View Full Version : Arcane Tree

2016-08-11, 10:45 AM
Arboris Liber Divinus

Many enchanted, haunted, or psychically charged building have rooms that come and go, Rose Red manor, the library of Alexandria, the tower of Karazhan, Hogwarts castle have all had such rooms. But sometimes, the rooms wander between such places, picking up a trinket here, a lost soul there as they wander, warping reality as if it were the natural flow of things.

Arboris was born to one such place, a greenhouse that would sway into magical places, sometimes more than one at once, sometimes only small portions, sometimes it would be no place at all. He does not know where he came from, his purpose had always been to tend to the garden and nothing else.

But as time wore on his mind began to form, began to wander. Books would gather in the garden and he slowly taught himself to read. His memories of the old times were a blur, he could vaguely remember being made of tin, copper and brass once upon a time, but didn't know how he came to be more plant than machine. But quite frankly, he did not care. He instead enjoyed his newfound ability to read as much as he was able.

As was to be expected gathering in a greenhouse, most of the books were on botany, both magical and mundane. Some detailed strange creatures of the woodlands, or magics that could be draw from the essence of wilderness, or formula for complex elixirs.

He read of alchemy, and medicine, of the Volodni pact and their militaristic views, of druids from across worlds, and the Korok of Forest Haven. He read of the dendroids of Erathia, the Emerald Dream of Azeroth, the Botani of Draenor and fey of all creeds.

But the greatest knowledge came from the Botanica and the elves' arcane manipulation of nature. He found the incantations and gestures easier to mimic than the druidic way of evoking the power of nature through feeling, emotion, and intuition. He possessed a small portion of innate magical power focused primarily on maintaining the garden, and while he pushed it to the limits, his primary study was through his tomes of magic, arcane rituals, medicinal recipes, and alchemical formulas.

As he worked through the small collection of books, he came to yearn for more, for experience and knowledge beyond the confines of the greenhouse. So he gathered supplies and equipment, a few of his favored books, a bag fashioned from the flora of the garden, preserved clippings from a few dozen plants, some potions, and food to last a fortnight. And with all of the courage he could muster, he left the safety of the greenhouse the very next time it connected to a new place of power.

This character is set up for a customized campaign as a hedge wizard/landforger sort of character, but I was wondering if anyone had some ideas for making this a 3.5 Official Source Only character. I would want to keep Int based Wizard casting if able. In the story he cane under the influence of the Curse of Flesh(Warcraft) but kept the Ironwood feat as a Warforged. Don't really need the Incarnate but want to keep the Ironwood Warforged and keep him focused on scholarly pursuits and mostly if not solely arcane magic. Any ideas or backstory critiques?

E6 and E20 suggestions welcome.

2016-08-11, 11:54 AM
plant grafts from magic of eberron might be right up your alley

2016-08-11, 12:44 PM
A mildly refluffed Ironwood Warforged would probably be sufficient, maybe a little Landforged Walker in a E20 build. I tend not to focus too much on items because item access is one of the biggest alterations I tend to see between games, however I will look into them.

His current incarnation is E6 and uses shenanigans to get Improved Power(Magic Domain)more than three times to power Create Device Wands at a decent rate. Since he can't make staves, he instead has a Elvencraft Longbow with a Bow Blade and Wand Chambers for a lovely 4 wands. Super staff! Can also dual wield them(as punching daggers), but 4 spells is plenty really.