View Full Version : Can anyone help me with some realistic art?

2007-07-05, 01:10 PM
I'm working on revamping an old freeform PbP forum of mine into a fully-featured D&D PbP, Co-DMed by myself and a friend of mine. Since we're Co-DMing, we're both able to play characters, and I'd like to bring back an old character of mine by the name of Augustus Dragonwing.

A brief overview of his history : He was born of an extraordinarily old Red Dragon and a human woman, a Witch. Due to the odd mixture of bloodlines, in D&D terms, he became not a Half-Dragon, but a Winged creature, with draconic wings and a (mostly fluff) set of arm-blades rather than claws. While he was young, his father (Pyralis) killed his mother, and left him to his own devices. Augustus managed to find his way to a small town, and was raised happily by a blacksmith and his wife. As a result, Augustus is at home in the forge, and became quite the talented blacksmith himself - he also enjoys the occasional drink with friends at the tavern down the road. All in all, a fairly good guy.

As things stand right now, however, I have only a rough sketch of him, done up by a friend of mine years ago. I've lost touch with that friend, and Augustus has aged since that image - I would like to have it updated, if anyone is willing to give me a hand with it. I'm horrible with drawing, myself, so that isn't exactly an option. If any of you would be willing to give me a hand with this, I'd be extremely grateful - and of course, I'm more than willing to answer any questions related to him that you might have.

Basic physical information for him : caucasian, with red wings, perhaps a touch of dark blue near the lower edges. He's got brown hair, blue eyes, and prefers simple clothing, similar to what's noted in the sketch of him below. That picture would roughly be when he was in his late teens/early twenties, I'd like to age him a bit, put him in his late twenties or so.


2007-07-11, 08:58 PM
Rather than reposting this, I'm just going to go ahead and give it a light little bump - less threads is better.

2007-07-11, 09:52 PM
By "give a hand" you mean "draw him for you"? I'm too busy myself, but you should be more clear about that.

2007-07-11, 11:25 PM
I might draw a sketch, I haven't really bothered myself with coloring ever. Neither with inking. So you'll get another, yet upgraded sketch.:smalltongue:

2007-07-12, 12:27 AM
By "give a hand" you mean "draw him for you"? I'm too busy myself, but you should be more clear about that.

If that were possible, that'd be preferrable - but even happening to know of a picture floating around somewhere that'd fit would be awesome.

I might draw a sketch, I haven't really bothered myself with coloring ever. Neither with inking. So you'll get another, yet upgraded sketch.

Even that would be incredible; something that represents Augustus more as he is now would be very, very nice to have, as he's been through a lot since that previous sketch ... which was done about a decade ago, now that I think about it.

2007-07-12, 12:43 AM
I'm forming ideas already... because Augustus has wings, and I assume those blades in his hands are sharps, he can't wear traditional shirts. Or atleast, they must have huge sleeves and big holes in the back. Maybe his torso and/or hands could be wrapped like a mummy? It would be unpractical, but look great.

I might've been influenced by the recent OotS comic a bit :p

EDIT: I've drawn the sketch, but it bothers me that I couldn't find any clean white paper, only recycled white paper... which isn't exactly white and the sketch looks a bit rough... I'll upload it soon :)

2007-07-12, 09:00 AM
I'm forming ideas already... because Augustus has wings, and I assume those blades in his hands are sharps, he can't wear traditional shirts. Or atleast, they must have huge sleeves and big holes in the back. Maybe his torso and/or hands could be wrapped like a mummy? It would be unpractical, but look great.

I might've been influenced by the recent OotS comic a bit :p

EDIT: I've drawn the sketch, but it bothers me that I couldn't find any clean white paper, only recycled white paper... which isn't exactly white and the sketch looks a bit rough... I'll upload it soon :)

That's an interesting take; I've always seen his choice of clothing as being muscle shirt/vest type stuff, but having everything wrapped tight would certainly be unique - I look forward to seeing it :smallbiggrin: