View Full Version : Need a list of spells for something specific.

2016-08-09, 10:22 PM
Ok, so, long story short, my party has a character who, for RP reasons, got this werid pet thing that started as just an odd animal type and over course of game and RP has gotten upgraded into a semi-magical beast/aberration thing (Don't ask.).

This past session it disappeared in the middle of a fight with some Windego's. We have been assured by the DM they didn't get it cause they were too busy fighting for there lives with the party, and loosing.

But it did, somehow, get off the prime material plane.

And the player, in character, wants me to whip up a spell to track it down.

So, I need a list of divination spells that can be used to locate something, accurately, that is in another dimension/on another plane of existence. I have 7th level spells and plane shift, and I have mage of the arcane order and a custom rune staff with a cleric in the party to cast consecrate if worse comes to worse, so as long as it's 7th level or lower, I can get it painlessly enough. I just need a list of spells that can do this for me.

Thanks for the help!

2016-08-10, 12:25 AM
The only spell I know of that will work across planes is discern location. The good news is that it's in the Player's Handbook and it's probably on your list, the bad news is that it's 8th level.

2016-08-10, 12:34 AM
Scrying, perhaps? You have two people in the party who can both try every day, and boosting your save DC isn't too hard if you're trying to find a faithful companion.

Once you get a successful Scrying, cast a Message through the sensor instructing the creature to stay put and use Plane Shift to appear as close to it as possible. From then on, it's only a few days of travel.

2016-08-10, 02:11 AM
(Greater) Scrying. Subject will get a +5 bonus on their will save for cross planar use, but that shouldn't be an issue. Plane shift and teleport should then solve it. Scrying is, interestingly, not a spell that requires concentration, so you should be able to follow your scry with a plane shift + teleport.

Failing that, Contact Other Plane or Commune should be able to discern the plane of question quite quickly, although it my take you awhile to play 20 questions for specific locations. Once you get it narrowed down enough, Locate Creature should get you the rest of the way.

2016-08-10, 09:11 AM
That fixes that problem! Thanks!