View Full Version : Roleplaying Recommendations on a 'Haunted One' character who isn't a total drag?

2016-08-13, 11:06 AM
Hey all,

I'm going to be joining a buddy's game soon as a PC, and I'm wanting to use the Haunted One background from 'Curse of Strahd.' I'm enjoying it from a flavor perspective, but I also don't want to run a PC who is constantly brooding and is a complete downer all the time, like the flavor text reads (don't want to curb the party's fun, so-to-speak).

So with that in mind, anyone willing to help me out with recommendations, characters to take inspiration from (I was kind of thinking of Van Helesing or Jonathon Harker from Bram Stoker's Dracula), tropes to look at, etc. As for the character, probably going for a Hunter Ranger, and might dip into either Monk or Rogue, or maybe Cleric, probably going to play as a Half-Elf. Not sure what level we're starting at.

As always, thanks for everyone's time.

2016-08-13, 11:28 AM
Perhaps, since you know that each day might be your last, you're a surprisingly jolly fellow. You're generous, because you never know when you might stop needing money. You're happy, because you might not be able to be for much longer. You defend people with your life, even strangers who just seem nice, because your own life might be cut short at any moment.

2016-08-13, 12:09 PM
Raiden from Metal Gear Solid 2 and 4 is good example. He was a child soldier and killer, but his traumas don't affect him for most of the game.

2016-08-13, 12:51 PM
So with that in mind, anyone willing to help me out with ...tropes to look at

Your character once opened TV Tropes. Then--fatally--he started opening more pages in new tabs. His browser will support at least 9600 tabs, but he gave up counting after that. He has never been able to escape.

I'd run that sort of character as 95% "eat, drink and be merry" and 5% "OMG that shadow is following me, don't let it get me!"

Another way to do it -- he's a normal guy and his voice is baritone; but every once in a while, his voice is that of a four year old girl. It usually happens when the party is talking about attacking something. The character doesn't notice the change.

You want it to be rare enough that a) most of the time, you have a fun character, and b) when you shift over to Hauted mode, it's disturbing rather than "oh, he's just having another episode."

(I did the voice thing with an NPC warlock. The party wasn't creeped out by the fact that he scampered up vertical walls like a lizard, or that he ate the livers out of living victims--what bothered them was the withered sixty year old man with the little girl voice).

2016-08-13, 01:02 PM
They say comedians are often the most depressed individuals. From personal experience, I can tell that humour can be surprisingly powerful and even compulsive as a coping mechanism to negative experiences. If you decide to go this way, there are a few possibilities which can be matched according to taste:

1. The Funny Guy: The one doing the actually funny quips which do lighten the mood and make it easier for others to tolerate whatever dangers and horrors they face. Does not necessarily make the character any more bright when you peer beyond this facade.

2. The Fool: The guy with a worse sense of humour but a compulsive need to lighten the mood with lame commentary. They might sometimes hit gold but their jokes are definitely quantity over quality. Might also do this as a way to distract others from their worries.

3. Gallows Comedian: Having lost their sense of appropriateness, this person jokes about... grave matters. The quips might be genuinely funny but often their subject being much too real in the context makes the person something of a jinx and a harbinger.

4. The Uncanny One: A guy who does retain a relaxed and joking exterior but this facade is cracking. Their smile seems just a bit too forced, and it never quite reaches their eyes. Something has been broken down inside but perhaps this information was blocked at the door to consciousness by barricades of teeth and fluffy guards.

There are more traits or archetypes one could think of, I am sure. My take would be that one of the more interesting takes is the archetypal comedian who seems light the light of the party during the darkest of times but is actually dying inside and only little by little, the truth is unfolded through minor hints. The ability of Haunted Ones could be explained by people sensing how he is a person in need, or as the smiling facade working its wonders to ensure a good welcome.

2016-08-17, 11:15 AM
Ohh, good idea with the gallows humor one. That works for me since my humor is already kind of snarky and dark anyway, it'll make it easier to roleplay. Maybe give him the addiction flaw, so he's using some kind of alcohol or drug to try and steady his nerves a bit and help him deal with whatever. Make him that guy who's a decent guy and is pretty damn good at what he does, but is obviously a bit damaged by his experiences. At this point, I'm thinking Ranger with a few dips into Cleric (leaning towards Knowledge for skills, spells, and fluff). He'll be primarily a melee fighter, but with a few extra tricks up his sleeve spell-wise, and play him as kind of a Witcher-type but with just a hint of religious flavor.

Thanks for the replies all, it's greatly appreciated!