View Full Version : [3.5] Antikythera Mechanism

2016-08-16, 11:02 PM
Hey all, just looking for some ideas/inspiration.

I don't think this should be in homebrew...so here goes.

I'd love to introduce a device inspired by the Antikythera mechanism (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism) into my game as a custom magic item or artifact.

Wondering what powers/abilities might be apt for such an item? Effects related to astronomy and calculating time would be great...by extrapolation, maybe effects that manipulate time or distance?

I'd also like to incorporate some kind of rule that allows Knowledge (Architecture and Engineering) checks to unlock extra abilities or benefits.

Cheers - T


2016-08-16, 11:32 PM
It works as a basic calendar with a gear to move the displayed time forward or backwards. However a careful search check will reveal the device is not fully utilized in that function. A variety of skills might be applicable towards changing the settings but Knowledge Architecture & Engineering is the most relevant. A successful skill check reveals every setting that it exceeds the DC for and some checks will also reveal the nature of every setting whose DC was exceeded by 10.

Low DC:
You can invert the input/output of the base calculator. By designating what cosmological event you are interested in, the device will tell you when that event has happened/will happen.

Medium DC:
Locate wormholes in space

High DC:
Locate wormholes in time (forward only)

Eh. I did not have good ideas for functions. However the mechanics for swapping between functions would work for better ideas.

One Step Two
2016-08-17, 01:21 AM
I think such a device fits D&D perfectly, but given magic and the Planes I'd expand the scope. I also love the idea of different parts of the mechanism adding to it's function.

Antikythera Mechanism (Incomplete)

Medium Wondrous Item

The Antikythera Mechanism is a strange device acting as a compact Orrery, used to track time, dates and astrological events both in the past and future.

The Antikythera Mechanism grants a +5 Competence bonus to Profession (Astrology), Knowledge (Nature) and a +5 Competence Bonus for all Survival checks relating to navigation.
If the Antikythera Mechanism is researched in person by anyone with at least 10 ranks in Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Architecture & engineering), or Knowledge (Arcana), it will become apparent that the Antikythera Mechanism is able to hold additional components. These component Gears can be found or forged individually.

Moderate Divination; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, Find the Path, Commune, Creator Must be an Outsider; Price: 10,000gp

Planar Gears (Various)

Minor Wondrous Item

The Antikythera Mechanism has various tracks to hold multiple Gears representing each Plane in the Great Wheel. Each Gear added to the Mechanism grants the user a +5 Competence Bonus to Knowledge (The Planes), Survival for the given Planar Gear added to the Mechanism.
(A Planar Gear for the Elemental Plane of Fire, for example, will grant the bonuses while on the Plane of Fire, but have no effect when navigating the Abyss)

Faint Divination; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Scrying, Creator must have 10 Ranks Knowledge (The Planes), Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), and an object from the plane the gear represents; Price: 5000gp

Antikythera Mechanism, Axion


When all 27 Planar Gears (One for each Transitive, Inner and Outer plane) are assembled onto the Antikythera Mechanism, It becomes the the Antikythera Mechanism Axion. Radiating Strong Abjuration, Conjuration and Divination, the Mechanism's and it's gears previous bonuses to skill checks become +10, and confer the same bonuses to Survival and Knowledge (The Planes) to Any Demi-plane the owners encounter.
Antikythera Mechanism Axion now acting as a perfect engine of replicating the Great Wheel allows the owner to use Plane Shift at will, if the User spends an hour calculating Planar drift and makes a DC 25 Knowledge (The Planes) check, they will be able to Plane shift without error, even if they have not visited the location before, providing they have some knowledge of their destination. Furthermore the Antikythera Mechanism Axion acting as an Anchor for the owner, will emit a 10-ft. Radius bubble replicating a condition hospitable to it's owners home plane. It cannot however visit alternate Material planes, all attempts to do so will return the user to their Home plane.

3 times per day, if the Axion is used in conjuction with a Profession (Astrology) check, taking one hour, it will have the following results: DC 10, the Axion provides an answer as if they had cast the Augry Spell. DC 15, the Axion provides an answer as if they had cast the Divination Spell. DC 20, the Axion provides an answer as if they had cast the Legend Lore spell. DC 25, the Axion casts Foresight Spell on the user.

If the Axion is researched in person by anyone with at least 20 ranks in Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Architecture & engineering), or Knowledge (Arcana), it will become apparent that there is a final piece that can fit into the mechanism.

Strong (Abjuration, Conjuration and Divination); CL 18th

Prime Core

Lesser Artifact

On it's own the Prime core is a small rod of 1 Foot length made of platinum capped with Gold on one end, and silver on the other. If the silver cap is pressed, the Prime Core will act as an Immovable rod. If the Gold cap is pressed, it will cast a Maximized Time-Stop affecting anyone touching the rod at the time once per day.

If the Prime Core is researched in person by anyone with at least 20 ranks in Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Architecture & engineering), or Knowledge (Arcana), it will become apparent that it is the final piece of the Antikythera Mechanism Axion.

Strong Transmutation; CL 18th.

Completed Antikythera Mechanism

Greater Artifact

Once the Antikythera Mechanism is assmebled with all 27 gears and the Prime core, it gains the following new functions:
When completed, the Antikythera Mechanism is now able to transport it's owner and everyone within 10 ft of it's protective anchor through time, as per the Portal Through Time spell (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030409b) once per day. Finally, it may now teleport the owner and all within the Anchor area to Alternate Material Planes, however, they will suffer the usual displacement error as per the Plane Shift spell.

Strong (Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, and Transmutation); CL 21st

Extra Anchovies
2016-08-18, 09:18 AM
The Antikytheron
This strange device, with its wheels and gears and mechanisms, can be used to determine the precise arrangements and alignments of stars in the night sky on a given day. This information can be used for myriad benefits, because the stars' alignments have slight but definite effects on different types of spells and creatures. The Antikytheron can be read once per day, and interpreting the device's outputs requires a Knowledge (Engineering) check on the part of the user. This check is made with a +2 bonus if the user has 5 ranks in Disable Device or Survival, or a +5 bonus if they have 5 ranks in both of those skills. Characters other than the user who was 5 ranks in either or both skills can help the user read the Antikytheron, providing bonuses as if the user had the Disable Device and Survival ranks of their assistants. The user may not take 10 on the check or use other effects that replace a die roll with a guaranteed result (such as Surge of Fortune), and bonuses to skill checks from magical (or psionic, etc) sources may not be applied to the check. A character with a magically increased Intelligence score still applies their full Intelligence modifier to the check as normal.

On a check result of 15 or higher, the user receives one Magic Secret and one Monster Secret, as described below. These Secrets may also be conferred to a number of allies equal to the user's Intelligence modifier, but the allies must each have Intelligence scores of 3 or higher and the user must be able to clearly communicate with each ally (by sharing a language, using the Tongues spell, etc). For every 5 points by which the check result exceeds 15, the user gains one additional Magic Secret or Monser Secret; e.g. a check result of 25 could provide 2 Magic and 2 Monster Secrets, 3 Magic and 1 Monster Secrets, or 1 Magic and 3 Monster secrets. These benefits last until the next sunrise, after which the Antikytheron may be used again to produce different results.

Magic Secret: A Magic Secret applies to spells of a specific subschool or descriptor, increasing the caster level at which they are cast by 2 for level-dependent effects (including caster level checks to overcome spell resistance) and increasing their save DCs (if any) and effective level for the purposes of other spells (such as Globe of Invulnerability) by 1.

Monster Secret: A Monster Secret provides a +2 bonus on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, skill checks, and ability checks made against creatures of one or more specific types and/or subtypes.

For each Secret gained by reading the Antikytheron, roll on the following table to determine which exact benefit is provided.


The Anikytheron also allows for exact calculation of the current moon phase, as well as the number of days until the next solstice or equinox.

Despite its unusual properties, the Antikytheron is completely nonmagical; rather than applying its benefits directly, it allows its reader to take advantage of conditions that are present in the world but otherwise impossible to determine.

The random properties of its benefits would add some interesting bits to the game; the PCs could have an easier time adventuring than they planned on some days, or they could delay fighting a foe they know about until they get an Antikytheron result against enemies of that type. If you want to make it more powerful, you could do so by changing the "every 5 points over 15" benefit from one of either Secret to one Secret of each type.

2016-08-18, 09:17 PM
a device that opens a Gate somewhere... there is some chance that it opens a Gate through time

a broken down spellclock

a device that allows one to Commune

2016-08-18, 09:49 PM
I think such a device fits D&D perfectly, but given magic and the Planes I'd expand the scope. I also love the idea of different parts of the mechanism adding to it's function.

Antikythera Mechanism (Incomplete)

Medium Wondrous Item

The Antikythera Mechanism is a strange device acting as a compact Orrery, used to track time, dates and astrological events both in the past and future.

The Antikythera Mechanism grants a +5 Competence bonus to Profession (Astrology), Knowledge (Nature) and a +5 Competence Bonus for all Survival checks relating to navigation.
If the Antikythera Mechanism is researched in person by anyone with at least 10 ranks in Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Architecture & engineering), or Knowledge (Arcana), it will become apparent that the Antikythera Mechanism is able to hold additional components. These component Gears can be found or forged individually.

Moderate Divination; CL 12th; Craft Wondrous Item, Find the Path, Commune, Creator Must be an Outsider; Price: 10,000gp

Planar Gears (Various)

Minor Wondrous Item

The Antikythera Mechanism has various tracks to hold multiple Gears representing each Plane in the Great Wheel. Each Gear added to the Mechanism grants the user a +5 Competence Bonus to Knowledge (The Planes), Survival for the given Planar Gear added to the Mechanism.
(A Planar Gear for the Elemental Plane of Fire, for example, will grant the bonuses while on the Plane of Fire, but have no effect when navigating the Abyss)

Faint Divination; CL 7th; Craft Wondrous Item, Scrying, Creator must have 10 Ranks Knowledge (The Planes), Knowledge (Architecture & Engineering), and an object from the plane the gear represents; Price: 5000gp

Antikythera Mechanism, Axion


When all 27 Planar Gears (One for each Transitive, Inner and Outer plane) are assembled onto the Antikythera Mechanism, It becomes the the Antikythera Mechanism Axion. Radiating Strong Abjuration, Conjuration and Divination, the Mechanism's and it's gears previous bonuses to skill checks become +10, and confer the same bonuses to Survival and Knowledge (The Planes) to Any Demi-plane the owners encounter.
Antikythera Mechanism Axion now acting as a perfect engine of replicating the Great Wheel allows the owner to use Plane Shift at will, if the User spends an hour calculating Planar drift and makes a DC 25 Knowledge (The Planes) check, they will be able to Plane shift without error, even if they have not visited the location before, providing they have some knowledge of their destination. Furthermore the Antikythera Mechanism Axion acting as an Anchor for the owner, will emit a 10-ft. Radius bubble replicating a condition hospitable to it's owners home plane. It cannot however visit alternate Material planes, all attempts to do so will return the user to their Home plane.

3 times per day, if the Axion is used in conjuction with a Profession (Astrology) check, taking one hour, it will have the following results: DC 10, the Axion provides an answer as if they had cast the Augry Spell. DC 15, the Axion provides an answer as if they had cast the Divination Spell. DC 20, the Axion provides an answer as if they had cast the Legend Lore spell. DC 25, the Axion casts Foresight Spell on the user.

If the Axion is researched in person by anyone with at least 20 ranks in Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Architecture & engineering), or Knowledge (Arcana), it will become apparent that there is a final piece that can fit into the mechanism.

Strong (Abjuration, Conjuration and Divination); CL 18th

Prime Core

Lesser Artifact

On it's own the Prime core is a small rod of 1 Foot length made of platinum capped with Gold on one end, and silver on the other. If the silver cap is pressed, the Prime Core will act as an Immovable rod. If the Gold cap is pressed, it will cast a Maximized Time-Stop affecting anyone touching the rod at the time once per day.

If the Prime Core is researched in person by anyone with at least 20 ranks in Knowledge (History), Knowledge (Architecture & engineering), or Knowledge (Arcana), it will become apparent that it is the final piece of the Antikythera Mechanism Axion.

Strong Transmutation; CL 18th.

Completed Antikythera Mechanism

Greater Artifact

Once the Antikythera Mechanism is assmebled with all 27 gears and the Prime core, it gains the following new functions:
When completed, the Antikythera Mechanism is now able to transport it's owner and everyone within 10 ft of it's protective anchor through time, as per the Portal Through Time spell (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/pg/20030409b) once per day. Finally, it may now teleport the owner and all within the Anchor area to Alternate Material Planes, however, they will suffer the usual displacement error as per the Plane Shift spell.

Strong (Abjuration, Conjuration, Divination, and Transmutation); CL 21st

This is awesome. I'm stealing this and I have no shame admitting it.

One Step Two
2016-08-18, 10:29 PM
This is awesome. I'm stealing this and I have no shame admitting it.

You can't steal what I am giving you freely, so hah! Take that and Enjoy it!

But seriously, thanks! :smallbiggrin:

2016-08-18, 10:53 PM
Wow, gotta say I'm very impressed with both suggestions above!

Thanks so much guys! :smallbiggrin:

One Step Two
2016-08-18, 11:04 PM
Wow, gotta say I'm very impressed with both suggestions above!

Thanks so much guys! :smallbiggrin:

Thank you for the inspiration, I haven't homebrewed anything in a very long time, this just seemed to hit a chord with me.