM
Has anyone managed to beat Netherspite on Heroic? I've been trying taunt warrior to no sucess.
I did. Mage deck. All the freezes, Counterspells, and a lot of high-health cheap taunts, including both Deathlord (he has no minions in his deck so there's no reason not to) and Mogu'shan Warden. Multiple-use taunts (Mirror Image, Annoy-O-Tron, Hogger) are good, too.

2016-09-02, 09:48 PM
Got all Three heroics at the last wing done. Didn't have to netdeck Shard and Netherspite

Heroic Sharde:

Tried with Rogue... can't race him... ended up with Mage. Eater of Secrets saved you a lot of guesswork... and bonus if you eat the one where it does 10 damage to everyone. Aran will always target your minions unless they hve lethal so Play like you are at Arena against a mage that drafted 5 Flamestrike. Iceblock and counterspell is already your friend here. Just keep him top decking and outlast him until you have lethal.

Heroic Netherspite:

Use Priest, Have to abuse the restart button and have shield bearer in your opening hand. Play shield bearer on blue's side and healing/buff him should keep you alive and well until Turn 3. Try to have something on red's side before his Turn 3 because he'll cast munch then around turn 6 he'll cast something to bounce your minion back to your hand... he'll always target his spell on red's side so he can windfury. Play it like an OKT priest with Innerfire, Divine Spirit, Power word shield, and that 3 mana 2/4 buff.. ETC... Light of Narru helps too. Also be smart about positioning especially on the blue's side as you don't want your tank to be separated from the blue's stream.

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd228/lonewanderer666/Hearthstone%20Screenshot%2009-02-16%2021.22.02_zpss0zh5q4s.png (http://s222.photobucket.com/user/lonewanderer666/media/Hearthstone%20Screenshot%2009-02-16%2021.22.02_zpss0zh5q4s.png.html)

Heroic rescue Medivh:

Had to net deck this one... and it's tough. The best solution is Shaman with reincarnate Kel'Thuzard with ancestral spirit... you have to last till turn 10 thou against the Orc so you can land the combo and kill him. The reasoning is becase Prince will cast twisting nether then use his hero power to summon two 6/6 ... the Orc actually executed my Kel'thuzard but I was lucky enough to drew another ancestral spirit, cast it, kill the orc and then have my board respawned... and then it's smooth sailing from there.

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd228/lonewanderer666/Hearthstone%20Screenshot%2009-02-16%2022.26.18_zpsv1bmjwe7.png (http://s222.photobucket.com/user/lonewanderer666/media/Hearthstone%20Screenshot%2009-02-16%2022.26.18_zpsv1bmjwe7.png.html)

2016-09-02, 10:03 PM
Just finished the Heroics. Definitely a lot easier than in past adventures.

Aran I just did with a Reno Mage. Stall for a while, win via Rhonin-into-Antonidas for massive Arcane Missiles for 8 -> Fireball for 11 value.

Netherspite was simple with Zoo. Voidwalker in the blue portal on 1, Flame Imp in the red on 2, finish by turn 5.

The final boss was more of a nail-biter, easily the hardest Heroic of the adventure other than maybe Chess, but N'zoth Paladin came through - though mainly because both bosses proved totally unwilling to attack Tirion Fordring except to remove his Divine Shield :smallconfused: . Malchezzar actually missed lethal on me because of that. Though to be fair, I'd also gotten pretty unlucky with where N'zoth was in my deck - third from last card. :smallsigh:

2016-09-03, 12:04 PM
Got Shade of Aran with spell mage. Pretty easy in both Normal and Heroic.

Netherspite surprised me with his 20 damage burst at turn 1 in Heroic. Got him with Zoo Warlock.

Now, Heroic Wildaxe/Malcheezar was difficult. I got him at the third attempt with Murloc Pally.

2016-09-03, 02:43 PM

This is just too cool... appreciate Blizzard for putting in all the little details.

Now if they can just buff priest.

2016-09-03, 03:08 PM
Fun interaction: If you renounce darkness into rogue, then play Ethereal Peddler. all rogue spells in your hand cost two less.

Also, I've been enjoying putting Malchezaar in my Renounce Warlock. The build actually takes advantage of the new discard cards. Malchezaar's Imp makes the entire concept playable.

2016-09-03, 04:44 PM
Now if they can just buff priest.

I don´t know about you but now that the class "resurrected" on ladder I´m getting sick of seeing the one archetype :smallsigh:

2016-09-03, 07:35 PM
Fun interaction: If you renounce darkness into rogue, then play Ethereal Peddler. all rogue spells in your hand cost two less.

Also, I've been enjoying putting Malchezaar in my Renounce Warlock. The build actually takes advantage of the new discard cards. Malchezaar's Imp makes the entire concept playable.

I honestly can't think of a justification for Drain life in the deck. Or in any deck, really

2016-09-03, 08:10 PM
I honestly can't think of a justification for Drain life in the deck. Or in any deck, really

What do you recommend?

2016-09-03, 08:34 PM
I honestly can't think of a justification for Drain life in the deck. Or in any deck, really
Or Corruption, or Sacrificial Pact - or Hellfire in such a Zoo-ish deck.

Or Renounce Darkness, for that matter, but I guess it's fruitless to point out how bad that is if you're already set on making the deck around it.

2016-09-03, 10:47 PM
I don´t know about you but now that the class "resurrected" on ladder I´m getting sick of seeing the one archetype :smallsigh:

I find the archetype annoying, but also very priest feeling and appropriate, so I'm okay with it being their "good" way of playing.

Or Corruption, or Sacrificial Pact - or Hellfire in such a Zoo-ish deck.

Or Renounce Darkness, for that matter, but I guess it's fruitless to point out how bad that is if you're already set on making the deck around it.

Like I told him a page back, any advice about this deck is sort of pointless because as far as making it win more it's just not constructed with that in mind at all. As far as making it fun, eh, I dunno, try a shadowflame maybe? I enjoy shadowflame plays and it will do more than most of the cards in the deck.

2016-09-04, 12:55 AM
which priest archetype is this?

2016-09-04, 02:17 AM
which priest archetype is this?

Resurrect priest. Bringing 2x Injured Blademaster, 2x Resurrect, 2x Onyx Bishop, Barnes, and then nasty lategame cards that are good with Barnes like Sylvanas and Ragnaros. The idea is to stack the graveyard with powerful minions and get insane value from minions.

There are a few variants of it I've seen - I favor the more controlley version which brings Ysera and Y'Shaarj to take the lategame and Priest of the Feast to heal up, while others I've seen favor Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing to get more midgame control and finish out the game faster.

2016-09-04, 08:12 AM
Resurrect priest. Bringing 2x Injured Blademaster, 2x Resurrect, 2x Onyx Bishop, Barnes, and then nasty lategame cards that are good with Barnes like Sylvanas and Ragnaros. The idea is to stack the graveyard with powerful minions and get insane value from minions.

There are a few variants of it I've seen - I favor the more controlley version which brings Ysera and Y'Shaarj to take the lategame and Priest of the Feast to heal up, while others I've seen favor Auchenai Soulpriest + Circle of Healing to get more midgame control and finish out the game faster.

Yeah, been seeing this a lot as well. N'zoth variants are particularly nasty if you're stacked on Deathrattle cards, having Barnes pull Sylvanas/Cairne, resurrect/Onyx, then N'zoth gets painful. Losing one guy to Sylvanas is annoying, losing four is soul-crushing.

2016-09-04, 10:37 AM
I've tried that particular deck myself, but the only Legend I have in it is Sylvanas, so it's not as good as the full version. And I don't know if I want to invest in Cairn, N'zoth, Rag, etc for it. Even then, having an Onyx Bishop pull an Injured Blademaster on 5 is a strong turn.

2016-09-04, 11:50 AM
Get Rag, at least. Makes a whole lot of decks stronger.

2016-09-04, 04:43 PM
I've tried that particular deck myself, but the only Legend I have in it is Sylvanas, so it's not as good as the full version. And I don't know if I want to invest in Cairn, N'zoth, Rag, etc for it. Even then, having an Onyx Bishop pull an Injured Blademaster on 5 is a strong turn.

Get Rag, at least. Makes a whole lot of decks stronger.

What GAAD said. Rag appears in a ton of decks and can be used as a finisher in many others that's only very slightly suboptimal over something more specific.

2016-09-04, 06:18 PM
Well, since actually completing Kharazan on Heroic, I decided I was interested enough to go back and do League of Explorers on Heroic, too. I'd done a couple of them when the adventure first came out, but had never seriously intended to do them all, so I had most of them still left. Managed to finish that this weekend, using a combination of Trump's tactics from his videos and a few taken from a google search or just my own versions. Probably the hardest was Slitherspear, who I wound up using a Mill Rogue on, and only narrowly beat. I also had to craft Dreadsteeds for the animated armor boss, but that was so worth it.

That means the only Heroic adventure I haven't done is Blackrock Mountain now - got about halfway through that one before deciding it wasn't worth doing the rest because it was too frustrating. But, honestly, I don't think I'll be going back to that. League of Explorers at least had an actually cool card back for Heroic. Blackrock Mountain's heroic card back is kind of dull, and I don't think I could see myself using it.

Infernally Clay
2016-09-04, 07:10 PM
I'm pretty optimistic about my current Arena draft...

Enchanted Raven x2
Faerie Dragon
Mark of Y'shaarj
Wrath x2
Addled Grizzly
Druid of the Flame
Flesheating Ghoul
Ogre Brute
Pantry Spider
Chillwind Yeti
Dark Iron Dwarf
Infested Tauren
Jungle Moonkin
Piloted Shredder
Swipe x2
Druid of the Claw
Druid of the Fang
Mukla's Champion
Silver Hand Knight
Menagerie Warden
Moonglade Portal x2
Starfire x2
Ravenholt Assassin
Wisps of the Old Gods

What do you think? 🤔

2016-09-04, 07:13 PM
Looks pretty good. Beast Druid is pretty rocking in Arena if you can get the synergy going because curving out well is so important. I think my last Beast Druid went 8 wins, and you've got better spells than I had.

2016-09-05, 02:14 AM
I'm pretty optimistic about my current Arena draft...

Enchanted Raven x2
Faerie Dragon
Mark of Y'shaarj
Wrath x2
Addled Grizzly
Druid of the Flame
Flesheating Ghoul
Ogre Brute
Pantry Spider
Chillwind Yeti
Dark Iron Dwarf
Infested Tauren
Jungle Moonkin
Piloted Shredder
Swipe x2
Druid of the Claw
Druid of the Fang
Mukla's Champion
Silver Hand Knight
Menagerie Warden
Moonglade Portal x2
Starfire x2
Ravenholt Assassin
Wisps of the Old Gods

What do you think? 🤔

I'd be very optimistic too, that's a really strong deck. Hope you go far with it!

2016-09-05, 03:12 PM
So far Zoo Rogue is doing okay. Not a stomp. But not a total loss. One of those was from my opponent running a few odd cards. I didn't expect Arcane Explosion and Twilight Flamecaller. Cleared my board. Pit Snake is still an unknown variable.

2016-09-06, 03:02 AM
So far Zoo Rogue is doing okay. Not a stomp. But not a total loss. One of those was from my opponent running a few odd cards. I didn't expect Arcane Explosion and Twilight Flamecaller. Cleared my board. Pit Snake is still an unknown variable.

Can I see your list? Love Zoo, hate Rogue, so it will probably help me quest

2016-09-06, 03:20 AM
Zoo rogue feels intrinsecally wrong.

You can't sustain the board trades for long because all your card draw is bad.
You really can't take the time Shiv stuff if you're playing Zoo.

Basically, Zoo asks you to play in a specific way that rogue just can't sustain, and you end up with no cards and no reach.

That's why Rogue usually either goes super aggro (Backstab deadly poison to let a Cold Blood dude hit your face a few times) or goes for a longer game (Miracle, or others)

2016-09-06, 09:14 AM
I was thinking about taking N'Zoth out of my mid range deathrattle hunter deck since most games I was playing were pretty much over by turn 10, then 4 straight games he turned out to be the finisher when it looked like I was running out of gas against controlish type decks.

2016-09-06, 10:09 AM
I was thinking about taking N'Zoth out of my mid range deathrattle hunter deck since most games I was playing were pretty much over by turn 10, then 4 straight games he turned out to be the finisher when it looked like I was running out of gas against controlish type decks.
Yep, such is the way of differing matchups.

Infernally Clay
2016-09-06, 10:14 AM
My favourite deck right now is Shadowcaster Rogue. I've got C'thun and N'zoth in there as finishers but it's really all about using Shadowcaster to maximum effect. The number of times I've managed to get a 1/1 Blade of C'thun, which subsequently swings the match in my favour hard, is quite high. I've even made 1/1 N'zoths, which is always funny.

2016-09-06, 11:39 AM
Can I see your list? Love Zoo, hate Rogue, so it will probably help me quest

It might be a bit more aggressive than normal zoo because it lacks much of the draw. But it definitely does board control fairly well.

I'm suspicious about the Dire Wolf Alphas, the Defenders of Argus, the Pit Snakes and the Sap.

Alpha and Argus because some of the time I don't stick on the board. Sap seems to stay in my hand a lot. And the Pit Snakes because they often don't do much. But I have won at least one game with them. Really hope to see how they work against Shaman.

2 SI7 Agent
1 Deadly Fork
1 Sap
2 Undercity Huckster
2 Knife Juggler
2 Eviscerate
2 Dire Wolf Alpha
2 Defias Ringleader
2 Backstab
2 Pit Snake
2 Abusive Seargent
2 Argent Squire
2 Buccaneer
2 Bladed Cultist

2016-09-06, 01:19 PM
It might be a bit more aggressive than normal zoo because it lacks much of the draw. But it definitely does board control fairly well.

I'm suspicious about the Dire Wolf Alphas, the Defenders of Argus, the Pit Snakes and the Sap.

Alpha and Argus because some of the time I don't stick on the board. Sap seems to stay in my hand a lot. And the Pit Snakes because they often don't do much. But I have won at least one game with them. Really hope to see how they work against Shaman.

2 SI7 Agent
1 Deadly Fork
1 Sap
2 Undercity Huckster
2 Knife Juggler
2 Eviscerate
2 Dire Wolf Alpha
2 Defias Ringleader
2 Backstab
2 Pit Snake
2 Abusive Seargent
2 Argent Squire
2 Buccaneer
2 Bladed Cultist

To be honest, I'm amazed that deck wins games. I guess you're getting some good matches against slower decks, but I feel like one good lightning storm and you'd totally run out of steam.

2016-09-06, 01:50 PM
So I've decided to go back and do heroic Naxxramas, and so far I've been able to get through the arachnid and plague quarters without a hitch. However, the Four Horsemen are nearly impossible for me to beat (mostly because I auto-dust all of my Shadow Word:Horrors). Does anyone have any suggestions beyond Shadow Word Pain and pray to RNGesus?

2016-09-06, 02:23 PM
Yeah. Its kind if bad. Most of the wins come when I win board control and they don't find the AOE. Its usually pretty good at taking the board. Against slower decks I usually run out of cards. But if I've put them under enough pressure I can come back.

2016-09-06, 02:28 PM
I used a deck like the one from this (http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/354297-easy-heroic-four-horsemen) guide. Basically SW:Pain/Kodo for kills, whatever silence effects you have to neutralize some of them, and whatever steal effects you have (I used the 6 mana cabal steal guy as well, but that can be a bit slow). Hold Acidic Swamp oozes for taking out runeblades. Took me 2 or 3 tries, but wasn't that bad.

2016-09-06, 05:07 PM
So, I drafted Malchezar in a mage arena run last night. Ended up going 7 wins, and it showed off both his strengths and weaknesses. Upside included one game in which I played Ysera, Malygos, and Antonidas, and one in which Nat Pagle drew me 6 cards over the course of a game. But also a couple games in which I didn't get a 2 drop in my opening 3 and then proceeded to draw only cost 6+ legends and got annihilated as a result.

Emperor Tippy
2016-09-06, 07:54 PM
So, I drafted Malchezar in a mage arena run last night. Ended up going 7 wins, and it showed off both his strengths and weaknesses. Upside included one game in which I played Ysera, Malygos, and Antonidas, and one in which Nat Pagle drew me 6 cards over the course of a game. But also a couple games in which I didn't get a 2 drop in my opening 3 and then proceeded to draw only cost 6+ legends and got annihilated as a result.

How early into your draft did you get Malchezar? Because once you draft him, he is your late game. From then on you really don't want to be drafting minions worth more than about 3 or 4 mana.

2016-09-06, 09:35 PM
How early into your draft did you get Malchezar? Because once you draft him, he is your late game. From then on you really don't want to be drafting minions worth more than about 3 or 4 mana.

About midway through, pick 16 or 17. Too late to make the whole deck super cheap, and some of the picks were also just unreasonable (like bog creeper plus complete crap). I'm fairly pleased with 7 wins overall, but it definitely did increase the variance of a bad mulligan.

2016-09-06, 10:05 PM
Got my stupidest Burgle + Ethereal Peddler ever.

Turn 3 Burgle into Antonidas + Frostbolt.
Turn 5 Ethereal Peddler.
Turn 6 Antonidas + Coin + Backstab + Eviscerate + Frostbolt = clear enemy board and 4 fireballs. Seems balanced.

Edit: Worst thing about thief rogue is that the mirror match stinks because Ethereal Peddler doesn't discount the cards. I also had a Peddler get sapped twice and Kidnapper twice in a single game. Poor dude kept getting returned to my hand.

2016-09-06, 10:29 PM
You managed to not die while essentially skipping your turn 3 and holding onto your coin, a backstab, and an eviscerate? Sounds more like you managed to keep good board presence with only a very small portion of your opening cards, and your opponent didn't get off to an aggressive start.

2016-09-06, 10:50 PM
Turn 6 Antonidas + Coin + Backstab + Eviscerate + Frostbolt = clear enemy board and 4 fireballs. Seems balanced.

You realize things like Thief Rogue and Yogg Saron are cards deliberately designed to be fun but not 100% skill based? They allow people to win the odd game that arent that good because you need them too for an active game.

2016-09-07, 02:33 AM
You realize things like Thief Rogue and Yogg Saron are cards deliberately designed to be fun but not 100% skill based? They allow people to win the odd game that arent that good because you need them too for an active game.

You realize that Yogg is statistically strong and actually quite consistent in his overall effect in the majority of games he's played, right? I mean, it's not the same every time, but except for a small number of extreme outliers, he's almost always draw 2-5 cards, wipe the board, play a secret or two. Sure, yes, everyone has the pyroblast yourself in the face, or discard your hand, or play double call of the wild story, but realistically he clears the board and draws a few cards.

2016-09-07, 07:54 AM
more evidence the game hates me

17 drafts since op firelands portal arrived with no mage offered

18 draft finally a mage
yep, grand total of zero firelands portals

every mage i go against? 2-4 of them

2016-09-07, 07:59 AM
You managed to not die while essentially skipping your turn 3 and holding onto your coin, a backstab, and an eviscerate? Sounds more like you managed to keep good board presence with only a very small portion of your opening cards, and your opponent didn't get off to an aggressive start.

It was against a C'Thun Mage and he didn't have an aggressive start (2/3, 3/4, 3/4), so I felt comfortable doing an anti-tempo Burgle on turn 3 with Ethereal Peddler in hand, especially with both 3 mana/deal 5 damage spells in my hand.

I drew the backstab on Turn 6, otherwise, it probably would have been used.

Also, honestly, this was in Casual, where it's more likely I'm not going to get SMOrced down. My previous two games before this was against the mirror matchup with thief rogue and the one after this match was against a Control type shaman, where I got a Flamewreathed Faceless that I coined out on turn 3 XD In Ranked, I play the usual annoying meta decks until I hit rank 5 for the golden epic and then I can play silly decks.

You realize things like Thief Rogue and Yogg Saron are cards deliberately designed to be fun but not 100% skill based? They allow people to win the odd game that arent that good because you need them too for an active game.

Absolutely. I meant it more as a "look how silly this combo is with mana discounted cards", instead of "thief rogue OP please nerf". Thief Rogue is probably more like Renounce Darkness in that it makes a silly deck, but should be a little more consistent because you maintain a good set of Rogue cards and Ethereal Peddler that hopefully make up for the tempo loss of cards like Burgle. Still, the deck is probably too slow to keep up with Aggro Shaman, Midrange Hunter, and Dragon Warrior.

Yogg might be on the strong side of fun, with a few pros complaining about it deciding games in competitive.

2016-09-07, 09:35 AM
I think, with a couple more cards that gave benefits to non-class stuff, Thief Rogue could be a thing.

2016-09-07, 11:53 AM
Brawl is Cart Crash again (choose a class, mulligan, then choose a second class; deck is mix of random cards from each).

Lost 3 games, one of which had four 7-drops in my hand on turn 5...

Game I won was turn 3 Darkshire Councilman, turn 4 Muster for Battle.

2016-09-07, 07:17 PM
So, I have, for the first time, gotten the "play with a friend, you both get a prize" quest. Anybody up for it?

Emperor Tippy
2016-09-07, 07:56 PM
So, I have, for the first time, gotten the "play with a friend, you both get a prize" quest. Anybody up for it?

What region? I'm PM you my battletag if its US.

2016-09-08, 10:26 AM
Just had a loss that left me going "wtf just happened"

Early game I lost pretty solidly, we hit turn 5 with the enemy having a 1 health bear on the board and something else I don't remember, not really relevant. He summons a Murloc Knight. My turn rolls around, I can't kill it, get rid of the bear in the way and summon something.

His turn, summon second murloc knight, use hero power, which then summons a third murloc knight and the give all murlocs +2/+1 murloc. So for 6 mana he now has 3 4/5 murloc knights and one 3/3 murlock warleader. It was like an anyfin can happen play, except 4 turns early.

2016-09-08, 10:33 AM
Yeah, a lucky Murloc Knight will snowball like none other. (Although, number-wise, the whole combo did cost 10 mana: 4 for the first Murloc Knight, 4 for the second Murloc Knight, 2 for the Inspire.)

2016-09-08, 11:22 AM
Anyone else gone Rogue main for this Brawl? I played 3 times (Rogue 3 wins quest, and my normal Rogue deck is terrible) and two of those times I got an Ethereal Peddler. Let me tell you, playing a bunch of Rogue cards then Peddler with a hand full of my other class's cards is pretty nice.

2016-09-08, 11:37 AM
Anyone else gone Rogue main for this Brawl? I played 3 times (Rogue 3 wins quest, and my normal Rogue deck is terrible) and two of those times I got an Ethereal Peddler. Let me tell you, playing a bunch of Rogue cards then Peddler with a hand full of my other class's cards is pretty nice.

I've actually thought that doing Rogue/Priest would be a ton of fun in this brawl, just for the sheer insanity of stealing cards with a dual class. Mostly though I've been playing hunter and druid for quests.

Yeah, a lucky Murloc Knight will snowball like none other. (Although, number-wise, the whole combo did cost 10 mana: 4 for the first Murloc Knight, 4 for the second Murloc Knight, 2 for the Inspire.)

This is a fair point. It would also be fair to point out if I couldn't take out the Murloc Knight on my turn 5, I was already losing by enough that I was most likely losing anyway. But it was still super impressive to see.

2016-09-08, 11:41 AM
Yep; if you can get a Murloc Knight to stick, you probably win.

2016-09-08, 02:08 PM
Huh, this is interesting...


Upcoming changes to Arena, clearing off a list of class cards that are supposedly outliers high or low on power levels by preventing them from popping during the draft. Not convinced that the list is quite right, atm, but it's at the link

2016-09-08, 02:13 PM
Huh, this is interesting...


Upcoming changes to Arena, clearing off a list of class cards that are supposedly outliers high or low on power levels by preventing them from popping during the draft. Not convinced that the list is quite right, atm, but it's at the link

Feels like a band-aid to stabilize arena balance until they get the tech in so they can move the presentation percentage for cards away from rarity.

2016-09-08, 02:16 PM
Huh, this is interesting...


Upcoming changes to Arena, clearing off a list of class cards that are supposedly outliers high or low on power levels by preventing them from popping during the draft. Not convinced that the list is quite right, atm, but it's at the link


-Forgotten Torch
-Faceless Summoner


-Goblin Auto Barber
-Undercity Valiant


- No changes

I laughed at these. So hard. :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-08, 02:23 PM
Huh, this is interesting...


Upcoming changes to Arena, clearing off a list of class cards that are supposedly outliers high or low on power levels by preventing them from popping during the draft. Not convinced that the list is quite right, atm, but it's at the link
This is hilarious.

In order to hedge their "don't digitally change cards stance unless it's the new rotation and/or they're broken" stance, and their "never ever ever EVER buff bad cards" stance, they're continuing to twist themselves into even more bizarre loops.

2016-09-08, 02:25 PM
Well it's not the "smart" solution to the problem, but it's something.

Also, their list is kind of weird:

I see why they wouldn't remove the Portal from Mage (it's the newest expansion after all), i agree with not removing Flamestrike as it's so iconic.
They did remove three good cards (although Chugger never felt really OP to me), and i frankly never felt those were the cards that pulled Mage ahead. But we'll see.

I always loved the Auto-Barber, and i see why it would be too strong.

Mind Blast, Snipe,Mark of Nature,Dunemaul Shaman, Windspeaker are not *that* bad. I think i've drafted each of those at least once without much regret.

2016-09-08, 02:36 PM
This is hilarious.

In order to hedge their "don't digitally change cards stance unless it's the new rotation and/or they're broken" stance, and their "never ever ever EVER buff bad cards" stance, they're continuing to twist themselves into even more bizarre loops.

Makes sense as a change though. Some of the removed cards are not underpowered in constructed, just extremely niche. Extremely niche cards are just plain bad as choices in arena though.

2016-09-08, 02:40 PM
Makes sense as a change though. Some of the removed cards are not underpowered in constructed, just extremely niche. Extremely niche cards are just plain bad as choices in arena though.
Yeah, but there's so few niche cards in that list that it wouldn't really hurt your draft. That's what the draft is for: giving you three options, so you're not stuck with the worst cards.

This is basically them dragging their feet when it comes to rebalancing digital cards, IMO.

There's also an irony here. Apparently, bad cards need to exist to help players learn and discover. Unless it's Arena.

2016-09-08, 04:01 PM
Demonfuse really, really should be on that list...

2016-09-08, 05:00 PM
Hilarious things in Tavern Brawl: Anima Golem + Dreadsteed combo. I didn't win, but it was really funny.

Emperor Tippy
2016-09-08, 05:01 PM
It's a band-aid hot fix that is very inelegant.

That being said its probably something of a good idea.

-Forgotten Torch
Not the best arena card, generally being a bit too slow. That being said it was still early game removal that turned into a cheaper fireball in the later game and delayed fatigue one turn. It wasn't a good tempo card but it was one of the best value cards in the entire game.

The best arena 2 drop in the game. Mech is generally the most valuable tribe tag for anyone not a Hunter or Druid, a 2/3 for 2 is the best body for a 2 drop when playing Mage, Rogue, or Druid, and it could freeze lock an enemy for several turns potentially. This card was insanely good against Rogue and very good against Paladin and Warrior while still being above average in every other matchup.

-Faceless Summoner
The best mid to early late game drop in the game generally. 5/5 is a solid body but you are combining it with a second three drop minion. This is again an insane value pick, and one that also pushes tempo (dropping effectively two cards on the same turn) with zero downside. It was probably the best card mage got in WotOG in terms of arena.

-Goblin Auto Barber
The best Rogue two drop in arena generally. Worst case it is a 3/2 for 2 with the Mech tag. That makes it a better Bloodfen Raptor as the Mech tag has more valuable synergy than the Beast tag. Being a 3/2 also works better for Rogue than a 2/3 because it presents more of a threat and, when combined with the hero power, can kill pretty much any 3 drop in the game. Later game it is a weapon buff on top of being a 3/2 body, which lets it trade with a Yeti with a 2/1 weapon left over. This is also one of the cards that helped Rogue minimize the cost of going second as coin dagger on 1 to either kill a 1 health 1 drop or save it to buff up with Auto Barber on 2 to kill their 3/2 and grab some hope of tempo.

-Undercity Valiant
It's a 3/2 for 2 with potential upside. Coin it on 1 and you can kill a 1 health 1 drop and have board presence. Later game, when you can pretty much always combo it, it gives you a 1 point ping. The card is straight up good but it probably wouldn't have been on my cut list if you want to "balance" Rogue in arena.

Might do the rest later.

Generally though, Hunter got screwed for no reason.

2016-09-08, 08:17 PM
Huh, discard imp triggers from Ancient's curse apparently.

2016-09-09, 07:47 AM
Huh, discard imp triggers from Ancient's curse apparently.

It'll also trigger off of Deathwing before getting wrecked, which makes for some interesting situations.

2016-09-09, 08:26 AM
The Deathwing interaction is strange but it is something that someone might think to try just to see if there was an order but the Ancient's Curse doesn't really suggest that it is actually discarded. If only it didn't do so much damage, if it did like 2 I could actually see a warlock running it. That is another interesting concept though, what if there was a card that when plays puts a card in your deck that just automatically discards itself when drawn and is then draws a card. Would a yeti with that mechanic added to it see play in discard decks? Could randomly activate imp and that 3/2 but it is relatively random chance.

Does ambush work the same way?

2016-09-09, 10:12 AM
The Deathwing interaction is strange but it is something that someone might think to try just to see if there was an order but the Ancient's Curse doesn't really suggest that it is actually discarded. If only it didn't do so much damage, if it did like 2 I could actually see a warlock running it. That is another interesting concept though, what if there was a card that when plays puts a card in your deck that just automatically discards itself when drawn and is then draws a card. Would a yeti with that mechanic added to it see play in discard decks? Could randomly activate imp and that 3/2 but it is relatively random chance.

Does ambush work the same way?

All the cards that do something and then draw you a new card when they pop from the deck do it. So Ambush, Ancient Curse and Burrowing Mine.

2016-09-09, 10:43 AM
But neither Fel Reaver nor milling do. Hearthstone consistency.

2016-09-09, 10:50 AM
All the cards that do something and then draw you a new card when they pop from the deck do it. So Ambush, Ancient Curse and Burrowing Mine.
Taking random guesses at how Hearthstone is coded, I'm tempted to say that individual cards don't really "Exist" until they enter hand at minimum. While in the deck they're just entries in a list.

When you Draw a card, it pulls a card from that list, sees that it is, say, "Tunnel Trogg", and calls some function that takes in "Tunnel Trogg", and generates a "Tunnel Trogg" card object in your hand.

So the Card doesn't really exist as anything but an identifier until it's in your hand.

Thus, the "Trap" cards like Ambush, Ancient Curse, and Burrowing Mine, don't trigger until they enter your hand, because they don't really exist before then. When they enter your hand, and have rules text, they do their effect, discard themselves, then draw a new card. And since they're calling Discard, they trigger the Imp.

The real question is whether you'll discard an Ancient Curse without triggering it if you draw it with 10 cards in hand.

2016-09-09, 12:22 PM
i would assume so
you lose the 4/4 from ambush w/o triggering it if your hand is full

2016-09-09, 12:50 PM
But neither Fel Reaver nor milling do. Hearthstone consistency.

As mentioned above I suspect they used the same mechanic as Flame Leviathan for cards like Burrowing Mine and Ambush and the like. Basically have the card do something when drawn and then appear in your hand. They then made the cards automatically be discarded. Presumably this was easier than coding a new form of "card gets drawn, effect happens and card disappears". Note that things like Flame Leviathan, Ambush and Burrowing Mine DON'T trigger if you burn them due to overdraw, which I guess is the same mechanic they use for Fel Reaver, hence it not causing them to trigger the Imp.

In terms of milling that's probably a good thing else the Imp would insta kill you once you hit fatigue.

2016-09-09, 01:10 PM
As mentioned above I suspect they used the same mechanic as Flame Leviathan for cards like Burrowing Mine and Ambush and the like. Basically have the card do something when drawn and then appear in your hand. They then made the cards automatically be discarded. Presumably this was easier than coding a new form of "card gets drawn, effect happens and card disappears". Note that things like Flame Leviathan, Ambush and Burrowing Mine DON'T trigger if you burn them due to overdraw, which I guess is the same mechanic they use for Fel Reaver, hence it not causing them to trigger the Imp.

In terms of milling that's probably a good thing else the Imp would insta kill you once you hit fatigue.
Sure, that makes sense in terms of development. Of course, it continues to make Hearthstone a game riddled with weird exceptions, which makes it kinda user-unfriendly.

I don't think gameplay balance is a valid consideration for interactions here; after all, Auchenai/Mistress instakills exist. I do see the argument that if you allow Imp to trigger off of milling, then as soon as you hit 10 cards, you mill yourself when you draw. That said, I think that's just an argument for it working the other way: if it doesn't trigger off of milling, it shouldn't trigger when cards like Ancient Curse self-mill.

2016-09-09, 01:27 PM
Sure, that makes sense in terms of development. Of course, it continues to make Hearthstone a game riddled with weird exceptions, which makes it kinda user-unfriendly.

I don't think gameplay balance is a valid consideration for interactions here; after all, Auchenai/Mistress instakills exist. I do see the argument that if you allow Imp to trigger off of milling, then as soon as you hit 10 cards, you mill yourself when you draw. That said, I think that's just an argument for it working the other way: if it doesn't trigger off of milling, it shouldn't trigger when cards like Ancient Curse self-mill.
Eh, not really.

Chain-milling yourself to Fatigue loses you the game. Auchenai/Mistress exists, but that's a very rare edge case, like 4xSorceror's Apprentice and Antonidas for endless fireballs. It's possible, but very rare.

Meanwhile, burning a card while having Imp out, leading to you discarding your entire deck, is far more likely.

I agree it shouldn't trigger off things like Ancient curse, but I would rather it be inconsistent than draw through your whole deck.

2016-09-09, 02:19 PM
I just experienced the following sequence of events.
1. Babbling book creates a Pyroblast
2. I play Medivh, then pyroblast two turns later and it creates a Deathwing.
3. My opponent, a warrior, plays Sylvanus and eats a hit from Deathwing, then steals it the next turn.
4. I play Yogg, which plays Eye for an Eye and kills everything except Deathwing.
5. My opponent kills himself by hitting face with Deathwing.


2016-09-09, 10:03 PM
Wow, I just had a Dragon Priest vs Anyfin Paladin game with the most spectacular of endings.

It started off pretty poorly for me - my opponent got turn 2 Doomsayer, and my opening besides my turn 1 Twilight Whelp was poor, and he easily handled the midgame by having both Truesilver Champions. But he also got some less than great luck with his draws, and went down to near the bottom of his deck before he had his combo assembled - not sure if he was digging for the second Anyfin or the second Warleader in the end there, but in any case, one of them was buried in the bottom 4 of his deck, which gave me time.

So, he plays his second Equality + Pyro wipe (killing my Ysera and a few other cards I'd been wailing on him with), also dropping that Warleader, the last of his Murlocs, into it to set up his combo. So, since he's obviously going to Anyfin, I play Chillaw, which I'd been saving for that. He doesn't like that, and tries to deal with it without Anyfin by playing Tirion Fordring and Doomsayer. I counter by Entombing Tirion and using the Dream I'd gotten from Ysera on Doomsayer. He Anyfins after that, and Chillmaw wipes his chargers, leaving the two Warleaders as 5/1s. I clearly can't leave those, so I play Holy Nova + Twilight Guardian. He of course has the second Anyfin, which proceeds to kill my Guardian without even a trade and do a bunch of damage to me.

My response: second Chillaw, which I'd grabbed from an early Netherspite Historian specifically because he'd shown he was an Anyfin deck with a turn 3 Warleader play, and SW: Death on one of the Warleaders, leaving him without enough buffs on the Bluegills for them to survive the explosion. He's forced to trade, again leaving him with two 5/1 Warleaders to hit me with - leaving me at 4. And he has to spend that turn using Forbidden Healing, to avoid dying to fatigue.

I respond with Twilight Guardian and two Wyrmwrest Agents plus healing myself (yes, I still had all of them - remember how I mentioned my early game was bad besides the one Whelp?). He traded one Warleader with an Agent and suicided the other into the second Agent (I'm pretty sure he forgot it would end up without enough attack to kill after its buddy died) and dropped Ragnaros the Lightlord (plus guy). Being behind two taunts but having no immediate way to kill that, I played my second Netherspite Historian card: another Ysera (plus kill the guy with the Guardian). The next couple of turns were me controlling the board and trying to find a way to kill Rangaros before he could kill me with it while he healed desperately to keep himself alive against the fatigue he was getting well into - the match finally ended when I drew and played the Tirion Fordring I'd entombed earlier, putting something in the way of Rangaros that he really couldn't deal with without dying.

So yeah, that was amazing, and I think the first time I've seen double Anyfin lose against not-Warrior.

2016-09-10, 10:35 AM
Wow, I just had a Dragon Priest vs Anyfin Paladin game with the most spectacular of endings.

That is pretty fantastic. Good job.

Unrelated: When on the 100 damage to enemy quest, a concede should count as whatever's left of their life. I'm tired of investing 10+ games to complete a single quest because people concede the second they lose board advantage.

2016-09-10, 01:14 PM
That is pretty fantastic. Good job.

Unrelated: When on the 100 damage to enemy quest, a concede should count as whatever's left of their life. I'm tired of investing 10+ games to complete a single quest because people concede the second they lose board advantage.

Yeah, it's especially awkward if you try to combine that quest with like, Priest wins; I usually end up switching to some kind of face deck so that win or lose I'll get at least 15 or so damage in.

2016-09-10, 04:02 PM
Yeah, it's especially awkward if you try to combine that quest with like, Priest wins; I usually end up switching to some kind of face deck so that win or lose I'll get at least 15 or so damage in.

That was what I did right after my post. Switched back to pirate warrior, lost the game but snuck in 28 damage by turn 6, more than I had gotten in my previous 3 games combined.

2016-09-11, 04:18 AM
Finally got enough gold together to take the top level of Karazan. Could use a bit of help finalizing my Discard Warlock list. I don't have Leeroy Jenkins yet.

2x Argent Squire
2x Flame Imp
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Malchezzar's Imp
2x Power Overwhelming
2x Soul Fire

2x Darkshire Librarian
2x Dark Peddler
2x Dire Wolf Alpha
2x Tiny Knight of Evil
2x Wrathguard (not a fan, but need to stay low on the curve and Succubus kept on discarding things I wanted to keep)

2x Councilman (going to test Imp Gang Boss here as well)
2x Silverware Golem
2x Fist of Jaraxxus

2x Doomguard

2016-09-11, 05:41 AM
Just had a fun situation. My enemy had three minions on board, enough to kill me, and I had no way to stop him. He had 7 life, and I had 6 power on board. I played Knife Juggler and another minion, and I got lucky. That was AFTER Yogg-Saron Pyroblasted my enemy's face, so you could say I got lucky there.

Emperor Tippy
2016-09-11, 09:20 AM
Yah, today's first 12 win arena for me.

Warrior this time.

Image in spoiler.


Was 10-0 but lost once each at 10 and 11 wins.

2016-09-11, 09:50 PM
Just had a fun situation. My enemy had three minions on board, enough to kill me, and I had no way to stop him. He had 7 life, and I had 6 power on board. I played Knife Juggler and another minion, and I got lucky. That was AFTER Yogg-Saron Pyroblasted my enemy's face, so you could say I got lucky there.

Grats! I did the opposite. I was at 2, the mage had managed to stall with 2 ice blocks and a Reno and I had lethal on board with 3 minions.

Mage threw out an arcane missiles that hit each one of my minions and I won.

He had a 57.8 chance to win. Whew.

So yeah, that was amazing, and I think the first time I've seen double Anyfin lose against not-Warrior.
Epic game! Paladin is a substantial favorite in that match and it's amazing that you won with such cool plays.

Yah, today's first 12 win arena for me.

Warrior this time.

Image in spoiler.


Was 10-0 but lost once each at 10 and 11 wins.

First 12 wins ever or just for today? ;)


Edit: Just saw the Fool's Banes (I originally thought you were low on weapons). No wonder you got to 12! ;)

2016-09-11, 11:56 PM
*Anyfin vs. Priest*
Nice write-up! Congrats on finding one of the few ways out against Anyfin as Priest! (Though, you could've had an easier time if you'd Entombed the Warleader and used Dream on Tirion, I think. That would've taken a huge chunk out of the Anyfin due to it only pulling two Bluegills and a single Warleader, and Chillmaw would've also wiped Anyfin no problem. Entombing one or both Warleaders has always been how Priest wins this matchup, generally. :smallsmile: )

2016-09-12, 12:28 AM
Nice write-up! Congrats on finding one of the few ways out against Anyfin as Priest! (Though, you could've had an easier time if you'd Entombed the Warleader and used Dream on Tirion, I think. That would've taken a huge chunk out of the Anyfin due to it only pulling two Bluegills and a single Warleader, and Chillmaw would've also wiped Anyfin no problem. Entombing one or both Warleaders has always been how Priest wins this matchup, generally. :smallsmile: )

The way I read it, the Paladin sacced his Warleader into the Pyro-Equality. Any good Paladin is going to ensure you don't get to entomb any of his murlocs.

Emperor Tippy
2016-09-12, 01:30 AM
First 12 wins ever or just for today? ;)


Nah, just today. I've gone 12/0 at least once with every class, have hit Legend multiple times with multiple decks, and am hovering right around infinite arena.

Edit: Just saw the Fool's Banes (I originally thought you were low on weapons). No wonder you got to 12! ;)
Fools bane is nice but honestly the very solid early game played a much bigger role.

2016-09-12, 04:04 AM
Unrelated: When on the 100 damage to enemy quest, a concede should count as whatever's left of their life. I'm tired of investing 10+ games to complete a single quest because people concede the second they lose board advantage.

I agree. But I hope you do not attack the sentiment of people giving up when there is NO chance in hell of recovering. I just gave up a game with Beast Druid vs. Cthun Warrior because I was hopelessly behind but could have stalled for at least 5 more turns.

Nah, just today. I've gone 12/0 at least once with every class, have hit Legend multiple times with multiple decks, and am hovering right around infinite arena.

I see Tippy isn't only pushing D&D rules to its limits :)

2016-09-12, 07:59 AM
Nice write-up! Congrats on finding one of the few ways out against Anyfin as Priest! (Though, you could've had an easier time if you'd Entombed the Warleader and used Dream on Tirion, I think. That would've taken a huge chunk out of the Anyfin due to it only pulling two Bluegills and a single Warleader, and Chillmaw would've also wiped Anyfin no problem. Entombing one or both Warleaders has always been how Priest wins this matchup, generally. :smallsmile: )

The way I read it, the Paladin sacced his Warleader into the Pyro-Equality. Any good Paladin is going to ensure you don't get to entomb any of his murlocs.
Bingo. First Warleader was played on 3, way too early for Entomb, and while I tried to save it for the second, he dropped that into his own Pyro-Equality, so no dice. (Plus, if I dreamed Tirion, I wouldn't have been able to deal with the Doomsayer. No fast damage in my hand at the time.)

2016-09-12, 08:26 AM
Finally got enough gold together to take the top level of Karazan. Could use a bit of help finalizing my Discard Warlock list. I don't have Leeroy Jenkins yet.

2x Argent Squire
2x Flame Imp
2x Abusive Sergeant
2x Malchezzar's Imp
2x Power Overwhelming
2x Soul Fire

2x Darkshire Librarian
2x Dark Peddler
2x Dire Wolf Alpha
2x Tiny Knight of Evil
2x Wrathguard (not a fan, but need to stay low on the curve and Succubus kept on discarding things I wanted to keep)

2x Councilman (going to test Imp Gang Boss here as well)
2x Silverware Golem
2x Fist of Jaraxxus

2x Doomguard

I wouldn't run Fist of Jaraxxus and Tiny Knight of Evil. Both are pretty weak. Replace Tiny Knight with Knife Juggler. I'm not sure what I'd replace Fist of Jaraxxus with. Maybe Forbidden Ritual. Or one Forbidden ritual and one Sea Giant. Discolock is really just Zoolock with some possibilities for hugely explosive tempo turns with Silverware Golem and Imp/Doomguard.

2016-09-12, 12:09 PM
The way I read it, the Paladin sacced his Warleader into the Pyro-Equality. Any good Paladin is going to ensure you don't get to entomb any of his murlocs.
Ah, somehow I missed that. Yeah, that's standard practice against Priest.

2016-09-12, 07:59 PM
So, how does the Yogg Druid versus Tempo Mage matchup normally work? I got a rough start, but he was pulling really heavily into his deck while I wasn't. Neither one of us could establish a board presence, but when he Yogg'd he drew like 8 cards and his board was wiped completely. After that I managed to keep him off the board and fatigue him out.

2016-09-12, 10:09 PM
So, how does the Yogg Druid versus Tempo Mage matchup normally work? I got a rough start, but he was pulling really heavily into his deck while I wasn't. Neither one of us could establish a board presence, but when he Yogg'd he drew like 8 cards and his board was wiped completely. After that I managed to keep him off the board and fatigue him out.

According to VS Reaper, Yogg Druid is slightly favored at a 53% win rate; TempoStorm also has it at a 55% win ratio. Playing the match myself, it feels extremely draw dependent. If the Yogg druid gets a good Violet Teacher + craziness + Power of the Wild after a lot of ramp, it's very hard for the Tempo Mage to respond. If the Tempo Mage gets a lot of early game and the Druid doesn't ramp and doesn't draw removal, he loses quickly.

What version of Yogg druid was it? Did it have Arcane Giants or was it Onyxia or was it Wisps of the Old Gods?

2016-09-13, 11:18 AM
So, how does the Yogg Druid versus Tempo Mage matchup normally work? I got a rough start, but he was pulling really heavily into his deck while I wasn't. Neither one of us could establish a board presence, but when he Yogg'd he drew like 8 cards and his board was wiped completely. After that I managed to keep him off the board and fatigue him out.

I actually can't tell which deck you're talking about, since both typically run Yogg. :smalltongue:

At any rate, it goes as follows: if the Mage gets a strong early game that sticks a flamewaker, they can often win on turn 6 or 7 by just using all their nuke spells on the druid's face. If the druid gets a strong early game that involves a board full of tokens, they can often win by turn 8. The most likely outcome, though, is that the mage burns a bunch of spells killing the druid's early innervated plays and both decks hit turn 8+ with a relatively empty board, at which point deck composition is important. Is the mage running Antonidas or Medivh? Does the druid have one or two arcane giants, and one or two ancients of war? And then if you hit turn 10, the quality of each player's Yogg might decide the match.

Mando Knight
2016-09-13, 05:35 PM
Coming soon, the Welcome Bundle (http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271287/welcome-the-welcome-bundle-9-12-2016).

It's a one-time $4.99 purchase that nets you 10 Classic packs plus a random Classic class legendary.

2016-09-13, 05:40 PM
Coming soon, the Welcome Bundle (http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271287/welcome-the-welcome-bundle-9-12-2016).

It's a one-time $4.99 purchase that nets you 10 Classic packs plus a random Classic class legendary.

It would be cool if it guaranteed one you didn't have already, but I suspect it will just be 400 dust.

2016-09-13, 06:11 PM
Coming soon, the Welcome Bundle (http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271287/welcome-the-welcome-bundle-9-12-2016).

It's a one-time $4.99 purchase that nets you 10 Classic packs plus a random Classic class legendary.
Not bad for new players. The only real stinkers among the original class legendaries are King Krush and Prophet Velen. Maybe Al'Akir, if only because Shaman decks have kind of wound up going in directions that generally don't include him. But Tirion, Cenarius, Grommash, Antonidas, Jaraxxus, and Edwin Van Cleef are definitely all good pulls.

I think I'll pass, though. Good value or not, it's too likely to just be $5 for a bunch of dust for me. Very unlikely the packs get me anything I don't have but would keep, and I have five of those legendaries already, and am not in a hurry to pick up the others. (Not interested in Krush at all, and might even dust Velen despite not having him.)

2016-09-13, 06:28 PM
I actually can't tell which deck you're talking about, since both typically run Yogg. :smalltongue:

At any rate, it goes as follows: if the Mage gets a strong early game that sticks a flamewaker, they can often win on turn 6 or 7 by just using all their nuke spells on the druid's face. If the druid gets a strong early game that involves a board full of tokens, they can often win by turn 8. The most likely outcome, though, is that the mage burns a bunch of spells killing the druid's early innervated plays and both decks hit turn 8+ with a relatively empty board, at which point deck composition is important. Is the mage running Antonidas or Medivh? Does the druid have one or two arcane giants, and one or two ancients of war? And then if you hit turn 10, the quality of each player's Yogg might decide the match.

Yea, I was the Mage. I didn't think about mentioning my Yogg, because I don't have a Yogg to run (I'm running a second Flamestrike). He played big stuff later in the game (I think 2 Arcane Giants and 2 Ancients actually) but I managed to get the necessary removal off of my Peddler (Peddler pulls Cabalist into Cabalist).

2016-09-13, 08:31 PM
Haven't seen it posted, but Hearthstone is adding a Welcome Pack (http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271287/welcome-the-welcome-bundle-9-12-2016).

Every player can buy it, only once. It's $5 for 10 classic packs, plus a guaranteed classic class legendary (enjoy your Prophet Velen or King Krush!). It's really good value even if you have the majority of the classic collection.

Also, I played Reynad on stream. Fun game. (warning: curse words)

Edit: Looks like I broke Reynad with that game. He went on a 30 minute rant about how the card design in Hearthstone is terrible after he lost XD

Although, Reynad has looked like he hasn't enjoyed the game since I watched him stream back during BRM, but he needs to stream Hearthstone because it's among the most popular games and the way he makes all the money he needs to run and expand Tempostorm. He wouldn't get nearly the viewership for any game that isn't Hearthstone.

2016-09-13, 08:56 PM
Haven't seen it posted, but Hearthstone is adding a Welcome Pack (http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271287/welcome-the-welcome-bundle-9-12-2016).

Every player can buy it. It's $5 for 10 classic packs, plus a guaranteed classic class legendary (enjoy your Prophet Velen or King Krush!). It's really good value even if you have the majority of the classic collection.

Also, I played Reynad on stream. Fun game. (warning: curse words)

Even for the ones who've been around a while, that's an absolute minimum of 800 dust. $5 for half of a legendary of choice.

Gray Mage
2016-09-13, 08:58 PM
I've been playing a slighty modified version of Trump's discardlock. It's kind of a variant of zoo, but I feel there's greater cycling and aggro potential. I'm liking it so far.

2016-09-13, 11:35 PM
So I decided to play around with a silence priest, because it seemed like the cool kid thing to do, and the requirements for the deck are actually really cheap, so I ran with it.

I ran into another priest. Turned out to be a rez priest. Both of us drew pretty poor openers, and played nothing until turn 4. Turn 4 he plays a Barnes which pulls out Sylvanas.

...you might guess where this is going. Long story short, there was a lot of silence shenanigans on my end, and lots of resurrected on his. Between turns 4 and 7, he played 5 Sylvanii, and I had managed to avoid getting hit by the MC effect of any of them (between a combination of silencing and killing via spells without having a minion on the board).

I lost rather handily in the end, but it was still a really awesome interplay for those few rounds. I was kind of hoping the game would last long enough for him to reveal he had a N'zoth in his deck to just summon up 5-6 more.

2016-09-13, 11:49 PM
Haven't seen it posted, but Hearthstone is adding a Welcome Pack (http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/20271287/welcome-the-welcome-bundle-9-12-2016).

Every player can buy it, only once. It's $5 for 10 classic packs, plus a guaranteed classic class legendary (enjoy your Prophet Velen or King Krush!). It's really good value even if you have the majority of the classic collection.

Where does one buy that? I haven't found it in the in-game shop.

EDIT: Trolling through the comments page has the consensus of "probably after next patch" so Wednesday.

2016-09-14, 01:20 AM
Also, I played Reynad on stream. Fun game. (warning: curse words)

Edit: Looks like I broke Reynad with that game. He went on a 30 minute rant about how the card design in Hearthstone is terrible after he lost XD

Although, Reynad has looked like he hasn't enjoyed the game since I watched him stream back during BRM, but he needs to stream Hearthstone because it's among the most popular games and the way he makes all the money he needs to run and expand Tempostorm. He wouldn't get nearly the viewership for any game that isn't Hearthstone.

Nice! I ran into Trump once, that was fun.

Reynad is widely known as the Salt King.

2016-09-14, 02:10 AM
Are there any (relatively) well known European streamers one might bumb into? Everyone I know of is from Americas..

2016-09-14, 05:33 AM
The only "famous" person I played against is Guardsman bob (on EU), a year or so ago.

I didn't know him, someone was spectating me and told me about him.

Game was pretty lame, I had Freeze mage and he had some Paladin deck with no burst or healing.

2016-09-14, 08:49 AM
Are there any (relatively) well known European streamers one might bumb into? Everyone I know of is from Americas..

Thijs: Placed second at Blizzcon, great pro
Savjz: Caster and pro, plays crazy decks
Kolento: Famous pro
Lifecoach: Famous pro
Forsen: Daddy of them all/memer

Honorable Mention: Dane, who plays silly decks and makes great youtube videos.

Where does one buy that? I haven't found it in the in-game shop.

EDIT: Trolling through the comments page has the consensus of "probably after next patch" so Wednesday.

Ah right, sorry. It's not available yet, but should be available Soon(tm).

2016-09-14, 11:29 AM
So, latest brawl: choose three cards, get ten copies of each. There was a previous version with two cards, fifteen copies, as I recall.

I seem to have run into a really nice combination with Vilefin Inquisitor, Murloc Warleader, and Murloc Knight, but I'm willing to bet that some kind of mechwarper deck will rise to the top, like it did last time.

Barnes + Innervate + Deathwing, Dragonlord is fun. Especially against a naturalize druid. Poor guy just kept playing coldlights and desperately naturalizing my deathwings, and they just summoned more deathwings.

2016-09-14, 12:17 PM
So, latest brawl: choose three cards, get ten copies of each. There was a previous version with two cards, fifteen copies, as I recall.

I seem to have run into a really nice combination with Vilefin Inquisitor, Murloc Warleader, and Murloc Knight, but I'm willing to bet that some kind of mechwarper deck will rise to the top, like it did last time.

Barnes + Innervate + Deathwing, Dragonlord is fun. Especially against a naturalize druid. Poor guy just kept playing coldlights and desperately naturalizing my deathwings, and they just summoned more deathwings.

Y'shaarj, Rage Unbound might be a better way to go than Deathwing. More explosive potential if you can get a couple of them on the board, and isn't countered by decks with no minions (since they could just choose not to kill Deathwing, but that won't work for Y'shaarj obviously). You're also not reliant on drawing more threats in the case that they do have some way to deal with a few big things.

2016-09-14, 12:26 PM
With Naturalize + Innervate + Coldlight being a thing, Deathwing is WAY better the Y'shaarj since you just kill the first Barnes/mini Y'Shaarj/big Y'Sharrj (best case) and they're kinda screwed.

Sorc Apprentice + Arcane Intellect + Frostbolt is a fun one. You can kill very quickly with free AIs and frostbolts. You can get screwed with a large set of Sorcs though.

Melchazar's imp + Soulfire + Fist of Jaraxxus is also fun.

Armorsmith + Whirlwind + Execute is hilarious. Bolster + Target Dummy + Shieldbearer can work too.

The Glyphstone
2016-09-14, 12:27 PM
Y'shaarj, Rage Unbound might be a better way to go than Deathwing. More explosive potential if you can get a couple of them on the board, and isn't countered by decks with no minions (since they could just choose not to kill Deathwing, but that won't work for Y'shaarj obviously). You're also not reliant on drawing more threats in the case that they do have some way to deal with a few big things.

So I tried this. My first match was against....Innervate Barnes Druid. I don't know what his #3 was though, because after I Barnes'd into Yssarj into Barnes, and he Barnes'd into Barnes, he conceded.

2016-09-14, 12:36 PM
With Naturalize + Innervate + Coldlight being a thing, Deathwing is WAY better the Y'shaarj since you just kill the first Barnes/mini Y'Shaarj/big Y'Sharrj (best case) and they're kinda screwed.

This. Y'shaarj also might just summon barnes, too.

The Glyphstone
2016-09-14, 01:00 PM
Malchezar's Imp + Soulfire + Fist of Jaraxxus/Silverware Golem is looking to be a breakout star so far. Get a couple Imps down, then you start filling your hand with burn or minions faster than you can drop them.

2016-09-14, 01:41 PM
Huh, this is interesting...


Upcoming changes to Arena, clearing off a list of class cards that are supposedly outliers high or low on power levels by preventing them from popping during the draft. Not convinced that the list is quite right, atm, but it's at the link

IMO Arena sucks anyway, as a format. Everything is about card strength and the opportunities for synergy are borderline non-existent, barring a miraculous draft. I'd vastly prefer if they increased the rewards on ladder to compare with what Arena can get you.

2016-09-14, 01:43 PM
Malchezar's Imp + Soulfire + Fist of Jaraxxus/Silverware Golem is looking to be a breakout star so far. Get a couple Imps down, then you start filling your hand with burn or minions faster than you can drop them.
My deck is literally just to troll them. Flame imp, sac pact and PO, sucks against most match ups trolls the warlocks so much though.

2016-09-14, 01:49 PM
Malchezar's Imp + Soulfire + Fist of Jaraxxus/Silverware Golem is looking to be a breakout star so far. Get a couple Imps down, then you start filling your hand with burn or minions faster than you can drop them.

I went with this using the silverware golem as my third, and I can't even tell what it's good against because people keep on conceding after the first 2 turns. =X

2016-09-14, 02:07 PM
I went with Shieldbearer + Divine Spirit + Inner Fire cause I had a Priest quest. It was okay, won the quests, conceded immediately against Mill Druid. I think I was too greedy on trying to get the OTK against the one time I played against the Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper + Enhance-o-mechano.

I like this tavern brawl cause I can finally use my Y'Sharrj!

The Glyphstone
2016-09-14, 03:00 PM
I think I'll try out Shadowfiend+Inner Fire+Power Word Shield when I get a Priest daily quest.

2016-09-14, 03:35 PM
Had some fun with Sorcerer's Apprentice/Frostbolt/Arcane Intellect and Medihv's Valet/Ice Block/Duplicate to close out a Mage quest and Imp/Fire/Fist for Warlock.

2016-09-14, 03:37 PM
Had fun with Y'Shaarg/Innervate/Prince Machezar. And yes, each one in your deck DOES trigger.

2016-09-14, 03:49 PM
Welp, back to iceblock+fireball for my 30 speed wins to collect 100 gold. Arcane intellect is the third card.

Gray Mage
2016-09-14, 04:11 PM
Faced a Warlock with Malchezar's Imp/Soulfire/Darkshire Librarian. My Coldlight/Naturalize/Healing Touch deck made it quite one sided. :smalltongue:
The fact that he put 3 Imps on the field before noticing what my deck had was fun (he hit fatigue on turn 4).

2016-09-14, 04:14 PM
I ran Bolster/Target Dummy/Protect the King. only did one game, but I went up against a Mage running Apprentice/Flamewaker/Duplicate

Which was kind of a questionable choice? His spell synergy was useless once I stopped killing his minions. One he had one duplicate up, he couldn't play any more, so all he had was 2/4s and 3/2s. Still, it was a tough game for me.

2016-09-14, 07:45 PM
This brawl sucks. I've yet to lose once with Target Dummy + Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper. There's nothing to it.

2016-09-14, 07:56 PM
Faced a Warlock with Malchezar's Imp/Soulfire/Darkshire Librarian. My Coldlight/Naturalize/Healing Touch deck made it quite one sided. :smalltongue:
The fact that he put 3 Imps on the field before noticing what my deck had was fun (he hit fatigue on turn 4).
Yeah, it didn't take me long at all to learn not to put more than one imp on the field against a druid until I'm sure they're doing a Malchezaar variant instead of Coldlight/Naturalize/Innervate (haven't seen Coldlight/Naturalize/Healing Touch).

I did encounter one warlock whose three chosen cards were Silverware Golem, Fist of Jaraxxus, and Malchezaar's Imp. They seemed to have forgotten something.

2016-09-14, 08:22 PM
Yeah, it didn't take me long at all to learn not to put more than one imp on the field against a druid until I'm sure they're doing a Malchezaar variant instead of Coldlight/Naturalize/Innervate (haven't seen Coldlight/Naturalize/Healing Touch).

I did encounter one warlock whose three chosen cards were Silverware Golem, Fist of Jaraxxus, and Malchezaar's Imp. They seemed to have forgotten something.

Played Malcheezar Imp/Fist of Jaraxxus/Soulfire

Pretty easy wins, but got rekt by Coldlight/naturalize/innervate druid and ice block/fireball/blabbling book mage :(

2016-09-14, 08:51 PM
Funniest combo I've seen so far: Lorewalker Cho, Ancient Watcher, Purify.

Just flood the opponents hand with Purifies.

The Glyphstone
2016-09-14, 08:59 PM
Funniest combo I've seen so far: Lorewalker Cho, Ancient Watcher, Purify.

Just flood the opponents hand with Purifies.

Now I have to try this.

2016-09-14, 10:08 PM
Whirlwind+Shield Block + Armorsmith has gone pretty well. My last game the opponent refused to quit until I hit over 100 shield, despite me wiping their creatures and their hand being empty.

2016-09-14, 10:11 PM
This brawl sucks. I've yet to lose once with Target Dummy + Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper. There's nothing to it.

My variation is Mechwarper, Gorillabot, and Power Word: Shield. Floods the board easily, trades favorably with PW:S, and gains extra minions with Gorillabot. Steamroller of a deck. But yeah, dumb format.

2016-09-14, 10:41 PM
My random fun thing: Fiery Waraxe + Upgrade + Heroic Strike. Won my first game with it, but was up against a pretty lame Mage (Mana Wyrm + Forgotten Torch + Arcane Missiles).

Think for my followup attempt I am going to replace Fiery Waraxe with Shield Block, for the armor+card cycle, and just use Upgrade as my base weapon.

I'm hoping to run into one of the heavy armor warriors and achieve my goal of a 30+ damage single weapon attack.

Edit: capped out at 28 damage on most recent game. very sad.

Edit2: So never expected to see that. Mill Druid - Naturalize + Coldlight Oracle + Innervate. Innervate + Coldlight meant that by turn 3 he had already played half his deck and milled most of mine. Naturalize meant I couldn't keep anything on the board, and during his turn he'd occasionally just naturalize his own coldlight to make me draw more and give him more room on the board for more coldlights.

2016-09-14, 11:27 PM
I like Raven Idol, Wild Growth, Yogg. I imagine it would lose to mech choices, but they don't seem to be as common as last time. Fun one I saw was Barnes + Ancient whatever to get the 30/30. My Innervate + Poison Seeds + Volcanic Lumberer killed it off pretty easily, though.

2016-09-14, 11:42 PM
I've been having fun with Deadly Poison, Journey Below, Eviscerate. You have the capacity to deal with mech decks with combo-Eviscerate, you also can easily deal with Mill Druid. Deadly Poison stacking over and over is such fun as well. Just sitting there building up the poison.

2016-09-14, 11:53 PM
I've been having fun with Deadly Poison, Journey Below, Eviscerate. You have the capacity to deal with mech decks with combo-Eviscerate, you also can easily deal with Mill Druid. Deadly Poison stacking over and over is such fun as well. Just sitting there building up the poison.

I tried this one out, but am not having much luck with it in my first couple games.

2016-09-15, 12:40 AM
I like Raven Idol, Wild Growth, Yogg. I imagine it would lose to mech choices, but they don't seem to be as common as last time. Fun one I saw was Barnes + Ancient whatever to get the 30/30. My Innervate + Poison Seeds + Volcanic Lumberer killed it off pretty easily, though.

Tried that. It loses pretty hard to everything I came up against, including a hunter running fiery bat, arcane shot, and an unknown secret. Probably explosives.

EDIT: Just ran into rogue with Young Dragonhawk, Cold Blood, Conceal. Got rekt.

2016-09-15, 12:43 AM
Trick is, you play as control early. You have to hold on to the ability to use Eviscerate for it's combo potential on turn 2 and/or 3. Mulligan hard for at least 1 Eviscerate. It's okay to pitch your whole hand if you need to. Some games you specifically hold onto the cards you discover because you don't want to play minions. It's kinda weird. Your win-con is the Poison, with a side of extra burn from Evis and/or minions from Journey.

2016-09-15, 01:23 AM
This brawl sucks. I've yet to lose once with Target Dummy + Mechwarper + Metaltooth Leaper. There's nothing to it.

I've been able to beat Hunter with the Imp/Soulfire/Fist of Jaraxxus build and Apprentice/Arcane Intellect/Forgotten Torch. They allow you to deal with a Mech board, while drawing enough fuel to keep going.

Edit: But this brawl is just like the top 2 from last time, lots of rock, paper, scissors and completely unwinnable matches.

2016-09-15, 03:27 AM
I've been able to beat Hunter with the Imp/Soulfire/Fist of Jaraxxus build and Apprentice/Arcane Intellect/Forgotten Torch. They allow you to deal with a Mech board, while drawing enough fuel to keep going.

Edit: But this brawl is just like the top 2 from last time, lots of rock, paper, scissors and completely unwinnable matches.

I had another one which worked pretty solidly, and I think might beat Mechwarper decks with Tempo:

Enchanted Raven
Mark of Y'Shaarj
Raven Idol

Ravens and Marks are your tempo plus draw engine, and you can get a 4/4 down on turn 2, which should get you uncontested board control early on. Later on, the Raven Idols can be used to either supplement your minions, or more likely, fish for a needed spell.

2016-09-15, 05:52 AM
Played Malcheezar Imp/Fist of Jaraxxus/Soulfire

Pretty easy wins, but got rekt by Coldlight/naturalize/innervate druid and ice block/fireball/blabbling book mage :(
That's what I'm running too. It's pretty easy to win against mill druid as long as I never play more than one imp, and after they first play a draw card don't play any more imps--just spam Soulfires at their face, discarding imps and fists indiscriminately.

Ice Block mage wins against me though.

2016-09-15, 06:37 AM
I got a good one. Ship's Cannon+Swashburglar+One eyed cheat. I'm considdtering swapping out the cheat for either Southsea capitan or Southsea deckhand, what do you think?

2016-09-15, 06:53 AM
I got a good one. Ship's Cannon+Swashburglar+One eyed cheat. I'm considdtering swapping out the cheat for either Southsea capitan or Southsea deckhand, what do you think?

Seems way too slow. Will get run over by mech decks (especially when most of the mechs used have 3+ health or divine shield). Druid mill will likely destroy it as well. Iceblock and/or Sorc apprentice mages will likely kill it too (though you can get lucky and kill the apprentices perhaps).

2016-09-15, 07:05 AM
Anything that generates random cards ("duplicate a card from your opponent's class in some way") seems to lose hard to planned synergy.

2016-09-15, 08:21 AM
Okay. Silly fun, but mind vision, thoughtsteal, and mind games.

2016-09-15, 08:49 AM
It is interesting, comparing this to the Top 2 brawl, how much I can already see it curving toward the full Hearthstone game. It involves a lot more thought and a lot more draw luck already.

2016-09-15, 08:56 AM
It is interesting, comparing this to the Top 2 brawl, how much I can already see it curving toward the full Hearthstone game. It involves a lot more thought and a lot more draw luck already.

Yeah some decks got a fair bit worse with a third card added. Like Bolster/Target dummy was much stronger with 2 cards than after adding a third one. However, things like mill druid got WAY better with a third card, being able to add innervate to coldlight + naturalize. Really most druid decks got better being able to add innervate to them while keeping two combo pieces.

2016-09-15, 11:36 AM
Had fun with Y'Shaarg/Innervate/Prince Machezar. And yes, each one in your deck DOES trigger.

so you start with a 80 card deck?

2016-09-15, 12:34 PM
so you start with a 80 card deck?
That's obscene and I love it.

The Glyphstone
2016-09-15, 12:38 PM
That has to make Mill Druid cry itself to sleep.

2016-09-15, 12:48 PM
60 card. Don't know how they do the math, but I've moused over the cards still in the deck.

...Actually, I suspect because of the "no duplicates or non-class legendaries" rule, they simply run out of possibilities when they've added 30.