View Full Version : DM Help Creating an Overlord (Light Novel / Anime) styled Campaign advice?

2016-08-16, 11:22 PM
As anyone who has read the Overlord LNs knows, the story is kinda based on 3.5. Spell levels, Metamagic etc one can compile a list of things that are the same, but there are some differences. 10 levels in magic vs 9. Then "Super Magic" which is kinda like Epic Spellcasting I guess. Also abilities stay as X/day uses. But spells got converted to a mana system. The author had videogamized the system before the character got put into the "new world"

Anyway, I recently got curious how players would react to a a renamed Ainz trying to take over the world in as similar a manner to the overlord story. So I started thinking on how I'd do it considering the people playing have vastly different schedules and we're all super busy. I figured I can create at least a continent and have the players decide race / class etc and pick a "spawn point" city to be based in and run individual sessions for each of them to effect the world, recruit allies from their local adventurers guild and strengthen themselves in this vastly weaker than normal D&D world. (None of the new worlders can use magic over 6th lvl other then maybe mentioned "Godkin" which are slightly stronger than the normal people. My guess is 14th lvl compared to the normal 12th ish lvl for 3.5)

The idea was time them specifically.. in intervals of weeks and while they do that in the backround keep track of "Ainz" having agents gather information before he sets anything into motion.

As the story is about the players not the max level caster I will not be limiting the players levels to 12-14 ish like humanities strongest in the original Novel are, I think I'll have them hunt artifacts of some kind to allow them to "break their limits" and become stronger. I want advice on possible changes that might need to be made to adapt to the setting better and how many ways I need to 'inhibit' the enemy so he doesn't seem to be a vastly unfair enemy that can't be overcome.