View Full Version : Card The Elder Scrolls: Legends

2016-08-13, 06:33 PM
So, the game has been in open beta for about a week now, what is everyone's opinion on it thus far?

Hearthstone never really got it's hooks into me, which is weird, 'cause my friends and I use to play a helluva lot of card games when we were younger, but this game man, this game has got me hooked something fierce. I don't know if it's the slightly deeper complexity or that it's easier to accumulate rewards and such, but I'm enjoying immensely.

2016-08-14, 08:15 AM
I like it too. Been getting a bit burned out on digital card games lately (no wonder, currently playing three of them almost every day), but this, despite not being THAT much different from the others, feels fresh and fun. It feels like you don't really need a highly refined meta deck to do well, at least not yet. Fairly easy access to keywords like "Silence" and "Lethal" (buff removal and kill-on-touch) might have something to do with that.

The lanes (one side of the board is normal, other side gives each creature stealth) and runes (card draw at specific life thresholds) are both a really good idea, and add a good bit of depth.

2016-08-14, 10:08 AM
I like the game. A lot. I'm stuck at rank one at the moment and I spent hours yesterday trying to break into legend rank(or whatever it's called).

I agree that there isn't really a meta on lower ranks or in casual matches. Lately though, I feel, it's all just anti-aggro, to the point that even aggro decks run a board wipe.

The single player story missions were kinda 'meh' and the tutorial part could've been shorter, but maybe that's more for people who never played a CCG. Speaking of single player: Solo Arena becomes a complete scam after you've beaten it twice. Impossible to get nine wins.

Same with Versus Arena, but that's more to do with my own incompetence:smalltongue:
I consider myself a passable arena player in hearthstone, but I have yet to get over four wins in TESL.

2016-08-14, 04:34 PM
Arena has never really been my strong suit either, I just have absolutely crap luck when it comes to drafting a deck.

So, what are you guys playing? I'm currently running Orc Warrior Aggro and Sorcerer Control that I'm still fine-tuning at the moment.

2016-08-20, 02:28 AM
I'm playing what ever the guests give rewards for in ranked, doesn't really matter much. Just collecting all the gold I can for Arena. Reached six wins there twice. It really does get very hard pretty fast.

Soulrest Marshal is bugged by the way, or at least has misleading description - it doesn't give discount to just any card, only creatures. Finding that out the hard way probably caused my last arena loss... Seems this has been fixed!

2016-08-23, 10:09 PM
The single player story missions were kinda 'meh' and the tutorial part could've been shorter, but maybe that's more for people who never played a CCG. Speaking of single player: Solo Arena becomes a complete scam after you've beaten it twice. Impossible to get nine wins.

Only one time I went under 9 wins in solo arena. Draft for early game and even if you get a really good late game card, if you have an okay-decent early game card to pick over it, do it. Solo Arena is basically the AI going SMOrc.

Also, you can sometimes game the AI. They don't treat Daring Cutpurse, for example, as they should and usually ignore it even if they can trade unless it's really advantageous for them.

2016-08-27, 08:33 AM
I've been playing the game quite casually for a couple of weeks. Having a lot of fun so far in Solo Arena. The different types of lanes and buffs thrown around keep things varied and between rewards and dailies I've had no trouble earning enough gold to fund the activity.

I've yet to do much in the way of PvP or even deckbuilding after the solo campaign but I'm thinking I want to try my hand at that next. Does anyone have ideas for cheap decks useful for learning the basic playstyles? That is, cheap and cheerful aggro, tempo and control decks? Or any deckbuilding resources, really.

2016-08-27, 03:20 PM
I run a cheap Wisdom-Intelligence(Wizard?) aggro deck, based around Crystal Tower Crafter (http://www.legends-decks.com/card/158/crystaltowercrafter) and Artaeum Savant (http://www.legends-decks.com/card/333/artaeumsavant). I'll try control oriented decks when I get more crystals. Good control cards seem a bit more on the expensive side.

In other news: 7-1 arena, with 205 gold, 250 crystals and 3 packs as a reward. I was kinda surprised that arena only goes to 7 wins, but I won't complain that there is something in the game, which is not exactly like Hearthstone:smalltongue:

2016-08-28, 05:33 AM
I've been playing the game quite casually for a couple of weeks. Having a lot of fun so far in Solo Arena. The different types of lanes and buffs thrown around keep things varied and between rewards and dailies I've had no trouble earning enough gold to fund the activity.

I've yet to do much in the way of PvP or even deckbuilding after the solo campaign but I'm thinking I want to try my hand at that next. Does anyone have ideas for cheap decks useful for learning the basic playstyles? That is, cheap and cheerful aggro, tempo and control decks? Or any deckbuilding resources, really.

Aggro archer seems like a popular cheap deck. Dominate the early game and use Triumphant Jarl to keep drawing (with Soulrest Marshal to get a big tempo turn, though they just nerfed it a little, so no more turn 5 Soulrest + Jarl).

Honestly, though, I'd just pick a card/color combination you want to try out and make a deck based on that. Don't worry about being super competitive yet. Some people will be playing "netdecks," but even those decks aren't perfectly refined yet and you can counter them with some tech choices in your deck or just pick a color combination that seems to work well against them. Most people at lower ranks and in non-ranked seem to be trying stuff out, and even at higher ranks decks are varied. The only decks that seem to pop up with any consistency are an action-based mage deck and aggro archer, and even then they usually have tech choices and personal preference cards thrown in.

2016-09-04, 06:25 AM
Ha! Finally managed 7 wins in versus arena. This was one of the rewards :smallbiggrin: :


2016-09-04, 07:27 AM
You even get a title for summoning the Adoring Fan! :smallbiggrin:

Kris Strife
2016-09-04, 07:36 AM
I'm disappointed that the single player experience just comes to a dead end after the campaign, unless you want to spend money on the arena passes. :smallsigh:

2016-09-04, 10:42 PM
Ha! Finally managed 7 wins in versus arena. This was one of the rewards :smallbiggrin: :


Yeah, and if you get to rank 1 in either solo or versus arena, you get a premium version (golden).