View Full Version : DM Help Sci-Fi campain dungeon crawl brainstorming

2016-08-08, 11:53 PM
I am working on writing up a campaign set on Mars a few hundred years in the future, using Mutants and Masterminds as the platform. The solar system is dominated by large corporations, and the players would basically be shadowrunners for lack of a better term. The primary initial antagonistic element the players are going to be facing off against is a rouge element within a major militaristic security corporation. The rouge element is working on tech that will let them take control (mind control of sorts) of a large portion of the middle and upper class of the population in order to pursue their evil plan (that I have not really figured out yet). They have a large supply of mass produced lab grown disposable super soldiers available as well as access to the police force owed by the company.

I could use some help brainstorming ideas for obstacles for use in the final dungeon crawl, or rather spaceship crawl, so that it is more interesting then just a massive fight. It will take place on a supercarrier in orbit around a small dwarf planet located in the asteroid belt. The mission would be information retrieval and sabotage. Complete destruction of the supercarrior is allowed, but would be remarkably difficult to achieve. The players will be unable to steal the supercarrier, it would be too much of a power boost. The only major twist that I have on the board at the moment is that an NPC that will have been with the party for a while is already under the control of the rouge element, but is unaware of this until he is activated.

I can go into greater detail on specific topics if it will help.

Basic background information:
- No naturally occurring metahumans or mutants with superpowers.
- No magic or powers granted by Deities.
- No psychic powers.
- All superhuman abilities are created intentionally through science/technology.
- Near instantaneous interplanetary communication and computer networks.
- FTL has not been invented yet. Interplanetary transit speeds for ships average 1 au / earth day.
- No sentient AI.
- Asimovian style robotic laws are NOT in effect.
- No Star Trek style transporters, defensive shields, tactile holograms, replicators.
- AR, VR, and nanotechnology are abundant.

I look forward to your assistance.

2016-08-09, 12:16 AM
The team is a group of reprogrammed criminals called reprobates. Usually they work alone but are formed into a team to catch a renegade reprobate -- the BBEG. As they hit each stage of their mission they are timed on fast they succeed.

They finally learn when they arrive well ahead of schedule and catch a courier leaving a drop -- the whole reprobate program is pending termination along with all reprobates. If the team proves too effecient working together they will be killed.

So from then on they have to succeed but slowly and give tasks totthe least suited on the team so they dont breeze through them. Thats how they can catch the mole -- he wont stop excelling.

2016-08-09, 01:28 AM
How bout the final hall before they get to whereever they need to so they can self destruct th carrier, they need to pass a deadly laser trap like in resident evil?

2016-08-09, 03:31 AM
Possible obsticles:

Hull Breach - Combat opens a section of the deck to space, venting atmosphere and sucking unfortunate soldiers into space.
Orbit Decay - Fighting through out the ship damages key systems, causing the ship's orbit to slowly decay, starting a death spiral into the dwarf planet.
Astroid Collision - Large bodies in astroid belts attract smaller bodies. The Dwarf planet attracts a number of small asteroids, that collide with the ship. This will cause one or both of the above obsticles to happen.
Security/Safety doors - Those big blast doors that always close at the last second, trapping the hapless crewmember with the starving alien. These would close during battle situations, or as part of a security alert. Too thick to cut through qickly, and can only be opened from a nearby security/damage control station.
Artificial Gravity - OOPS, some one turned off the AG....hope everybody has mag boots.
Ship set to self destruct - Just like Kirk, the Captain decides to destroy the ship, rather than let it (or the info it carries) fall into enemy hands. Time just got a little shorter.
Life Support failure/sabotage - Either by accident, or on purpose, the life support systems are deactivated and there's no air, or worse, the air has been replaced with something more hazardous, like Haylon.
Flooding - Yes, spaceships have to carry enough water for the crew. Some one decided to fill several compartments, or an entire deck, to the brim to slow intruders. Bonus points if they also sabotage the lifesupport to turn the water into a solid block of ice.