View Full Version : Jedi History 161 & 171 (Let's Play of Knights of the Old Republic 1 & 2)[Now Running]

2016-08-13, 02:05 PM
So, I have a few games, and was wondering which of them would be best and desired for a Let's Play, while trying to get screenshots made and saved. I have never done it before really, but still want to try. So what should be the first one? I am going to talk about feelings/thoughts/impressions about the game. I do have a preference towards Star Wars, RPGs, and having more fun than doing anything major to win. (Having fun is really important, but strategy games like StarCraft have good methods to employ)

Games Chosen by votes:
Knights of the Old Republic 1 (it works!) [Have a few mods: One for adding in lightsaber styles from game two; one for female revan and bastila romance with enhanced flirting for females ( I think); one about giving a better force power feat gains; Jedi from the start; all jedi party)] [Have a mod to start game as Jedi, and another for having entire party as Jedi except droids and maybe Canderous?? not be Jedi. Results in Carth having only 4 Force points or something, which is hilarious; the mod makes some interesting Jedi class choices for Characters]
Knights of the Old Republic 2 With Restored Content Mod

(Also, the best ways to get screenshots to put into Imgur [Image hosting site-it's free, but if you know of a better free one to use, then I am willing to look into] folders to link here would be great [I know about doing the "print screen" method, but it takes awhile and is long/annoying] and thanks)

Have the restored content for the second game, along with being to pick the handmaiden(Yawn) as female exile. I prefer Disciple, then maybe get his force abilities on, then just stick on the ship for the rest.

So based on votes, we are doing Both Knights of the Old Republic games. Since I have several Mods for the game, I need to know which of the following Mods to employ when playing, so PM your Vote of which ones to use, and after I get them, the Fun shall begin!!!


1)The Jedi from the Start has you picking up a jedi class after getting the game start class (So you pick [soldier, scout, scoundrel] and get to select [guardian, sentinel, counselor(Sp?)] for a class. Then you just end up with the same class basically on Dantioone, don't pick anything differently I think.)

2)All Jedi Party changes out most of your party members to give them Force classes through than others, so Zaalbar/Canderous(think, not sure)/Mission/Carth each get to use the Force. Since Juhani, Bastila, Jolee have the Force they don't change, and neither HK or T3 can use the Force. The Mod makes some interesting decisions for what Jedi classes to hand out like making Carth a Counselor, with the other 3 getting classes too. It does mean that all of your party members that you would have stopped using are more likely to get used.

3)The Female Revan mod increases stuff and allows for a female revan/bastila romance. Just adds in material for being more flirty according to the readme.

4)Force forms adds in Force lightsaber forms from Kotor 2

5)The Force feats I think changes how the Force classes get stuff, I think it is supposed to be for the first game. It could be for the second one, I would have to confirm. So the mod changes the rates at when Force classes get Force powers and is for the first game, I believe. It doesn't mention being for the second one.

Also we will need to have votes Gender and Classes, Male/Female & Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel & For Jedi at start/Jedi Class (Guardian/Sentinel/Counselor); PM yours to me.

Or post the votes below.

2016-08-13, 02:13 PM
Yay! :smallbiggrin: I will be following this closely, since these are some of my favorite games ever.

I vote for the Female Revan and Force forms mods. I don't really get why you would want to start as a Jedi, or make everyone else into Jedi; it just kind of feels like cheating to me.

2016-08-13, 03:39 PM

Male Revan
Force Form mod

2016-08-13, 04:28 PM
Nice votes, with a preference for Female Revan. I got some name ideas: Dead Beat, Commander X(something), go with random name, or maybe a liked suggestion?

Name Ideas:

Dead Beat
Flash Dance
Kneel B4 Zod (a variation that allows for first name, given name)
Knightly Pants
Kitten Cat
Cat Girl
Juggy Gal
Nimble Tumbler
Blue Tide

What name ideas do you have? The Name will be used frequently for the character and so seeing the name should make us(me) laugh

2016-08-13, 04:55 PM
Name suggestion: Revan. Or Darth Revan. Then go light side, so you can say things like "I'm not Revan anymore, I'm Revan."


Gender: Male. Because ugh, Carth.
Class: Scout.

2016-08-13, 05:06 PM
Votes looking good.

Regarding Juhani, To be Honest I rarely use her at all, and prefer Employing Bastila or Jolee with either HK or Canderous for party. Zaalbar is nice, but still....

I am totally going to go further in discussing our party members as they appear. The first episode will probably feature Carth, dutiful chump. But before that shall be discussions of character, party members, and general matters.

All in spoilers for anyone who is among the rare few who haven't played this game before, or no spoilers considering the game's age. Which should that be? Spoilers/No Spoilers/Whatever I choose?

2016-08-13, 05:53 PM
IMO, if someone's watching/reading/whatever a Let's Play of a game, then they're pretty much asking for it to be spoiled for them. Especially a game as old as this.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2016-08-13, 07:00 PM
Considering the largest spoiler is already in the thread...

My roommate is a fairly big star wars and gamer nerd, and she had never played KotOR before, and somehow had avoided being spoiled. (I was also unspoiled until halfway through when I got stuck in a part and had to look up what to do next and the guide referred to the player as Revan. I hated that sooooo much, it was so unneccesary!) So I was looking forward to seeing her reaction (it was priceless). Especially when she asked me for help naming her character, and I had her name her character an anagram of Darth Revan. Can't remember exactly what it was. But when I told her what I did she almost murdered me!

2016-08-14, 12:58 AM
So, I am going to talk about some things while waiting for what Gender/Class we go with.

1) Knights is a great game but...

Knights of the Old Republic is a great game. It is a better story than anything produced really in the prequels, but it has some flaws, some big glaring flaws. Those flaws can seriously affect the game, or they can barely appear. As a RPG game, Knights follows the traditional linear quest line. Bioware is good with creating/working with settings, but it's quests are really less than stellar. Bethesda is great at settings and other quests and making a sandbox, but there Main Quest is rather shallow. So that point made, Bioware is basically Co-opting a plot here that shows up in the first Mass Effect game: Find the McGuffins. Our mission is locate pieces of the star map. It's not a bad quest, Bioware does a good job with making it work, but it stills feels flat on another playthrough. That's because we aren't exploring anything new like another playthrough of Kotor 2 would be.

A) Flaw 1: The characters

The Characters or more accurately, our companion characters lack some real focus/steam. Carth is a paranoid Bastard, Bastila is the cult fanatic, Juhani is ...difficult to explain/comprehend...Mission is a kid, Zal (the wookie) is a wookie, HK is awesome, T3 is Ancient R2, Canderous is basically a Klingon in Star Wars, Jolee is awesome. This is shown really in why we should be hauling all of these people in our quest.

Carth Onasi: Carth is a pilot, but we really don't need the best pilot in the Republic military involved. The Council makes a really big deal about going unnoticed, but Carth is a big-shot. This is almost like sending out the president of the US or the Queen of England out on a commando mission or some kind of special ops job. He is so noticeable, that the Sith should be following us around simply because of who Carth is, and of course, there is Karath, who would suggest going after Carth. Why exactly are we hauling him with us?

The Droids: The droids are there because we own them, so no actual issues. T3 is best onboard ship unless we need his slicing skills, but thanks to being able to buy Spikes, we actually don't need him if we are willing to splurge the cash. HK has great dialogue which is why I take him along always or a lot. He is basically pseudo-Garius or pseudo-Wrex.

Mission: She is a kid, and so quickly becomes a child soldier. Her entire point is to get us into the Black Vulkar base, but once that is done she is easily replaced by T3 for slicing because his stats are better suited. Plus she is still a kid, so bringing her along means turning her into a child soldier. Do we really want to do that to her? And she stays for Zal, which makes it worse.

Zaalbar (Zal): Our wookie friend is basically a wookie. He is there to be an expy of Chewie, but lacks any real definement until Kashyyyk, where he gets taken from us. He disappears and we learn about him from others rather than himself. This messes up his character, especially because we get to re-convince that about Chuundar which is how he got exiled in the first place. Then he proclaims a life debt to us. Zal is impulsive, quick to act without thinking. Yes, he can rend really well, but without the life debt or visiting Kashyyyk (which botches his use there), we are actually better off sending him off with Mission to start a new life somewhere. We don't need him once we get off Taris, and we end up not needing him on Kashyyyk either because his plotting there was poorly designed.

Juhani/Bastila: Both of the female Jedi are the same expect we need Bastila for her force visions, otherwise she is just a target while Juhani is just a giant sign that we are on a special mission. We need to look like mercs or somebody the Sith/Dark Jedi wouldn't care about, but that doesn't fit either of them. Bastila has more involvement anyway, and because we can kill Juhani, her use or value simply disappears. Even worse, the council dumps her on us. We need to be convincing people to join us, not having someone tells us to take them along.

Canderous: Being a Mando and a glory hound, Candie has a big reason to sign on, combat moments. So we do want him around. Also, given the usual Mando attitude and relationship to the republic, he really sells the idea that we are not working with the republic and can look safe with regards to the sith.

Jolee: The best character in the game is Jolee. He is the only Counselor other than the player character and so we need him for the force buffs against dark side force users in late game. Plus, he happens to have the one main important thing going for him which is that he used to be a hero like the PC. He has been in our shoes and frankly his stories are great. He is a mentor figure like Obiwan but less death-prone.

So of the characters we need to take with us, only the droids and candie, Bastila has a need. the others can be dropped but being an RPG, they have to come with. That means most of the party sits on ship while everything happens. At least once we can use somebody we might not bring along usually, but I preferred using Candie or Jolee for it because Candie regens like a troll and Jolee's segment is fun.

(Will cover more tomorrow)

2016-08-15, 10:12 AM
Scout is the option which gives you free implant feats, so I suppose I would vote for that as starting class.

So that point made, Bioware is basically Co-opting a plot here that shows up in the first Mass Effect game: Find the McGuffins. Our mission is locate pieces of the star map. It's not a bad quest, Bioware does a good job with making it work, but it stills feels flat on another playthrough.I think it's more accurate to say it's the same/similar plot which had been used in Neverwinter Nights.Find the ancient artifacts of the secret progenitor species which no one has ever heard of because we just made it up and it never comes up again. You know, that species. The one with a language you don't understand.

At least KotOR let you also play Pazaak.

That's because we aren't exploring anything new like another playthrough of Kotor 2 would be.While I have reached the endgame once, I haven't completed a playthrough of the original KotOR. When I have tried subsequent attempts I made different choices while trying for full light side/dark side points. I don't recall what they are exactly, but I had read there were bonuses for achieving that. Unfortunately, at that point you're taking the role-playing out of your character as you follow a guide. If you don't care about the bonuses, you could choose your actions simply to try dialog options you hadn't before. Alternatively, you could showcase the amusing choices.

2016-08-15, 10:24 AM
At least KotOR let you also play Pazaak.

I am not sure that this counts as a recommendation given that Crap Space Blackjack is an abomination against all that is good and holy.

2016-08-15, 10:37 AM
I am not sure that this counts as a recommendation given that Crap Space Blackjack is an abomination against all that is good and holy.

Eh, it got better in the sequel, IMO. (Or maybe that was just me having the best cards after cheating my way through the Nar Shaddaa tournament, IDK. :smalltongue:)

2016-08-15, 01:57 PM
I like the game vanilla, myself. I tend to start as a Scoundrel (Yay, skill points!), and go Sentinel (Yay, immunity to stun and paralyze!). I prefer a male Revan, partially because it's the canon answer.

2016-08-15, 03:20 PM
Well, my first playthrough I went dark side caster, second playthrough I went light side tank, male then female (admittedly, didn't finish the second one). I'd say... use all the mods, and go sneaky female. Or sneaky male.

2016-08-15, 04:39 PM
I like the game vanilla, myself. I tend to start as a Scoundrel (Yay, skill points!), and go Sentinel (Yay, immunity to stun and paralyze!). I prefer a male Revan, partially because it's the canon answer.

Sentinel is literally the worst Jedi type (it's also the one invented for this game not from SWD20). Stun and Paralyse are minor irritations that you can often resist with saves anyway, and your main character is never going to be your skillmonkey when T3-M4 and Mission are things which exist so having more class skills (for the puny amount of skill points Jedi classes get) isn't useful either, so you aren't getting anything good out of its class thing.

Scoundrel->Guardian is good though, because you get to use any ranks in Sneak Attack on your Force Jumps, so it can be worth taking a Scoundrel to 5 on Taris. (Scout can stop at 4 when they get Uncanny Dodge and Implant 2, there's no point picking a Soldier, Scout 4->Guardian has as many feats as Soldier unless you take Soldier to 7 and gimp your force pool and power picks and only pays 2 points of BAB to get there.)

Scoundrel 5->Guardian or Scout 4->Guardian or Consular are how to do it. (Also if you're going Guardian always stack strength to the exclusion of everything else, defence boost from dex isn't that good anyway and strength gives you both damage and to hit bonus.)

2016-08-15, 05:08 PM
2)All Jedi Party changes out most of your party members to give them Force classes through than others, so Zaalbar/Canderous(think, not sure)/Mission/Carth each get to use the Force. Since Juhani, Bastila, Jolee have the Force they don't change, and neither HK or T3 can use the Force. The Mod makes some interesting decisions for what Jedi classes to hand out like making Carth a Counselor, with the other 3 getting classes too. It does mean that all of your party members that you would have stopped using are more likely to get used.

I have opinions about using this mod: namely, I would suggest against it, if only because I end up getting a fair bit of use out some of my non-Jedi allies. Bastilla bores me to pieces, to the point that I only really take her anywhere if it's an absolute necessity (to this end, I usually go female to avoid that whole stupid romance, but I'd prefer Fem!RevanXMission, to be totally honest). It doesn't help that I prefer going Sentinel, either. Jolee is fantastic support, although I try to avoid making him a Jedi Mage because if I wanted to sit back and watch a CGI Wizard kill CGI goons, I'd go watch a movie or something rather than playing a game. To that end, I love Juhani as well, because that Force Jump is awesome, and the character is interesting without also being overpowered. Now for the non-jedi, and why they should stay that way IMO:

Either droid manipulating the force breaks both the lore and the characters; that said, while I never use T3-M4 for anything but hacking the Sith Base door and computer system, I can take HK-47 basically anywhere except the Star Forge, at which point he becomes a severe liability for multiple reasons. Carth can make a fantastic dual-pistol guy, and can be made capable enough to be useful even on the Star Forge (although that's admittedly the part of the game where he become the least useful); furthermore, most of the powers I'd really want for Carth are things that other party members (like Revan) can use to buff him, with the sole exception of Master Speed. Canderous is awesome as long as you don't try and make him a ranged expert; make him a melee monster, and you'll have yourself a force to be reckoned with without having a Force to be reckoned with. Mission dual-wielding pistols is a damage machine as it is, even just with Master Critical Shot or whatever it's called; giving her the ability to debuff groups of enemies into being vulnerable to SA is a layer of frosting she doesn't need. Zaalbar with pumped up Con, the Toughness feat tree, and the Conditioning feat tree, is a ****ing juggernaut. One of my earlier playthroughs, I got to the Star Forge and brought Jolee and Zaalbar; the two of us buffed everybody, and we started going to town, as usual. At some point, when all the bodies were on the floor, I realized Jolee was nearly down, while Zaalbar was both down and nowhere in sight...but there was a trail of bodies. So I followed the trail...and followed it...and followed it...and followed it...and finally, across the entire freaking map, I found Zaalbar, lying atop a pile of bodies that were only not in the more familiar "trail of bodies" format because there were too many of them for Zaalbar to keep barreling through them like a force of nature.

Would all these non-droids be more optimal with Jedi levels? Eh, probably. Do they need them? Not really.

Mind you, this gets very different in the second game; the game embraces that Force powers are OP, and makes it so that basically every cohort other than the droids and Canderous can become a Jedi of some flavor (well, them and the crazy wookie, but that crazy Wookie is even more of a freakin' beast than Zaalbar was, because he has "totally not force powers" as extra racial features). About the only character in the second game that should become a Jedi who doesn't is Canderous, and about the only one who does but shouldn't is Bao Dur, who is somehow an even whinier and more useless version of T3-M4 even with Jedi powers.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, Kreia is a bitch. She may kinda have a point, but she's still a bitch.

2016-08-15, 06:57 PM
I have opinions about using this mod: namely, I would suggest against it, if only because I end up getting a fair bit of use out some of my non-Jedi allies.

Well, have votes for not using that Mod, or really other mods.

Bastilla bores me to pieces, to the point that I only really take her anywhere if it's an absolute necessity (to this end, I usually go female to avoid that whole stupid romance, but I'd prefer Fem!RevanXMission, to be totally honest).

Bastila can be boring, yes, but also has Snark she can deliver. I don't remember any times that Juhani employed Snark. Plus we get Juhani by having the Jedi Council dump her on the PC. We should be requesting her to join not, not having her get dumped on us.

It doesn't help that I prefer going Sentinel, either. Jolee is fantastic support, although I try to avoid making him a Jedi Mage because if I wanted to sit back and watch a CGI Wizard kill CGI goons, I'd go watch a movie or something rather than playing a game.

The whole point of bringing Jolee is for his personality, snark comments, and the benefit he provides with the Force. He is the only Counselor in the game besides the PC, and happens to more valuable I found compared to the other Jedi Characters. Plus his story of being a former Hero and the stories he tells allows for quite a lot of Humor.

To that end, I love Juhani as well, because that Force Jump is awesome, and the character is interesting without also being overpowered.

Interesting? Did we play the same game? Juhani is basically Bastila but without the plot coupon visions, and gets added in a "my species doth protest" bit. Plus, the council dumps her on us when we should have requested her presence on this mission.

As for the Force Jump, while we can take Guardian for our prestige class, thereby acquiring the same ability so taking her along because of that is a flawed point.

Carth can make a fantastic dual-pistol guy, and can be made capable enough to be useful even on the Star Forge (although that's admittedly the part of the game where he become the least useful); furthermore, most of the powers I'd really want for Carth are things that other party members (like Revan) can use to buff him, with the sole exception of Master Speed. Canderous is awesome as long as you don't try and make him a ranged expert; make him a melee monster, and you'll have yourself a force to be reckoned with without having a Force to be reckoned with. Mission dual-wielding pistols is a damage machine as it is, even just with Master Critical Shot or whatever it's called; giving her the ability to debuff groups of enemies into being vulnerable to SA is a layer of frosting she doesn't need.

Would agree with what you said except for the bit about Mission. Mission is better suited for making the best use of her Sneak Attack through controlling her directly because she has low hit-points. That means not controlling your own character whenever you use her. That is not a good selling point. If we don't control her directly, then we make her into basically another version of Carth with single or dual pistols.

Zaalbar with pumped up Con, the Toughness feat tree, and the Conditioning feat tree, is a ****ing juggernaut. One of my earlier playthroughs, I got to the Star Forge and brought Jolee and Zaalbar; the two of us buffed everybody, and we started going to town, as usual. At some point, when all the bodies were on the floor, I realized Jolee was nearly down, while Zaalbar was both down and nowhere in sight...but there was a trail of bodies. So I followed the trail...and followed it...and followed it...and followed it...and finally, across the entire freaking map, I found Zaalbar, lying atop a pile of bodies that were only not in the more familiar "trail of bodies" format because there were too many of them for Zaalbar to keep barreling through them like a force of nature.

Only one problem here: To get the best use of Zaal, we have to get levels and beef him up. To can turn Canderous into a melee monster faster, and Candie gets free regen which we can use implants to increase. We also have to equip Zaal with special equipment because he doesn't get armor. With the right gear/feats/health, he can be a tank, but it does mean we may leave him behind a lot before bringing him out.

your main character is never going to be your skillmonkey when T3-M4 and Mission are things which exist so having more class skills (for the puny amount of skill points Jedi classes get) isn't useful either, so you aren't getting anything good out of its class thing.

We need the skills because the game puts us on our own quite a few times, and even more important, we need to have the repair skill for exploring HK's history and giving him stat bonuses.

Persuade is the only skill the PC gets, and keeping it high gives us major benefits, mainly that we can request better rewards, more credits, and can convince people of things until we fully pick up the mind-affecting force powers.

Regarding the classes, we only get two in game: A starting one of Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel, then we add in Jedi Guardian/Sentinel/Counselor. Once we pick a class to take, we are stuck with it, and the Jedi from the Start doesn't allow us to add in another Jedi class.

2016-08-15, 08:25 PM
Bastila can be boring, yes, but also has Snark she can deliver. I don't remember any times that Juhani employed Snark. Plus we get Juhani by having the Jedi Council dump her on the PC. We should be requesting her to join not, not having her get dumped on us.

Bastila snark is weaksauce; it only seems interesting because the parts of the game where she's the most optimal NPC to bring with you, your other PC options are the stoic wookie, the paranoid pilot, the gruff mercenary, the uppity child, and the tin can who only communicates in beeps (who supposedly snarks, but their snark is weak because there's not really a good snarky tone to their beeping...and we don't really get a translation of the beeping snark). Of the lot of them, the only one strong in the snark is Mission, and her snark is of a non-entertaining variety usually.

How interesting a character is ends up being personal preference though, and Juhani has some simmering anger that can come out (I wish they'd fleshed out her romance option more, and given her more to work with in other areas, but what's done is done). I tend to like characters who aren't huge tools; Carth and Canderous are both tools, but they're paranoid and cunning tools, so they're acceptable; Mission and Zaalbar are only really tools where Revan is involved, and so they seem cool enough; Juhani is also only a tool in regards to the PC, and even then she's still salty over Taris, and will bring it up if pushed; T3-M4 is a total tool, hence why I use him for all of 30 seconds over the course of the entire game, and only because it's a requirement of the plot. This "are they a tool?" question is why Jolee and HK-47 are what I consider the best characters in the game: they don't have a single **** to give between the two of them. HK-47 is literally incapable of disobeying you, and he's still a badass who won't take **** from anybody.

And then there's Bastila, the tooliest tool to ever tool across the galaxy. Say what you will about Vrook, at least he had a method to his arrogance. Bastila, from start to finish, is a bitch and moan dinner combo with preach cobbler for dessert. Prior to her joining your team, she managed to get captured by a gang fill with incompetents, losing her lightsaber in the process, once she's freed, she immediately assumes you've been searching the planet with your head up your ass, and will only be competent now that she's in charge again, and she spends the rest of the game alternating between complaining at you for not being perfect and lecturing you on how to be perfect, despite only being an uppity padawan herself. She's got a stick up her ass the size of a half-staff labelled "Jedi Tool", and you know what? Even if I don't really agree with her code of ethics, I could at least respect her if she stuck by them, but no! Little miss "Perfect Little Padawan" caves in quicker than an elven mineshaft. There's four playable Jedi in this game: one attacked her Jedi Master in a fit of rage and is trying to get better, one is a gray ex-Jedi who left the Order after realizing he couldn't abide by their values anymore, another is the ex-Dark Lord Of The Sith on the road to redemption...and this prissy princess is the one that was the easiest to tempt away? The only thing interesting about her character was that she was the only Jedi on my team that wasn't even sort-of tainted by dark side bull****, and she tossed that away.

But hey, I shouldn't complain, I should treat this as an opportunity! I mean hell, every other Sith in the game has had some touch of personality in their voice acting, even the ones you kill as random encounters, and most of the Sith you can actually have conversations with (mostly on Korriban), you get to actually learn their philosophy to some extent and see why people can be attracted to that way of thinking. Plus, look at that outfit! It looks like Bastila took a level in Sexy Edgy Badass, how could this possibly be a bad thing? This is gonna save the character, right? Give them an interesting twist that makes them fun to interact with for the first time in the entire game?


Of course that doesn't happen. ****ing guess what happens instead. Bastila...gives a preachy, whiny speech about the dark side!!! She's everything that's boring and one-dimensional about the light-side, right up until she gets corrupted into being everything that's boring and one-dimensional about the dark side! She is, somehow, against all odds, an even bigger tool as a Sith than she ever was as a Jedi. Actually, that's not fair, she's just as much a Sith tool as a Jedi tool, it only feels worse because most Jedi feel like tools anyway, while most Sith come across more as interesting individuals than those uptight "perfect cog in the perfect machine" toolish Jedi.

Also, if we're gonna talk about characters we're being forced to travel with, Juhani travelling with you is a consequence of your decision to spare her life; personally, I don't see that as her being forced on me as much as I see a Jedi being so inspired by my words and actions that they'll follow me. No, when I think of a character being forced on me, I think of characters I'm literally incapable of choosing not to take along, or else the entire game grinds to a halt; at least you get a chance to kill Juhani if you don't want her tagging along. Hell, if we're counting roleplaying, you can never bring Mission with you and pretend you left her on Taris, and you can play the game RPing the guilt over leaving her behind. Can't do that with Bastila, though; even if you don't ever add her to your team, she shows up to talk to you about stupid visions, or you're forced to adventure with her on the ship that captures you, or her turning to the dark side is a plot point, and you've got to end up fighting her, while doing everything in your power to talk your way out of the fight, even though you should probably just fight her because fighting means you can be done with her quicker and you don't have to bother with trying to literally seduce Bastila to the light side.

The whole point of bringing Jolee is for his personality, snark comments, and the benefit he provides with the Force. He is the only Counselor in the game besides the PC, and happens to more valuable I found compared to the other Jedi Characters. Plus his story of being a former Hero and the stories he tells allows for quite a lot of Humor.

I'm aware of why people are interested in bringing along Jolee (hell, why I'm also interested in bringing Jolee): he's one of the only interesting cohorts you get, and he's arguably the most powerful to boot. I'm just saying that sometimes I don't want to just let my force wizard turn my game into a movie that I don't have to play; this game is easy enough as it is, turning on "why bother trying" mode is adding insult to injury. I'll usually end up making him a team buffer rather than messing around with debuff/attack powers, just because it makes him more of a team player (although giving him an area debuff gives him some synergy with Mission).

Interesting? Did we play the same game? Juhani is basically Bastila but without the plot coupon visions, and gets added in a "my species doth protest" bit. Plus, the council dumps her on us when we should have requested her presence on this mission.

As for the Force Jump, while we can take Guardian for our prestige class, thereby acquiring the same ability so taking her along because of that is a flawed point.

As mentioned above, interesting is a matter of opinion. I find Juhani's flaws and currents of anger beneath the surface more interesting than Bastila's eternal resting bitch face and preach cobbler. I also find the character I have the option to kill/pretend doesn't exist to be far less "forced upon me" than the character who spends half the game as the princess I need to rescue from another castle (who spends the other half of the game convincing me of how that rescue operation is me actively trying to kill my own entertainment).

Force Jump is about the only visually interesting thing to watch (IMO) on these decade+ old graphics, but it's difficult to watch from the PC's PoV; much better to watch somebody else Force Jump. Plus, Guardians are boring for just solving all problems with lightsaber-violence, the same way Force Wizards solve all problems with power-violence. I play Sentinel, whose only specialties are "being just skilled enough to be considered vaguely competent at multiple skills" and "not getting ganked like a chump by cheap moves". Of course, even then I only really bring Juhani along for conversation and what storylines she has; I'm perfectly capable of murdering my problems away without assistance, thank you very much.

Would agree with what you said except for the bit about Mission. Mission is better suited for making the best use of her Sneak Attack through controlling her directly because she has low hit-points. That means not controlling your own character whenever you use her. That is not a good selling point. If we don't control her directly, then we make her into basically another version of Carth with single or dual pistols.

1) SA is a thing that happens on its own if conditions allow it to occur, at which point she'll be getting it automatically. It does not require player activation.

2) Master Critical Shot allows Mission to set people up to SA them; there is no reason not to get it for her.

3) The game has this interesting feature where you can pause the game and switch between all characters to select their actions, allowing you to control all characters at once. You can even select multiple actions for them to take, allowing you to essentially set their actions for the rest of the combat.

4) The AI is actually pretty good at activating MCS on its own, so you shouldn't even need to switch characters for Mission to set up her SA.

5) If anybody else in the power has a debuff force power like Wave or Insanity, Mission doesn't even need to set up SA herself, she can just start blasting away and adding up all those d6s.

Only one problem here: To get the best use of Zaal, we have to get levels and beef him up. To can turn Canderous into a melee monster faster, and Candie gets free regen which we can use implants to increase. We also have to equip Zaal with special equipment because he doesn't get armor. With the right gear/feats/health, he can be a tank, but it does mean we may leave him behind a lot before bringing him out./quote]

Canderous starts with Fast Healing, which means he effectively takes a couple less damage every round; Zaalbar, meanwhile, starts with the equivalent of the entire Toughness tree (which can stack with actually take the Toughness tree), meaning totally Vanilla Zaalbar is taking a couple less damage every attack. Unless Canderous' Regen is much faster than I recall, it's not gonna keep up with Zaalbar's DR in terms of damage mitigation (although admittedly it means Canderous needs less healing during downtime between fights than Big Z does). Zaalbar starts off with much higher Str/Con, though, and automatic access to implants.

Not to say Canderous is bad at all; he's generally got much better offense, and armor is certainly helpful. But I've played the game dozens of times, with dozens of team-ups, and it's never been Canderous leaving a trail of dead bodies behind him to put my PC to shame. Canderous, for as badass as he is, has never racked up a higher body count in a fight than my Guardian PC...but Zaalbar has.

[quote]We need the skills because the game puts us on our own quite a few times, and even more important, we need to have the repair skill for exploring HK's history and giving him stat bonuses.

Persuade is the only skill the PC gets, and keeping it high gives us major benefits, mainly that we can request better rewards, more credits, and can convince people of things until we fully pick up the mind-affecting force powers.

Regarding the classes, we only get two in game: A starting one of Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel, then we add in Jedi Guardian/Sentinel/Counselor. Once we pick a class to take, we are stuck with it, and the Jedi from the Start doesn't allow us to add in another Jedi class.

Persuade, Repair, and Treat Injury are the skills I consider most important; if I had to pick a fourth skill for Revan (which I usually do, going Scout/Sentinel), I probably go with Awareness. From there it depends.

I suggest Scout 8/Sentinel 12. Pretty standard,but there you go. *shrug*

2016-08-16, 12:08 AM
Also, if we're gonna talk about characters we're being forced to travel with, Juhani travelling with you is a consequence of your decision to spare her life; personally, I don't see that as her being forced on me as much as I see a Jedi being so inspired by my words and actions that they'll follow me.

I also find the character I have the option to kill/pretend doesn't exist to be far less "forced upon me" than the character who spends half the game as the princess I need to rescue from another castle (who spends the other half of the game convincing me of how that rescue operation is me actively trying to kill my own entertainment).

The Jedi Council is the one that tells you to take Juhani, she doesn't request it from you as much as the council says to bring her. If she does request to come with us, she doesn't have to constantly give us crap about Taris, our life, and whatever it was. It has been a while since I last played, but I recall finding Juhani annoying.

A Side Note: Both Bastila and Juhani have Jedi sticks up their butts. It's kind of the point of being a Jedi, being an obnoxious tool.

Only one problem here: To get the best use of Zaal, we have to get levels and beef him up. To can turn Canderous into a melee monster faster, and Candie gets free regen which we can use implants to increase. We also have to equip Zaal with special equipment because he doesn't get armor. With the right gear/feats/health, he can be a tank, but it does mean we may leave him behind a lot before bringing him out.

Canderous starts with Fast Healing, which means he effectively takes a couple less damage every round; Zaalbar, meanwhile, starts with the equivalent of the entire Toughness tree (which can stack with actually take the Toughness tree), meaning totally Vanilla Zaalbar is taking a couple less damage every attack. Unless Canderous' Regen is much faster than I recall, it's not gonna keep up with Zaalbar's DR in terms of damage mitigation (although admittedly it means Canderous needs less healing during downtime between fights than Big Z does). Zaalbar starts off with much higher Str/Con, though, and automatic access to implants.

Not to say Canderous is bad at all; he's generally got much better offense, and armor is certainly helpful. But I've played the game dozens of times, with dozens of team-ups, and it's never been Canderous leaving a trail of dead bodies behind him to put my PC to shame. Canderous, for as badass as he is, has never racked up a higher body count in a fight than my Guardian PC...but Zaalbar has.

I think it happens to be more that Zaal takes a few levels to get online. As a result, you end up playing with other characters.

My main party groupings usually ended up with PC, Jolee, Candie or HK or Carth. That was because Jolee had the best interplay with other characters. Candie loves Jolee, Bastila trades talks about the Jedi Order and council, Carth discusses heroics with Jolee, and HK+Jolee=Snark potential.

Dropping the flaw bits. Will cover the rest later.

Regarding the Characters

I mainly play to have fun, and I quickly became bored with some characters. Others didn't have a lot of story or it seems to fit much, but let us cover the characters, some of their history, and definitely their classes, plus some extra bits since we are going to be playing therapist or droid repairman to everyone in the party)

The Party, In order of Joining

1) Carth Onasi, Soldier, Joins on Taris

2) Mission Vao, Scoundrel, Joins on Taris

3) Zaalbar, Scout, Joins on Taris

4) Bastila Shan, Jedi Sentinel, Taris

5) T3-M4, Droid Slicer/Scoundrel, Taris

6) Canderous Order, Soldier, Taris

7) Juhani, Jedi Guardian, Optional on Dantioone (Thank Goodness!)

8) HK-47, Droid Soldier, Tatioone (Optional if you want to slaughter the Tuskens, Required for you want to conclude things peacefully, which happens to be Ironic considering that HK is an assassin droid)

9) Jolee Bindo, Jedi Counselor, Kashyyyk (Vital to get past an obstacle, then signs on. If you aren't talking with him every chance you get, then you are missing out)

To understand details, we need to cover classes. We get two pairs of three, with Soldier/Scout/Scoundrel, and then Guardian/Sentinel/Counselor. They each have a different focus.

Soldier - Basically the D&D Fighter in Star Wars. Can shoot things with blasters or just hit people with melee weapons. Not exactly that impressive beyond that area, but gets a lot of feats.

Scout -A mix of Soldier and Scoundrel, while getting implants. Implants allow for tweaking stats, so everyone should get feats for that. Scouts get less skill points than Scoundrels, but they can fight not as well as Soldiers.

Scoundrel - Notorious for possessing one of the most random gameplay element, the Cloaking device. We can personally cloak our character, though if you get a device and put ranks in stealth, you can cloak anybody. Cloaking would be nice except that there are few instances where it helps, and we don't really get XP for using it, I don't think. We do get XP for reprogramming droids or setting up electronic devices to blow up. Why sneaking past enemies doesn't give us any rewards means it is only for setting up a good initial strike. Also, the cloaking goes away with cut-scenes, making this ability less useful. Also does the same for shields, which disappear thanks to cut-scenes (this is due to most cut-scenes lasting longer than the shield time)

Scoundrels get Sneak Attack, which the same as the ability from Rogues. It only applies to certain attacks, and has some rules to it. Got to take the time and check out the ability at character creation to examine how it works, since it should tell us.

Pause was mentioned, though it tends to freeze everything, mainly our characters to fight. It could be useful I suppose.

For Jedi Classes

Guardians are basically Force Using Soldiers, and can leap around to attack enemies. Note that the Force Jump attack only works on single attacks. Sounds nice except for the sheer number of late game force using enemies we will end up encountering, as Korriban which is the home to the dark jedi/sith enemies is usually visited last when you are collecting the last starmap. You could visit earlier, though.

Sentinels are basically Scouts with Force Powers but not as many as counselors get.

Counselors are Scoundrels with Force Powers, and a lot of them. They lack combat oomph compared to the other Jedi Classes, but the Jedi classes are prestige classes or multiclassing for the PC.

The best or most of the Force powers require not wearing armor to use. So whatever way you go, you will very likely not being wearing any armor. So items that you can use to keep you alive without armor is important to use. Some powers work with Armor, so maybe you have some, but none of your Jedi Characters can wear armor, and neither can Zaalbar.

(Will continue later, late here, and I have quite a bit to say)

2016-08-16, 03:14 AM
It might be lost due to Jennifer Hale's adult voice (I didn't know it myself until I read it somewhere), but Bastila Shan is 16! Think about that for a while, if she wasn't an easily influenced, arrogant and bitchy tool (which stems from her terrible insecurity she tries to mask) she'd be a poorly written teenager and if you think about that one for a while, she is in many ways a very well written adolescent particularly in comparison to the typical pandering the target audience (adolescents games and books along these lines are sold to) is used to.
The point is, if you don't like her because she behaves like a bratty, spoiled teenager, then that is because that is exactly what she is.
:smallamused: I see what you did there Bioware

Also, think about the age of each individual non-droid character. The order of general smarts (from highest to lowest) is about as follows (up for debate, it is more of an approximation anyway) along with their approximate agea at the time. Revan is excluded because Revan is wise beyond his years and the leader for a reason.

Jolee Bindo (60 at least) > Canderous Ordo (50 at least) > Carth Onasi (mid 30ties) > Juhani (early twenties at the highest) > Mission Vao/Zaalbar (14/ he can't be more than in his early wookie twenties) > Bastila Shan (16)

Note that the characters general age pretty much fits their general smarts with Bastila being the dumbest because she has an over inflated ego. She also has Daddy issues.
I rated Mission higher than Bastila because she actually knows how to survive and doesn't run headlong into danger.
(Canderous' ego is not over inflated, he got the scars, balls and skills to back up anything he says)
I interpreted Juhani's comparative lack of dialogue as her shutting the f*** up and listening before speaking and acting. It makes sense too since she thought she fell to the dark side when you meet her and tries not to be the sexy amazonian hotheaded catgirl.

PS: it is heavily implied that Juhani is a lesbian and that she was in love with Belaya (fellow Padawn that will turn up on Korriban as a Sith if you kill Juhani) and that had a crush on her Jedi Mistress Quatra (the one she thought she killed in training when she lost her temper)

2016-08-16, 05:55 AM
We need the skills because the game puts us on our own quite a few times, and even more important, we need to have the repair skill for exploring HK's history and giving him stat bonuses.

The game puts you on your own in places where the main thing to do is murderise, you barely need any non-murder skills on your PC, and you only need an effective Repair skill of 17 to fully repair HK. Which is easy to get if you started as Scout because you keep all your class skills from your first class, then you just boost Repair to 17 and use all those levelups you didn't waste on Taris for Persuade on your Jedi class which all have it as a class skill.

The best or most of the Force powers require not wearing armor to use. So whatever way you go, you will very likely not being wearing any armor. So items that you can use to keep you alive without armor is important to use. Some powers work with Armor, so maybe you have some, but none of your Jedi Characters can wear armor, and neither can Zaalbar.

There's actually a reasonable argument for wearing armour if you want to be a combat monster. You can still cast Force Valor and be affected by Force Speed if cast by an ally, but you'll barely need Speed because you can pump your damage to such insane numbers that everything dies from at most two combat rounds (and it would have cost you one of those to cast speed). The trick is that you can wear the Powered Endoskeleton armour which gives +3 Str/Con and so pumps your damage further, especially when combined with the +5 Str gauntlets, the strength belt, +3 Str for being max LS guardian (or 1D6 damage for being max DS), and Master Valor. (and 3D6+4 from a Force Jump/Sneak Attack combo if you started with Scoundrel 5)

I suggest Scout 8/Sentinel 12. Pretty standard,but there you go. *shrug*

Scout 8? There are people who still waste that many levels on the opening classes? Scout 4 at most. Remember that the more levels you stack up before you Jedi up the more force powers & points you'll end up with and the earlier you'll unlock the master level of your Jedi class specific feat.

Even if you were going to be insane and pick Sentinel for some godforsaken reason a Scout 4/Sentinel 16 would have 4 more force powers, would have gotten their final immunity at level 16 instead of not getting it until 20 when its far too late to have any effect, and only paid two* feat picks to do it.

* Well, one, but you would use one more for level 3 implant. But then feat choices are not so important in this game because all you need is the implants and one of either Power Attack or Flurry which are p. close in effect, everything else worth having on the PC is a force power, so after three you're basically spending them on whatever.

Scout 4/Guardian 16 would be better, of course. Same number of force power picks, lightsaber specialisation for more to hit and damage, very slightly fewer force points (but the same as scout 8/Sentinel 12), more feat picks than either scout combination, better to hit (+19 instead of +15), same saves, force jump instead of a basically useless immunity to things that you can defeat with saves which doesn't work on enemy force powers, and more hitpoints.

2016-08-16, 06:56 AM
Scout 8? There are people who still waste that many levels on the opening classes? Scout 4 at most. Remember that the more levels you stack up before you Jedi up the more force powers & points you'll end up with and the earlier you'll unlock the master level of your Jedi class specific feat.

Even if you were going to be insane and pick Sentinel for some godforsaken reason a Scout 4/Sentinel 16 would have 4 more force powers, would have gotten their final immunity at level 16 instead of not getting it until 20 when its far too late to have any effect, and only paid two* feat picks to do it.

* Well, one, but you would use one more for level 3 implant. But then feat choices are not so important in this game because all you need is the implants and one of either Power Attack or Flurry which are p. close in effect, everything else worth having on the PC is a force power, so after three you're basically spending them on whatever.

Scout 4/Guardian 16 would be better, of course. Same number of force power picks, lightsaber specialisation for more to hit and damage, very slightly fewer force points (but the same as scout 8/Sentinel 12), more feat picks than either scout combination, better to hit (+19 instead of +15), same saves, force jump instead of a basically useless immunity to things that you can defeat with saves which doesn't work on enemy force powers, and more hitpoints.

I'm not playing Scout 8/Sentinel 12 because it's optimal, I'm doing it because it's the simplest set-up that's even the slightest bit challenging. Of course there's more optimal builds, but none of that matters because no matter what setting the difficulty is at, the game is piss-easy. I've played a successful run with Scoundrel 4/Consolar 16 who refused to use Force powers; I've played a successful run with Soldier 5/Consolar 15, fighting in heavy armor while dual-wielding un-upgraded weapons; I've played a successful run where I didn't even bother leveling up into double digits. That last one was the only one where the game got difficult, but it was a Scoundrel 8/Consolar 1 run, so I just snuck around everywhere once I had the best gear (which surprisingly isn't always the Genoharadan stuff, although it usually comes in second). About the only time the standard game gets a bit difficult normally is when I leave the Jedi Academy and go straight for Korriban; the single most difficult fight in the game isn't Malak, or Bastila, or waves of enemies on the Star Forge, it's solo'ing two terentaks as a 12th lvl character. One day I'm gonna break down and look up a way to use the console to somehow switch back to gaining Scout levels after Dantooine.

It's not optimal, no, but that's the point. It's vaguely challenging.

KotOR 2 is better about this, though; the game's enemies level up with you, the level layouts include more traps or ambushes, the enemies use better tactics on the whole, and the change in difficulty setting actually means something. There's times I actually died due to making a stupid mistake in Traya's Academy, for example (not against Traya or Sion, sadly).

2016-08-16, 07:53 AM
Scout 8? There are people who still waste that many levels on the opening classes? Scout 4 at most. Remember that the more levels you stack up before you Jedi up the more force powers & points you'll end up with and the earlier you'll unlock the master level of your Jedi class specific feat. There are also people, such as myself, who have tried to adhere to the minimum non-Jedi build guides and eventually gave up because it wasn't fun. Fun > optimization.

2016-08-16, 08:38 AM
There are also people, such as myself, who have tried to adhere to the minimum non-Jedi build guides and eventually gave up because it wasn't fun. Fun > optimization.

The secret is drugs. Inject yourself with all of the drugs for any reasonably tough fight and you make up the difference easily.

2016-08-16, 08:40 AM
The secret is drugs. Inject yourself with all of the drugs for any reasonably tough fight and you make up the difference easily.

And even that's only really necessary if you're using a crap build on the highest difficulty.

2016-08-16, 09:02 AM
See, I'm a blatant skill point whore. My favorite build runs Scoundrel to Sentinel, mostly because of skill points. Last time, I went Scout to Sentinel, so I could wear better armors, since I realized the only force powers I used were Force Wave and Healing... other powers I left to other characters. By late game, I was only a few points shy of maximum in every skill (and max in Persuade, naturally), and could just force wave my way through a lot of encounters.

2016-08-16, 11:17 AM
Question: anyone go ds force caster? How'd the fight with Malak go?

I went ds force caster but went neutral right at the end. Malak was so friggin tough.

2016-08-16, 12:27 PM
Question: anyone go ds force caster? How'd the fight with Malak go?

I went ds force caster but went neutral right at the end. Malak was so friggin tough.

Malak is a guardian with Force Immunity; as a result, the game attempts to require you to face a Guardian 20 in a lightsaber duel, which either requires a solidly built combatant or a mediocre combatant buffed to high heaven and high as a kite. However, if you have Force Breach (a power that's basically pointless to use against any other foe in the game), you can pop that immunity and start going to town. Force Storm and Death Field are both good for whittling down his HP in huge chunks at a time, although if he's not immobilized, he'll be carving into yours with his Lightsaber; incidentally, that's why Insanity, Force Wave (Whirlwind if you have it), and/or Stasis Field are useful. Finally, Plague is a single target irresistible poison effect that will basically kneecap any individual foe over a long fight; for multiple reasons, a breach'd Malak is basically the only enemy in the game this power is really worth using on.

None of this matters if you don't have breach, though.

To survive whatever Malak is able to throw your way, you'll probably want item-based immunities, since those can't be dispelled by Malak's Breach. In particular, immunity to crits and electricity damage is good, although you'll also want a good energy shield if you're going to be casting force spells while he tries to lightsaber your face off.

2016-08-16, 01:15 PM
I'll say, a mod I would love to have? One that lets you access earlier powers on a power chain. Force Wave is fantastic for turning you into a grenade, but, sometimes, you just want a single target immobilizer.

2016-08-16, 04:14 PM
I tend to play for fun, and I have died against different enemies on Taris, like Ice in the dueling Arena, the sith Governor, and Against Davik & Calo. That was on easy, and I can recall going Soldier and having it happen. Interestingly, if you are level 5 or so with all three classes I think, you go power drive through the arena combatants, then take on Bendak, who has the other moddable gun to give Carth.

You don't need Breach to take out Malak, just use the lightsabers and the Force.

The best setup for all characters is to dual wield and Flurry, except for Jolee or HK; with them you just pick up repeating shots for HK, and single weapon focus for Jolee, though I doubled up sabers for him as well.

Flurry is the best because you get to attack multiple times, and yes, it screws on your defense, but with dual wielding plus flurry should take out most enemies. Terentateks are basically the only thing that really give me trouble, because the two on korriban both attack at once. It is a tough fight.

Would have to say that snagging the best equipment really helps in game. It can help.

Most of my playthroughs have had deaths, like fighting against the assassin lady on Taris, though that might be more because I take on challenges with lower levels, like fighting against rakghouls. A non-soldier/Non-Melee plus Carth & Mission in the sewers can be nasty. It is just more fun that way. And I have no issues reloading save games. "Oops, died a few times. Well let's try it again and something else."

My gameplay improved once I became aware of the combat scripts to give characters. That helped a lot except for the sheer number of grenades that kept getting tossed.

Getting Force powers in armor, does mean bringing Jolee along. The Heal power is useful, but I do bring medpacs along. Can recall dying to the Mando leader on Dantioone and sometimes dying to one of his subordinate groups. Have also died fighting Calo on Tatioone, and Against Darth Bandon before.

We can go with Normal Difficulty or a tougher difficulty, and I will/might mention how many times I had to re-load.

Besides, it looks so far that Scout has great support with no preference for Gender, but if I am going to have some real fun, I will go with female revan and the special options for female revan mod. That way we could hang out with Bastila, and go explore Juhani's deal. Probably using the Gain force powers mod, should help some.

What about difficulty, Normal and mess myself up or go harder, pray to the dice gods?

Character: Female Scout, Name (Still undecided, Preferring something funny), probably blaster focused, with points put into Wis and Cha for later fun.

2016-08-16, 04:50 PM
You don't need Breach to take out Malak, just use the lightsabers and the Force.

I only bring up Breach because somebody was asking about using a Consular; presumably, they wished to know if this dude could be blasted to death, and blasting him to death is kind of difficult if he's got his Force Immunity up (not impossible, exactly, since Force Immunity doesn't actually give immunity, but it makes it take longer, and that's a lot of time Malak can use to lightsaber your face). No matter what Jedi class you are, though, it's almost universally easier to buff yourself with force powers, shoot up on drugs, and just lightsaber him to death (and easier still if you bother to eliminate his sources of extra HP).

The best setup for all characters is to dual wield and Flurry, except for Jolee or HK; with them you just pick up repeating shots for HK, and single weapon focus for Jolee, though I doubled up sabers for him as well.

My vague recollection (it's been awhile since I ran the math) is that when all other things are equal, a Master Speed boosted, flurrying Jedi can be built to get 4 attacks with Master Dueling boosts, or get 5 attacks with Master Dual Wielding penalties (lessened penalties, but penalties all the same). I'll probably run the numbers later, if only because all this discussion is making me want to play the game again myself.

Would have to say that snagging the best equipment really helps in game. It can help.

Absolutely agree; when you can get the best equipment for your build (or for your cohort's builds), it allows them to really shine.

Getting Force powers in armor, does mean bringing Jolee along. The Heal power is useful, but I do bring medpacs along.

Personally, I prefer putting my Jedi in robes, but to each their own. As with most other things, it doesn't really make a huge difference.

We can go with Normal Difficulty or a tougher difficulty, and I will/might mention how many times I had to re-load.

Besides, it looks so far that Scout has great support with no preference for Gender, but if I am going to have some real fun, I will go with female revan and the special options for female revan mod. That way we could hang out with Bastila, and go explore Juhani's deal. Probably using the Gain force powers mod, should help some.

What about difficulty, Normal and mess myself up or go harder, pray to the dice gods?

Character: Female Scout, Name (Still undecided, Preferring something funny), probably blaster focused, with points put into Wis and Cha for later fun.

I have a slight preference towards female, and I prefer Scout/Sentinel. Blaster Jedi can be interesting, though...

Also, as a name suggestion: Trudack Shlamask...it's an anagram for "Darth Malak sucks"

2016-08-16, 07:48 PM
Well, I like the names: Dead Beat, Commander, FemShep, Death Rider, Something relating to Cats because why not?!, The Pope, Captain Planet, The Hero, Chosen One, Carth's Nightmare, Free Ride, Free Bird, Juke Box

I think I always stick my force users in jedi robes or sith robes. That way the Force powers work.

Side Note: Bought Vicky 2 vanilla, played a Belgium, annexed by Netherlands, Stupid British, abandoned me!

Back to Kotor: I like that we can pick and choose different lightsaber colors. You can be a light jedi with two red lightsabers.

2016-08-16, 07:50 PM
...Name (Still undecided, Preferring something funny), probably blaster focused...These two bits ran together in my head, and now I want a protagonist named BLAST HARDCHEESE (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fypyFkTO8x0&t=2m48s). Not that I'm asking you to do this, but if I should ever get around to KotOR again I think I know the name for that file.

2016-08-16, 08:49 PM
So, continuing from before)

The Party, In order of Joining

1) Carth Onasi, Soldier, Joins on Taris

Packs two pistols, with one to start being a family heirloom of sorts and you can get him a second one by killing Bendak on Taris. Very Pro-Republic, fought in the Mando Wars then later the Jedi Civil War, but Carth Absolutely refuses to speak about his time, apparently not having made any friends. Some soldiers that won't talk about their war experience still talk about friends that they met during it; Carth has none, apparently only Saul was his friends.

Personality: Paranoid about everything, despite the fact that trusting someone is important to get the mission done. Has massive Trust issues which we get to give him therapy for. He will be the first party member that we end up having to fix. Carth is voiced by the guy who voiced Kaidon from Mass Effect, and here there be emotions...

2) Mission Vao, Scoundrel, Joins on Taris

A sneaky twi-lek that is not a dancer. She is a kid that enjoys exploring who has been on her own. Beyond that requires actually talking to her, so will be covering more of her story later when we pick her up. A version of Han Solo for Zal's Chewbacca

3) Zaalbar, Scout, Joins on Taris

Basically Chewie as a teenage, his story is also told mainly on Kashyyyk and we can learn stuff from Mission. Sadly, he gets taken from us on Kashyyyk, leaving us to learn about him from everybody else rather than him. This means we could actually miss his story details thanks to choices you can make. Swears a life debt, because apparently having him just agree to help us out is not enough Star Wars. Highly impulsive. Can be turned into basically a barbarian

4) Bastila Shan, Jedi Sentinel, Taris

Little miss Jedi stick up her @$$. Plays like the D&D style of Paladin, where a player makes a paladin to screw around with the other players. Naturally, due to our therapist status, we are to engage in therapy regarding her stick-in-the-@$$ issue. Is also a teenage that got dumped with big heroics.

Bastila is a member of the Jedi Order, which is pretty much a cult of fanatics that brainwash people. They are also heroes despite this. Seeing Bastila get her idea view whacked by Jolee is nice and a favored moment. We can watch that event occur after sticking Bastie and Jolee together since it is a randomly triggered conversation between the two.

5) T3-M4, Droid Slicer/Scoundrel, Taris

Our new droid with no personality, so basically a character made by a new player, essentially. We could get to develop his personality in how he thinks. We don't have to therapize him since he does not have any personality yet. Originally built for Davik, but we stole it.

6) Canderous Order, Soldier, Taris

Candie, mister War is Glorious, who enjoys fighting, long walks of fighting and more fighting. Bit of a retiring glory hound who is getting bored with Davik. Decides ditching his boss to join us is worth it. You betcha. Thanks to us, Candie gets to live rather than die with the rest of Taris.

Has some nice comments for Bastila, and for Carth. Carth is naturally Carth, so he (Carth) reacts badly. Too bad that Candie has no regrets over his military days, Carth, and that Carth has no rebuttals of any strength. (Carth brings up war crimes done by the Mandos, but Carth never actually says what they are, making his point moot. Carth Fails at Arguing his Point)

7) Juhani, Jedi Guardian, Optional on Dantioone (Thank Goodness!)

Cat-Girl with anger management issues, and a control freak. A member of the cult like Bastila, but has more personal problems, then blames us for a bunch of stuff. Seriously, it was not our fault that Taris blew up, that was Malak and Bastila's fault. Also, given her own history, why is Juhani so upset? An older version of Mission basically, but little more.

The anger management issue is sadly all in her head; Don't expect her to say or do anything remotely pissed off about, and she spouts Anti-dark side lines. Gets prissy about Taris, but that is it. The difficulty with rage bit could have been developed better with more instances of it happening to show the struggle, but the designers goofed. She gets portrayed with a "my species doth protest too much", along with issues dealing with that fact she gets angry or could have normal emotions. Considering the insane way Jedi teach people with tempers, it makes her problems more hilarious. We get to therapize her for her anger problems and take her crap, like Bastila.

Oh, and not to forget, she has a freebie cloaking method that doesn't need a device to use. Sadly the full value of cloaking then wandering around really doesn't apply much in the game. Another issue.

8) HK-47, Droid Soldier, Tatioone (Optional if you want to slaughter the Tuskens, Required for you want to conclude things peacefully, which happens to be Ironic considering that HK is an assassin droid)

A droid that we can buy, hear his story while repairing him, and basically get a fun companion. He has no faults, so none of Carth's whinging, Bastila/Juhani-'s sermonizing about the dark side. That makes him great in my book. His therapy is actually just fixing him. So relaxing. Has a lot of great comments.

9) Jolee Bindo, Jedi Counselor, Kashyyyk (Vital to get past an obstacle, then signs on. If you aren't talking with him every chance you get, then you are missing out)

A crotchetly old man that was there, been there, and did the whole hero spiel. That makes him our go to guy for fun stories. Provides interaction for us with somebody that has left the Jedi order after picking up on the crazy. The most developed of the characters, who we just listen to with having to apply therapy to. Meaning that we actually can enjoy his presence.

Also, the most important point, Jolee is the king of snark and has some nice stuff to say about heroism to Carth, which is great because troubling Carth in game is always fun.


Malak) The bad guy with a missing jaw. We learn is the second to Revan and that he doesn't like Revan much. Plus, he happens to be inspiration for the meatbag reference for HK. Learning about that is great.

Darth Bandon) A barely there apprentice to Malak. First encountered on the Endar Spire where he kills Trask, which you can yell about when you met him again. Which is rather silly since you don't remember anybody else. His other establishing moment is force slinging somebody in his way into a console. Yeah, not exactly that establishing. Runs on the principle of show, tell nothing, show nothing in game design. Why is he threatening again? Oh right, he can actually really hurt us when we encounter him later with his goons.

Calo Nord) Bounty Hunter of DOOM!!!!!!!! and few words. He competes with Candie for Davik, which is weird, but happens to nice. We encounter him a few times on Taris before fighting at Davik's then he shows up somehow surviving having a bomb drop on him. He has some nice armor like Bandon does.

All the others: There are items in game that named after ancestors of members of the cast in the star wars movies. So we can or should expect to find an item belonging to somebody Calrissian, who is supposedly related to Lando. Having actual Lando would have been cool.

Update: the Scoundrel Sneak Attack works on enemies being stunned or immobilized, or being behind them or the first attack being stealthed which breaks stealth. So, making best use of Sneak Attack means constantly re-orienting to stay behind somebody.

2016-08-17, 08:01 AM
Are we voting on the party? I say Baalbar and HK-47. Ahhhh yeah.

2016-08-17, 09:49 AM
I went ahead and started a new playthrough to work out my desire fore Space Mutiny protagonist in a Star Wars game. He will only have enough skill points to max one skill, and I am fine with that.

Regarding Lando, it would be a little difficult to explain what he was doing there nearly four thousand years before the Battle of Yavin (3956 BBY (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/3956_BBY)).

Also, Canderous' last name is Ordo.

2016-08-17, 11:10 AM
Are we voting on the party? I say Baalbar and HK-47. Ahhhh yeah.

My preferred party was two melee and one ranged... since I set my character up as melee, I would partner with Zaalbar or a Jedi, then Carth, Mission, HK 47, T3, or Canderous to provide ranged support.

Two melee gave you good spread of damage taken, while the ranged person could add to wherever it was needed.

2016-08-17, 12:16 PM
My preferred party was two melee and one ranged... since I set my character up as melee, I would partner with Zaalbar or a Jedi, then Carth, Mission, HK 47, T3, or Canderous to provide ranged support.

Two melee gave you good spread of damage taken, while the ranged person could add to wherever it was needed.

Dunno how I typed Baalbar >.>

2016-08-17, 12:43 PM

Dunno how I typed Baalbar >.>

I am picturing a series of children's books called "Baalbar the Wookie", along the lines of Babar the Elephant.

The sad part is, I think it works pretty well in the game.

And, since we're whining about the companions... Zaalbar. He refuses to engage with you on the ship, when we go to his world to do things, he's taken away from the party entirely, and afterwards, he's all "We must never speak of this again!" FAR more interesting would have been for Chundaar to take MISSION as his hostage, requiring you to use Zaalbar in the Shadowlands, and to complete the last bit of the Shadowlands with Jolee and Zaalbar... including encountering Freyyr. Then you spend some time with Big Z, using him, instead of his story being all about NOT using him.

2016-08-17, 03:27 PM
Are we voting on the party? I say Baalbar and HK-47. Ahhhh yeah.

Nope. I wasn't planning on a party vote, just rotating a few characters. Was going to talk to everyone, but was only to use a few characters.

Also, Canderous' last name is Ordo.

I started typing it and naturally typed Order. Will fix later when he shows up in game, and address him correctly.

My preferred party was two melee and one ranged... since I set my character up as melee, I would partner with Zaalbar or a Jedi, then Carth, Mission, HK 47, T3, or Canderous to provide ranged support.

Two melee gave you good spread of damage taken, while the ranged person could add to wherever it was needed.

I recall using Candie and Carth on Dantioone plus my melee Jedi, because blasters and lightsabers.

And, since we're whining about the companions... Zaalbar. He refuses to engage with you on the ship, when we go to his world to do things, he's taken away from the party entirely, and afterwards, he's all "We must never speak of this again!" FAR more interesting would have been for Chundaar to take MISSION as his hostage, requiring you to use Zaalbar in the Shadowlands, and to complete the last bit of the Shadowlands with Jolee and Zaalbar... including encountering Freyyr. Then you spend some time with Big Z, using him, instead of his story being all about NOT using him.

This basically wrecks his story pretty effectively, and taking away mission would have helped in pushing for action more. We are already taking mission with us, her getting captured or one of the others makes sense. The only reason that Chundaar takes Zaal is to try to convince of his words, which originally caused Zaal to attack Chundaar as a mad claw. Freyyr tells us that. But you wouldn't learn any of that if you killed Freyyr rather than talking with him. Getting a wookie's perspective on his home planet would have been nice. And it makes him interesting that way.

But the designers goofed.

So, I have a few tests to perform, than need a name since we should be ready to roll. Already got most of the planning ready as well for what our first episodes will be: Introduction to the Jedi History Class, because what else would happen with Jedi.

I am going to provide results for both endings, since there is spot in game where you get to pick and choose. Personally, going to go with playing the best sounding answers rather than picking a side, so we may not do so hot on the alignment scale. We may need up more like Jolee, playing rather Sith like, because we should try blending in.

Unless people have a demand for what Alignment to go and I will try to stick with it; but both endings will be up when we reach that.

Update: Got the Following names picked out for our Character) DeadBeat Smores, Yum Smores, Cute Kitten, Cat Lover, Jail Bait, UnChosen One

You can express your pick of those.

2016-08-17, 04:05 PM
This is a test of a screenshot, to try to get it fit good here


What do people think? Is it a good size? Does it look good? If it works, then soon we can get starter soon. (Going to do Character generation, and start up everything. Using MS paint. Also, need a name badly. Have looks picked out.

Update: Am I using the expanded Female material? Because I put in mods for Force Power gains, and Lightsaber forms from K2 in place to play in a new game.

2016-08-17, 04:13 PM
This is a test of a screenshot, to try to get it fit good here


What do people think? Is it a good size? Does it look good? If it works, then soon we can get starter soon. (Going to do Character generation, and start up everything. Using MS paint. Also, need a name badly. Have looks picked out.

Looks good to me.

2016-08-17, 04:20 PM
This is a test of a screenshot, to try to get it fit good here


What do people think? Is it a good size? Does it look good? If it works, then soon we can get starter soon. (Going to do Character generation, and start up everything. Using MS paint. Also, need a name badly. Have looks picked out.

Looks good to me. Casting my vote for "UnChosen One".

2016-08-17, 07:32 PM

Hello, Class. I am Jedi Master Mace Windu and will be instructing this class due to the recent passing of Jedi Master Qui-gon Jinn. He recorded several lessons before his untimely demise, and was going to present them to you. To honor his memory, I will show them to you.

Archive Recording

Welcome to Jedi History 161: The Jedi Civil War, the next Jedi conflict following the Mandalorian Wars.

The Mandalorian Wars were a conflict fought between the Mandalorians, a group of Warriors, and the Republic. At the start of the conflict, the Jedi Council came to the decision not to get involved in the fighting. Due to rebuilding still from the Great Sith War of Exar Kun and Ulic Qel-Droma, as well being hesitant to commit Jedi, the Council maintained it's stance despite objections from the Republic.

Some among the Jedi decided that serving was the rightful Jedi action to take. Since a Jedi is to protect those who cannot protect themselves and have compassion, I believe the Council was misguided in keeping the Jedi out. As it was, two Jedi Knights rallied many to their cause: Revan and Alek S. who renamed himself Malak. The Council demanded that the two stop their efforts, but the two lead those Jedi who believed in following Jedi Principles to battle.

Sadly, those who followed Revan and Malak were unable to stop themselves from being solely corrupted by their actions. After several successful battles, Revan was given command of a large portion of the Republic's military forces. Still the Council preached inaction, so Revan lead his forces to victory against the Mandalorians. During this time, Revan and Malak rediscovered Korriban, homeworld of the Sith. They discovered teachings that influenced them, drawing them to the Dark Side, and their followers, the Revanchists, or Crusaders became affected as well.

At Malachor, the Mandalorians were defeated in battle finally, while Revan slew Mandalore the Ultimate in personal combat. With her victory, Revan took away Mandalore's Mask, a helmet that signified who would lead the Mandalorian clans. Revan also disbanded the Mandalorian military forces, destroying their weapons of war leaving them with just similar weapons to the Republic's own. Revan destroyed Malachor with a devastating weapon, the Mass Shadow Generator, entrusting his loyal general, who would become the Jedi Exile, with deploying it. Huge numbers of Republic soldiers and Jedi were killed.

What effect did that have on Revan herself? Most likely it simply helped further push her to the Dark Side.

Afterwards, Revan and Malak disappeared into the Outer Rim and Unknown Regions with little to no explanation. Some theories have suggest that Revan had been planning a secret redoubt or location to organize her followers. Other rumors have also suggested that through the course of the Mandalorian Wars that Revan and Malak had become lovers. Such things can happen in conflict, and given later events, there is possibly much truth to that rumor. It is known that a later Jedi, Satele Shan claimed to descend from Revan. A child of Revan and Malak would have great strength in the Force.

Considering that at some point Revan severed Malak's Jaw, there is even stronger support for the idea that the two were lovers. The difficulty or issues in romance could push Jedi to the Dark Side, and fighting in the middle of a war would add it's own challenges.

The Jedi Exile survived the Mass Shadow Generator, returning to the Order; being the only one of Revan's Jedi followers. The Council didn't know what to do with the Jedi Exile, and so debated the issue. The Jedi Exile disappeared into the galaxy, and the Council decided not to concern themselves with what occurred.

A few years after their disappearance, Revan and Malak returned to a galaxy that repairing itself. They declared themselves Dark Lords of the Sith, taking on the Darth title. So, they were Darth Revan and Darth Malak. They lead their forces, former Jedi and Republic alike against the Republic that they had once saved from the Mandalorians. It was clear that the Council's failure had come full circle.

Years of fighting ended with the young Jedi Padawan Bastila Shan leading a strike time to remove Darth Revan. They succeeded in boarding her ship, and with un-requested assistance from Darth Malak, they defeated her. Malak, long stuck in the shadow of his master, took action and opened fire on Revan's ship while it was being boarded. His actions combined with Bastila's own lead to Revan's death.

The fighting continued with Darth Malak leading the forces of the Sith. He tested his students, and found one named Darth Bandon that he chose to be his Sith Apprentice. Having proven himself many times, Darth Bandon was given the task of retrieving Bastila Shan from the Republic vessel, Endar Spire, above the planet of Taris. Malak's flagship was due to arrive soon, and Bandon was to have her in hand.

Despite his efforts, Darth Bandon failed to complete his mission, but spoke of a curious crewmember of the Endar Spire. Hearing about this individual, protected by Republic Ensign Trask Ulgo, Malak spared Bandon's life, sending off on another task. Malak ordered his admiral, Saul Karath, to increase the flagship's speed so that he could arrive at Taris much quicker.

Archive Recording Ends

Master Jinn has explained matters sufficiently, and has further recordings to show you. Much time and effort was spent in examining the archives for information.

Now, we will cover the Endar Spire battle, after you get back from class. Class, Dismissed.

[What do people think so far? My commentary will be in brackets, comments on the gameplay will be in Italics in ()]

2016-08-17, 10:57 PM
[Right, just rolling with things. And will be using FRAPs; I am going to be using the special Flirty Female Revan thing, and just doing stuff. Then posting up the next update, here probably tomorrow; Episode 1 is finished and I have screenshots, about 115 of them, I won't be covering Character, as I didn't get any screenshots during it, but I have level up shots]

[Expect Episode 1 appearing here, in spoilers, Tomorrow Afternoon]

2016-08-18, 08:28 AM
It's been almost 15 years and i still see "Darth Brandon" every time i see that name.

2016-08-18, 08:51 AM
It's been almost 15 years and i still see "Darth Brandon" every time i see that name.

Great, now I'll never be able to take him seriously ever again.

2016-08-18, 09:31 AM
Great, now I'll never be able to take him seriously ever again.

That assumes you took him seriously to begin with.

I mean he's barely above the mook level dark jedi you have to periodically deal with when you fight him, and he's clearly a massive edgelord.

2016-08-18, 09:31 AM
Great, now I'll never be able to take him seriously ever again.

Wait, you could take him seriously before? :smallconfused:


Fourth row, left. (Although I'm kind of biased because that's the one I used on my KotOR 2 playthrough...)

2016-08-18, 12:46 PM
[What do people think so far? My commentary will be in brackets, comments on the gameplay will be in Italics in ()]
Loved it!

@GungHo: I too read it Darth Brandon. At some point during my first playthrough I figured it out, but still...

2016-08-18, 11:43 PM
Episode 1: FIGHT!!! For your Right!!! (End of Day 1 of Class)

Welcome back class. I perceive that you had a good lunch and perhaps a food fight....

As I said before the break for lunch, we are covering the Endar Spire battle, and our historical figures arrival on Taris.

I would like to introduce you to our first historical individuals, UnChosen One, and Commander Carth Onasi, and Ensign Trask Ulgo. They were the last individuals leaving the ship before it blew. We have sources of Information about these individuals, especially UnChosen's own comments about her escape from the ship.

According to the Jedi Archives, UnChosen was born on a world in the Hutt systems of the time [Don't correctly recall the spelling of the place] and become an explorer like her parents. Her skills attracted the attention of the Republic who placed her on board the Endar Spire after she completed a short bit of basic training.

Her Appearance

Her Abilities
(I want with Odd numbers because when we level or get items we can increase to higher bonus, plus lower numbers also meant more stats can be higher. I think that the 10 in STR is my lowest stat here)

In the Jedi Archives, we have her own accounts of the fighting, and we also have the journal of Commander Onasi himself. UnChosen One has a...singular...wit.

Archive Recording

UnChosen One (Referenced as One Hereafter): I was sleeping, having a wonderful dream about a pair of Wookies and Me...

But then my cabin-mate, Ensign Trask Ulgo, woke me up from the wonderful dream. It was nice to finally the meet the guy that had a holoframe of that attractive lady. His wife? His Sister? His girlfriend? He had some words to say.

One: "Who are you?"


One: "Bastila?"



One: Trask explained his reasoning for why I was onboard. I already knew that, but it was nice to know he appreciated my talents all the same. I was worried when I had nothing to do since I had got on board.

One: After I prepped myself, Trask ran into action like an eager puppy chasing after a chew toy.

One: Then some message came up saying that we needed to help repel boarders. Trask let me know what it was.

One: Out of our quarters, the battle was joined, and it looked like the Republic soldiers were dropping like flies. So, naturally we tried to help stem the silver tide of destruction (Thank you, Mom, for that lousy book of poetry; I needed to know what Hutts consider poetic!)







We defeated the Sith easily, but I took a few burns. Note to self: Remember when to duck! Trask suggested we treat our wounds. Couldn't disagree.

Then we set about clearing out the riffraff.



More Republic soldiers fell against apparently better trained soldiers. If they are usually this lousy, no wonder the Republic needs my help.




Taking a breather before continuing on. Trask is so manly and eager to shoot stuff.

Continued on to encounter a fight that we stayed out of. No!! Not my Jedi Minion!!!!




I shall avenge you, minion...

Trask insisted that we draw our swords. Whatever, let doing my AVENGING!!!



Of course, I won. On to the Bridge!!!

Ha! Defeated those....ohhhh, big planet thingy!!!! Are we crashing?!?! Yep, we are CRASHING!!! (Also, I learned a lot by carving through these enemies. Fear the ME-Fu!)


(Picked up Dual Wield, to better fight using two weapons)





Hey, it's that guy who killed my Minion!!! Let me at HIM!!!! What, what are you doing, Trask??


[Seriously, the previous dark Jedi has the same head as Darth Bandon, I think]

Damn IT!!! I wanted to kill him. I need a Jedi minion. Onward to Carth-boi.


Carth sends me another message, and a warning.


I employ my stealth systems. It didn't really work, but it was one guy...Carth! (Stealth Fail!)
[I don't know what the screw-up was but the stealth thing really didn't work. It might have been the fact the computer I am using doesn't have T&L on it's graphic card. Or the guy had already seen me]


I stopped to take a Selfie, don't I look awesome?

More Sith! With some Semi-useful advice from Carth. (You were a soldier, and that's all the advice you have?)



Hmm, Terminal or Droid?

Droid wins. Now let's get it working.




Droid-San is doing his job. Not Bad.


Door. Door? DOOR! What's behind it? More Sith?


Oh, It's just Carth. Never mind, no worries. Let's get off this Kriffing ship!!!




Carth Onasi: My companion still remains incoherent. Due to that, I have not been able to engage in much exploration. I was able to determine the apartment has working facilities. I don't think I will mention anything to my companion about cleaning her while she was been out of it. She did manage to make her way through some Sith to me, and I don't know how she would take learning that I have been tending to her.

I also installed some spy-cams so I can observe and watch for suspicious behavior. Though, I don't know exactly what kind of trouble one can get up to in the refresher, I have secured it for continual observations. I won't be betrayed by anyone ever again. Ever AGAIN!!!

UnChosen One: Wow, where am I? Hey, it's that guy! On the Communicator device. Wow!, he sure is pretty. Maybe should wear some nice pink, it would look good on him. Oh, is he talking to me?


One: "Right, I'm UnChosen One, by the way. How did we get here?

One: "Where are we?"



One: Carth explained to me the situation...



One: "Who is Bastila?"
Onasi: Looks like my companion, UnChosen, has memory issues or is acting like it. What kind of person names their kid UnChosen anyway? Who has a last name like One either? Is she some kind of spy? She came on board with the Jedi, clearly she is a spy.



One: "Do you know if she is alive?"










One: Nice background information about the problem we are facing, but...
One: How do I benefit? I have debts to those guys who I blew up and left behind on that Ice World...Wow, I completely forget how much I pissed them off. Maybe a couple thousand or two would get them off my arse?

One: Wrong answer, Onasi. I expect to get paid.

One: Seriously, Dude. Kriffing agree to pay me already!

Onasi: I cannot believe that she is demanding money for this.

One: "That's more like it." The promise of credits soothes my concerns.

One: Ahhh, Carth, you are so helpful. When I do start getting paid? Soon? Soon??






One: I should so be getting Hazard Pay for this. Well, got to strap on my big girl shoes and show Carth how proper exploration is done. (I feel like I am just asking for trouble with that)

Onasi: Through appealing to my companion's desire for money, I was able to convince her to help me out. I don't doubt that means she will join the Sith for money. I may have to try to appealing to something else to get her involved. Perhaps my irresistible charm? That always worked on the ladies...

Archive Recording Ends

Well, class. I believe that you should have learned quite a bit. For tomorrow's class, read up on the Archive's section on Taris in this time period, for there will be a test on it. Those who succeed will receive the possibility of observing an actual lightsaber training course conducted by venerable Master Dooku. Doesn't that sound fun, kids?

Alright, we finished for the day. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow. May the Force be with you.

[So there is a lot of Tutorial because well, it is actually fun, and does really explain why they bring you along. Frankly, I firmly believe that Trask Ulgo knows the truth or most of it. I mean that pick him to be your cabin-mate aboard ship. The Jedi wouldn't give that to just anybody, especially for Revan. Also I am not popping out the reveal until it happens in game.

Mace is going to let the kids figure it out. The Jedi are portrayed as being really big on their tests and personal insights, so it just feels right for him to do so.

My original plan was to have Jinn do the talking but thought it would be cooler to have Mace mainly because he is played by Samuel L Jackson, and the Shatterpoint book features him doing activities. The idea of Mace having to pick up a class, and given that the Jedi are expected to help people in the galaxy, shouldn't they have classes about history and etc. to learn from? Would they send them to some planet with no knowledge of any kind?

So we meet Trask, traveled with Trask, then lost Trask. He has limited skills beside the first door, where he has to unlock it. I don't recall if a scoundrel can open it. It is also teaches you how to switch back and forth for the leader.

I don't know if it showed here, but I was giving Trask instructions for weapons. I also immediately went two weapons and was using Flurry. Flurry adds attacks at a penalty, but it helps; with two weapons we can Flurry way more. More hits means less enemies.

Rapid shot is the Flurry for Blasters. There is also Sniper Shot, Power Blast being Critical Strike and Power Attack with blasters. I really don't use Power Attack or Critical Strike because I prefer using Flurry with two weapons; it simply gives way more attacks.

There feats to improve our skills by adding +1 to them. There are feats for improving ourselves like conditioning and toughness. I took toughness for the extra hit points since we are probably going to need it. At the first level up on the Endar Spire (Which we get around the Bridge area-usually, sometimes it happens before or afterward) I took the dual weapons so I could use two weapons easier (decreases penalty to hit since I have no STR mod.)

Carth is now a member of our party, and I will include more of his thoughts. I am also planning to get him a color of his own, and I am thinking maybe Orange for it. Unless somebody has one that would work way better. It is my goal to give each party member their own color for text, and I have a few already chosen.

HK would probably have a sort of rusty brown, T3 should have something shiny to reflect that he is new. Bastila should be either Gold or Yellow to reflect her outfit/lightsaber color. Zal would be some shade of Brown or Red, while Mission would have Blue. Not Sure for Candie or Jolee or Juhani. I can wait to pick the others, since I don't think I will be picking up Mission until the third episode.

Episode 2 will probably involve Arena business, Pazaak, Exploring everything on the top level, then heading below to explore, with finishing up the episode with going down into the bottom rakghoul infested level. Depends on far I get.

Fraps is working great since I can dump the screenshots in a folder, then load them up to albums on my Imgur account. I don't know what the limit is, so I may need to find out.

So what are the thoughts about this? Is UnChosen funny enough? Need more jokes? What about Carth? Are you getting a feel for where we are going?

For skills, I am planning ahead for fixing HK, then dealing with reducing the cost of Spikes/Parts for terminals/Droids. The Persuade is for getting more cash, and having a high Persuade will net us a nice new weapon for Carth.

If I survive the Arena section. I am bend the rules quite a bit there...

"No, officer, that blaster wasn't fully powered when I handed it over to the Arena specialists."]

2016-08-19, 08:53 AM
I like it!

Hrm, not sure they all need their color. It'd be a nice touch, though. Decent bit more work, all I'm sayin'.

2016-08-21, 06:12 AM
For skills, I am planning ahead for fixing HK, then dealing with reducing the cost of Spikes/Parts for terminals/Droids. The Persuade is for getting more cash, and having a high Persuade will net us a nice new weapon for Carth.It seems there are two different ways Persuade works in KotOR. In the XBox version, Persuade works as one would expect a d20 skill check to work. After a certain patch, it seems the PC version doesn't use set Difficulty Classes.

This post (https://forum.bioware.com/topic/340192-help-with-persuasion/) on the BioWare forums (Google cache link here (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VqdTxyuNoK8J:https://forum.bioware.com/topic/340192-help-with-persuasion/%2Bhttps://forum.bioware.com/topic/340192-help-with-persuasion/&gbv=1&hl=en&ct=clnk)) indicates that Persuade checks are instead assigned either an Easy, Medium or Hard difficulty and success is a function of your total skill ranks and your character level... sort of. There's a Strategy Wiki entry (http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic/Skills#Persuade) with a table that breaks down minimum Persuade total skill ranks for different success rates.

If you want to test this, try making a Scoundrel with a Charisma score of 16 and 5 skill ranks in Persuade at level 2 by the end of the Endar Spire. Head to the cantina in Upper Taris and try to persuade Ajuur to give you more than 10% when he recruits you to participate in duels. If this information is accurate to your version of the PC release, you should never fail. Actually, since that Persuade check is only Medium difficulty, you only need 6 total skill ranks to succeed at it 100% of the time.

2016-08-21, 06:45 AM
It seems there are two different ways Persuade works in KotOR. In the XBox version, Persuade works as one would expect a d20 skill check to work. After a certain patch, it seems the PC version doesn't use set Difficulty Classes.

This post (https://forum.bioware.com/topic/340192-help-with-persuasion/) on the BioWare forums (Google cache link here (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:VqdTxyuNoK8J:https://forum.bioware.com/topic/340192-help-with-persuasion/%2Bhttps://forum.bioware.com/topic/340192-help-with-persuasion/&gbv=1&hl=en&ct=clnk)) indicates that Persuade checks are instead assigned either an Easy, Medium or Hard difficulty and success is a function of your total skill ranks and your character level... sort of. There's a Strategy Wiki entry (http://strategywiki.org/wiki/Star_Wars:_Knights_of_the_Old_Republic/Skills#Persuade) with a table that breaks down minimum Persuade total skill ranks for different success rates.

If you want to test this, try making a Scoundrel with a Charisma score of 16 and 5 skill ranks in Persuade at level 2 by the end of the Endar Spire. Head to the cantina in Upper Taris and try to persuade Ajuur to give you more than 10% when he recruits you to participate in duels. If this information is accurate to your version of the PC release, you should never fail. Actually, since that Persuade check is only Medium difficulty, you only need 6 total skill ranks to succeed at it 100% of the time.
Huh. So if you leave your rank alone but gain levels, you become more likely to fail? That's lame.

2016-08-21, 07:08 AM
Huh. So if you leave your rank alone but gain levels, you become more likely to fail? That's lame.

Persuade checks are almost always super lame in CRPGs. The only time I actually like them is when they're done like New Vegas or Wasteland 2, where there are multiple different ways to persuade people based on different things.

But yeah, the sliding difficulty in KotOR is even more super lame than usual, mitigated only slightly by the fact that you can get skillmonkeys for everything and only really want Awareness so you don't blunder into too many mines, 17 Repair and Persaude on the PC, and if you're going full space wizard your CHA is useful anyway because it makes your force DCs harder.

2016-08-21, 10:20 AM
Huh. So if you leave your rank alone but gain levels, you become more likely to fail? That's lame.

Persuade checks are almost always super lame in CRPGs. The only time I actually like them is when they're done like New Vegas or Wasteland 2, where there are multiple different ways to persuade people based on different things.

But yeah, the sliding difficulty in KotOR is even more super lame than usual, mitigated only slightly by the fact that you can get skillmonkeys for everything and only really want Awareness so you don't blunder into too many mines, 17 Repair and Persaude on the PC, and if you're going full space wizard your CHA is useful anyway because it makes your force DCs harder.My guess is that the change was introduced in an attempt to reflect a character which had not been making a continuous effort to engage in diplomacy finding it more difficult, but the way it works, you should be able to succeed all the time without actually improving (leveling up). There are some other edge cases I think are worth noting.

If you come out of the Endar Spire with a total skill rank of 6, then don't increase your skill ranks/Charisma modifier/feat bonus from the Empathy line after that you can go from being 75% successful at Hard checks to 25% in a level. In another four levels, you'll never succeed at Hard checks again; if you're not hoarding levels you're still on Taris at that point. It isn't until level 19 that you'll have gone from 100% success at Medium checks to 0%. Medium checks are far more forgiving.

Regarding total skill rank of 17, at level 11 it nets you 100% success on checks of all three difficulties. Without improvement, you lose the 100% successful at Hard checks in one level and then lose your 100% success in the other two in another six levels.

It seems everyone without a negative Charisma modifier always has a chance to succeed on Easy difficulty checks. There isn't a point in the game where you can have any less than a 40% chance of success.

2016-08-22, 09:00 PM
I plan to get two more Episodes up, with one being about Upgrading stuff, With what little we have, and detailing it quite a bit anyway since I have used the system fully. Then we shall have the Taris Episode where we shall explore Taris is all it's wonder. And generally smelliness.

A quick note: Taris is divided into three areas, so I will be most likely breaking up the Taris section of Exploration. At the top, we have the Uppercity, then the lower city, and then the Under(?)city that is at ground level and infested with rakghouls.

The city frankly is rather boring and there is little to suggest any actual class issues going on. Due to the game engine, I think, the people living in the Undercity look just as fine as the people in the Lowercity who have clothes that are cleaner. So yeah, that is just sad. Then the UpperCity people are wearing slightly more fancier getup. So they pretty much look alike, leading to a slight difficulty in really identifying why each is really better. Then only reason difference is that the LowerCity is filled with gang members, and the UnderCity is populated by rakghouls.

Oh, and if wipe a group out, then they usually won't appear again. So you can visit cleared out areas. That doesn't mean there isn't anything to worry about, because I think there might be some re-spawning. Both the UpperCity and LowerCity have apartments, with the Lowercity apartments being occupied by gang members. During our entire walkthrough of LowerCity Taris will be attacked by the Black Vulkars, which makes the decision to side with Brejik rather stupid. And what do we get for joining Brejik: The single opportunity to loot Gadon, which well, is not what I call a major improvement since we still have to kill Brejik anyway I think. (I have never played through killing Gadon and what happens after. The idea of knocking off both gang's leadership has some appeal, since we are also going to remove Davik Kang which would be effectively crippling criminal activity.

Taris can be best explored though through the Knights of the Republic Comics, and Yora has a thread for that. It is very worth reading, though it might be past time for allowed commenting.

Expect the Episode about Equipment on Wednesday, and the first real Taris Episode on Friday.

Our starting Apartment has a workbench where we can upgrade equipment, so we get to mess with it. Once we have Bastila, with her lightsaber, I will some more looks at Equipment modifying. Right now, we can tweak our prototype vibrosword, but later we can pick up some nice armor that is moddable, with Carth's repeating gun, and Bastila's lightsaber modifiable, though we don't have anything for Bastila right now.

2016-08-23, 10:16 AM
Regarding choosing text colors for party members, I recommend against yellow for Bastila, as I don't think it would be easily readable against either the white background or the green background of a spoiler box.

A quick note: Taris is divided into three areas, so I will be most likely breaking up the Taris section of Exploration. At the top, we have the Uppercity, then the lower city, and then the Under(?)city that is at ground level and infested with rakghouls.

The city frankly is rather boring and there is little to suggest any actual class issues going on. Due to the game engine, I think, the people living in the Undercity look just as fine as the people in the Lowercity who have clothes that are cleaner. So yeah, that is just sad. Then the UpperCity people are wearing slightly more fancier getup. So they pretty much look alike, leading to a slight difficulty in really identifying why each is really better. Then only reason difference is that the LowerCity is filled with gang members, and the UnderCity is populated by rakghouls.The distinction between Upper City and Lower City is also one of species segregation. Gorton Colu (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Gorton_Colu) is the one non-Sith I can think of (who isn't drunk) who will not be intimidated when you go up to him wearing Sith armor. He'll casually tell you he has the proper permit then go back to shouting hate speech and imploring people to join his Anti-Alien League.

The biggest difference you'll see between the humans in the Upper City and the humans in the Undercity is textures. Outcasts are wearing rags, but the effect is more like spider webs or rusty armor over a turtle-neck sweater.

2016-08-24, 06:49 PM
(This is the first of the Customizing Equipment Mini-Episodes, there will be at least two more to come)

Mini-Episode 1: Customizing your Equipment Part 1 of 3

Important Parts

So something that we can do in game is modify or customize our equipment.

First, I look around:

Then loot the locker to see if it any upgrade parts (it didn't):

So I use the Workbench:



What objects we can modify/customize (if something here is empty, it is because we don't anything of that item type to work with; right now we don't have upgradeable armor, while Lightsabers can all be upgraded):



After selecting Melee, note the bit under special that says "Upgradeable":

Item before modification:

Item after modification (which was a Vibration Cell):

Other modifications for Melee Weapons:

One will yellow around it, is another modification that we can apply

Our item after we have finished with it:

Carth's Blaster (for which we have no upgrade parts):

Available upgrades that we could apply to Carth's Blaster:




We are finished upgrading right now:

Since we don't have any Upgradeable armors or any lightsabers, I can't show you how these get tweaked. We will acquire one of each item though before we leave Taris. In the Lower City, we can find an armor that we can modify, and Bastila's lightsaber is always modifiable, like all lightsabers.

Where do we get upgrade parts? From loot we find, as quest rewards (random), and from shops. Some shops will have them listed, and with my guide book, I can list what shops on Taris have any upgrade items. They are: Igear, whose shop is in the Under City has another Vibration cell, and a Scope; No one seems to have any. Well, the shop may receive some randomly (I think the Merchants in this game have set items and might receive some random things, but I would have to check with the first merchant we meet who happens to be in the same apartment complex that we are in.

Now, for what everyone wants to know about: Lightsabers

Lightsabers have crystals that can be swapped out. In the second game, you will get 5 slots plus the main crystal to work with, while in this game we get 2 plus the main crystal. The main crystal is what color the lightsaber blade happens to be, and Bastila has a yellow crystal for that. We can add two more crystals for her weapon, which will affect what it can do. There a good number of different crystals plus a few other items like Krayt Dragon Pearls that we can use for modifying. (The list of modifications in the Saga Edition Jedi Academy Guide are the ones we can find in this; I don't know the list of modifications for lightsabers in FFG's Force and Destiny because I don't have that book.)

We get to use basically any color we want, and we can modify whatever lightsabers we have. A very important thing is to pick a color or pair of colors to use for each of your lightsaber wielders. That way, when we are modifying, we know whose lightsabers are being tweaked and so who will have benefits to their weapons. Bastila starts with yellow (Gold), but we can change that, and I think Jolee starts with violet or Purple for his. Juhani should have either Green or Blue, after you defeat in the Grove where her weapon uses a red color.

We can pick between a few colors: Blue, Gold, Green, Purple, Red. So we have a nice number to choose from. Of course, the second uses the same colors and adds in Silver, plus a few more I think. We can thus pick what color we want to use.

When we build our lightsaber on Dantioone, we will pick our Jedi Class, and get the lightsaber crystal with that class. The colors are Blue, Green, and Yellow(Gold, really) that correspond to one of the Jedi Classes of Guardian, Sentinels, Cons. We will be able to change out the color.

There three kinds of lightsabers: Standard, Short, and Double-bladed. Standard is the standard hilt, short are shorter hilts (and what we start with if we use the "Jedi from the Start" mod; also, Darth Malak wields a version of one for his weapon), and double-bladed which is Darth Maul's weapon and what Bastila has. We can tweak all of the weapons. We can get lightsabers as loot, since we can't buy them and we will find crystals mainly as loot. There is a couple of lightsaber modifications that we can get through quests, and I try to do so.

Then there are the two best lightsaber crystals in the game: Heart of the Guardian, and Mantle of the Force. Both can only be obtained from Yavin station, and it's Rodian seller. We also need to have collected at least 3 star maps and having visited again. So stopping at Yavin station should be done, and there is other great gear anyway to be had anyway.

We will also acquire a lightsaber on Korriban as part of the main quest, but it is not really anything fancy.

To make best use out of lightsabers, we want to employ the special crystals, so I am very much going to go cave-delving on Dantioone. The Kinrath cave always has some, and when we defeat the leader of the Mandalorians on Dantioone, he always has two lightsabers in his loot.

To sum up: Loot everything and everyone, complete quests and use your persuade to get more rewards, check out each merchant to see what they have. This game really runs on taking everything that is acquirable before selling it if you don't need it.

To keep the most credits in, make sure that you don't over splurge. You don't need weapons for each character, only enough for three really, and keep any that are unique like Carth's family blaster (shown up above in the screenshots), Bendak's Blaster (Which we will acquire after beating all arena opponents and then defeating Bendak in the death match), Candie's gun. All these items will be upgradeable, which is another reason to hold to them.

So that concludes our first Mini-Episode, which I will be using to feature interesting game parts. I am planning to do conversations as either part of main episodes or depending on where they would better fit, I may do Mini-Episodes for them.

Episode 2 will background information about Carth, who is our first companion.

2016-08-24, 08:28 PM
Oh man, I completely forgot about the upgrading. Nice post :)

2016-08-25, 11:50 PM
{Episode 2 will be a day late. I didn't get to playing any further because I did work, and was tired. Expect Episode 2 on Saturday. Or later. Depends on when I get it played, and when I can get photos uploaded to Imgur.

Episode 2 will cover exploring Taris, mainly the Upper City with pictures of all the areas, and some detail about the different people there. For background material.

Thank you for your patience}

2016-08-26, 12:39 PM
Name suggestion: Revan. Or Darth Revan. Then go light side, so you can say things like "I'm not Revan anymore, I'm Revan."


Gender: Male. Because ugh, Carth.
Class: Scout.


Still gonna do a rerun with naming myself Revan ^^

{Episode 2 will be a day late. I didn't get to playing any further because I did work, and was tired. Expect Episode 2 on Saturday. Or later. Depends on when I get it played, and when I can get photos uploaded to Imgur.

Episode 2 will cover exploring Taris, mainly the Upper City with pictures of all the areas, and some detail about the different people there. For background material.

Thank you for your patience}

Don`t fret.

A bit weird with the History lesson style, but entertaining.

2016-08-26, 12:48 PM
Still gonna do a rerun with naming myself Revan ^^

One time I did a run of FFVII naming Cloud Sephiroth. There's a line where a guy says, "Sephiroth... kill Sephiroth."

2016-08-26, 02:58 PM
[Personally, I like UnChosen One, because the irony of it. We really are the chosen one, albeit as Revan the chosen one. Besides, funny names make for great lines.

Example: The line, "I'm not Revan anymore, I'm X", means you can put in anything funny.
X= Dead Beat, Arrogant B@st@rd, Carth's Baby, anything obscene from sheer funny or using original trilogy characters (Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Princess Solo, Yoda, Admiral Ackbar), and you can totally use gender crossed names like Stephanie etc for male, and something Xander for females.

Seriously the more outrageous the better, because you need to remember one very important fact about your character:

You were named by the Jedi Council when they re-programmed you.

So go for broke. Consider, "What exactly was the Jedi Council thinking?" when you think about a name? The Council picked the name for your identity so it must mean something, or was drawn at random.

Then think about how the Jedi Council also planned out your background as well. How much of our identity is based on Revan, and how much did the Council imbed in our minds? A lot? A little? Some? It might not be stated, but there definitely is material the Council give, and parts that you have from being Revan]

2016-08-26, 03:58 PM
Maybe the Council put up a poll on the Internet Holonet to name you. Hmm... Sithy McSithface?

2016-08-26, 06:43 PM
Maybe the Council put up a poll on the Internet Holonet to name you. Hmm... Sithy McSithface?Is the Holonet acknowledged in the KotOR games? I just assumed the rumors and hearsay you are guided by are spread by hyperspace travelers amongst themselves when they stop in cantinas. The only holograms I can think of in the early part of the first game is that locked chest with the Twisted Rancor Trio puzzle.

And it would be Darth McSithface.

2016-08-26, 07:50 PM
I recently did a Kotor playthrough, and named my character Revan McRevanPants. Things got weird once the reveal happened. "I'm not Darth Revan! I'm Revan McRevanPants!"

2016-08-28, 11:39 PM
[So Episode 2 is done, or at least played. I did mostly good, but ended up having to drop the difficulty down for the time being for the fact I am not really good at this survival thing while trying to keep levels down. So I will re-adjust difficulty, but I don't think I can manage to keep levels down. Am currently at level 5; how the heck did people manage to keep the level numbers down and manage to win arena combats? I had to buy medpacs to stay up, and barely hold on against Marl and Twitch. I did manage to pretty easily plow through the first three opponents.

I only have to complete Bendak's bounty, but so far I have just died fighting him. How other than having 6-7 levels before fighting, am I really supposed to beat him? I got Flurry and Rapid Shot, was going to take Sniper shot, but decided to go for taking 2 less damage, which should help.

I got frustrated with failing against Marl, trying to do a sweep at low levels rather than take level ups, and I have no idea how anybody else could do that. Did I just build a lose character here? or is things just easier with soldiers. It's stuff like this that make me grateful I have the mod for starting as a Jedi, as Force powers really improve survival skills.

Upgraded Carth's blaster, and picked up upgradeable armors. My character is using Carth's gun, just cause. Will try to include possible in character reasons.

Learned that Davik gave a cut to the Sith and so they don't bother him. He is trying to get codes to get off planet though. I ended the episode about to visit the hidden beks.

Bounty on Matrik (Killed him when looting)
Bounty on Largo (Killed him too)
Bounty on Dia (Paid off Holdan to cancel the bounty, I would have preferred being able to axe off Holdan, then tell Ajuur that the bounty was called off. Instead we have to persuade (Which mine sucked at) or pay him credits to get rid of it. Was worth it though)
Bounty on Selven (Have killed her, just need to turn in)
Bounty on Bendak (This may take a bit, because I frakking hate him. I tried a couple of times to defeat him but failed.)
Rakghoul Serum

I won the dueling ring, but had to splurge on medpacs to win against Marl and Twitch, which was not fun and meant running low on credits. At least I can get more from looting.

I got the Rakghoul Serum quest, which I think is poorly made. There is no reason so far for us not to bring it back to Zelka. What is even worse is that Gurney, Davik's little bastard, always interrupts us trying to leave, and make his pitch. We don't get to tell him to piss off even. It is such a dumb deal. Give Davik the serum, despite never having meet him while Zelka was been busy helping out dying republic soldiers? Really, Bioware?

Taris is a nice place to grind xp, mainly because Black Vulkars are always willing to attack. It does give us another point, what do we do about getting asked to kill Gadon? Knowing that Brejik is going to betry us anyway? (I have really if ever bothered with agreeing on the Gadon hit, simply never made any sense to me for the character to do that.

I accidently had Carth's first conversation, but I will have the second with Bastila, so that we can have some nice interaction. Of course, first we retrieve the wookie, and hope for surviving the rakghouls, and then the Vulkar base.

I am seriously wishing I had join with the Force-Using to start.

I did some serious saving, before fighting in the arena and then after to see how things would go. I really don't know how I could get Benny without a few more levels, maybe steal Bastila's weapon to use?

Burning through med-pacs was the only way I managed to defeat Switch, well, besides employing grenades, which doesn't violate the dueling ring rules (Okay, so maybe I cheated a bit with the grenades, but I want Bendak nifty blaster. It combined with Carth's gives us too upgradeable weapons.

As for selling items, make sure the items aren't equipped first, then you can sell them. Also, get many grenades, and shields. I used the energy shield against Twitch, and it helped. But I don't think it will work with Benny, but if I had a Mandalorian melee shield...

Given the difficulties, we are doing so-so. I also dropped down to single weapon with my prototype weapon for better to hit chances. Flurry is still good here.

I still bet that Jedi From the Start would have been awesome.

But seriously, how does anybody manage to keep the levels held for use when getting Jedi Levels? I struggled when I tried to run through the Arena at such a low level, and while I managed some, I ended up needing to gain a level to successfully defeat Marl.

In Vanilla Kotor, we would/will be leaving Taris having gotten to Level 7 or close to it. So I am not sure how anybody has a lower level, without cheating that is. I can remember it being that way during my soldier playthrough in the past.

Am ready for heading down into the lowest level of Taris though]

2016-08-29, 02:26 AM
I only have to complete Bendak's bounty, but so far I have just died fighting him. How other than having 6-7 levels before fighting, am I really supposed to beat him? I got Flurry and Rapid Shot, was going to take Sniper shot, but decided to go for taking 2 less damage, which should help.


Take all of the drugs.

IIRC if you pause straight away you are still not in combat time and can use them all in one go.

When you need to heal, do so by going into the inventory and healing from there. This does not consume your action for the round, healing from the hotbar does.

Also grenades help. And shields.

Addendum: Particularly concussion grenades, as he has relatively poor saves against them they'll work ~75% of the time, and that will give you 3 rounds of sneak attack bonus if you're a scoundrel.

All those buffs and things you'll never otherwise use, in other words.

2016-08-29, 12:50 PM
I only have to complete Bendak's bounty, but so far I have just died fighting him. How other than having 6-7 levels before fighting, am I really supposed to beat him? I got Flurry and Rapid Shot, was going to take Sniper shot, but decided to go for taking 2 less damage, which should help.

I got frustrated with failing against Marl, trying to do a sweep at low levels rather than take level ups, and I have no idea how anybody else could do that. Did I just build a lose character here? or is things just easier with soldiers. It's stuff like this that make me grateful I have the mod for starting as a Jedi, as Force powers really improve survival skills.
Burning through med-pacs was the only way I managed to defeat Switch, well, besides employing grenades, which doesn't violate the dueling ring rules (Okay, so maybe I cheated a bit with the grenades, but I want Bendak nifty blaster. It combined with Carth's gives us too upgradeable weapons.I save grenades for Bendak. You can get about twenty frag grenades, which I don't mind using about half that against Bendak.. after I have run around to dodge the three plasma grenades which Bendak uses. Energy shields and either an implant or armor with protection from mind-affecting effects will save you from Bendak's ranged attacks and sniper shot.

Twitch, I can usually defeat in melee, but I'm not partial to saving levels. It just takes an energy shield activation to get over there.

Marl will never switch to a ranged weapon, so you can just run away from him, fire some shots, cancel combat, repeat. Brejik's belt and armband help if you get sloppy and let Marl land some hits.

2016-08-29, 05:57 PM
As the other said, lots and lots of Drugs and Grenades.

Trips and Bangs are the way for non Jedi ^^

I once managed leaving Taris with level 3 (Soldier built to survive), but mostly I exit at 5 (granted I mostly play Scoundrels which offer good value bonuses (SA 3 and SL 1) at Level 5).

Usually with a bit of smart saving and trial and error it should be rather easy to leave at l5 or 4 with any class as long as not playing on hard.

2016-08-29, 06:10 PM
Scoundrel is best value at 5, Scout at 4.

Scout 4 has one more feat than Soldier 4 because of the two free levels of Implant which you would take anyway, and only pays 1 AB and 8HP to get it, which are p. trivial over the long run. And gets Repair as a class skill and all of the saves are strong, not just one of them. (To be honest, whatever you're going to do as a Jedi, Scout 4 works well as a base).

Scoundrel 5 loses 2AB and 20HP vs. Soldier 5 but gets a 3D6 sneak attack that works on any stunned or incapacitated enemy (ohai all the force powers that do that) or on your force jumps.

Soldier is only really good for level saving for having extra hitpoints to do a super low level switch. You can get more value out of either of the other classes by sacrificing relatively minor amounts of HP and AB.

2016-08-30, 05:47 PM
Scout 4 has one more feat than Soldier 4 because of the two free levels of Implant which you would take anyway, and only pays 1 AB and 8HP to get it, which are p. trivial over the long run. And gets Repair as a class skill and all of the saves are strong, not just one of them. (To be honest, whatever you're going to do as a Jedi, Scout 4 works well as a base).You can also take Scout all the way to 8 if you really don't want to pay for Implant 3. It's kind of absurd, but you also hit the maximum level with Sentinel to get all three Immunities.

I usually go with Scout/Sentinel for my playthroughs, since they get almost everything as class skills. I think they miss out on Demolitions and something else, but that's what you have party members for!

In general, I find that the free feats are far more valuable than the other opportunities provided. I've never actually played with a Scoundrel, but I imagine that Sneak Attack + stuff like the Solari gem make the final level a heck of a lot easier?

2016-08-30, 08:44 PM
I usually go with Scout/Sentinel for my playthroughs, since they get almost everything as class skills. I think they miss out on Demolitions and something else, but that's what you have party members for!All starting classes have demolitions as a class skill. Scouts are missing persuade, security, and also stealth which goes really well with demolitions. Jedi consular has the most class skills of the Jedi classes, but it is still missing security and stealth, and it is stuck with the same number of skill points per level as soldier and Jedi guardian. Jedi guardian and Jedi sentinel have the same three class skills. The benefit to skills a scout/Jedi sentinel build gets is that your skill points per level only drop by 1. *sigh* I really wish this game didn't use only half your Intelligence modifier to calculate skills points per level after 1st.

I prefer a more self-reliant main character. I like to have two characters in the party for reasons other than their skill points. There's an "all skills Jedi" guide on GameFAQs which recommends dropping security because "you can bash open everything" but you can't do that in stealth. Mission Vao is still considerably better than a scout at sneaking and can open doors while there are guards around.

2016-08-31, 02:09 AM
You can also take Scout all the way to 8 if you really don't want to pay for Implant 3. It's kind of absurd, but you also hit the maximum level with Sentinel to get all three Immunities.

I usually go with Scout/Sentinel for my playthroughs, since they get almost everything as class skills. I think they miss out on Demolitions and something else, but that's what you have party members for!

In general, I find that the free feats are far more valuable than the other opportunities provided. I've never actually played with a Scoundrel, but I imagine that Sneak Attack + stuff like the Solari gem make the final level a heck of a lot easier?

The issue with having everything as class skills is that you don't need skills. You need 17 repair including stat bonus and to keep up with your Persuade. You can use the force to heal and force points regenerate so that's the best way to do it anyway, so Treat Injury is pointless, and you'll never have as high a skill in Repair, Demolitions, or Computers as T3 or Mission and higher skill makes those more efficient so you never use those yourself. Awareness is the only other sort-of-useful skill and you don't need that much of it because spot DCs for mines aren't that hard.

Sentinel is a waste of your Jedi levels. You get less force points and powers than a Consular and lower attack bonus, less feats, and no Lightsaber specialisation from Guardian, the force immunities aren't very useful because if you Jedi switched early your saves will all be good anyway. The class that gives you a lot of the thing you don't need at the expense of everything you do is a bad class.

2016-08-31, 07:12 AM
The issue with having everything as class skills is that you don't need skills. You need 17 repair including stat bonus and to keep up with your Persuade. You can use the force to heal and force points regenerate so that's the best way to do it anyway, so Treat Injury is pointless, and you'll never have as high a skill in Repair, Demolitions, or Computers as T3 or Mission and higher skill makes those more efficient so you never use those yourself. Awareness is the only other sort-of-useful skill and you don't need that much of it because spot DCs for mines aren't that hard.

Sentinel is a waste of your Jedi levels. You get less force points and powers than a Consular and lower attack bonus, less feats, and no Lightsaber specialisation from Guardian, the force immunities aren't very useful because if you Jedi switched early your saves will all be good anyway. The class that gives you a lot of the thing you don't need at the expense of everything you do is a bad class.Treat Injury isn't pointless, since you can literally be swimming in medpacks by the time you get to the Unknown Planet - especially if you can swoop/pazaak well. I typically save my Powers for buffs/debuffs (Speed, Valor, Breach, LS Throw and Force Wave), which is all you really need at that point.

Also, I never really bothered to bring Mission or T3 around after Taris. Always thought that Jolee and HK-47 were more entertaining to have around. I suppose that's why I prefer having a high-skill character.

But I've never really thought about it that way. I'll give trying Scout/Guardian or Scoundrel/Consular sometime, to see how that works.

2016-08-31, 08:34 AM
Treat Injury isn't pointless, since you can literally be swimming in medpacks by the time you get to the Unknown Planet - especially if you can swoop/pazaak well. I typically save my Powers for buffs/debuffs (Speed, Valor, Breach, LS Throw and Force Wave), which is all you really need at that point.

Being swimming in medkits makes it even less useful to heavily invest in a skill that makes medkit healing more efficient. You won't be needing that much in-combat healing against anything but the last boss because you can force heal between combats and your force points regenerate.

Also, I never really bothered to bring Mission or T3 around after Taris. Always thought that Jolee and HK-47 were more entertaining to have around. I suppose that's why I prefer having a high-skill character.

You don't even need to bring them, fast travel back to the ship, change party, fast travel back to do the skill thing. Which most of the time you're just farming an irrelevant droid repair or computer hack for the XP from doing it.

The game is basically designed for you not to need the skills ever.

2016-08-31, 03:23 PM
Also, I never really bothered to bring Mission or T3 around after Taris. Always thought that Jolee and HK-47 were more entertaining to have around. I suppose that's why I prefer having a high-skill character.

You don't even need to bring them, fast travel back to the ship, change party, fast travel back to do the skill thing. Which most of the time you're just farming an irrelevant droid repair or computer hack for the XP from doing it.

The game is basically designed for you not to need the skills ever.

[This is not actually true. There are quite a few sections where the PC must go on alone, and so there is an actual need to take skills. The game actively punishes you for not putting points into skills, because fixing droids requires more parts and you will need more computer spikes. That will become a quick drain on your credits, and taking T3/Mission along won't apply in any of the solo sections. Having more credits means you can buy better gear, so there is no reason not to invest.

The same applies to Treat Injury, which become more important if your character took low stats for Wisdom and Charisma as you will have less Force points to use. Heal is pretty important, so having it and supplementing it with med-pacs help. Yeah, you regenerate Force Points outside of combat, but that is only if you are not moving. If you start walking around, then it takes longer and goes slower. So you have to stand around before you regain them.

The biggest issue is that if you weren't improving your skills, then you fall behind in terms of succeeding, and getting the best results from some quests mean having a good persuade. Plus, most of the solo sections are considerably dangerous, or there are map areas where we can't simply swap in characters, and there are a number of those. Besides, the constant need to swap in characters does break any narrative thread you make, unless you work stuff out.

As for T3, I prefer leaving him on the ship, where he belongs really because aside from his skills, HK can do things better so to speak.

As for Mission, I preferred employed using others, especially Jolee/HK for the commentary they had. I have a strong preference for interesting characters, and simply love both Jolee/HK due to what they have to say.

I think Mission's issue is that she really lacks any involvement beyond Taris, where you need her to progress, whereas T3 is better if you need the skills. Mission is solely useful for the Sneak Attack, but higher damage output along with Force Buffs tops that. So the SA doesn't have much value.

All Jedi party on the other hand: Since Mission gets a Force class, bringing her along is more likely, since there is wider range of usable Force-Users. Vanilla Mission might get dropped for our more Force power users.

But Mission is not Juhani...]

(Will get new Episode up by this weekend. I will be uploading screenshots to Imgur, then writing out the story, then posting it. It will all get done...)

2016-08-31, 04:48 PM
[This is not actually true. There are quite a few sections where the PC must go on alone, and so there is an actual need to take skills. The game actively punishes you for not putting points into skills, because fixing droids requires more parts and you will need more computer spikes. That will become a quick drain on your credits, and taking T3/Mission along won't apply in any of the solo sections. Having more credits means you can buy better gear, so there is no reason not to invest.

There are solo sections, but none of them have any really significant skill checks in. At best they let you farm a little extra XP or give you a mine to sell. As for the solo sections being dangerous, that's why you build a Jedi monster that either destroys everything in one round if it's a guardian or locks them down and space wizards them to death if it's a consular.

They're not dangerous if you don't waste your time with a class that gives you skill points you don't need.

2016-09-01, 06:01 AM
There are solo sections, but none of them have any really significant skill checks in. At best they let you farm a little extra XP or give you a mine to sell. As for the solo sections being dangerous, that's why you build a Jedi monster that either destroys everything in one round if it's a guardian or locks them down and space wizards them to death if it's a consular.

They're not dangerous if you don't waste your time with a class that gives you skill points you don't need.

They're not even all that dangerous if you go Sentinel, trust me. It can't lightsaber whackamole as hard as a Guardian, or blast as hard as a Consular, but they get the job done easily enough.

2016-09-01, 01:14 PM
Most of my playthroughs have been Sentinel (the first was Guardian, but I found Malak so frustrating that I switched to Sentinel for the next playthrough), and I find it simply EASIER. I don't have as many FP as a Consular, but I can still spend most fights just blasting with Force Wave. I don't hit as hard as a Guardian, but see the thing about forcewaving.

It may not be optimal, but it's hardly crippling.

2016-09-01, 09:40 PM
The one thing I will say Jedi sentinel isn't so great for are the mastery bonuses. +3 Constitution for light side, immunity to poison for dark side. There are force powers and implants which can replicate these, though I guess you could double-up on CON for that many more VP.

2016-09-02, 12:45 AM
[Getting my screenshots organized so I can post them. So the Episode will be a long one, and I had to delete a bunch of just running around. Had over 600 shots, but have eliminated a bunch. Then divided up the screenshots into separate folders, of what I have 4 in total.

Then I stopped taking screenshots, but had finished off real quick. I am going to need to remember to take screenshots.

This upcoming episode covers everything I did, which ended with me needing to talk to Gadon, and then go down into the Undercity, or as far as I can recall. I think I lost the bit about talking with the guard into the Undercity who apparently works a tighter guard post with him and his turrets than the Uppercity post. Whatever.

So I have to get papers from Gadon to get into the Undercity.

Regarding the game:

It annoys me that I can't threaten Holdan, then kill him, and tell Ajuur that he terminated the bounty on Dia, or that Holdan is dead. Since it was Holdan who put up the bounty, his death should end the bounty. But, Bioware, has to be annoying, and we can't just shoot him.

Seriously, it is Star Wars, bar fights are common. Why can't I have a bar fight on him? And why seriously do I have to be so nice or so evil. Can't I mix it up?

I love the Sith Party. Once you accidently affect it so that nobody goes asleep and ends up lying on the ground instead of standing around, it is pretty funny to take the Sith Uniform. Everything is just dancing, and you walk off with the suit.

Of course, you do the same anyway, but the question remains: What happened to the person we took the uniform from? Why doesn't that get reported at any point?

Which brings up a big point for the game: We do a bunch of activities that the game should have recognized. Everyone should recognize us from being champion in the dueling ring in the arena, and what about our death match? Or stealing the uniform?

How much time is passing in game? A few hours? A few days? We don't get to know, and so it makes it a bit weird. Is everything happening within a few days at most? Are we basically successfully carrying out activities within that short of a span?

In the Elder Scrolls, there is a day/night cycle, so we get days and the passage of time. But not in Kotor, so essentially we could probably consider ourselves as not sleeping except (just noticed that except and expect employ the same letters but in different places) for the movies showing events occurring of seeing ourselves visit the star maps.

The Star Maps are our plot McGuffins, and are nicely integrated into the storylines, though everything else isn't. Finding the Star Maps is for a special time, but we end up with quite the Brady (companion) brunch following us around. With some big name types.

Almost as if the Jedi Council was deliberating trying to use us as bait...

I still don't understand why Taris gets complaints about being too long. It is actually really short, with few steps before being done.

1) Finding a way into the Lower City (which means getting a Sith Unifom)
2) Getting into the Under City through handing our Uniform to Gadon, and getting the papers
3) Searching the Under City for Mission, then the Sewers, breaking into the Vulkar base
4) Securing the special swoop engine thing
5) Racing with the swoop, winning the race, rescuing Bastila
6) Get T3, get codes, visit Davik's place, get ship
7) Escape Taris

You don't have to complete any of the side quests, but I guess that you would end up losing out on xp, credits, and gear if you did. With what you actually have to do, it is almost nothing and would take a really short amount of time. Maybe Taris is longer if you end up getting sidetracked like we are?

I enjoy completing the side quests because it is just something that gets ingrained. Though I would probably say that more of it stems from the Elder Scrolls where the side quests are most of the game. Bioware is different.

Besides, it is Star Wars.

I also have heard people talk about Telos being long in the second game, though I think that also has more to do with simply how much main stuff got dumped in compared to side quests. Very little is optional here.

We don't have to do anything that I am taking the time of doing here. We don't have to do any of the bounties, any of the dueling ring, not go chasing off after any concerns. We can just plow straight through the main quest and be done, which simply works. But we miss out on gear, xp, and credits. And the voice acting, the story, and the plot.

Regarding plot, the upcoming planets except for Tatioone and Korriban are all stupid. Dantioone has us train to become a Jedi, but the Council decides to say absolutely nothing about we might face, which is the worst they could have done. We have to cleanse the Grove, of what they don't say.

Then, on Kashyyyk we get to explore the wookiee homeplanet, without our wookiee friend who gets grabbed by someone while we go kill someone. At what point would we have agreed to that? If we were playing pure Dark Side, why would we even bother to do anything to save Zaal and agree to do anything? Our entire motivation here is based on game, because Chunnie is threatening Zaal, which means exactly squat for somebody playing Dark Side, and Chun's mission is terrible for anybody playing Light Side because Chun tasks us with being his personal assassin. Why would anyone playing in character do that to either save Zaal or kill someone?

On Manaan, we get to go find out what happened to some secret Republic facility. Aside from the fact that violates Manaan's neutrality, which would see the Sith justified with attacking as a result, the kolto be da%#ed, it still violates the neutral status recognized by both governments. Hence the secret facility part, but once it gets found out, what is stopping the Sith from attacking and why does it even matter? The Selkies are able to detect the explosion, why couldn't the Sith themselves? They have a base there after all. So we get to comply with a cover-up of Republic treachery, while we end up storming a Sith Base to steal Republic secrets then if you are smart or cunning about it, we work a deal to avoid punishment. (The datapad about the Sith plan to replace Selkath leadership with Sith puppets, which was left on Manaan of all place, is about the worst idea. Why did the Sith leave said datapad on the planet where they are trying to replace the leadership)
Then we end up dealing with the results of secret Republic operation, which we have to end by either blowing up a drill or poisoning the ocean. I mean, what kind of choices are those? They are just so randomly chosen, frag some equipment or poison everything.

At least on Tatioone we get to solve the problem of Tuskan attacks, which has better outcomes on both. We destroy the tuskan encampment or we get the tuskens what they need, ending the matter peacefully, and the plot happens organically.

At Korriban, we get to pose as fallen Jedi eager to sign up or we can actually drop the posing part and really sign up with the Sith. Both paths end at the same point, but it works really well. It follows from more organic choices on our part.

Neither Dantioone, Manaan or Kashyyyk do that. The game creates choices, thanks to the writers, that are so out of whack with player-character motivation or how the player would motivate their character to act.

Anyway, Episode 2 will made up of four parts.]

2016-09-12, 03:57 PM
Welcome Class. Here is the test, you have 10 minutes.

(Sounds of writing)
(10 minutes later)
Flip your tests over and pass them forward.
(Mace collects the tests)

Taris, at the time of the Jedi Civil War, was a single planet wide city. It was divided into three levels: the Upper City, the Lower City, the Under City. Taris had joined the Republic shortly before the Republic's involvement in the Mandalorian Wars. Taris was captured and used as a staging area. When the Mandalorians were defeated, the Republic freed the planet.

There is no mention of events occurring before Taris was taken over by the Sith in the Jedi Civil War.

According to Master Jinn:
Archive Recording

During this time period, certain Individuals were referred to as "Sith". In reality, the first real Sith was Exar Kun, who re-founded the group. Kun recruited others to his twilight order, many of whom fell in battle. After Ulic Qel-Droma left Kun to rejoin the Jedi, the Sith that Kun organized was defeated, but not all were destroyed.

Some survived to go underground, and they were joined by the surviving members of the Krath. Despite that, there was no real Sith presence as there were no declared Sith Lords. That changed when Revan and Malak declared themselves Sith Lords after the Mandalorian Wars.

In Truth, only Jedi referred to Revan and Malak as Sith, and applied the name to their followers. To the galaxy at large, which didn't understand, the Sith were called "Crusaders", because they had joined Revan and Malak. Jedi followers of Revan & Malak were considered Dark Jedi, rather than actual Sith.

Unlike Exar Kun, Revan & Malak restored several of the Sith outposts and holy sites. They created a Sith Academy on Korriban, homeworld of the Sith species. Those Jedi who had gone with Revan & Malak were sent to Korriban to train with surviving Krath and Sith from the time of Exar Kun.

Due to the misunderstanding regarding Revan & Malak and their Jedi followers, the conflict was referred as the "Jedi Civil War". Given the situation, the moniker ended up being used in history to refer to the conflict.

Archive Recording Ends

We have the recorded thoughts of their adventures on Taris:

Archive Recording

One: Left the Apartment, When...
One: What is going on? A raid? For what? Drugs? I am not an alien.

One: Apparently, this guy didn't the memo about yesterday

One: Well now, that's just mean!

One: (Whispers) "Hey, Carth; try to act normal."

One: What?! I'm not anything! Blast it, Carth!

One: Employed my counter-argument...
One: Exhibit A
(The Sith Guy is wearing an outfit that we will be seeing more of in game)

One: Your pal should have had a gun...

One: One dude dies and suddenly the Sith will stop showing up? Whatever you say, blue-dome.

One: Called it!

One: So, what? No cameras anywhere?
(We will encounter this Duros again in the Sith Base on Taris where he gets stuck in Force Cage.)
One: Maybe they would stop if you bribe them.

One: An Almighty Janitor...

One: It doesn't look any different.

One: Peace out.

One: It appears that Carth is lousy at playing Hide and Seek...

One: We are just like a pair of wookies at a Barbecue.

One: "As a Janitor, don't you hear stuff?"

One: Sure, it's safe up here...

One: A Cantina?? Have been meaning to get Carth drunk. Loosen him up...

One: Directions...

One: "What about the Sith?"

One: "No opinions?"

One: Goodbye Janitor guy

One: What a nice man

One: Asked a local for an opinion

One: Don't mind me, just exploring
Onasi: My companion seems to possess a need to explore, talk to people, and get into trouble...

One: A shop? Does Taris not like aliens?

One: Could always use a shield

One: It makes me immune to blasters? I'm getting one!

One: Limited use? Still getting one!

One: Carth had to get his two credits in.
Onasi: Due to my companion's zeal, I felt I needed to apply some reality.

One: Maybe there are shields for swords?

One: Shields cost

One: Both sides make them

One: Military development marches on...

One: Does he have some?

One: Let's shop!

One: Some background...

One: What's the deal with the aliens?

One: Explanations

One: Well, I always knew that Carth wasn't self-respecting. He has...issues...

One: If no one else will use them, then why not?

One: Figures

One: Someone I can annoy Carth with!
Onasi: What now? Are we ever going to go looking for Bastila?

One: Easy lady!

One: Not done messing with Carth...

Onasi: "Know anything about escape pods?"

One: "Who's Holdan?"
Onasi: For the love of The FORCE, WOMAN!

One: I'm listening


One: Tell me already!!!
Onasi: Dam***! We already have a task!

One: Already don't like this guy

One: How can we help?
Onasi: Oh No; please, No; Just No

One: Well...
Onasi: (Death Glare at One; Angry mutterings)

One: We can try.
Onasi: (Silently enraged) Mission, Task, Assignment. You remember?

One: Have faith

One: I will totally solve your problem!
Onasi: Maybe this is all a nightmare...

One: Questions

(Active quests with details)
[Threatening Dia annoys Carth who tells you off, you get a DS point for slaying her]

(Completing the Rapid Transit quest)
[This quest is basically how to jump between places by using the rapid transit system]

[Our first map (Of the South Apartments)]

(Loading screen; all display a comment with a picture of the level/area that you are going to)

One: Hi, mister droid!
(One of the protocol droids that we talk with; we can learn information from them)

[Something about aliens? I asked about why there is hardly any aliens]

[The Droid will answer many questions, but knows little]

[Taris. It looks really good]

[More Taris. We can talk to any of the Sith troopers to be told off]

[The Medical Bay: Has Zelka who can give us healing]

One: "What is this place?"

One: Inquired about Republic pods. That should make Carth happy...

One: Zelka is helping out.
[Seriously, he calls his place a medical clinic, but there is almost nothing in here. Plus he has a bunch of kolto tanks with Republic soldiers in there. Why haven't the Sith been called in yet? How long has it really been in world/game?]

One: Carth makes a comment about cool Zelka is for helping out

[Saved the game, so I don't lose progress]

One: Shop!

One: Learned something


One: Maybe I could try?

One: Just learning


One: I will get it for you!
One: I won't tell!

One: Zelka not happy...

One: Doctor Guy

One: Go away

One: Scram!

[The Rakghoul Serum Quest. Given that helping Zelka is more useful since we get free healing]

One: Someone in trouble?
Onasi: I think my companion has focus issues, despite which I still firmly believe that she must be a spy.

One: Hold it mister!

One: Carth actually has feelings and cares? Mind blown!
Onasi: Maybe helping out this guy will make her likely to tell me secrets.

One: We helped out this guy. Carth approves. Smileys!

One: Maybe you shouldn't have worked with a crime lord then.

[The game likes to be snarky here by having the guy ask for 100 credits. The Snarky part is that the bounty hunters will have 50 credits apiece, giving you back 100 credits]
[See what I mean?]

[The shop is located down the way from the Cantina. I think I held off visiting until later, then showed up. She sells some nice stuff]

One: The Sith seem to be troubling everyone.

One: Swoop gangs? Sounds interesting...
Onasi: She must be part cat...

One: For conquerors, the Sith are lazy

One: Davik has connections.

One: We learned some about Davik earlier from Dia

One: Just asked what Kebbie thought...

One: Nice friendly advice

One: Time to Shop!
Onasi: She just loves shopping. Is this normal for her kind?

[What we can buy, not everything is worth getting though]

[More items available, its a nice selection]

One: Finished shopping!
Onasi: I thought it would never end...

[Looking at the sign for the shop. It doesn't actually tell us anything]

[The Entrance to the cantina]

[Heading inside]

One: I have entered dangerous territory. Now, to get Carth drunk.
Onasi: I have a bad feeling about this. My companion is eyeing me with dark intent and malice.

One: What's this? [The dueling screen. We get to watch a fight later]

One: That person looks interesting...
[What we came inside the cantina for; to get the Sith Armor we need to find those escape pods]

[Sarna. Who is one of the two we have to speak with to get access to the armor]

One: I sense a soul in need of soothing. Carth, do a little dance!

One: "Are you involved for the Credits?"

One: Ah, that's better.
[Talking to Sarna is required. It might take a few tries to work]

One: I'm friendly

One: I don't think she enjoyed Carth's wookie joke.

One: Oh, she is telling us to beat it. Carth! Stop scaring people!
Onasi: Thaz iz good ztuff. Youz a good person.

One: Stop drunk hitting on her, Carth!
Onasi: I'm relaxed, I'm hip

[More Sarna, probably my second attempt; you will repeat some of the conversation]





One: Sarna thinks we would be upset.

One: Her grasp of Taris is strong.

One: "Everybody has their ups and downs...It's how you deal with them that counts."

One: Talking with Sarna

One: Well...

One: Success!

One: Been invited to a party

One: It's Bendak

One: Hey, there

One: Retirement, eh?

One: Bendak is impressed with me
Onasi: Why can't she care about my opinons?

One: Trash talk

One: Carth had an objection

One: More shopping
[What Zelka has]

One: Done

[Just running around]

[Doing something on the menu]

[Another cantina entrance shot]


[Ajuur, the Hutt to talk to]

[Marl's introduction]

[The announcer hams it up]

[I think I was trying to stay away]

[Losing the fight]

[Let's try that again]

[2nd intro]

[Trying to do better]

[Exploring the other apartment place; I cut out losing and then I went to complete the main quest. Also, Largo]

[Largo, who is another bounty person]

One: Must loot!

[Not sure what I did to get this; did I cut another bit?]

[Killing Largo]

[Won that fight]

[Exploring the rest of these apartments]

[Meeting Sarna. She was supposed to have turned around to talk. She didn't]

[After Sarna finishes talking, the Sith party-goers are all supposed to be lying on the ground]

[They aren't working right]

[For unclear reasons, the Sith here don't do what they are supposed to. I still take the Armor though.]

[The Other apartment building]

[Encountering the Drunken Trio]

[Provoking the drunks, Carth will complain but it is funny]

[Drunk fight]

[Won naturally, what else did you think would happen?]

[The Sith base entrance]

[Equipping gear]

One: I stuck Carth in the Sith Armor. He looks better this way.
Onasi: My companion put me in Sith armor. Not sure what she is thinking here.

[Exploring in the Armor. There is some special dialogue for wearing it]

[Zelka speaks differently, despite my having talked with him already. He completely forgets us after someone wears the armor]

One: Gurney is just a bastard

[The way down, to complete the main quest. Expect suffering]

[The Guard here is rather lazy. He doesn't check us really out]

One: We arrived in the Lower City
Onasi: Finally!

One: We encountered Trouble. I'm sure Carth is happy.

One: Looks like a friendly disagreement.

One: I think we stay out of it.

One: Hidden Beks appear to be losing...

One: Hidden Beks Lost, the winners still want to fight.

Onasi: Fought some gang members.

Onasi: I had been worried about our ability.

Onasi: But, I should not have worried.

One: Will we have more fights?

One: Dead body. Have loot?

One: Vulkars!

One: Fighting the Vulkars





[My status/stats; also has LS/DS Tracker]

One: I set about exploring

One: Apartments? I wonder what is inside.

One: Inside the Apartments

One: Checking out a door

[Messing with equipment]

[Talking to Matrik, another bounty head]

[I think I threatened Matrik. You can buy a Permacrete Detonator from Kebla, and use it to fake Matrik's death]

[Get to loot]

[Healing up]

[Not sure what exactly I was doing]

[The Lower City apartments are filled with Black Vulkars]

[Managed to get a level from killing gang members]

[The Twisted Trio puzzle]

[You need to solve the puzzle or the trap in the crate will go off]

[Solving this requires inputting the name of the band members in order of joining]
[There is a datapad that tells you what you need to know]
[Reading the datapad]
[Finished the datapad]

[The first hologram to turn on]
[The next hologram is either Ujaa then Ujii, or Ujii then Ujaa]
[Taking time to do it right. Loopa is next]
[Then Fodo, then Ashana. The list of names are located in the datapad]
[All the holograms active]

[Messing with Equipment]

[From everything, I got a level]

[Increasing my Constitution by one]

[Using the skill points]

[Got skills complete]

[Checking out my skills. Finished leveling]

[Looking at my feats]

[Back in action]

[Exploring the rest of this apartment place]

[Black Vulkars!]

[Accidently talking to Carth]

[Selected Carth]

[Clearing out the Black Vulkars]

[Carth ran into the battle]

[Looting the bodies]

[Emptying out the containers]

[Selecting Carth for healing]

[Using a stimulant]

[Since I quick-skipped through talking with Carth, I opened up the dialogue menu to see what he said]

[Back to exploring]

[There is a droid in this apartment complex that you can mess with]

[Got the droid running]

[Happy Hunting, Droid!]

[Clearing out another apartment. The two Lower City ones are filled with Black Vulkars]

[A cleared out apartment]

[Filling in the map as we go]

[Found more Vulkars]

[Found the droid that I tinkered with]

[Finished exploring this complex]

[Entering an apartment]

[Looting the foot locker or checking to see if I had already looted]

[Done with this apartment complex]


[Loading screen, for the Lower City]

[Having explored the right side of the map, I will now explore the left]

[The right side, which leads to the Black Vulkar base. We have to go down a level to get in]

[Heading down the main corridor. The Lower City has only one main area, with four secondary areas that connect. In the Upper City, there were two main areas with secondary areas]

[Entrance to the Lower City Cantina]

[Lower City Cantina]

[This guy sells Pazaak cards]

[Calo Nord. Whom we will have to fight twice. Or we could bug him to get him to shot us]

[Not a smart move]

[Insulting a bounty hunter? Really?]

[Black Vulkars must not recruit for brains]

[The idiots are provoking violence]

[This will end badly]

[Calo throws a concussion grenade]

[Then the game flashes white, while sounds of shooting happen. This is to signify that Calo killed them]

[We can loot the dead guys]

[Yeah, I am looting]

[The combat scripts that you can assign. I am giving the Grenadier to Carth. The Jedi/Droid Support should be used for those individuals]

[Someone that we can talk with]

[Inquiring about it's homeworld]

[Meeting one of the Paaerduag, of who we will meet others later in this game]

[Asking about why it ended up here]

[The Paaerduag is not really friendly]

[There is a game of Pazaak going]

[Hitting the Caps Lock key will give us 1st person view. The players make motions to suggest they are playing, but no cards are actually appearing. It is a bit funny]

[Checking the rest of this place]


One: Meet Holdan. Don't like him

One: Spoke with Holdan about Dia's bounty

One: Suggesting he call it off or something [Holdan happens to be a bastard]

One: Don't like having to pay him

[While threatening Holdan is worth doing, it produces no results. It always annoys me]

[None of the options are wonderful. We can pay it off ourselves, get Dia to fork over the money, or try to convince Holdan to settle the matter himself. There is no option to just kill him]

[Zak or Zek, the Hutt in charge of bounties. He is talking about Bendak's bounty]

[The reason for the bounty]

[Talking to Holdan after he removed his bounty. There are 5 total: Bendak, Dia, Largo, Matrik, Selven. Bendak and Selven are Government ones, while Dia, Largo, Matrik are from Davik]

[Holdan explains who exactly Davik works for]

[Leaving the bounty office. It is located in the Cantina]

[Leaving the Cantina itself]

[Heading out into the Lower City]

[Went back to the apartment using the Rapid Transit]

[Loading screen]

[The escape pod that I believe ourselves and Carth came from]

[Heading towards the Upper City Cantina]

[Entrance. I think when you reload a game or do certain activities, it closes the doors up]

[Heading inside]

[Asking for a rematch]


[Grenade tossing, it didn't work because he moved]

[Had to keep myself healed up]

[Trying to fight]

[More healing]

[Standard attack]

[Almost there]

[Finally beat Marl]

[Once Dueling Ring fights finish, this is where we reappear whether we win or lose]

[Looking towards the combatants. Once you defeat one, they will appear like that from now on]

[Going to talk with Marl]

[Talking with Marl]

[Checking out ends of the this room]

[Introducing myself to Twitch, the champion]

[Ajuur pays up]

[Twitch's introduction]

[Combat begins!]

[Fighting Twitch, blaster bolts are flying]
([I]when ranged attacks miss, we will dodge them)

[Used a Med-Pac]

[One of the Combat Animations]

[Another Combat Animation, there are several in this game]

[Yet another combat animation]

[Healing again, did in above screenshot as well]

[Attacking again]

[Trying my best]


[Almost got him, but I lost]

[I lost]

[Have almost health, running off to heal up]

[Loading Screen]

[Running out of the Cantina area]

[In our apartment. There doesn't appear to be any beds anywhere. I don't think any of the apartments on Taris has them]

[Checking on upgrades. I had picked up the Republic Mod Armor which is upgradable]

[Moving through the starting apartment area]

[Probably going to go fight again]

[Heading past Kebla's]

[Stopping to buy Med-Pacs]

[Watching the droid in the background move]

[Kebla has a default greeting]

[Default greeting when we ask to buy anything]

[Buying Medpacs]

[Selling some stuff to have credits]

[Concluded the shopping]

[Looking at Carth's gear]

[My Equipment, changing what we are wearing]

[Looking at Carth again]

[Switching out what Carth is wearing]

[Finished equipment playing]

[Doing some more shopping]

[Going through the list]


[Off to the Cantina]

[Saving the game]

[To the Dueling Ring!]

[No idea]

[Inside the place]

[Running for a rematch]

[Twitch's intro redux]

[Start of combat]

[Moving to engage]

[Missing my attacks, I think]

[Getting hurt]

[Having to heal]

[I lost again]

[After losing this fight]

[Not sure exactly]

[The inside of the Upper City Cantina, with dueling arena highlighted]

[Leaving, probably to get healed up]

[Outside the cantina]

[Map of the South apartments, where we start the game from]

[South apartments, having moved]

[Either heading out, or heading to Dia's]

[Giving Dia the good news]

[Dia offers up a reward]

[We can let her keep it, demand more, or just say thanks. Dialogue choices can give us LS/DS points]

[Went back to the cantina, and accosted Bendak. This happened after I defeated Twitch]

[Going to Ajuur for a match]

[Been told by Ajuur to beat it while he sets up the death match]

[Talking with the other dueling ring combatants after setting up a death match with Bendak]

[About to talk to Ice]

[Interviewing the duel spectators]

[Switching up my gear, to beat Bendak]

[Back to Ajuur to make it happen]

[Confirming that we are willing to fight]

[Bendak's intro]

[We earn a DS point for doing this]

[Loading up again after losing]

[Probably messing about with gear]

[Confronting Bendak again]

[Looking at equipment]

[Loading screen for the Cantina, each of the areas has one]

[Bendak's intro, again]

[Back to combat]


[Working on winning]

[I died]

[Yet another confrontation]

[Agreeing to fight]

[Leaving the Cantina, so Ajuur can get everything set up]

[Ajuur is happy]

[Another intro for Bendak]


[Another attempt here]

[I switched on the shields]

[Keeping the health up to win]

[It's not really working]

[I think I need more experience here]

[It's not going well]

[Almost gone]

[Trying to salvage it. But I am going to lose, also Bendak is power attacking]

[Bendak drops from power attacking or using critical strike. Not sure which animation that was]

[Reloading after losing]

[Heading somewhere]

[The Connection to the other part of Upper City Taris]

[Into the other side]

[Moving onward]

[Putting on the Sith Armor]

[Going to the elevator to go down]

[I think that some enemies re-spawn]

[Am using Carth's Blaster, I think]

[Changing to melee weapon]

[Going with a single weapon for better chance to hit]

[Defeating these gang guys]

[Another group of enemies]

[About to use flurry]

[Finished this combat]


[Heading into the apartments to see if there are any Black Vulkars to fight]

[Moving through, looking for trouble, to earn xp]

[Continuing my look for trouble]

[Heading off]

[Moving to the other apartment area]

[More gang guys to fight]

[Having combat troubles. Apparently, I can't get to my enemy]

[Fighting, while the guys in the background cower]

[Finishing off the last guy. Davik's guy will cower along with the two others if you fight near them]

[Getting close to a cutscene]

[A cutscene, where we get introduced to Canderous]

[Another Black Vulkar alien. I don't know Star Wars species this is supposed to be]

[Another Black Vulkar unidentified alien. Who are these guys? We have been encountering them. There are a number of races, but this one eludes me]


[We get to talk with Canderous before he heads off. If you talk with Gadon, before encountering the cutscene here, then head down to the Lower City to explore, you will quickly encounter Canderous again. Somehow he manages to get from here to there, without having to use papers. Maybe there is a secret route?]

[Canderous voices his opinion]

[How Canderous describes himself]

[Canderous has a previous engagement]

[The other apartment complex plays this cutscene whenever you go inside]

[Calo Nord takes them out]

[Calo then calmly leaves, leaving us to admire his handiwork]

[Moving to engage gang members]

[Using the shield to absorb blaster damage]

[Heading to explore]

[Another group of Vulkars. How many does Brejik actually have? We took out some in the other apartment complex, then the ones in the main courseway, then the ones here, then we will clear out the base. Does Brejik just have a cloning machine?]

[Removing more of Brejik's goons]

[Pest removal]

[Wonderful loot]

[Another cleared area, with a trap in the area back there that I am looking at]

[Had another encounter]

[Changing up weapons]

[Probably took Carth's blaster to use]

[A brief moment before more fighting]

[Another Vulkar]

[Looting after the win]

[Just a nice shot]

[An upgrade for the armor.]

[Just standing around, the Sith Armor has an interesting look]

[Clearing out goons]


[A gas mine, which is set at the other loot puzzle. The Twisted Rancor Trio was the first loot puzzle]

[Dealing with a mine]

[Carth runs]

[The message that we will use to unlock the foot locker. Which has the Republic Mod Armor, I believe]

[Continued message]

[Last bit of message]

[We can now unlock it]

[If you paid attention, this should be easy]

[Looted it. Given details, I am not sure what happened to Elam]

[Healing because of an earlier fight]

[Selven's place]

[Selven, the other government bounty]

[Selven is not happy]

[Defeated Selven and then did some more that I didn't screen cap. I might have turned in the bounties that I have completed, but I am not sure. I will have to look the next time that I get playing to see how I am doing on quests]

Archive Recording Ends
{Episode in Next Post}

2016-09-12, 04:40 PM
{Episode 2 finishes here. It was over the max of 50000 characters}

We have Commander Onasi's after action report, and entries from the Journal of UnChosen One

Archive Recording

Commander Carth Onasi:
We arrived on Taris from the Ender Spire. Our time was spent looking for Bastila Shan. However, my companion got quickly distracted by everything there was to offer. I had been hoping to successfully complete our mission with little trouble, but my companion seemed to have trouble with that. She got involved in a dueling ring, which I disagreed with. She ignored my complaints.

Due to my belief about spies, I installed security cameras in the apartment just to be sure. So far, it appears that my companion is completely unaware of them. I have been making observations, while trying to let her found anything is happening.

Because of the lack of furniture, we have been sharing a bed. I find myself constantly at struggle in being close proximity to this woman, while I frankly don't trust her. Why must she be so mysterious to me? My control is slipping more frequently.

After her dueling career, my companion decided to get on with the mission. It feels to me that she is far more interested in chasing after whatever suddenly catches her attention. I would evaluate her as being easily distracted. This will make our mission harder to complete, since when she isn't distracted, she is very interested in doing something only after being paid.

Growing concerns of mine involve the possibility that my companion has become aware of my feelings for her, since she is now spending an increased amount of time tormenting me. She has borrowed my blaster without permission a few times, then returns it later. I have searched through her various belongings in an effort to identify her fellow operatives. All I have learned is that she likes soft undergarments.

More torment. For the good of the Republic, I must resist my companion's innocent flirtations. Sometimes when she works on something or studies something, her posture rouses my suspicions and my desire. I have made out a list of pros and cons of trying to seduce her to the side of good.

She has expressed an interest in completing our mission, hopefully that will be accomplished soon, and we can find Bastila.

UnChosen One:
Taris is just so amazing. There are aliens! There are Sith! There are all sorts of places to explore! I can't wait to see everything!

Carth is being difficult as usual. He seems to spend huge amount of times just staring at me. What is he thinking? After I bathe, his stares always seem more strong. Is he having a bad day? Why does he spend so much time staring at his datapad and why does he hesitate to share his thoughts?

Carth wants to find Bastila, but knows nothing about where to find her. So we have to make it up as we go along. I swear at times that I catch him looking at me, trying not to be noticed. Is he hitting on me?

Laundry day. I was trying to wash my clothes only to find some of them in different places. Who else did that but Carth? But why this? What possibly could he be looking for?

After bathing, I found Carth going through my underwear drawer! That Bastard. I had to tell him what's what, so I did. He was not happy afterward.

Apparently Carth went through my Datapad and my personal notes. Doesn't he get the idea of privacy? Does the fact that have to share a bed somehow mean that he gets to access my private material?

Caught Carth trying to sneak something into my clothes again. I confronted him about it but he tried to pass it off as a misunderstanding. I swear that I am going to have to start spying on him to find out what he is up to.

Watched Carth spent some time examining parts of the room. I'm curious about what's going on here. Once I have some free time, I think I will do some investigating.

Carth has been spying on me! He installed security cameras in different parts of the room. He claimed it was for safety purposes, but who knows that we are here? Nobody knows.

I removed the cameras. Was out most of day pursuing leads. Did some checking and found that Carth hadn't re-installed any cameras. Hoping it stays that way.

Carth has started reacting to me, like a slightly confused lovesick puppy. What is going on?

Archive Recording Ends

From our records, it is clear that Commander Onasi was deeply suspicious of his companion. While nothing had occurred yet to justify this, Onasi's own actions suggest that seriously considered that his companion could be a spy. From her writings, UnChosen started considering whether the Commander had begun to develop unhealthy feelings towards her.

With events quickly coming to head, our individuals will be soon completing their mission and leaving Taris. Having acquired a set of Sith Armor, they need to find a way to get into the Under City.

For tomorrow, study the information about swoop racing and the Exchange.

[Commentary on Episode 2:

So there was quite a bit here. I removed what was nothing but shots of me walking around. Then again, I committed to the effort of doing the side quests. If I hadn't then Episode 2 would have been way shorter. This Episode was still long.

Completing the Side Quests are needed though, if you aren't that great at this game. Considering that I play more for the story than to Powergame, I have always had some issues. But, maybe powergaming will make it better?

What we learned about Carth so far is that he is a soldier and that he feels he failed someone. Of course, being Carth, we are going to have to drag out the information through conversations that have more in common with undergoing some kind of unpleasant experience rather than friendly getting to know somebody.

Carth has trust issues, and we are naturally assigned to be his therapist. Along with the rest of our party members, except for Jolee and Canderous, whom we get stories from. Canderous does have a therapeutic moment. It's too bad that we don't to charge for our time we spend on theraping our companions.

Carth is good with blasters, so he should always be using them. Get him some armor that allows him to employ his dexterity, and he will be fine. If you defeat Bendak, you can get his special blaster which is upgradable like Carth's own. You won't need any other weapons for Carth.

Carth comes from Telos, which was blown up by the Sith, mainly Admiral Karath. We will learn that particular tidbit later after dragging it out of him.

So, I thought Carth's personality needed to be presented by his dual issues: The fact that is a soldier, and that he has trust issues and happens to be paranoid. He is watching everyone for betrayal, meaning that he would indulge in that kind of behavior. Hence the rather stalking actions taken against the main character.

As for UnChosen One, I am trying to figure out how to work her personality. She is a scout, an explorer of places, so she should be eager to see new sights. Then, there needs to be the usual ADHD aspect of players playing characters, and giving those characters Kleptomania, or the need to steal/loot everything. We can also Romance Carth, Bastila, or Juhani with Carth available to females along with Juhani, while Bastila required the mod.

As for ourselves, we have to talk with either Sarna (Males) or another guy (whose name I don't recall) to gain access to the party. We acquire the Sith Armor. From there we hand over the armor to Gadon for the papers. Then we head into the sewers, clear out the Vulkar Base, then ride the swoop.

Something that I haven't done yet is get involved with the Pazaak. If Sabaac is basically Blackjack mixed with Poker, Pazaak is essentially a form of Blackjack. In Sabaac, you want to get either +/- 23 to win with positive beating negative. There is a winning hand though called the Idiot's Array that auto-wins. Pazaak requires getting to 20 equally with numbered cards. There are cards to increase/decrease results with the card that have both being the best ones.

We can also go Swoop Racing on Manaan and Tatioone. There is no actual real benefit besides the money. So like Pazaak is completely optional. Do people want me to invest in going with either one?

We have some key choices upcoming and I was wanting some votes on we complete those choices. We have: Whether we said with Rukil or Igear, in giving one or the other the Promised Land Journals (If given Rukil, the Under City people will leave); Whether we agree to go kill Gadon after making it into the Black Vulkar base (we will still probably have to fight Brejik anyway) or retrieve the swoop bike part (Why we are even attacking the base anyway)

Expect more entries from our heroes, and I will adding in some more as we add party members.

Something really important: What colors for lightsabers should we going with? We can use Blue, Green, Gold, Violet, and Red. After we encounter some Dark Jedi we will be able to tweak our lightsabers to Red colors.

Bastila starts with Yellow/Gold, Juhani is Green?/Blue?, Jolee is Violet.

What about Jedi Class? Guardian? Sentinal? Consular? There is a lightsaber color associated with the class. Should we use it, or should we change up? If Change, then to what?

Within the next two weeks, I will have Episode 3 played and posted up. By Episode 4 or 5, we should be arriving on Dantioone and be starting our Jedi membership.

That does mean we will adding like 5 more party members though, by the time we leave Taris. Mission will join next, followed by Zaal, followed by Bastila, followed by T3, finished with Canderous.

Get commenting people! Make your votes!]

Don't forget to attend class.

2016-09-13, 05:50 AM
Nice posts! Couple things:

1 The very first picture link is broken.
2 I particularly like the history stuff, like what you talked about with the Sith and Exar Kun. Is all this stuff in game, or is your knowledge supplemented from books and stuff?
3 For color, I'd say violet.

2016-09-13, 03:24 PM
Some of the history is in game, but I have most of it from other sources like Wookiepedia, Various Star Wars comics, various Star Wars books, and the Knights of the Old Republic campaign guide for SW Saga Edition. There is also the fact I have played this game through several times before, and own a strategy guide for it.

2016-09-30, 11:27 PM
[I have not played recently, but I plan to this weekend and then get something posted up next week. Sorry for the delay.

A side note: I picked up a copy of EU3 chronicles with all the expansions. Which is great, since I already have Vic 2 vanilla. Once I get CR 1 or 2, I will be able to do a nice long play-through. Still, I will be playing more Kotor, and that soon.]

2016-10-01, 11:35 AM
Enjoy the new game! And no rush, no rush.

2016-10-08, 10:58 PM
[Going to be playing Sunday. No matter what. I will then try to get the screenshots up. I have just been a little busy with school work, and then other activities that really weren't as important after all. Some Job hunting wasn't that important after all.]

2016-10-22, 10:36 PM
[Have played. Sorting through screenshots, should have them ready for upload next week, then will have episode up after that.

We are almost done with Taris.

I am only missing two games from being able to play a complete history playthrough using Paradox games: Crusader Kings 1 or 2, Hearts of Iron ?. I have EU3 Chronicles and Vic 2 vanilla.]

2016-11-02, 05:33 PM
[Busy right sorting through screen shots. I have 800+, so I have been trying to determine what ones I need. The Episode might be broken down into a few parts. Depends really on many I find I need.

So far, I have cut out of Screen Shots: General Running Around; Sewer Section accessible after turning off force-field and featuring Rancor, which I somehow didn't manage to keep any shots for; extra shots of dialogue; other shots like messing with equipment.

Trying to get everything completely organized and uploaded. As soon as possible.]

2016-11-02, 06:49 PM
Sounds good!

Dang, 800+. My entire LP of Crystalis didn't have nearly that many.

2016-11-03, 08:22 PM
[Cut the screen shots down to 770, and am uploading them. Once they are up, I will write out the Episode 3 update.]

2016-12-04, 09:02 PM
[I will be posting up the first half of Episode 3 later this week definitely. Then later will come the second half. I ended up having to divide the episode in half.]

2016-12-06, 07:25 AM
[I will be posting up the first half of Episode 3 later this week definitely. Then later will come the second half. I ended up having to divide the episode in half.]Will be waiting to see how that turns out. I did my own playthrough after all that discussion of how to get through Taris without increasing your non-Jedi class level. I also ignored pazaak, but now I have started a new game where I am not. Gelrood is taking forever to cheat out of his moneycomplete a very fortunate series of games against.

2016-12-06, 10:12 PM
[So this shall be the first half. Second half to appear soon.]

Episode 3: Commie Hippie Paradise

Welcome class.

We are continuing the adventures of our heroes on Taris as they try to find Bastila. So far, they have had some success.

Archive Recording

[Turning in the bounty on Selven)

[The payment]

[The Hutt is happy]

[Rewards I get]

[A minor quest, one that I don't think appears in the Quest Tracker]

[You can help out]

[He is looking for new dancers]

[Another person stuck because of the Sith]

[Lyn is the other Twi'lek]

[If you want to do this quest, ask this]

[Lyn needs a partner]

[If you don't say this, you won't do the quest]

[Bib isn't sure about you]

[But then, he really doesn't have anyone else]

[Lyn isn't happy]

[You will have to convince her]

[If you don't succeed, just try until you do]

[Yeah, Lyn isn't impressed]

[Convince Lyn, and you get to help out]

[Here, Lyn has a shot]

[You have to sell it]

[You only get three attempts]

[Basically, just pick how to dance]

[I picked the simplest to start]

[Lyn isn't real thrilled with my choice, but it means less chance I ruin matters for her]

[Dancing with Lyn]

[You want to make Lyn look good]

[Lyn wants you to try, but you still ruin things]

[Bib likes when you do well]

[After the third dance, Lyn will say this]

[If you don't botch all three, Bib will say this]

[Quest was successful]

[So Lyn will get to be a star]

[I think that if you botch somehow, Lyn may say different words]

[Lyn is friendly because I passed all three]

[Lyn leaves with Bib; You can wreck it and thus lose XP. The Irony is that Taris will be blown up anyway]

[Shopping with one the Pazaak card merchants. YOu can buy better cards]

[This Pazaak card is one of the type you want, since you will be better able to win]

[Entering the Hidden Bek Base]

[We have to convince her to let us in. I think that maybe if you visit the guard to the Under City, you learn that you need to see Gadon]

[If not, the game won't really point us in this direction. As far as I know]

[This information really doesn't mention anything, considering that the Sith don't show up down here, and the Vulkar attack everyone]

[The [Persuade] means using the skill. The attempt won't ever work though]

[If you wear the Sith Armor, she won't let you in]

[Yeah, pretty much true]

[She says this, but really no one is watching]

[No name is ever given. She dies with Taris]

[The Hidden Bek base]

[So Brejik is leader of Vulkars but was a Hidden Bek]

[Gadon and his henchwoman Zaerdra]

[She will always react, you can't avoid it]

[Game. We could try, if the Game would let us]

[Game, Z, Game. Gadon is quest vital so we can't hurt him]

[Lousy reasoning here]

[We really can't do anything anyway]

[The War started because Brejik took over the Vulkars]

[What problems? Why does Z think Gadon can't take care of himself? Answer: Gad's eyes are replacements]

[Gadon got replacement eyes, which somehow means that he is disable. Also, the pods relate to the main quest]

[I like what Z says, but still, Game]

[Gadon makes a point, but it fails because, why would the Sith not use spies like us?]

[Game. Gadon trusts us too quickly, and the Sith are incrediably stupid here]

[So, this sets up our next objective]

[First Mention of Bastila. It's also weird that Gadon knows]

[Davik appears again, but the explanation is lousy]

[Carth. He says this loud enough to everyone in this place to hear]

[Seriously, Carth, Gadon heard all that]

[So, we have to compete in the Swoop Race]

[Gadon will fail to mention that he made Brejik leave]

[Actually we could fight everyone. We will end up doing so]

[Again, another must. We have to race]

[Gadon tries to make a deal]

[Due to Game, we must follow this]

[Gadon will let us race, and so we race]

[So, our quest item. Get the part back]

[Despite every door being locked in this place]

[We get to retrieve the part]

[A question that we should be asking]

[Irony: Mission will tell us that Gadon does not like her exploring the Undercity Sewers]

[So despite Gadon not liking what they do, he offers them anyway]

[If you learned from the guard that the uniform won't work, Gadon offers a solution]

[Yeah, I probably already talked to that guard, Gadon]

[No comment about how long ago it was that he got those papers]

[Why he feels the uniforms are better is not explained]

[You must hand over the Uniforms]

[Not sure what practice we end up having later]

[This guard will let us through now]

[Apparently. I don't know why wearing a Sith Uniform doesn't count as official]

[He says this if you are wearing the Uniform]

[Apparently, the papers just work. Game]

[Our new enemy, Rakghouls]

[The door is open. We could have fought, but there are 6 turrets]

[The elevator down. If not everyone in your 3 person party is not there, the location bar will be grayed out]

[Because Bioware. This actually makes no sense. Do they do this to the Sith?]

[Not sure why. If they owned it, why wouldn't they go up?]

[Carth interjects here. Given how crazy the planet, why wasn't Carth expecting this kind of crap?]

[Apparently, the toll is little. Too bad we can't use other methods to pay]

[Asking who these twerps are]

[Sadly, it actually doesn't look that Filthy or Dark]

[How many villages are there? Just this one?]

[You can give them 5 credits or 20. Response is the same. If you threaten them, then they flee your wrath]

[I may have given them 20. Seriously, 5 or 20 ain't much]

[It's like she has to apologize for being here]

[This response of Carth's is actually rather insulting. Welcoming Committee?]

[Shaleena wants to know about the above areas]

[Apparently, nobody has mentioned to her that upper Taris is a dump]

[You can be mean or nice to her]

[Rukil, an old guy]

[So, the Promised Land. Which will end up a quest]

[So, basically, the old guy believes in a nice place]

[She sends us off to Rukil]

[And will tell us how to find him]

[More about Rukil]

[The Village here is a nice little Commie Commune]

[Her response about the Pods]

[So, others have been down here]

[Basically, the Undercity is a giant Gulag]

[A giant Gulag of outcasts and the descendants of Outcasts]

[Considering that if you are born in the Gulag here, you stay there, how good can upper Taris really be?]

[Gendar is the leader of this little Communist Commune Gulag place]

[She likes talking to us. I think Carth has been just staring at her chest, if the eyelines are right]

[This is Igear. He sounds shifty and suspicious]

[Seriously, Bioware asked the Voice Actor to talk with a snake-like lisp/rasp for every line]

[Igear is channeling sleazy merchants the whole time]

[Just a sleazy merchant, with nothing to say]

[Igear doesn't like Gendar, and Gendar doesn't like Igear. Maybe if Igear didn't sound like a snake?]

[Igear lives in a Communist Commune. What did you expect?]

[Weirdly, we can only really support the Communism. Bioware]

[YOu live in a Communist Commune. What did you expect?]

[He does have stuff though]

[Nothing really valuable though]

[It's not much of a selection]

[So I only bought a few things, and sold stuff]

[So little to buy]

[Probably buying stuff]

[Selling excess junk]

[I don't need everything]

[Selling anything you don't want or need to keep is worth it]

[The Permacrete Detonator is used to help Matrik fake his death, otherwise you just kill him. K Yurt has it in the Uppercity for sale]

[Some things we won't be able to sell and they won't appear]

[Items will have a price listed if any, an amount, and a description]

[I don't recall what I sold]

[Finished with Igear]

[Gendar, leader of these Commies]

[I could use a bath]

[So, suddenly this place is popular]

[Yes, Gendar knows Mission. Also how hard is it to find sewers? They smell don't they?]

[If you ask about the Rakghoul Serum. Turns on a sidequest]

[Basically, the Outcasts are criminals that turned into Commies]

[Gendar is the hereditary Communist leader]

[This is actually a lie. There are no roaming bands of Rakghouls. Instead, there are a few groups, which re-spawn]

[Maybe not everyone agrees with that Communist lifestyle?]

[Because, apparently, talking about doing what you can makes you sound like an old geezer]

[It's a rather shoddy Gulag]

[I don't know what I said here]

[Rukil. Chief Commie Elder]

[This just weird]

[Carth defaults to Carth, which means being a jerk to everyone]

[??? I don't know]

[So, Carth calls him crazy, we think Rukil is crazy]

[Fine living in a Communist Commune]

[He keeps the book of Marx]

[He has a much older copy of Marx's book, I think]

[His apprentice went looking for Rukil's Communist Paradise]

[So, he wants us to find out what she found]

[Not sure what we would expect to get, considering everyone here are Commies]

[Our reward: Secret Marx Knowledge]

[Secret Commie Knowledge sounds good]

[Rukil reminds us to cash in the quest. Game]

[The village is made to look properly like a commune]

[What happens in Commie Village stays in Commie Village]

[Not actual water. Just weird effects due to graphic limitations]

[The Evil Capitalists are too close!]

[We will get affected by Capitalism!]

[A rakghoul. They are basically zombies]

[Bad Rakghouls! Bad Rakghouls!]

[You can volunteer to fight]

[We run out to help]

[There is just one, but it can cause a total party wipe. Also Hendar can die]

[Rakghouls have poison as part of their attacks. That's why Carth's health bar is green]

[Rakghouls are tough, mostly]

[The Poison effect continues until cured or wears off. It sucks]

[We saved Hendar from the Capitalist]

[The guy who guards the Commune from Capitalists]

[It's a Communist Commune. Nobody has anything, expect Igear the filthy Capitalist]

[This lady does different dialogue if you let Hendar perish]

[They head off further into the village, probably to have more Communist children]

[The Undercity beyond the Commune. It is really small]

[Mission spawns out of nowhere or hidden, meaning we get her line, but can't see her anywhere. This happens with the HK unit on Peragus in the Second game]

[Game. If you have meet Mission, in the Lowercity Cantina, this will still be your line. PC, your memory is short]

[She totally knows who Gadon is, she just doesn't like him]

[Carth being Carth. Not sure what happened with his eyes though]

[Running away like a PC? Yeah, she is definitely going to joining us]

[Gamorreans are those pigmen from ROTJ, the ones who worked for Jabba]

[Basically, Gadon tells her not to go where she goes, or where he tells us that he knows she goes. He won't stop her though]

[Essentially we need her help. Doesn't matter what you say]

[Carth. She already told us that Z is in the sewers]

[Newbie Companions will get level-ups to our own, if we are higher level than their level when they join]

[Because she is 4th, we can upgrade her attributes]

[An odd Constitution means a +1 to Con item will increase her modifier]

[Or we could up her Strength]

[We get to increase skills]

[So I upped her Strength, to make her Attack/Damage better shortly]

[We will encounter other Red armored Sith. I don't recall what it signifies]

[We BS him about that we looking for a missing patrol]

[Non of our options are polite. Game]

[He says this unless we threaten him. Which you can totally do. I don't know if it is worth it]

[More Rakghouls]

[Attacking from distance means they take more damage before arriving at us]

[Close range fights. Which will be common in this game]

[I think Mission ran down and Aggroed the other rakghouls. That happens with enemies]

[Due to level or something, Rakghouls aren't worth 300xp anymore]

[They are really annoying for being worth so little experience]

[The bodies in this lower area should have the Rakghoul serum. Or it's somewhere else]

[Walking towards the body]

[Just looting]

[More lootables. Also the poison wore off]

[Another set of bodies]

[One of the sewer entrances. There are 2 or 3]

[An effect of graphic issues]

[I had to tweak the Graphics to get rid of the weird effect]

[More Rakghouls to fight. Am using Carth's Blaster, I believe]

[The Game AI for enemies does this sometimes. One enemy will move to attack, while the others just chill]

[Having to shoot at another Rakghoul]

[It may take a few times to get them to finally move]

[I gave Mission her named vibroblade]

[Another body, might also be another sewer entrance]

[Since Mission went up a level, I get tweak her skills]

[And pick a feat]

[Some of the different feats]

[More feats. I may have to identify what is available to take]

[Running off to a new area]

[Debris that is impassable]

[We return to the Communist Commune]

[Heading off to Rukil...or not]

[Off to complete a sidequest]

[The sealed area holds infected outcasts]

[We talk to the healer]

[The rakghoul plague is basically a zombie plague]

[We are risking it]

[Instant transformations as soon as we enter]

[There are 3 outcasts that all transform, who we have to kill]

[It's annoying]

[These Rakghouls are worth more XP]

[And are apparently tougher]

[And we have been all poisoned]

[Healing up]

[We can use the serum to heal people here]

[It gives us goodies]

[It also helps the Commies, for when we complete Rukil's other quest]

[The door opens and shuts]

[Off somewhere]

[We are heading out to clear the entire Undercity]

[Mines. Which are dangerous some]

[You can recover mines or disable them]

[Course, they do blow up]

[Mission has a higher Demolition score than the PC, so she gets to deal with them]

[We can use recovered mines, so you should always do that instead of disabling]

[There is no point to disabling them]

[More mines are great!]

[The Rakghoul Soldier: if you cure him with the serum, rakghoul will kill him; if you don't have the serum or use it, he becomes a rakghoul. Game]

[If you cure him, then he will tell you information]

[Given that he is doomed, He will doom soon]

[He's pretty much screwed]

[Further on, we encounter these idiots]

[A fight ensues, and any number of Davik's thugs may die. Or all, which can happen]

[This line is ironic if all of the thugs died because Canderous will always say it]

[Canderous tells us that we should beat it]

[Again, says this if all thugs die. Which makes it all really funny, since he says that Davik's thugs are cutout for it]

[Some container, and it only gives us a repair kit]

[Just pausing for some reason]

[More rakghouls, which is all that is here]

[Attacking from distance]

[But they close, and must die]

[More enemies]

[Running off]

[Mission runs]

[Terrain bottles them up, so only one person gets attacked]

[Of course, that knocks Mission out. If everyone runs out of health, then we die]

[Did I mention that enemies are a bit stupid?]

[The rest of the Undercity]


[I think this is the corpse for Rukil's Apprentice]

[Just another body]

[The body]

[Mine, and Mission is up]

[We have explored nearly all of the Undercity]

[I don't know why the mine is there]

[Mission will recover it for us]

[Back to Rukil]

[The Main Gate, which is weird because there are no others besides the one by the healer, remains closed]

[Rukil is waiting for us]

[Rukil. He hopes that we are the Marx Messiah]

[Yeah, we found her]

[Put her in "Hero of the Soviet Union" Medal then]

[For looting the dead...]

[Oooh, Destiny]

[His communist buddies didn't like his interpretation of scripture]

[Taris is one big City-Planet. Also no land?]

[They failed at Environment. Cue the Revolution!]

[Carth makes a point. One of his rare ones]


[Revolution failed, so they made gulags]

[Why can we ask such a dumb question? Game]

[The Rich used the gulags]

[If you felt any sympathy towards anybody on this planet, this is intended to make you lose it]

[Promised Land, which is Commie Paradise]

[It's Commie Paradise]

[Rukil is trying to find Commie Paradise, like his ancestors]

[Nice Carth, jerk. Nice way of pissing on them]

[I have the entries on Wikipedia about the books]

[My predecessors kept notes of their doodles]

[Again, he offers his secret Communist Knowledge]

[His father and grandfather both died in the sewers. That's were we will find their bodies]

[Our Communist Hopes go with you!]

[So, yeah]

[Rakghouls respawned, that means I can get more XP]

[Rapid Shot is Flurry for blasters]

[I am using two weapons because it means more attacks. You should always dual-wield]

[The Rakghouls are worth 30xp instead of 50xp now]

[Awareness increases finding mines, while Demolitions will allow mine retrieval]

[Put in skills]

[Clearing out any other respawns for XP]

[They respawned over here!]

[Mission runs over, due ot having a melee weapon]

[A message that you should expect to see frequently. The game pops it up and pauses the game]

[I think Carth is shooting past us]

[Rakghouls are really weak if you take them from distance]

[Exploring to see if there are other respawns]

[The escape pod where we found Rakghoul soldier]

[It's a nice looking pod]

[So, pod...]

[They respawned over here]

[Trying to get them to come so I blast them]

[When I try to attack, it makes my character move closer. Don't want that]

[Mission likes rakghouls]

[More attempt]

[I don't know if it worked]


[A rakghoul party]

[Well that was invirogating]

[To the sewers!]

[The Sewers has Rakghouls, Mines, Gamorreans, one Wookie, some droids, bodies, a Rancor(Thanks Mission) to discover]

[Mission gets her bombworking on]

[Annoyingly, if you send her to do something, but switch back to your PC, then she coming running back. So I have to control her]

[Then I get to switch back. This will become an annoyance greatly]

[Rakghouls fiends are supposed to be tougher]

[I don't the others joined me]

[Maybe not all are Fiends? Maybe some normals?]

Archive Recording Ends

[So, that was long.

We can go to Igear after getting the quest to get the other promised land journals, where Igear will offer us money. It is a bit pointless like the quest from Gurney since there is almost benefit in doing so. Why bother?

I am going to cover the Journals from Carth, our hero, and others in the second half. I probably also going to have a short-lived Mission one, since we will dumping her pretty much all of next episode and just in general. Since I have yet to come up with how companions that aren't currently traveling with us that are not Bastila would know what was going on. Carth would probably hear about stuff, with Bastila possibly able to have her connection work. I don't know how some of others would.

With the second half, we will be almost completely off Taris. So Episode 4 will definitely be the last episode of that. Which means a vote for you folks.

What Jedi Class should we be picking up? And what lightsaber colors should I giving our lightsaber users: the PC, Bastila, Jolee, Juhani(if ever)? Also, for each, Double-bladed or Dual-wielding?

Voting will last 48 hours.]

2016-12-07, 07:16 AM
Long indeed! I liked it. Man, so much I forgot about this game.

As for voting, I'd say Guardian with purple. For the others... not too much preference. I'm not a big Juhani fan. No vote beyond that.

2016-12-20, 12:26 AM
[Here is the remaining half (Rest in Next Post)]

Archive Recording

[Rakghouls are worth little XP now]

[We need to find two corpses of Outcasts for Rukil]

[The Sewers are big, and we have to explore it all]

[The pathway to the Pig-man Base]

[Gamorreans, the Pig-men who guarded Jabba. They have not improved]

[The closer door has a helpful droid, if piggies are too tough]

[The other door has pigmen, who come pre-aggroed]

[Of course, now the pigmen are dead]

[The droid in here is supposed to help you kill pigmen]

[We can retrieve the mine, then toy with the droid]

[Oh, look, not all the pigmen died]

[Always retrieve the mines so you can use them]

[If we switch, Mission stops retrieving the mine. Bioware!]

[Stopping an enemy always pauses the game]

[Sent Mission to get mine so we can use droid]

[Hopefully, Mission can retrieve this mine]

[Bioware. Control Mission during the process, get Mine]

[So I controlled Mission and got the mine. T3 is better at this]

[Checking what skills Mission has. T3 is better than her]

[Reactivate the Droid, tweak systems, then release in patrol mode]

[Patrol mode should be always done]

[We can optimize the Droid's Shields, Weaponry, and targeting systems]

[Repair parts are required, and having a higher repair skill decreases required parts]

[I missed the bit with him, Zaalbar gives you a life-debt]

[Have no clue, but Mission is completely useless after Taris]

[Bioware being Bioware. Apparently there is a Rancor]

[Because RotJ had a rancor, Bioware had to use it]

[Thanks to plot, we can't do anything but go on]

[Zaalbar joins us, so we have to send someone home]

[Our party member screen, Can you guess who is in it?]

[Due to our level, Zaalbar gets a free level up]

[Onward to the Rancor!]

[Zaalbar's Bowcaster, which are keeping, because it has his name]

[We are exploring the rest of the sewer for quest items]

[The droid is supposed to clear this place out. Poor droid, I want to take it with us]

[We can't take the droid. So it will patrol it's route forever]

[Outfitting Zaalbar with two melee weapons, It is his destiny]

[Probably Equipping Zaalbar]

[Being a scout means Zaalbar can use implants. He needs since he can't use armor]

[Modifying Z's skills]

[Picking Feats for Z. He needs Two-Weapon fighting so he can dual wield]

[Other feats that Z has. More hitpoints is always good]

[The toughness feat line, which gives more HP. Take it, it helps]

[More Feats to pick from. There are many, but only a few worth it]

[Flurry and Improved Flurry are must haves for all characters]

[So we leveled up Z. Onward!]

[One of the doors in the Gamorrean base cannot be opened]

[The Sewers are filled with Rakghouls]

[I made Z into a melee monster]

[Our companions will chat. Mission gives Z a hard time]

[Z got poisoned, and I have to get Mission to get that mine]

[If you aren't recovering Mines, then you are not playing properly]

[Grab all mines. You can use them later agaisnt enemies]

[The PC will need to increase her skills, so we can go solo at times]

[We are looking for Outcast bodies for quest items]

[Corpses of any kind are all lootable. Loot everything and everyone]

[Yeah, I don't know. What we can do I guess?]

[We have no way of knowing if we looted something in this game. Second game fixed that]

[Oddly, few doors are identified beyond "Door"]

[I don't know why the doors in the Sewers are special]

[Outcast bodies, here we come!]

[Use the map to avoid getting lost. The Sewer looks the same]

[More sewer. If you don't do any side quests, you don't have to explore it]

[The sewer is a bit weird in appearence, but then it's Bioware after all]

[Blasters are better, always shoot your enemies first]

[Our Minions lead the way! Let them get hurt first]

[Z and Mission hack, while I blast away]

[We can set Combat scripts of Default, Jedi, Support]

[The sewer is infested with Rakghouls. Why?]

[You can consider this game basically D&D in Star Wars Land]

[More bodies, where are the outcast remains? They are in the first sewer level]

[I think I caught the door opening here]

[Another mine to recover. You are all doing this right?]

[I forgot. Mines can go off. Or I made Mission trigger the mine]

[Apparently, the sewers is the Rakghoul party center]

[Why are there so many rakghouls?]

[Z's weapon is glowing, probably means either Critical Strike or Power Attack]

[We are really good at carving up Rakghouls]

[So, more of this sewer level]

[Exit from Sewer, Hidden in Undercity]

[Is to Undercity, So another exit]

[Exploring the last areas on this level of the sewers]

[Either a rakghoul or a Gamorrean]

[Don't recall what I killed, think it was pigman]

[Last general of this level to explore]

[Pigmen here. They have a compound and this bunch. Go figure]

[No, I don't why the Pigmen are here as well]

[Where the heck are those Outcast bodies?]

[I really don't like the Sewer, it's a long slog of rakghouls to fight]

[This level is nearly over]

[Both sewer levels are filled with rakghouls and gamorreans]

[So being a pig guy gives you immunity to rakghouls]

[There are more pigmen in the upper sewers]

[Soon, we will have completely cleared this level]

[Rakghouls, one of the outcast bodies is here]

[One of the rakghouls has been stunned]

[Outcast corpse with Promised Land Journal]

[Our quest journal is updated]

[Another body]

[There is too much sewer]

[So the bit by the force field is left]

[Looking for the other outcast body]

[Quest log check]

[I am sweeping the area the outcast bodies]

[Map of the Lower Sewers]

[The passageway where the force field is]

[Mission works on a mine, and I spend some time admiring my Pc's shapely rear end]

[Again with the controlling garbage]

[I send Mission to recover the other mine]

[Switching selected characers sends the others running. Also, Unchosen One has a nice arse]

[I don't know why Mission has to look that way(I.E. attractive). Considering her age...]

[Unchosen One; who has a default appearence, which we can't modify. Why is she so hot?]

[I went to find the other promised land journal. Why does Unchosen have a sultry running style?]

[Bioware has trouble not making attractive female PCs. I can't have been the only one who wanted a real Femshep]

[The droid we tweaked is still wondering about. I want to take him with]

[Mission is still at low health. I haven't bothered to heal her]

[The droid can't be affected anymore]

[Searching the bodies to find the other promised land journal]

[Somewhere is the other journal. Also, I like watching my PC walk around]

[The Force field. I think I found the other journal]

[Mission can only open the force field. We don't need after this really]

[Mission opens the way]

Archive Recording Ends

Unchosen One) So our PC has the default Bioware look, which is attractive. When you are to staring at the back side of your PC, having them be attractive is understandable, but they did the same for Mission which is confusing. It makes no sense for her to look like that since she is still 14. Just a kid.

In regards to this issue is that different gear put on our female character will make her chest change. Same applies to Bastila, and it is funny. In Bastila's standard clothes, she happens to have quite the chest pair, but other garb shrinks them. Not that I don't appreciate it, I just find it hilarious.

Carth can be romanced, but frankly, Bastila is far more interesting. Carth is mostly Mr Whines-a-lot, while Bastila complains, but actually talks to you as a person. Carth doesn't seem to get a clue. Then the designers gave females the option of romancing Juhani, the crazy cat girl. Because relationships built around crazy work out so well.

Was I the only person who fantasized about my female Revan character? Or my female Shepard? I am sure there were others who did the same.

Quests) The quests on Taris are really great, and the ones involving Davik are the worst. Why are we bothering to help out? Every quest result that could help Davik are stupid.

Look at the Rakghoul Serum quest. Gurnay says we should give it Davik, but if we gave it to Zelka, then Davik's goons can just steal some and Davik can sell that. Davik would need someone to make more, which defeats the point of getting it now. Stealing from Zelka would work out better for Davik anyway.

The other solution to the Promised Land is giving the journals to Igear. There is explanation given for why you would want to do this.

D&D Alignment: Stupid Evil, Stupid Good, & You)

Being Bioware, this game runs on the standard D&D alignment scale of Stupid Evil and Stupid Good. Considering that being evil in D&D terms usually means acting like an idiot or moron, Bioware had to get this right. To be honest, Bioware does fail, but Star Wars is run on crappy D&D alignment issues anyway. That means it is not really their fault.

Through the game, we can be either stupid good, where we politely refuse rewards while doing things for others, or stupid evil where we act like a total jerk. You can be neutral, but you won't earn that many light side points.

It has been stated that this game is easy to get dark side points in. In reality, that is false. Few of the dark side options are anything but jerk choices or being a complete monster. So there is little incentive to select those options, and you default to being nice. It is very disappointing.]

2017-04-15, 11:42 PM
[Will have commentary in post below]

[The serving girl gives her story]

[Yeah, we can kill her]

[She doesn't like Vulkars]

[Inquiring about Bastila]

[She's a little bitter]

[Asking about the special swoop part]

[We killed the guards]

[Since we aren't an evil bastard...]

[As she runs, we discover an enemy]

[Holding the weapons]

[More enemies]

[Mission attacks the guy]

[Both Mission and Z are ready to kill stuff]


[An enemy]

[Always use the most effective methods]

[We only get 75 XP for each one]

[We get a level up]

[Security panel to hack]

[The usual options]

[Hacking away]

[The elevator is guarded by turrets]

[The cameras we can use]

[Select a camera]

[Look at all the enemies to fight!]

[But I used the camera to make a bomb]

[Use a camera, then have something go boom]

[Get XP for above, unlock all doors]

[This room is filled with loot]

[Someone to fight]

[Yet he chose to stay]

[Again, he didn't leave]

[But he still works for Brejik]

[Your princess is in another castle]

[He has no cards]

[He isn't happy with the dying bit]

[i earn a dark side point]

[jerk dies]

[leveling up skills]

[picking a feat]

[there are quite a # of feats]

[more feats]



[More selection]


[Finished the level up]




[That little loot bag]

[Send the pool droid to retrieve the loot]

[Pool has traps]


[What happens if you send someone in]


[Elevator to where you need to go]


[Fix this droid up for help]









[Fix up the droid to get an ally]












[You can blow up this speeder]

[Like so]



[Our fixed up droid]


[This is an annoying droid]


[It is shooting carbon freezing at me]

[The others come running]

[The "X" on my portait is because I am...]

[Knocked out / Stunned]

[Z is now stunned]

[It wears off. Yes, your droids can get it]



[My character is out cold]


[The badly wounded animation]
















[Workbenches are scattered throughout game]







[Z's gear]





[I hate these guys]


[He tries to sell us on betraying Gadon]


[Kill Gadon for money? Sigh]

[The dude is always lying though]

[Brejik won't give up Bastila]








[behind the main is the part we need]
































































































































































2017-04-25, 06:24 PM
[So, Commentary for the game, and what we have done lately!

I have to play some more, and finally get off Taris. That will take quite a bit.

So, the quests:

1) Main Quest:

We had to get the swoop engine part, then fly the swoop, then get the codes, then get the ship. Taris just continues to go on and on. It would be more enjoyable with getting Jedi powers, and I plan to do a play through with them, and see if it is better. Anyway back to the main quest, we just have more and more to do. It means a long wander through the city, while losing Jedi class levels.

The issue with the main quest, is that it is basically an extended tutorial. We just keep suffering on Taris, and have many cutscenes. The plotting and pacing is slow, and it just goes. To be honest, complaints about Taris, lead to Kotor 2 trying to make it more interesting. I think that shows one of Bioware's bad points, because the first area in Mass Effect is much better designed and developed. It just flows through more naturally, and the rest of the game post Taris works only slightly better.

After Taris, we leave to Dantioone, became a Jedi, then go traveling to 4 places and a fifth. The central binding plot suffers slightly, and it's not really that replayible. It could have been better, but then again, Bioware is learning here.

2) Side quests:

Nearly all the side quests are dumb. The dark side choice is pretty much "I am a jerk" in response, and the game doesn't do well. Basically, dark side responses have you answer like a jerk or a ****. Nor are they very compelling. The bounties are interesting, and we can get easy money, but why would we really want to help out anyone else besides Dia? Dia deserved our help, while the others are mix; you should take out Selven, Bendak, and then pick if you are nice to Largo and Marik (matrik). We can spare people or not.

The rakghoul serum, the promised land quests are frankly a bit odd. There is no actual strong enough reasons to go with the dark side solution. Why give the serum to Zax, when Zelka can produce more? Why pass the promised land journals to the weasel guy in the Undercity? The Capitalist guy?

I don't recall what other side quests we had, but we will get more. That is just wonderful.

The next thing to cover is feats. The way to go is picking up two weapon fighting and flurry or what gets used as flurry for blasters. Two weapons means more attacks, while Flurry/rapid shot means making more attacks. How frequently we hit matters more than sheer amount of damage. So, the Power attack is not worthwhile, nor is the critical strike. You are better off not picking those up.

Force powers are also big, and importantly useful. We get powers on Dantioone with Jedi training.

Now we get to characters. Most of our party will follow after Taris, which is just silly. Most will end up in the ship, while we do stuff. What value is that? Why do we need so many party members, especially when only the Jedi ones will end up getting used more? You have to deliberately use the others.

The only non-jedi I tend to use after Dantioone is Canderous or HK-47. T3 loses value if you stock up on a bunch of material, Mission is only good for her skills that T3 has, and Z is basically a wookiee. We can make Z into a melee monster, but no lightsabers and no armor options means he won't survive much. We need to develop the characters to get the most bang for our buck, but we are very likely to abandon some of the characters.

Jolee is the best of the Jedi characters, because the character is that awesome and fun. Juhani is too much of a paladin, and Bastila is so-so. Having a mod that makes everyone a jedi is nice, but it is not always liked. It does make you keep using more of the other characters.

So, the party usually ends up being my character, jolee, maybe HK or Candie to round it out. Sometimes I add in Bastila. This does set up which planets to visit: to get Jolee, go to Kashyyyk, and to get HK-47, go to Tatioone

Do others have thoughts or concerns, or questions for me to answer? I will

For next time, we will be finishing up Taris, finally, and get to our next destination, the Jedi Training planet!]

2017-04-25, 09:44 PM
[Started a game using the Jedi from Start mod, to see how well it works. You start a game, pick a class, then pick a Jedi class to use. I don't think you can change it on Dantioone though. Are screenshots wanted from that game? And do people want to see different versions? You go through Endar Spire as Jedi, and do the same all through Taris before getting to Dantioone.

JediStart game: Scoundrel, then Consular.

I also apparently uploaded full party as Jedi, so Carth is now a Jedi Guardian, with 4 force points]

2017-07-17, 10:15 PM
[Am uploading screenshots for Episode 4. In the LP game, I am now on Dantioone. I will be playing this week and will try to get another Episode made up. Episode 4 will be up this week definitely. Mainly have to upload images to Imgur.

So any votes for the colors for lightsabers? Is anyone still reading this?]

2017-08-26, 06:09 PM
Episode 4: Dantioone, they are on Dantioone

So, here is Episode 4! Which takes us from Taris to the planet Dantioone. We learn Force powers, and get our Force-User class here. Which is different compared to what happens in the sequel game, where you get to start as a force-user.



































































































































































































End of Screenshots


[So, we made it to Dantioone. I fought and defeated Bendak, then we take the Astromech, then head over to the site base. After getting the codes, you steal the Ebon Hawk, and head off planet. To be honest, this means Taris consists of: Finding out what you need to visit the person in the cantina to get the armor to get downstairs, to explore and get access to the hidden beks to get the papers to go down yet again, to explore and find the sewers, go through the sewers to the secret entrance, then enter the base, clear out everyone, take the object that the hidden beks sent you to get/or go kill the hidden bek leader, then perform the racing, then have Bastila, then talk to canderous, then get the droid, then get the codes, then meet with davik, then steal the ebon hawk.

Wow, that is a lot. The sad point is that it really isn't all that bad, except it is slow, and not very interesting to pursue especially since you don't get any Force powers; nor does it get you really riled up, like how Kotor 2's starting area does. You start out in a seemly abandoned place where the work droids have gone crazy, and the more you learn, the more horrifying it gets. And then the Sith show up. The story you uncover also tells you quite a bit on how the world is, with details that explain what was happening since the last game ended. That is pretty nice.

Of course, Taris is supposed to be tutorial area, which it does a job of so-so on. The main thing that most people were probably interested in was getting to use the Force, and going through Taris means waiting before getting to play with the Force. It will take a while and the Taris story happens to be rather lousy compared to later worlds. It is hard to care about anyone the first time through, and with the second playthrough it becomes harder because you already know that everyone is going to die.

Later, I will cover Dantioone, the Jedi, the Sith, and whether there is a con going on.]

2017-08-27, 03:59 PM
Yup, still reading! To a certain extent, at least. And I vote purple.

2017-10-18, 02:34 AM
[Space reserved for Jedi discussion]

2017-12-01, 03:33 AM
I have been busy using a different computer rather than one that I can do the LP on, but will try to get more played if I can make time. Been doing schoolwork, since I feel it should have a higher priority. Otherwise, the LP is on a partial hiatus. Sorry about that.

2017-12-01, 07:12 AM
Understandable! And definitely the right choice :D