View Full Version : Help with making characters for a quest

2016-08-14, 03:34 AM
I'm making a quest(play-by-post game/choose your own adventure), and I need help making the PC party. I've already got most of the character flavors and basics, but I need more suggestions and ideas, as well as how things balance out.

See here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?496640-Alliance-Quest-World-building-in-progress&p=21101775#post21101775).

Still incomplete, but Stormsky is going to be a nomad(not the psion) hub and the Dawnbreak is going to have a "generic fantasy" theme.

※PC party

Starting level: 10 CL; party member tier(as played, not build): 2~4.

●Jaden Anderson
○Race: Elan
○City: Elanholm
○Class: Psychic Warrior
○Alignment: Neutral Good


The main character. Somewhat awkward with people, and a terrible liar, but very kind in both action and thought. Heavy armor, heavy weapon, and tough as the proverbial brick wall to take down. Actually, I don't need that much help for him, just mechanical advice. If you want to know how he looks like, check out my avatar(minus the psicrystal; he doesn't have it yet).






●Annabel Freecrafter
○Race: Warforged
○City: Ironheart
○Class: Monk/Sorcerer/Enlightened Fist
○Alignment: Lawful Good


I'm thinking of a bit of a Genki Girl personality and generally good with people, which why she has a Charisma based caster class despite the penalty. Plus Enlightened Fist is closer to magitek fighting android than original monks. Oh, and she's not a hulking golem; while she's still obviously a Warforged, she's about the size and body shape of a young woman in her early twenties. A bit shorter than Jaden(who's about six feet tall).


*Spell list

-1st level

Blood Wind: A must. Need information how touch spells and equipment enchantment work with it.




Battlefist*2: If you're playing a Warforged monk and you don't use this on purpose, you're nuts.

Circlet of Preservation: Always helps to have a backup system.

Fanged Ring: Also a must for monks.

●Irene Daystar
○Race: Tiefling(no LA buyoff)
○City: Riverbend
○Class: Cleric*#
*No Rightous Might, Divine Power, or Divine Favor
#Domains: Lust, Family
○Alignment: Neutral Good


She has succubus heritage, but she keeps in well. Clerics are rather simple, so all I need for her build is stats and equipment. She worships the god/goddess(long story) of love.




●Turkan Greattusk
○Race: Half-Orc
○City: Stormsky
○Class: Bard/Dervish
○Alignment: Chaotic Good
○Weapon: Longsword * 2


Orcs aren't savages anymore, but they still have rough edges. Turkan is a half-orc, and while he wasn't an outcast or anything, he does stand out from the others quite a bit. He isn't dumb either, so he has decent Intelligence and Wisdom scores. Nothing near wizard levels of course, but he's much more smarter than he looks. Also witty. You really don't want to be on the receiving end of his insults.

*Spell list




●Maverick Duskfall
○Race: Deathborn (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?495393-Making-a-homebrewed-race-called-Deathborn&highlight=deathborn)
○City: Moonshade
○Class: Rogue/Wizard*/Arcane Trickster
*Specialist Wizard. Specialisation: Divination.
Forbidden schools: Enchantment.
○Alignment: True Neutral


Snarky and a mild jerk, but he does care about his friends and allies. Probably going to be the party's skillmonkey, but not the Face as he won't really have great Charisma.

*Spell list




●Emily Falconclaw
○Race: Human
○City: Silverwoods
○Class: Fighter/Ranger*/Order Of The Bow Initiate(/maybe Cragtop Archer)
*Has the following variants applying: Champion of the Wild variant(swap spells for more feats) and Solitary Hunter variant(swap animal companion for attack bonus on favored enemies).
○Alignment: Lawful Good


I'm South Korean, and our affinity with archery goes back quite a bit(No, this does not have anything to do with the Olympics, but it does make it sweeter.), so I decided to make a purely martial archer. She does use magic items though. I mean, Hawkeye uses all sorts of special arrows and he was one of the inspirations for this character, so why not her? Also, there's an in-story reason she doesn't use magic, but that's a secret. :smallsmile:

She's a bit more Good than Lawful, but she tries to be both.




Force Bow: Not a bow with the Force enchantment(+2), but a magic composite longbow that adjusts to the user's strength, can shoot force arrows, and most importantly allows the user to do a ranged Power Attack. Possibly the best bow in the game. No extra enchantments at the start.

●Lucas Blazewing
○Race: Human
○City: Dawnbreak
○Class: Fighter/Favored Soul*/Kensei
*No Rightous Might. Divine Favor, Divine Power are allowed.
○Alignment: Lawful Good


Tone down :elan: and you might get a result similar to Lucas. A more accurate comparison would be Luka from the Monster Girl Quest game(warning: very NSFW); in fact that's who he's named for. In other words, a bit of an Idiot Hero, but chooses too act like that on purpose because that's the right thing to do(although he isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the box either). The ideal he chose when getting the Kensei levels is called the Hero's Vow. It's mostly about how one trying to be a true hero should act.

His goddess has the bastard sword as her weapon.

*Spell list




I'm open to suggestions, advice, and while I probably won't copypaste someone's builds, I'll likely be heavily influenced by good ones.

2016-08-14, 04:38 AM
Are your players fine with you making the party? Don't they want to create their own characters? It wouldn't make much sense to invest time and effort into the party if they reject it anyways

2016-08-14, 04:59 AM
Are your players fine with you making the party? Don't they want to create their own characters? It wouldn't make much sense to invest time and effort into the party if they reject it anyways

Excuse me, I need to research Bigby's Facepalming Hand. :smile:

Just kidding. A "quest" goes like this: there's an iconic main character, and then people choose what the main character does. Kind of like Choose Your Own Adventure stories. Another way to put it would be multiple people shout at the MC what to do and I have to write what happens next. Or you could call it collective roleplaying. Make sense or should I elaborate?

2016-08-14, 05:21 AM
Are your players fine with you making the party? Don't they want to create their own characters? It wouldn't make much sense to invest time and effort into the party if they reject it anyways

I once played in a campaign where the GM did PRECISELY that.

And the characters SUCKED. Mine especially. I started the campaign as a 7 year old.A standard pregame fluff bit. We go into some cave, accidentally release the epic dragon sealed under the mountain and are sealed in a capsule for 10 years.

I am literally supposed to be playing a 7 year old kid who was magically aged to 17. Oh, and I somehow was shapeshifted into some sort of werewolf. And I have a tattoo on my back of the god of nature (each character was supposed to be marked by a god)
Oh, and not only did I HAVE to play as a druid, I had to be a boar shaman.
Oh, and each character got some random special ability that we weren't told what it was it would just randomly activate, and we had to search through the rule books to figure out what it was before we could use it at will.

Oh and did I mention there were 10 people at the table and combat rounds took an hour each?


2016-08-14, 05:24 AM
I once played in a campaign where the GM did PRECISELY that.

And the characters SUCKED. Mine especially. I started the campaign as a 7 year old.A standard pregame fluff bit. We go into some cave, accidentally release the epic dragon sealed under the mountain and are sealed in a capsule for 10 years.

I am literally supposed to be playing a 7 year old kid who was magically aged to 17. Oh, and I somehow was shapeshifted into some sort of werewolf. And I have a tattoo on my back of the god of nature (each character was supposed to be marked by a god)
Oh, and not only did I HAVE to play as a druid, I had to be a boar shaman.
Oh, and each character got some random special ability that we weren't told what it was it would just randomly activate, and we had to search through the rule books to figure out what it was before we could use it at will.

Oh and did I mention there were 10 people at the table and combat rounds took an hour each?


Don't worry, it depends on the DM and the people playing. Some of them are like this (http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/archive.html?tags=Lamia%20Quest). Try reading it, it's one of the best quest threads /tg/ has to offer, so even if you still disagree it's a really good read.

2016-08-14, 07:10 AM
Excuse me, I need to research Bigby's Facepalming Hand. :smile:

Just kidding. A "quest" goes like this: there's an iconic main character, and then people choose what the main character does. Kind of like Choose Your Own Adventure stories. Another way to put it would be multiple people shout at the MC what to do and I have to write what happens next. Or you could call it collective roleplaying. Make sense or should I elaborate?I get it now. Not my cup of tea, but if your players like it that's great.

Unfortunately I have no fitting character ideas at the moment.