View Full Version : Religion question

2016-08-14, 09:38 PM
Can I get a list of all fictional/fantasy religions that are based on real world religions and the campaign worlds they come from.

Examples include:

Vaticine Church, Objectionist Church, Church of Avalon, and Ussuran Orthodox (Catholicism, Protestant, Church of England, Eastern Orthodox) - 7th Sea
True Faith of the King of Life (Mormanism) - Dogs in the Vineyard
Maytanism (Hinduism) - Mindshadows
Ja'Ilam (Islam) - Endless Sands
Old Religion (pre-islamic Arabian faith) - Endless Sands
Nyambe Orisha (Yoruba traditions) - Nyambe: African Adventures
Eternal Truth (Islam?) - Mystara (Known World)
Maztica pantheon (Aztec pantheon) - Maztica
Crescent Empire faith (Islam?) - 7th Sea
Shintaoism (Shintoism?/Daoist?) - Legends of the 5 Rings
Golden Soul? (Confucianism\Daoism?/Buddhism?) - 7th Sea (Cathay)
Path of Enlightenment (Confucianism) - Kara-Tur
The Way (Daoism) - Kara-Tur
The Eight Million Gods (Shintoism) - Kara-Tur
Padhra (Buddha?) - Kara-Tur
Zakharan pantheon (?) - Al-Qadim

2016-08-15, 04:50 AM
Zakharan pantheon (?) - Al-Qadim

The Zakharan pantheon is based on a combination of Islam and pre-Islamic Arabian paganism, I believe.

St Cuthbert (Greyhawk) is obviously based on St. Cuthbert of Lindisfarne (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cuthbert).

Bahamut and Tiamat are naturally from their respective myths.

Many of D&D's demons and devils have names taken from Abrahamic mythology, deuterocanon or apocrypha, such as Asmodeus, Mammon, Baalzebul (an obvious corruption of Beelzebub or the other way round, apparently) and Belial.

2016-08-15, 05:17 AM
Baalzebul (an obvious corruption of Beelzebub)

You have that backwards. Beelzebub (Meaning something like "Lord of the flies") is a pejorative corruption of Ba'al Zebul (Meaning something like "Lord of the exalted abode").


2016-08-15, 06:46 PM
You have that backwards. Beelzebub (Meaning something like "Lord of the flies") is a pejorative corruption of Ba'al Zebul (Meaning something like "Lord of the exalted abode").


Huh, never made that connection. Learn something new every day.