View Full Version : BBEG in which settings?

Barbarian Horde
2016-08-09, 11:09 PM
Grey Hawk I use Lolth (Who doesn't enjoy a spider queen?)
Dragon Lance I use Lord Soth (Skeleton Knight with an undead followers? Yes please)
Forgotten realms I use Sarevok (Ruling with a smile till it wasn't necessary)

Just name the setting and the villain you used to coordinate the macguffin!

2016-08-10, 12:49 AM
My latest campaign is set in Greyhawk, and the BBEG is Dispater.

Falcon X
2016-08-10, 12:54 PM
Greyhawk - Vecna as prime bad guy, Iuz as the one we think is the bad guy (Like what Vecna Lives, Vecna Reborn, and Die Vecna Die gave us)
Forgotten Realms - Elder Elemental Eye (Sure, it's a crossover from Greyhawk, but it's cannonically been done.)