View Full Version : Blue Blood in Zarush - IC

2016-08-10, 02:12 PM
The Stage

The summons had come on the finest vellum, carried by the page of King Anxiom I himself. The wording had been flowery and effusive, but the message contained therein had been brief. Highborn Company, your King requires your services for a mission of import. Present yourselves at the King's Hall immediately following this summons.

On your arrival, you found the High Council to be in full session, representatives of each Lord and Guild seated along the walls, in tiers according to their rank and influence. King Anxiom I's throne centered the far wall, where he sat surrounded by his inner council. The room was filled with a buzz of conversation as you approach, but the herald's voice cut through that like a razor. "NOW ENTERS THE ADVENTURING GROUP... THE HIGHBORN COMPANY." Though presented at great volume, the tone of the introduction seemed to imply disinterest on the part of the herald.

The council, on the other hand, showed great interest in your arrival. The silence was like a thick blanket, lifted only slightly as your footfalls passed each representative, the furtive whispers like children refusing sleep following you as you made your way to the foot of the dais.

"Welcome, members of the Highborn Company. Truly you are welcome before us. This is a momentous time for Zarush, a time where we establish our presence as a kingdom, as a force to be respected in the land. Already, ties are being forged with our friends to the South," King Anxiom I nods respectfully towards the representative of House Al-Hakim who stood somewhat to the side of the dais, clearly a member of the King's inner council, "and it is important that we continue this mission by reaching out to our neighbors to the North, East, and West as well. At this time, an embassy is being prepared to travel North and East to Montgard, to make contact with one of the wild tribes and with the residents of those mighty mountains." The King pauses for a moment, then continues. "To honor the representatives of these foreign powers, my representative shall be my own son and heir, Prince Anxiom II." At that, the Prince steps forward. His lank black hair, pale skin, and narrow stature is a stark contrast to his father, who sits tall and broad shouldered on the throne with wavy blond hair falling to his shoulders.

The King continues. "This brings me to your task, Highborn Company. You are no common adventurers, coming from noble or influential families each, and you have demonstrated both valor and discretion in your feats to date. Your task is to guard the embassy, guard my son, and represent our nation with pride and honor. You are heroes of the realm. Be sure to live up to that name, and you shall be well rewarded on your return."

With that, you are dismissed from the council, being advised that the embassy will be leaving within a short time.

As you turn to leave the council chamber, your father catches your eye. He has aged surprisingly well since you last saw him, broad wings of white marking his wisdom on either side of his head. He doesn't say anything when he sees you, but he does nod his head respectfully. Just as you turn to fully leave, you'd swear he winks at you.

You know full well that your father has not been seen at court since your decision to leave. His representative in council has categorically ignored you, rebuffing any attempts to connect. His attitude, in the face of this display of royal favor... is unchanged.

The day before you depart Ka'Zarush, you find a small scroll on your bed. Unrolling it, you may read the following:
My Son, you walk over deep sand, with no sign of an oasis in your future. Be careful of your steps, mind your surroundings, and pay special heed to that which you have been tasked. Beware the false oasis, and what it portends.

On your way back to the shared house in which the Highborn Company spends its evenings, a nondescript man walks heavily into you, mumbling a word in apology that catches your attention. Knowing what is expected of you, you turn down the next alley and stand facing a blank wall at the end. A voice whispers to you, as if from right behind you. You know from experience that turning will show you nothing at all. "Got yerself in good cumpny there, don'tcha? Boss gots a message for yer. Keep yer nose clean with the royals, do yer duty as yer was told, an' don't mention yer roots." The voice fades, and you wait a moment to see if there is more. A slight sound behind you spins you around, and you see a signet ring fall to the ground, with the image of a mole. You pick it up, pocket it, and carry about your business.

The Kings master of trade finds you at some point before you leave, commending you on your trading acumen. He goes on to advise you that he has commissioned a supply of rough weapons and fresh produce, intended for the barbarians and the mountain folk, respectfully.

The game has begun! Post any preparations you may wish to make, and we will move on to the main first stage of the game.

2016-08-10, 02:35 PM
Tenel Tryce emerges from the stables. His horse, a recently bought mare just for this occasion, is loaded down with heavy sacks filled with coin. His life savings that he never bothered to spend. The man himself seems to half asleep, his incredibly tall frame slumped slightly over his horses as if he was in sleep. A long black cloak covers his entire body and gently held in one hand is an ornate pipe in which the dying embers are still giving off a strange blue smoke.
Hanging at his side are two long rapiers and he wears a pilgrims hat. His face is mildly handsome if it wasn't so marred by scars, the worst of which stretches across his neck. A scar so deep that it's surprising the man can still speak. a reminder of a near encounter with death.

The man rides near the preparing embassy and waits for his companions to join him. He dreamily stares at the sky and is seeming fixated on a cloud in the shape of a tree passing by.

2016-08-10, 03:06 PM
Orin walks purposefully out of the council room, cloak flapping behind him. An owl swoops down and perches deftly on his shoulder and runs his beak along the half-elf's upheld hand. Orin pulls a letter off of Mystery's leg, undoes the wax with the Bloodhammer seal, and begins reading the Dwarven runes as he walks. He smiles softly as he reads the letter from his comrade.
After finishing the letter he found himself at the main gate. He donned his armor, proudly bearing both the insignia and rank of the Bloodhammers and also that of our new group. Highborn company. Hmm. He chuckled to himself at the idea that anyone would seriously call him highborn after all these years.
Orin checks his gear, pets Mystery a bit, and goes off to meet up with the embassy. He sends a mental ping to all present members of the Highborn Company Well met

2016-08-10, 03:09 PM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

Khalid had prepared for the journey as much as he was able, shopping discretely for several mundane tools and provisions he would need in the market before retiring to his family's compound. His clothes would provide ample warmth, but he had bought a serviceable bedroll and blanket, as well as a tent to store in the wagon in case they were caught outside at night. He had also visited the family alchemist to secure himself several vials of a healing draught and a well of poison, for the country was treacherous and they were likely to run into all manner of dangers along the way. After sharpening his short, curved blade and making sure the darts he carried with him at all times were hidden well within the folds of his cloak, Khalid set his things aside and went to the family's small temple.

The temple was dedicated to two goddesses which the Al-Hakim dutifully served, Istus, the Lady of Fate, and to a lesser extent Xan Yae, the minor deity of shadow and war. He lit a brazier of incense that filled the temple with hazy clouds of perfumed smoke, laid his sword on Xan Yae's altar, and sat with his legs folded underneath him to silently meditate on his task and ask the goddesses' favor until it was time to leave. He did not seek out his parents, for they would not see him until the service to the king was complete.

When the time came to gather, it was just Khalid in his voluminous, crimson clothing, cloak, and face wrap and his pack. He led no horse, preferring to stow a few things on one of the wagons and walk. If he needed to ride there was plenty of room up next to the wagon drivers or in one of the wagons themselves. "Peace be upon you, brothers." he greeted Tenel and Orin in a lightly accented baritone as he approached them.

2016-08-10, 03:27 PM
When Orins mental ping strikes Tenel his eyes widen and his body from lethargic rest to tense and alert. He drops his pipe and his blades are halfway out of their sheathes before he stops himself. His horse nervously twists and turns unsure of it's new master sudden frenzy of energy.
" Get out of my head warlock!" He growls in a raspy voice. The idea of someone being in his mind, even if only to communicate, sent shivers down his spine. He would happily face down goblins, giants and dragons without blinking an eye but having his mind invaded scared him more than anything else. At times he had accepted Orins telepathy as a necessary evil, needed for easy communication during combat or when diplomacy was sensitive. However this everyday use of it set him on edge.

Taking a few deep breaths to compose himself Tenel jumps from his horse and picks up the fallen pipe. He eyes the opening and notes a single blue ember still alite, with a grunt he places the pipe back in his mouth and blows out a small ring of blue smoke as Khalid approaches.
" Are we brothers now? it would not surprise me knowing my mother." Tenel says with a slow chuckle regaining his sleepy mood.

2016-08-10, 04:15 PM

Lardo gets really happy with all the attention him and his party is getting especially when they mentioned the Highborn Company name, he was not a highborn, but it made him happy that his family got to the point of being a influential family. But he also got really disappointed with the lack of rewards "What is this? No chest full of golds? No magic items? Not even a banquet? Even a small brunch would be better than nothing... maybe a chocolate cake and some roasted meat, and..." While the King is talking he keeps listing food in his head; until the king speak the magic words:

"...and you shall be well rewarded on your return."

Lardo's eyes shine brightly at the moment, he even forgets the lack of food and get really excited for the first time ever since they defeated the Giant army in Whiteriver. After that he speaks to the master trade and get happy to know about that, since he is bringing food, spices and mineral himself for the trip, so he might find someone willing to buy those, for a fair price. He comments to him about his own merchandise, asking if there is a problem if he does that.

After that Lardo goes work like a bee, so many things to do so little time, he and Jacob start loading the Wagon, while Kyra is guarding it, he can't wait to re-sell all of those things! He ask Khalid if he wants to join on his own Wagon, one extra person could not hurt, besides he trusted Khalid, he was sneaky but not the 'thief' kind. He speak back to Orin in his mind "Hi there Master Orin, why don't you come here - he explains where his wagon is - in person!" He greets Tenet friendly, he is getting more used to the fact that he was a thief, mostly because he had proven himself as a good ally in the past so that is worth something, but still whispes to Kyra "Just in case, keep an eye on that one." After that he is ready to departure.

2016-08-10, 04:21 PM
The portly master of trade responds, his voice full of British bluster. "But of course, but of course! I wouldn't dream of inhibiting your right to trade, my good man. Just..." his voice drops for a moment, as though abashed at what he is about to say, "just mind you keep track of what is yours and what is ours, now. No selling our gifts for profit, now!" His voice rises again at the end, reaching a note of joviality.

2016-08-10, 04:30 PM
The portly master of trade responds, his voice full of British bluster. "But of course, but of course! I wouldn't dream of inhibiting your right to trade, my good man. Just..." his voice drops for a moment, as though abashed at what he is about to say, "just mind you keep track of what is yours and what is ours, now. No selling our gifts for profit, now!" His voice rises again at the end, reaching a note of joviality.

Lardo politely reply without taking it as a accusation, but more like a normal business conversation "You very well know that we Overhills are famous about being honest hardworkers, maybe we can be a bit of hard negotiators, but honests nonetheless!" Lardo says negotiators as a tightwad synonym, but with a smile on his face.

That would indeed be what Lardo, and the rest of his family, would be well know for in this kingdom.

2016-08-10, 05:53 PM
Tenel remounts his horse and makes his way towards Lardo and the loading wagons watching with an appraising eye to the goods being loaded. In truth he had very little interest in Lardos goods. Most of it was mundane everyday things, hardly anything of true interest but Lardo seemed to have this impression that Tenel might swap an item or two and he could tell he made the little man uneasy. That wasn't such a bad thing he thought and he enjoyed making the others wary.
" How does it go Lardo? It seems us common folk are moving up in the world" He says dismounting and blowing blue smoke rings.
" Personally I would have prefered some reward not more work. We are war heroes after all...But when the king says jump you jump." He says with a loud chuckle before inspecting a beetle crawling on his foot. He lazily picks it up and watches as it crawls from palm to finger.

2016-08-10, 06:10 PM
Tenel remounts his horse and makes his way towards Lardo and the loading wagons watching with an appraising eye to the goods being loaded. In truth he had very little interest in Lardos goods. Most of it was mundane everyday things, hardly anything of true interest but Lardo seemed to have this impression that Tenel might swap an item or two and he could tell he made the little man uneasy. That wasn't such a bad thing he thought and he enjoyed making the others wary.
" How does it go Lardo? It seems us common folk are moving up in the world" He says dismounting and blowing blue smoke rings.
" Personally I would have prefered some reward not more work. We are war heroes after all...But when the king says jump you jump." He says with a loud chuckle before inspecting a beetle crawling on his foot. He lazily picks it up and watches as it crawls from palm to finger.

At this point - after everything is loaded and he is ready to start the long jorney - Lardo is chewing some jerky meat and some bread dreaming of a better food "Maybe they will receive us there with a banquet, after all, we are scorting the Prince.". He repplies friendly to Tenel "I could not said better myself, Tenel! We did killed a whole army pratically by ourselfs, and yet so little rewards so far. At least the king promised us something, right? I wonder what will that be..."

2016-08-10, 06:43 PM
At Tenel's outburst, Orin rolled his eyes, "This again?! Look I swore to you I won't do any more than talk. I can't even hear anything you don't specifically tell me."

He quieted as Hakim approached, "Peace upon you as well." Not a good man but honest in his deceit. My kinda guy

Orin follows after the large halfling.

2016-08-10, 09:59 PM
Orianna, who upon leaving was busy tending to her elephant, Wargog, turns to face her compatriots. Well, that went as well as could be expected with my family. I'm interested in seeing what the king's son will be like-to my knowledge, this will be the first time we meet.

2016-08-11, 01:56 PM
" Maybe a new sword, I hear their making blades that can cut straight through armor like knife to butter...What I would do with a such a weapon. " Tenel says dreamily thinking of rewards.

When Orianna arrives Tenel discreetly empties his pipe and slips it back into his cloak. He gives a lazy smile as she approaches and tips his hat in her direction.
" Sadly my dear, I don't share your interest. In my experience lordlings at best are full of themselves, at worst useless men who think they fart gold glitter, present company excluded of course. A princeling is just a lordling with a higher title and I don't need to meet him to know what he'll be like." He says with a raspy grunt.

2016-08-11, 02:10 PM
The Caravan

The soldiers are standing at attention, slowly soaking in sweat as the sun rises higher into the sky. Draft horses stamp in their traces, wagons already filled with supplies and trade goods groaning they rock gently to the motion of the horses. A large carriage stands ready with door open, brilliant white horses standing with proud necks arched, the rich royal blue regalia adorning all aspects of the tack and edges of the carriage. The color is mirrored in the uniforms of the driver and footmen who wait patiently.

The wagoneers, drovers, and attendants seem much less patient, fussing in the heat and muttering among themselves. Though none of you have had direct interaction with Prince Anxiom II before, you get the impression that this is not a terribly uncommon occurrence. Just as patience is beginning to wear thin, the doors of the courtyard slam open and the prince stalks out, his lank hair moved by the speed of his gait. He is dressed all in royal blue, details of silver sewn into the fabric of his silk shirt, his jacket, his pantaloons. A pace behind him stride two others. To his right is a short man, broad of shoulder and wide of chest, dressed all in black. Short cut blonde hair does little to help this man's swarthy appearance, exacerbated a nose that appears to have been not only broken but flattened against his face in the past. To his left, a woman strides with confidence. Her hair appears long, but is braided and wrapped at the back of her head. She is attired in a dress of linen and leather that almost shifts color in the light as it moves, ranging from deep blue to midnight black.

As he mounts the steps into the carriage, the prince turns and waves once distractedly. "Let's get a move on. We won't get any closer just standing around in the sun." His voice has a natural whine to it, and his tone seems disinterested.

Captain Ansom of the guards shouts commands to the troops, echoed by Caravan Master Nordstrom's calls to the wagoneers and the handlers. Already sweating in the sun, the caravan moves out through the gates and begins its journey.

2016-08-11, 02:10 PM
" Maybe a new sword, I hear their making blades that can cut straight through armor like knife to butter...What I would do with a such a weapon. " Tenel says dreamily thinking of rewards.

When Orianna arrives Tenel discreetly empties his pipe and slips it back into his cloak. He gives a lazy smile as she approaches and tips his hat in her direction.
" Sadly my dear, I don't share your interest. In my experience lordlings at best are full of themselves, at worst useless men who think they fart gold glitter, present company excluded of course. A princeling is just a lordling with a higher title and I don't need to meet him to know what he'll be like." He says with a raspy grunt.


Lardos says chuckling "Gold glitter farting, that is a power I would like to have!" he then continues a bit more serious "We don't know how he will be like, I mean he could be any kind of man. So let's wait before haste into any conclusion."

This happened before your post

2016-08-11, 08:57 PM
Tenel watches the princes arrival with a disinterested stare.
" Oh he's the type alright, i've blackmailed and extorted enough high born brats to know one when I see one. Look at the carriage, useless gaudy thing, draws attention right to him, if we get attack their going straight towards that carriage like flies toward light. We're gonna have our hands full babysitting this one I promise you."

Tenel shrugs and begins the slow march with the rest of the group. He hangs out in the middle blowing blue smoke rings and singing a street song about the mysterious of an alley at midnight. The crude lyrics and his raspy voice which does not sing well makes him stand out in the caravan and draws a few eyes.

2016-08-11, 10:16 PM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

Having avoided most of the idle chatter coming from Tenel and Largo, the monk had perched himself in the shade of one of the wagons and waited in silence for their charge's arrival. He didn't care if Anxiom II smelled like roses and pissed wine, that wasn't part of his job. They were charged to escort and protect him. If all went well, the prince wouldn't have to even leave his carriage for too long.

When they finally started up, Khalid easily kept pace with the convoy on foot, wanting to walk for a time to stave off boredom and keep himself alert. He strode confidently behind the royal carriage with one hand casually laid upon his sword hilt.

2016-08-13, 10:39 AM
Orianna starts off astride Wargog, but quickly dismounts, letting the elephant carry a lighter load. She seeks out Captain Ansom, and asks him Can you tell me anything about the prince? Also, she adds, to be polite, but with sincerity, Thank you for working with us to keep everyone safe.

2016-08-15, 08:56 AM
Orin lounged in the wagon, his eyes misty with flecks of stars staring blankly ahead. What he saw in reality was quite a way above through the eyes of Mystery, who circled lazily around the procession looking for danger. He sends a mental missive to their illustrious leader, Orianna, "Hello, faithful leader, it appears no trouble has yet approached us that can be seen from above. If it does, you will be the third to know.

Rolling Perception from the owl's perspective to see any incoming possible threats from the sky:
(advantage from keen sight)
Passive Perception for Mystery if you didn't want a roll: 13

2016-08-15, 10:44 AM

After seeing the Prince arrives, he had to nod to Tenel agreeing with he had said. Lardo would quickly mounts Mirtle - his War Pony wearing chain bardings - he heard some of the guards laughing at the scene, saying something like "Look at our 'knight' in shining armor!" but he did not care, he had passed a lot with Mirtle the past few years so he decided to expend some money to keep her safe, one of the few luxuries in his life.

After that he would follow closely to his own Wagon, keeping an eye at both his rewards, the prince and his own wagon filled with goods. He evaluates that despite the number of guards him and his companions would be the main defense of the Caravan.

2016-08-15, 10:50 AM
Orin lounged in the wagon, his eyes misty with flecks of stars staring blankly ahead. What he saw in reality was quite a way above through the eyes of Mystery, who circled lazily around the procession looking for danger. He sends a mental missive to their illustrious leader, Orianna, "Hello, faithful leader, it appears no trouble has yet approached us that can be seen from above. If it does, you will be the third to know.

Rolling Perception from the owl's perspective to see any incoming possible threats from the sky:
(advantage from keen sight)
Passive Perception for Mystery if you didn't want a roll: 13

Orianna glances over to Orin, nodding to the man to acknowledge his statement.

2016-08-15, 12:14 PM
The owl circles high above the caravan as it moves through its first day of travel. Nothing large catches its eyes, although the occasional mouse and small rabbit regret its passing.

Captain Ansom eyes you carefully before answering. "His highness is a good man, Oriana. He's bright, and a good negotiator. He's served his father well as an envoy to the south before his return to court." His gaze holds on you as he marches, walking his horse for a spell. "I appreciate the kind words, but believe it or not I was at Whiteriver. I saw what the city guards did, what they could do... and I saw what you and the rest of the Highborn Company did." He sighs. "Against men, we can hold and win. Against monsters..." he shakes his head.


The journey continues apace, several days travel carrying you past small farming villages and way-stations. On the fourth day, you near the crossroads where the main road splits, one path heading to Nordgard and the other splitting to the east towards Montgard.

The Prince has been very reclusive, staying out of sight for the most part. His two aides have done most of the communicating, primarily with Captain Ansom and Caravan Master Nordstrom. On this day, he opens the door of the carriage as it approaches the intersection and waves a hand. "We'll stop here, today. Make camp at the cross!"

2016-08-15, 12:41 PM
The owl circles high above the caravan as it moves through its first day of travel. Nothing large catches its eyes, although the occasional mouse and small rabbit regret its passing.

Captain Ansom eyes you carefully before answering. "His highness is a good man, Oriana. He's bright, and a good negotiator. He's served his father well as an envoy to the south before his return to court." His gaze holds on you as he marches, walking his horse for a spell. "I appreciate the kind words, but believe it or not I was at Whiteriver. I saw what the city guards did, what they could do... and I saw what you and the rest of the Highborn Company did." He sighs. "Against men, we can hold and win. Against monsters..." he shakes his head.

Thank you-but we were only doing what any good man or woman would do. And I think I'll talk to his highness myself-get a measure of the man, though from your words, he's certainly a good one. Thank you for time, captain, Orianna says, smiling and giving a brief salute to Ansom.

With that, unless Ansom warns her otherwise, Orianna will head to the prince's carriage and knock.

2016-08-15, 02:04 PM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

Khalid had this irritating ability to appear completely nonplussed by things. No matter how much his feet might hurt from walking all day, or if he was hot in his concealing robes, or if he was bored -- it didn't seem to bother him outwardly. He just walked at that same, steady, unhurried pace. Every once in awhile he'd disappear behind the wagon and no one would see him for several hours. Other times he'd sit cross-legged inside the wagon. He was pleasant enough when spoken to, but didn't seek out conversation.

2016-08-15, 02:35 PM
Upon hearing that we are making camp, Orin pulls out a strange book. It has strange unknown runes on it, whose ink glints with startlight. He opens it to a middling page and starts chanting in a quiet voice and a strange tongue that sounds like haunting gibberish to anyone listening. He's been in enough military camps to know that an alarm around the perimeter could be the difference between life and death.

Orin casts alarm from his Tome of Shadows enough time to encircle the camp. All party members, the prince, and the whole procession are allowed to enter and leave as well as any horses, Mystery, the elephant, and any other beasts of burden. Its set to a sound alarm. I'd try and say "merchants" and "lowly fithy peasants" would be allowed, but that won't work so I guess if anybody passes down the road they will be in for a surprise. Unless we are off the road where we camp? that seems to make a little more sense.

2016-08-15, 03:34 PM

Lardo start a magical ritual to detect if there is any source of magic comming from anyone beside himself and his party, just for future record. After that he will make sure that Mirtle, Bessie, Rose and the Wagon are all into a secure place. He will ask Kyra to stay awake on guard of the Wagon and the animals during the night, she could rest during the morning in the Wagon when they where back on the road. After that he would say to Jacob to cook a hot meal, a stew or something.

Ritual Casting Detect Magic: To check if anyone else other than himself, Orin, Orianna are magic users or if anyone is carrying something magical or maybe if the carriage has some sort of magical protections. Basically Lardo would give a quick walk around the camp looking for magical thingys.

2016-08-15, 04:36 PM
Tenel is slumped over his horse as it makes a slow patrol around the caravan. A slow bead of drool hanging from his mouth. Every once in a while he awakens and blows some more blue smoke before leaning back on his horse and falling asleep again. Eventually the horse justs sits down and watches as the others set camp. Tenel snores slightly and falls off and lies in the dirt in a stupor.

2016-08-16, 01:58 PM

Your hand raps firmly against the door, a quick martial knock that is cut off as the shade is pulled back and the woman who had entered the carriage looks out at you. "Yes, Orrianna? Is therre some dangerr we should be awarre of?" Her voice is soft, with a soft burr that comes on each "r" sound she makes.


You are familiar with the magical sense of your companions and their equipment, and with the natural sense of magic that fills the world and connects individuals. Small hints of magic show in the baggage train, minor scrolls and potions for trade and supply. One item of note occurs as you pass the carriage. You are used to observing at least the essential basis of magic that exists in all things. The carriage has none of that, it appears to be magically void. You can perceive nothing of what is within.


You establish your perimeter of alarm, as the caravan establishes a camp off to the side of the intersection of roads.

2016-08-16, 02:08 PM

Your hand raps firmly against the door, a quick martial knock that is cut off as the shade is pulled back and the woman who had entered the carriage looks out at you. "Yes, Orrianna? Is therre some dangerr we should be awarre of?" Her voice is soft, with a soft burr that comes on each "r" sound she makes.

Of course not-we're perfectly safe for the moment. But I would like to meet the prince-get to know him a little better. See how accurate Captain Ansom's compliments were, she says, making sure that the if the prince overhears he'll be happy with the captain.

2016-08-16, 03:12 PM
Feeling confident in a sound perimeter, Orin claps the book shut just as the whispers in his head started to annoy him.

He sees that some soldiers of the procession are relaxing and playing cards. He pulls out his tarot deck and sits down around their camp, saying "Anyone care for a game?"

note: the tarot deck was originally a playing card deck before it was used in divination. As such, it holds dual purpose for Orin, both as a playing deck and for his focus in Augury rituals.

2016-08-16, 04:09 PM

She laughs, a warm throaty sound. "Yourr curriosity does yourr rreputation no justice. The prrince is verry busy prreparring forr this jourrney of grreat rresponsibility. As I underrstand, yourr job is to ensurre his safety, not to get to know him." She pauses, looking you over. "Perrhaps, if you desirre, you can make my acquaintance... laterr." She gives you a lazy wink, then lets the curtain fall back.


The soldiers have their own cards out, but they laugh and wave you over when they see you. "C'mon over, Orin! We're happy to take your money!"

2016-08-16, 10:16 PM

She laughs, a warm throaty sound. "Yourr curriosity does yourr rreputation no justice. The prrince is verry busy prreparring forr this jourrney of grreat rresponsibility. As I underrstand, yourr job is to ensurre his safety, not to get to know him." She pauses, looking you over. "Perrhaps, if you desirre, you can make my acquaintance... laterr." She gives you a lazy wink, then lets the curtain fall back.

Orianna blushes a little, then heads over to where Orin is, still red in the face. Ho, Orin. I see you're making friends.

2016-08-16, 10:25 PM
Orianna blushes a little, then heads over to where Orin is, still red in the face. Ho, Orin. I see you're making friends.

Orin turns, and makes a deep bow, already rather tipsy from drinking with his newfound "friends", "My dear lady, would it please you to join us for refreshments and entertainment? I'm turning out my pockets tonight, the Fortunes are not with me today!" He raises his hand of cards in a fist-shaking motion, intentionally-unintentionally letting the man next to him see one or two of his cards.

"Someone get this warrior a drink, eh mates?!" Mentally, a rather slurred version of his mental voice dribbles through Orianna's peripheral thought, So, how'sh the prince? Izzhe cute?

2016-08-16, 10:32 PM
Orin turns, and makes a deep bow, already rather tipsy from drinking with his newfound "friends", "My dear lady, would it please you to join us for refreshments and entertainment? I'm turning out my pockets tonight, the Fortunes are not with me today!" He raises his hand of cards in a fist-shaking motion, intentionally-unintentionally letting the man next to him see one or two of his cards.

"Someone get this warrior a drink, eh mates?!" Mentally, a rather slurred version of his mental voice dribbles through Orianna's peripheral thought, So, how'sh the prince? Izzhe cute?

Orianna smiles and takes a seat, but turns down any cards or drinks offered to her. Thanks, but it's best at least one of us stay vigilant, she says with a smile towards Orin. Besides, I rather like having something to fill my pockets with, and I'm sure you men would clean me right out!

I didn't see him, she says mentally, debating about mentioning her insights into captain Ansom's words, but deciding against it until Orin sobers up. His companion, though... Me-ow!

2016-08-16, 10:49 PM
At the note of vigilance and of him getting cleaned out, he nods in a mock sageliness, "Ah true. I set up a perimeter, but its no substitute for real warriors eh?!!!" which is met with a rousing cheer from the guards and soldiers.

Orin's composure cracks for a second at Orianna's description of the Prince's "companion", and a mental, inarticulate, "Whoa...

2016-08-16, 10:52 PM
At the note of vigilance and of him getting cleaned out, he nods in a mock sageliness, "Ah true. I set up a perimeter, but its no substitute for real warriors eh?!!!" which is met with a rousing cheer from the guards and soldiers.

Orin's composure cracks for a second at Orianna's description of the Prince's "companion", and a mental, inarticulate, "Whoa...

Orianna joins in the cheer, clapping a few men on the back.

2016-08-16, 11:21 PM
Tenel awakens from his dirt nap and sits upright wiping dirt from his cheek. He watches the exchange between Orianna and the girl with sleep heavy eyes before standing up and wiping the road dust from his clothes. He pulls out his pipe and eyes before deciding against it and making his way to the card playing guards just in time to hear Orin say

"Ah true. I set up a perimeter, but its no substitute for real warriors"
" Yea, to bad we don't have any.." Tenel says taking a seat and pulling out a knife and a piece of wood which he starts carving ignoring the hostile glares of the guards whom he just insulted.
" I see that royalty is to good to sit amongst us commoners, don't really blame him when he's got such lovely company though. " Tenel says as wood shavings fly from his knife
" Still, I find myself curious about our royal leader. If he wasn't the prince I might have just knocked the door down and forced a conversation....I might still." He says with a chuckle.

2016-08-17, 01:44 AM
One of the older guards snorts a hard laugh at that, though the look he directs at Tenel is unfriendly. A grizzled veteran, the drunk guard (whose insignia mark as a sergeant) levels a finger in the general direction of Tenel's left shoulder.

"Wouldn't that be a sight, though! It'd be a shame whennee'd make us whip us for it, too." Some of the other guards try to shush him, but he speaks over them. "No, they deserb the troof! This... this PRINCE isn't half the man his grandfather was, and his father... Yesh. Whip the hide!" He burps loudly and slumps over, obviously drunk beyond sense.

One of the younger guards, a man who Orin has made some 'investment' in, speaks in a quiet and steady voice. "Old Sarge doesn't mean anything by it. Please, he's just an old fool." He looks around for support from the fellow guards, and they nod and murmur agreement. "The Prince... His Highness spent a lot of time in the south. People say he came back with strange habits, in addition to his strange companions."

2016-08-17, 03:30 AM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

"You find the South strange, do you?" Khalid appeared at the fireside as if from thin air, his accent adding a bit of an ironic point to his question. He looked to the guards, brown eyes the only part of his face visible within his concealing robe and hat. He let his words hang in the air, maybe with a hint of malice, and then broke the silence again to even it out. "Trust me, they no doubt find your habits equally strange." He flicked his gaze toward the drunk, old sergeant and narrowed them, his disapproval plain despite the trouble one had reading his full expression.

2016-08-17, 08:27 AM
" The old man is speaking sense. What good to us is a prince who's been seduced by the south? He needs to learn about his own people and stop sexing that concubine of his. Tenel says stopping his carving to examine the wood.
"Am as loyal as the next, Long live the king and whatnot" he says throwing an arm up in the air. " but this prince won't even step out of his carriage, what kind of man is that to lead us?" He says with a snort.

When Khalid appears Tenel only rolls his eyes.
" Yea we find the south strange. Your a prime example of it. Appearing like a ghost out of nowhere, keeping your face covered, calling me brother. No one wants to my brother believe me."

Tenel eyes the carriage before suddenly standing up.
" You know what, I believe it's time for a security sweep. I'll be back." He says and makes for a beeline towards the carriage.

2016-08-17, 09:58 AM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

"He is a one bottle drunk and Tenel is no better. At least your sergeant will eventually sober and regret his poor choice of words." Khalid said conversationally to the guards. Tenel had the manners of a goat, and one day one of his casually flung insults would land in the ear of someone substantially less patient than Khalid. On that day, the thief would die a dog's death and no one will mourn him. Thus it was generally Khalid's practice to ignore him.

2016-08-17, 10:29 AM
One of the older guards snorts a hard laugh at that, though the look he directs at Tenel is unfriendly. A grizzled veteran, the drunk guard (whose insignia mark as a sergeant) levels a finger in the general direction of Tenel's left shoulder.

"Wouldn't that be a sight, though! It'd be a shame whennee'd make us whip us for it, too." Some of the other guards try to shush him, but he speaks over them. "No, they deserb the troof! This... this PRINCE isn't half the man his grandfather was, and his father... Yesh. Whip the hide!" He burps loudly and slumps over, obviously drunk beyond sense.

One of the younger guards, a man who Orin has made some 'investment' in, speaks in a quiet and steady voice. "Old Sarge doesn't mean anything by it. Please, he's just an old fool." He looks around for support from the fellow guards, and they nod and murmur agreement. "The Prince... His Highness spent a lot of time in the south. People say he came back with strange habits, in addition to his strange companions."

Orianna looks at the sergeant, saying I wouldn't advise speaking your mind so freely. Some nobles get offended more easily than others, and I haven't had the chance to take my measure of this prince yet.

2016-08-17, 12:13 PM
The young guard raises his hands defensively. "Not at all, and no offense is intended worthy Khalid. The Khalifates are great allies of ours. I speak only of our ruler's behavior..." He warily watches as Tenel strides away. "A subject of which I will discuss no more. Good night, Highborn Company." He rises and strides away.


Servants have come from the baggage train and begun setting up the tent in which the prince and his entourage have been sleeping. It is a large canvas tent, but simple enough to raise and lower. The caravan master stands nearby, directing them. He turns to you as you approach, noting your focus and expression.

"Hey now lad, we're busy here setting up for the evening. If you're here for a social call, maybe wait a spell."

2016-08-17, 12:41 PM
Tenel freezes in mid stride and slowly turns towards the caravan master. He slowly starts towards him his hands brushing against the pommel of his rapier, a look of displeasure crosses his face as he strides right next to him and looks him up and down as if assessing him. Suddenly he breaks in a friendly grin and place a gentle but strong hand on the mans shoulder. .
" No worries, just patrolling the area making sure our prince isn't disturbed. We have to make sure our future leader is safe from harm afterall. You give him my regards if you see him good sir. Tell him he should come and meet the highborns when he has the chance. All of us would sure appreciate a visit from him.
He says releasing the man before striding away to continue patrolling the camp while blowing normal grey smoke from his pipe.

2016-08-17, 01:02 PM
Seeing his fellow Highborns dismantling the good mood he spent good money to achieve, he finishes that hand of the game, collects his cards and the money remaining, and offers to accompany the first watch. He sends Mystery on a half mile perimeter scan, to return immediately when he sees trouble and to hunt, while he inquires with the first watch guards, still friendly but more relaxed, about Captain Ansom, while also offering to tell fortunes.

As he collects his cards Orin flips over the top card while pondering whether the conversation would yield any more insight about the prince. Two of Swords. Impasse. "Glob. Oh well, another time."

2016-08-18, 12:55 PM
You are familiar with the magical sense of your companions and their equipment, and with the natural sense of magic that fills the world and connects individuals. Small hints of magic show in the baggage train, minor scrolls and potions for trade and supply. One item of note occurs as you pass the carriage. You are used to observing at least the essential basis of magic that exists in all things. The carriage has none of that, it appears to be magically void. You can perceive nothing of what is within.

Lardo takes mental notes of the magical items that are being carried in the baggade train, he is about to turn back so he could eat, but gets really surprised by this thinking "Hmm...maybe the prince is carrying some powerfull magical items inside the carriage and wants to keep it a secret. I know I would do this, but Who is powerfull enough to do this?"

After that Lardo goes toward the rest of the party, he grabs a bowl with stew and starting eating vigorously with a piece a bread as side. He goes toward Orian and Orianna and share his findings "So, looks like there is another powerfull spellcaster traveling with the prince besides me and Orin, since there is some sort of spell blocking magic to come from inside the carriage. Do any of you know who could this be? I don't think it is too strange, just wonder who is this person."

2016-08-24, 04:10 PM
The Mountain Highroad

The caravan had left early that morning, pushing the pace harder on this leg of the journey. The journeyed among you know that this road is wilder, more prone to attacks from bandits and monsters coming both from the arid hills to the north and the deep forest that fills most of eastern Zarush. The soldiers and guards march with hands hovering close to their weapons, with tension on bowstrings and bolts set in crossbows.

Strong winds blow down across the hills from the north, carrying dry dust and desiccated vegetation. The summer sun beats down on each long day of travel, and the camp at the end of the day becomes more of a struggle to arrange, the guards simultaneously more alert and more deeply exhausted.

The third day of hard travel finds you half-way between the fork and Montgard.

2016-08-24, 04:17 PM
Tenel looks half dead on his horse, sweat rolls down his face and his long clothes are soaking. The men near him hear him muttering curses in faded breaths. He keeps his position in the middle of the caravan where he bullies lowly squires and guards to fetch him water. Every once in a while he does a long patrol checking in with each member of the company before returning to his post.

2016-08-24, 08:36 PM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

Khalid always stayed in the shadow of the wagon, taking what little relief where and when he could from the heat like any veteran desert traveler. He also had an ulterior motive by keeping one foot in the dark, but he didn't advertise that to the others. He offered a sip from his waterskin to any of the more heavily armored caravan guards, knowing that it could be brutally oppressive in such smothering plate and chain. The rest of the time, he kept his head on a swivel, looking for any telltale signs that they were about to be viciously attacked by bandits and ruffians.

Perception: 1d20+6z

2016-08-29, 03:24 PM

Lardo had traveled during his merchant time around this parts, he say to everyone, his hirelings and the party members - one by one - that they should keep themself alert this point foward, because a bandit raid could happen at any time "Or something worse...", but besides that he just keep himself near his wagon alert to everything.

2016-09-12, 03:08 PM
The Ambush

The sun is high in the sky as the caravan is called to halt for a brief mid-day meal. As it has been for the past two days, the meal passes in near-silence as everyone not assigned to a watch finds whatever shade they can and consumes their portion of food and water. The hour of rest passes, and the trumpeter calls the return to positions and the march.

Scant moments later, the caravan master's eyes go wide and he shouts "Ware the south! Stop, damn your blind eyes!" Even as horses are reigned in and wagons that had only just begun moving are slowed once more, the sky darkens at the front and rear of the caravan. A whistling rush of air is followed by heavy crashes as large boulders smash into the road both in front of and behind the caravan. Looking to the south, two enormous figures dressed in rough furs and carrying clubs that have the look of freshly uprooted trees have stepped out of the treeline. Next to each is a large pile of rocks. Even as the boulders land, more figures swarm out of the woods. Large burly figures swinging heavy spiked logs come out to surround the giants, and to their right and left swarms of swarthy orcs begin to charge.

Taking this in, the Captain of the Guards turns to Orianna. "We can handle the orcs, but those giants have to be taken down!"

2016-09-13, 05:16 PM
Tenel seems to perk up as the sight of the charging horde as stops slumping and with a grin draws his twin rapiers. Kicking his horse into action he recklessly charges straight towards the orcs ignoring the captains orders swinging his rapiers into their faces and laughing in his raspy tone as he enter battle. As a bonus action he mutters a minor curse he learned from a street mage that makes his blades swifter and sharper against one foe at a time. (Hunters mark.)

first rapier
damage [roll1]
Sneak attack damage if i go first is 2d6.

second attack
damage [roll3]

Hunters mark additional damage is 1d6

2016-09-13, 07:48 PM
http://i65.tinypic.com/2dcimma.jpg Khalid Al-Hakim

In a flutter of robes, Khalid disappeared into the shadow of the wagon and then reappeared within the trees, moving stealthily toward the giants. He kept to cover, darting from tree to tree, not wanting to gain the attention of the orcs or their larger cousins. He'd likely have to wait for the others to catch up, but he might be able to harass the giants from cover and convince them to stop and swat him before resuming their attack on the caravans. Maybe the poison he'd brought would be enough to give his tiny throwing darts some more punch than usual.

Passive Perception 16

Initiative: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]

Shadow Step 60 ft to nearest available cover as a bonus action, followed by full move of 45 ft. toward the giants. Staying in stealth if possible.