View Full Version : Pathfinder Need some help picking an Adventure Path [RotRL Spoilers]

2016-08-14, 01:25 AM
So I'm looking to get a new campaign started with some players I've played with before and some I've never played with. Due to time constraints in my own life, I'm looking to pick up one of the prewritten Adventure Paths that Paizo has published. I'm DMed the first quarter of Rise of the Runelords before (and loved it), but given that half of the party has played through some of that with me and the rest of the party hasn't, we don't feel right either continuing that (we ended the campaign due to a falling out with two party members) or restarting it (since the players who have played it are both very new, and are worried about metagaming). As such, we're looking for something new.

On my end, I loved the level of detail that was put into the world for RotRL. There was a lot of extra tidbits and information I could build off of to give my players fun experiences that were unique to them. I also enjoyed the various opportunities to mess with my players and to surprise them, whether it was convincing them that Tsuto was a victim and them having them get sneak attacked, or letting them develop a relationship with and a fondness for Foxglove before he is revealed as a villain. I had a ton of fun with this, and I really enjoyed the detail put into the villains in the campaign. All of them were fun to play, and all of them were interesting enough both from a motivation standpoint and a mechanical standpoint that I could build off of them and keep them in the campaign if the players responded well to them.

As far as my players go, the two I've played with before have only ever played Pathfinder when we did the first quarter of Rise of the Runelords (ending soon after Foxglove Manor). I've talked with them about what they want for a new campaign, though, and both of them have agreed on two things: First, that they absolutely loved the creepy and spooky moments in RotRL (Malfeshnakor's whole floor in Thistletop, the ghoul scarecrows, Foxglove Manor, that sort of thing) and that they loved the various plot twists and surprises (Tsuto being evil, Foxglove being the Skinsaw Man, the fact that the same person had been supporting Nualia and Foxglove). I can also tell that they really enjoyed being effective but challenged in combat (with some of their favorite moments coming from dishing out completely disproportionate retribution on villians they particularly hated). Interesting combat situations, like fighting Nualia around the glaive trap, seemed to be fun for them, but they also really enjoyed roleplaying even if it wasn't something they were too experienced with.

Basically, I'm coming to you guys to ask for your advice on the other Paizo Adventure Paths. The only one I've ever played or DMed is RotRL, so I know basically nothing about the other APs. I'm considering Carrion Crown, since that seems like it would play into the creepy/spooky vibe my players want, but again, I don't know how good it actually is. What adventure paths would you recommend that might fit my groups' needs, and what do you believe are the best Adventure Paths that Paizo has released?

2016-08-14, 09:45 PM
Carrion Crown is very popular - I haven't DM'd or played through it, but from what I understand it's popular for a reason.

I *LOVE* Kingmaker (like, don't even get me started), but it's pretty advanced.

I'm running Reign Of Winter right now, and there are definitely creepy elements and in-depth political twists/machinations that your players might enjoy.

2016-08-15, 05:33 PM
Carrion Crown is very popular - I haven't DM'd or played through it, but from what I understand it's popular for a reason.

I *LOVE* Kingmaker (like, don't even get me started), but it's pretty advanced.

I'm running Reign Of Winter right now, and there are definitely creepy elements and in-depth political twists/machinations that your players might enjoy.

I've heard similar things about Carrion Crown. I love what I've heard about Kingmaker, but the party is definitely not experienced enough for it.

Reign of Winter also sounds really cool, I'll look into that as well.

2016-08-15, 06:05 PM
I've run Carrion Crown, and I enjoyed most of what I ran. One thing to note is that AS are designed for 4 people running with minimal optimization. If you have an oversized party with half decent optimizers (or have a pet Roc), then you're going to need to ratchet things up a bit.

2016-08-15, 08:08 PM
I have somewhat of a soft spot for Curse of the Crimson Throne, which can be a very politics-heavy adventure, whether Korvosan city politics, or navigating the intricacies of Shoanti traditions. Originally written for 3.5, a PF conversion/re-release will launch in October.

For "effective but challenged in combat", I'd give a dishonorable mention to Iron Gods. Hardness 10 enemies at party level 3 is just plain unfair, and can leave everyone but the big strong fighter spinning their wheels.

Kingmaker is also very good, but tends to favor nova builds due to limited encounters/day.

2016-08-16, 12:11 AM
I've run Carrion Crown, and I enjoyed most of what I ran. One thing to note is that AS are designed for 4 people running with minimal optimization. If you have an oversized party with half decent optimizers (or have a pet Roc), then you're going to need to ratchet things up a bit.

My party will be decently optimized (Especially since I'm helping half of them make their characters, and I'm a bit of an optimizer myself), but that's fine. I love beefing up encounters, anyway. Nearly every bossfight in RotRL that they encountered had at least a couple of enemies added, with Foxglove having two ghouls, one a Brawler and one a Wizard, added in to make it more dangerous.

2016-08-16, 12:13 AM
I have somewhat of a soft spot for Curse of the Crimson Throne, which can be a very politics-heavy adventure, whether Korvosan city politics, or navigating the intricacies of Shoanti traditions. Originally written for 3.5, a PF conversion/re-release will launch in October.

For "effective but challenged in combat", I'd give a dishonorable mention to Iron Gods. Hardness 10 enemies at party level 3 is just plain unfair, and can leave everyone but the big strong fighter spinning their wheels.

Kingmaker is also very good, but tends to favor nova builds due to limited encounters/day.

I'll definitely bring up Curse of the Crimson Throne to the group. One of the player's RotRL character was from Korvosa, so he'd love to adventure there. I might have to put it off until the re-release, though, and I know the group wants to start soon.

I think I might pass on Iron Gods, just because it seems like it'd be weird enough to throw my players out of it.

2016-08-16, 12:14 AM
Kingmaker also has some issues with inconsistencies between books that I've seen frustrate some people a lot. That said, it's really not that advanced, it just has its own rules.

I'll echo Curse and Carrion Crown both being really nice though. Mummy's Mask is also pretty awesome.

2016-08-16, 12:29 AM
Kingmaker also has some issues with inconsistencies between books that I've seen frustrate some people a lot. That said, it's really not that advanced, it just has its own rules.

I'll echo Curse and Carrion Crown both being really nice though. Mummy's Mask is also pretty awesome.

Mummy's Mask is definitely on the list of eventual plays, but I'm gonna save that for a little while, until the players have at least a full campaign under their belts.

Between Curse and Carrion Crown, which would you go for, were you me?

2016-08-16, 03:01 AM
Carrion Crown between the two, it has the atmosphere you're looking for and doesn't require any converting. It's a very solid module.

2016-08-16, 03:08 AM
Carrion Crown between the two, it has the atmosphere you're looking for and doesn't require any converting. It's a very solid module.

Cool cool. I'm really feeling Carrion Crown, but I'll probably pick up Curse after the re-release. Maybe it'll be my next campaign?