View Full Version : Monk Magic Weapon Idea.

2016-08-17, 09:39 AM
So one of my players is running a monk, and we decided that we would have each of the disciplines are like different cultures and spread around the world. He started open hand but his back story is the temple was raided and all members there had been killed.

To make it more interesting I have set it that one man, a grand master, founded all the schools. I will give my player a chance to train with him and was thinking of a cool item, gift to be given to him.

Giving him almost more legendary abilities, and allow him to gain some of the abilities of the other school.

Was wondering if any other DM's would look this over and give me your views of

So after completing a couple of missions I will give him the chance to focus on the ruby pearl, an item he had left from his school. This will allow him to go to a spirt plane to speak to the grand master, the monk who founded all the other styles and the master of all of them. He will grant the monk with a glove with 5 small spaces for pearl shaped stones. He will have the ruby one, which is from the way of the open hand and is based in force damage.

The basics of this will add +1 to all his hits and damage. Just from having the glove attunes. And it take a short rest to change stones and reattune to it. I'm also debating of it granting an additional ki point, but idk yet, that seems like to much.

The ruby pearl - which is a force shard, will give 3 different abilities each requiring the use of ki points to use. On top of making all unarmed attacks blunt/force damage.

1.) Counter - spending a ki point and the turns reaction you can attempt to counter an attack. Roll 1d8 + monk level against the damage dealt to you or an adjacent allie. Reduce the attack by this much damage, if the attack is reduced to 0 or below you may make one unarmed strike against the target.

2.) Crashing Palm - 1 ki point to 3 ki points - By focusing your inner ki into your open hand you let loose a blast of force energy. This is counted as a proficient ranged attack, max range 50ft. The Attack does 1d6 force damage per ki point. And target must make a str save vs monk spell save +1 per ki point or be shoved by 5 ft per ki point.

3.) Away - 2 ki points - every creature in a 10 ft radius around you must make a str saving through vs monk spell save. Successful saves are pushed back 5 ft but remain standing. Failed saves are pushed 10 ft and knocked prone.

I have the other 4 pseudo planned but this would be the first he would get. Would probably be around level 5 when he would get it. Seem op or reasonable?

2016-08-17, 11:09 AM
I'll be perfectly honest. Imo, it is perfectly reasonable. By the time he is lvl 5, 1d8 plus monk level equal 6 - 13 damage reduced at the most, and that's not a whole lot.

I think it's a great idea for a PC who will probably never wear armor or shields, and (thanks to the magic glove) never use weapons. What would his incentive be to use anything else? If this is all I had, I'd be happy.

2016-08-17, 03:08 PM
none of the options given there are particularly powerful, but beware of the inherent power creep of giving characters more options than they should have. There comes a point where you have an ability to solve literally any situation by yourself, meaning everyone else in the party gets left behind half the time. If I were to give the abilities you've listed as options to the player, I would make sure to limit their uses, say 1/day each, in addition to costing ki points.

2016-08-17, 04:56 PM
Other players I would be more concerned. But he is a burner of his ki as is. Like first mob fight he went through everything he had, so I'm ok with him getting it a few times since he will just use it up and be sol for the next fight.

The way I want it to work is he will only get which ever active Stone he has. So if he switches from open palm then he will lose these abilities and get the others.

2016-08-17, 05:47 PM
Are... are you giving your Monk the Infinity Gauntlet™? :smallcool:

2016-08-17, 10:32 PM
Separate to the mechanics of it, it allows for a lot of storybuilding.

What if one of the pearls has been *corrupted* by evil? Now that player either has to find a way to redeem it, or runs the risk of being swayed to evil acts when using that pearl's powers. What if the glove is stolen, and passed to a powerful villain (perhaps the one who caused the monk's dojo to be destroyed) - does the monk try to recover it for themselves, or do they strive to now destroy it, to prevent it falling into the hands of evil..

2016-08-18, 03:48 AM
The way I want it to work is he will only get which ever active Stone he has. So if he switches from open palm then he will lose these abilities and get the others.

that's certainly more reasonable than how I thought it would have ended up (thanks in part to me not paying attention to the OP), but I still might not throw all the abilities at him at once. Each is pretty much as good as a level feature, so getting it all at level 5 or 6 means he's basically a level 8 or 9 with less HP, resource conservation inept or not.

Sir cryosin
2016-08-18, 06:50 AM
Are... are you giving your Monk the Infinity Gauntlet™? :smallcool:

Yes I was scrolling through all the comments just looking to see if somebody mentioned The Infinity Gauntlet

2016-08-18, 03:13 PM
I think it's a reasonable and pretty well thought idea. Cool item with some backstory and storyline implications. Only suggestion is to make sure to do similar things for other players so they don't feel like you're favoring one character

2016-08-18, 08:16 PM
I was thinking the black, shadow pearl would be part of a dark dojo. And as of now he was a slave to the man who killed off all of his clan. They took the Princess who was the decedent of the grand master as a hostage and made him do their bidding. His character is unaware but she was killed long ago, and the man who has been using him is after the gauntlet.

And I am doing other stuff for the players as well. Thinking elemental Barding for the druid. Letting him switch similar to this, but giving resistance and 1d6 of that type of damage added to beast attacks. Still working on rogue, sorc and cleric stuff.