View Full Version : List your unique items

2016-08-17, 08:25 PM
Invariably in any 3.5 game someone either as dm or as player creates a unique item. This could be something as simple as a sword with unique abilities or as complex as a wagon that stores an entire dimension in each of its cabinets.

What are some of the most unique items you have come across or created throughout your games?

My recent custom item

This custom made toolkit is the pride of an artificer trade. When using this toolkit the artificer gains a +2 Circumstance to any craft check made with it just like a set of Masterwork Artisan tools.

These tools have been Enchanted to provide a +4 Bonus to Intelligence when actively being used to Craft.

Additionally these tools have a number of Spells that can be activated once per day each during the crafting process and can be activated at the same time for even greater effect.

*Divine Insight (CL 10) 1/day
*Guidance of the Avatar (CL 1) 1/day
*Surge of Fortune (CL 9) 1/day

Class must be Artificer,
Cannot be used on any craft skill that is untrained.

Moderate Transmutation, CL 10th, Craft Wonderous Item, Divine Insight, Guidance of the Avatar, Surge of Fortune, Fox's Cunning
Price 56,415gp

Base item:
Masterwork Artisan Kit
+2 Circumstance Bonus to all Craft

Enhancement Bonus

Divine Insight (1/day)(cl 6)

(Complete Adventurer, p. 147)*

Level:*Cleric 2,*Paladin 2,*
Casting Time:*1 standard action
Duration:*1 hour/level or until discharged (D)

When you cast this spell, you invoke the power of your deity to guide your actions. Once during the spell's duration, you can choose to use its effect. This spell grants you an *insight*
bonus equal to 5 + your caster level (maximum bonus of +15) on any single skill check. Activating the effect requires an immediate action. You must choose to use*divine insight*before you make the check you want to modify. Once used, the spell ends.

You can't have more than one*divine insight*effect active on you at the same time.

Also appears in

Spell Compendium


Guidance of the Avatar
Level:*Clr 2
Components:*V, S
Casting Time:*1 action
Target:*Creature touched
Duration:*1 minute or until discharged
Saving Throw:*None
Spell Resistance:*Yes

Your deity's chosen avatar imbues the subject with divine power. The creature gets a +20 competence bonus on a single skill check and must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.


*To be added to the item later.

Surge of Fortune(1/day)(cl9)

(Complete Champion, p. 128)*

Level:*Cleric 5,*
Casting Time:*1 standard action
Duration:*1 round/level or until discharged

The power of your deity flows through you, guiding your movements and honing your instincts.

Upon casting this spell, you gain a +2 luck bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and spell penetration checks, as well as to Armor Class.

At any point before the spell expires, you can channel some of its remaining power into a single instant of perfect fortune as an immediate action. The result of the next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, ability check, or spell penetration check you attempt is treated as a natural 20, as long as it occurs within 1 round of the time you invoked this power. (If you use it for an attack roll, you must still roll to confirm the critical hit normally). Using this option instantly ends the spell.

(Multiplied it since multiple different ability says higher cost is multiplied by 2)

Final Modifiers and Cost:

Usable only by an artificer.

7200+760+(base item 55)

Base cost: 56415g

Craft .50
Only usable by Artificer, .70
Mag art .75
Extr art .75
Appr .90
Craft skill restriction .90

Total bonus to craft 2+2+15+20+nat20=59 before stats and ranks.

you randomly
2016-08-17, 08:41 PM
well i have 3 items at the moment in the complain that i am currently in (though every one has atleast one unigue item)
mine are:
a spear that can be used to make full attacks that has +8 enhancement, explosive speed, keen, dancing

a chain that is 500 feet long, +6 enhancement, +24 to grapple checks made with it, constrict 2d8, 3/day 10d6 eclectic damage to any one grappled by the chain

a amulet that allows me to steal ability from enemy's i kill,+6 nat armour, (+15 to knowledge (arcane),spellcraft, use magic devise, concentration)
note this how i use the 500 feet long chain via an ability again from killing an enemy (control chains)

2016-08-17, 09:30 PM
In a previous campaign, a player and I worked together to create a "reactive armor" kind of item. As the character dealt electric damage, the robe gathered a charge that would discharge into the next person that attacked them, kinda like flame shield.

I also have what I call Phillips Practical Outfit, which is a changing outfit that mimics whatever the wearer can think of. The main difference between this and say, a hat of disguise, is that the outfit really does change, as a transmutation effect, rather than just LOOKING like it changes, as an illusion effect. It's also kept pefectly clean via prestidigitation, because, why not.

In case anyone is interested:

Electro-Static Robe: This article of clothing (usually a robe, but it can be any kind of clothing) builds up a static charge as it's wearer deals and takes electricity damage. If the wearer produces an effect that deals electricity damage, for every 3 points of damage she deals the robe is charged with 1 point of damage. If a single effect affects multiple targets, use only the highest damage to calculate how many points the robe charges. For example, if Marybelle uses a lightning blast and hits 3 foes, dealing 52 points of damage, but two of her foes have electricity resistance 20 and the last one only has electricity resistance 10, use the 42 points of damage dealt to the third foe to calculate the charge from that spell (in this case, 14 points).

Likewise, whenever the wearer is damaged by an electric effect, the robe charges for half the damage dealt to the wearer. Take into account resistance to electricty before calculating the amount of charge the robe gains. If the wearer is immune to electricity, the robe cannot be charged in this way.

Once the robe is charged, the next successful melee attack against the wearer will discharge the stored charge at the attacker dealing electricity damage equal to the amount of points charged. If the attacker is resistant to electricity, the damage resisted returns to the robe, retaining that charge. Creatures immune to electricity do not discharge the robe, and it retains all of it's charged points.

One minute after the robe has gained it's first charge, it begins to harmlessly discharge it's built up static charge into the air surrounding the wearer at a rate of one point per round. This continues until the robe is completely discharged, regardless of if more charge is stored into it while it still holds a charge.

Moderate evocation; CL 10th; Craft Wondrous Item, lightning bolt; Price 40,000 gp;Weight 1 lb.

2016-08-17, 10:01 PM
Interesting RP outfit. My current artificer had his composite plating glamoured to make him look human. He's shy and wanted to fit in. I've made a few other items as well. Nice robe

2016-08-17, 10:24 PM
Oh dear, there are so many. So, so many. The current (Pathfinder) campaign I'm running involves the adventurer's owning a Pawn Shop, so they've encountered an excessive amount of items. Below are some silly and not-so-silly ones.

I'll start with some sillier ones, some less functional than others...

Biclops Helm - 2020g

This helm was made from the shrunken head of Hill Giant. Twice per day, it allows the wearer to choose to roll a two instead of rolling her next attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check.


Lesser Ring of Linguistics - 400g

Crude etchings spell out “where is the tavern” in four languages around the inside of this poorly crafted iron band, with only minor spelling errors. The wearer gains the a +5 Bluff bonus to pretend to speak the four languages inscribed on the ring. Normally the languages are Common, Dwarven, Orc, and Halfling, but rings with different sets of languages definitely exist, and in fact would be easy to make.


Rose-Colored Glasses - 2750g

These groovy shades grant a +1 Insight Bonus to AC and a +2 Morale bonus against Fear effects. The wearer also perceives light as one step below what it actually is. (Bright becomes Normal, Normal becomes Dim, Dim becomes Darkness, and so on.)


Dance Flats of the Carnival - 5000g

These leather slippers provide the user with skill points in Perform (Dance) equal to their hit dice. The wearer may use Perform (Dance) in place Acrobatics to move through threatened squares without provoking, and in place of a Combat Maneuver to escape a grapple.


Clockwork Tinkerer - 2000g

This small brass figurine will, if asked, mend armor and metal items once per day, restoring 1d4 hit points to the object. If left alone in a workshop overnight, this clockwork creature will build 6d3 Clockwork Sprites and 3d3 Clockwork Brownies. At dawn, the Sprites and Brownies will go to war against one another.
A Clockwork Tinkerer will only perform this action as an act of mischief, and will not create constructs for anyone who knows of its ability to do so. It will generally run away after its abilities are discovered.


Gloves of the Artichoke - 100g

These gloves are always coated in a fine layer of olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Vegetables and raw meat will cook at a rate of 1 minute-per-pound in these gloves.


Mandolin of Burning Hands - 4300g

Once per day, if the right chord progression is played on this mandolin's cherry red strings, a 15 foot cone of flame jets forth from the neck, as though the spell Burning Hands were cast.
A Bard activating this Mandolin uses his caster level to determine the power of Burning Hands, despite not having the spell in her class list.


And now for some moderately less silly ones. (If you've noticed this is a reddit cross-post so far, below are items I've not shared on reddit)

Panic Necklace of Striding - 4000g

This necklace grants a +20 ft to movement speed whenever the wearer is below half health.


Gambler’s Optics - 2000g

These sunglasses grant a +5 to Bluff checks. The wearer also perceives light as one step below what it actually is. (Bright becomes Normal, Normal becomes Dim, Dim becomes Darkness, and so on.)


Scepter of Discordant Movement - 45000g
Once per day, this wielder of this scepter can instantaneously teleport a maximum distance of 30 feet. The scepter deals 1d6 force damage to the user if for every 5 feet traveled. When used as a weapon, the scepter counts as a masterwork Mace.


I also have three "braids" and three "wraps" in a cycle similar to the six belts/headbands. Each of these braids and wraps can be worn AS whatever belt/headband it would normally be, but has a second way to wear it in a different body slot, with a different effect in that other body slot.

For example, let's say you found these two braids.

Braid of Incredible Dexterity
When worn as a belt, this woven purple and red leather strand grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity. When worn as a scarf, it instead functions as an Eagle Cape (a cape that grants featherfall and Beast Shape I into an eagle). If the wearer changes their mind on how to wear this item, they receive no bonus from the item for one week.

Braid of Giant Strength
When worn as a belt, this woven green and blue leather strand grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength. When worn as a scarf, it instead grants functions as a Cloak of Resistance +2 (a +2 resistance bonus to Fort, Ref, and Will saves). If the wearer changes their mind on how to wear this item, they receive no bonus from the item for one week. If the wearer changes their mind on how to wear this item, they receive no bonus from the item for one week.

Instead of wearing one and selling one, like you'd do with an ordinary Belt of Giant Strength, you can use one of these as a scarf and get the "shoulder slot effect." Super powerful and versatile items.

I have os many things I could post here, but I really should stop. :P

2016-08-18, 12:17 AM
I've got to say my favorite are those dancing boots. Imagine doing some extreamly weird dance passing through squares avoiding having to get him with aoo

2016-08-18, 12:23 AM
It's not strictly an item, but a character I once designed (but never used) wore a cleric.

He was a Thrallherd, with the cleric as his primary thrall. The cleric would shapechange into a Living Breastplate, which the Thrallherd would then wear. Also, the cleric would wear a slightly-modified Arms of the Naga and cast Tongues, so he was still able to cast many spells while being worn.

The penalties incurred for wearing this setup were rather large (especially because he wasn't proficient), but the Thrallherd didn't need to move much, anyway.

2016-08-18, 01:30 AM
For the 13th villainous competition, I essentially made Junkrat. For a gun, he had a long tube that could cast Launch Item once per turn as an action, with an internal bag of holding to store ammo in. With it, he'd shoot chunks of amber with Gembomb cast on them and covered in Unguent of Timelessness.

Hamilcar Barca
2016-08-22, 10:36 PM
In the game I am running I'm giving them a bullet a bulette. I when thrown by a hobbit (for obvious reasons) it releases a angry bulette. It starts in contact with what ever you are fighting but will be fighting them, you the local fauna.
Pretty much you throw, run and hope that it gets hurt enough for you to kill it.

I just want to see how they use it. They are all 5th level.

Hamilcar Barca

2016-08-22, 11:42 PM
Not for 3.5, but I am using this in a Pokemon Tabletop United game I'm running.

[Primarily, this is to allow certain weapons that otherwise don't make sense..as their weapon attacks would be "Normal" type. Such as the classical Flaming Sword, or Static Gloves.]

Type Change Oil.
$500 to permanently change the type of any attack using the weapon to something other than its original type (specified at time of purchase/creation). This is not including the price for the original weapon. This overrides the effect of Arcane Training's change of weapon type. Once applied it can't be changed except by another Type Change Oil, or a class feature that temporarily changes the type of the weapon.
The weapon is considered the same weapon it was before for all purposes other than the typing.

For $3,500, the type can be changed from the original to the Oiled type as a Shift action.

2016-08-23, 12:19 AM
club of healing does a d6 heals a d8 do you feel lucky?

2016-08-23, 12:27 AM
Bracers of the Whirlwind
Grants the Whirlwind Attack feat; use Whirling Blade 2/day.

Fighting Trousers
+1 deflection bonus to AC; use Heroics 3/day

Pendant of Pedantry
Daze monster 1/day; wearer gets a +2 insight bonus to decipher script, forgery and search checks; but also takes a -2 penalty to bluff, diplomacy and gather information checks.

Talisman of Black Wind, Fire and Steel
Black wind 1/day (as gust of wind, but anyone in the area who fails the fort save is blinded for 1 round), produce flame 3/day, and any metallic weapon wielded by the wearer has it's critical threat range doubled (does not stack with keen, improved critical or similar effects).

2016-08-23, 12:54 AM
Recreated a weapon very similar to Shadowmourne from WoW for a player who raided with me and was a very big fan of his only shiny legendary. I don't know if I have it lying around anymore I thought it was one of my better creations. Turned the soul drain into rolled% chance to occur on each attack, when it did it was a generic stat weakener.. I think I set it to -1 or something so it wouldn't easily fry creatures. Each drained stack gave a strength bonus to the wielder and at 5 a burst of the excess negative energy went off. You kept the bonus stats after the burst for a few rounds or until you gained the next soul drain stack resetting it.

I really should dig through my old campaign files and see if I still have it..

2016-08-23, 12:58 AM
Water Clock of Crystallized Time.

This beautiful water clock can once per day create a Time Stop effect on a creature that activates it (a standard action). However, the clock is terribly fragile: it has 50 HP, no hardness, and takes 5 points of extra damage from bludgeoning attacks, as well as whenever it takes falling damage. Even putting the clock down on a rough surface causes it to take a point of damage. It is typically moved with a Suspension spell for this reason.

2016-08-23, 01:28 AM
Haven't come up with a fitting name for this yet, but it was (loosely) based on an item from an old Fighting Fantasy gamebook:

Rod: acts as a +1 light mace; on successful hit, the wielder can expend a charge as a swift action to inflict a 1d6 damage to a randomly determined ability score (roll 1d6: 1. Str, 2. Dex, 3. Con, 4. Int, 5. Wis, 6. Cha). A DC 17 will save halves the ability damage. The rod has 50 charges when created.

2016-08-23, 02:19 AM
Root Crystal
A large (potato-sized) irregular crystal, similar to quartz in appearance. It has finger-sized shards sprouting off it, up to eight of them at a time. If the shards are snapped off, they regrow at the rate of one a day.

A shard can be inserted into the forehead of a willing or helpless creature. It pierces through the skull easily, without dealing any damage or leaving a mark. The holder of the Root Crystal can communicate telepathically (anywhere on the same plane) with any creature that has a shard implanted, and can use Telepathy powers and [Mind-Affecting] Enchantment spells on them as if in physical contact.

Had that as a PC once, in Kingmaker; I used it on all the mayors of our towns - theoretically so they could summon help in an instant if the town was attacked, but it was a nice anti-rebellion defense too. Our kingdom was a bit morally dubious. :smallbiggrin:

2016-08-23, 03:26 AM
Noblewoman's gloves

- These stylish gloves will make the wearer's fingers turn cold if she's about to touch anything poisonous.

Circlet of a schemer

- This ornate piece of headgear is an improvement on a hat of disguise, casting alter self instead of disguise self. It also has the effect of a circlet of persuasion, all the better to supplement the wearer's intrigues.

Bead of curiosity

- This bead, when held in the palm of one's hand, casts clayrvoyance/clayraudiance once a day.

I also made a wooden tablet that basically works as a copy machine - easier than inventing the printing press.

2016-08-23, 07:25 AM
Not unique as in original homebrew abilities, but I did have a custom gauntlet on one of my characters. I wanted a weapon buff, but since I was summoning weapons and had other demands on my swift actions, I couldn't actually use any of the usual items without wasting time. So I started with Gloves of the Uldra Savant (MiC version), and made them intelligent to they could activate themselves. Even the weakest intelligent items must have standard powers, and it just so happens there's another that's ridiculously good if you don't have to use your own actions: Faerie Fire. For around 5,000gp, I got a tireless nightwatch, that can shoot me awake with Ray of Frost if I won't wake up, and Frost my weapon 3/day and Faerie Fire my targets 3/day without using my own actions. Next upgrade I was considering Minor Image, because illusions are so much better when there's no one visibly casting them, especially not you.

I also have rules for staff weapons like those from Stargate, limited durability weapon enhancements like Fire Emblem, boomerangs that hit groups of people like Dragon Warrior, a bunch of animal transformation cloaks, some pine resins from Dark Souls, a non-magical chemical thrower that only makes sense on paper, an old Hookshot that's expensive but copies the original in exacting detail, some nebulous ideas for ridearmor, and significantly tweaked armor tables. None of those except the armor changes have actually been used in-game though.