View Full Version : Warcraft RPG Optimization

2016-08-18, 06:52 PM
I need to keep up with a group of power-gaming veterans of this game. They are doing a hack-and-slash campaign where the DM changes each time and role-playing is a huge thing (they're getting legitimate plate mail made to fit me, which is awesome). I need to know how the game works by Sunday, so while I am learning rules and lore (things I don't already know from playing Warcraft 3 and WoW), I require help making a character who can fulfill a specific purpose.

Potential purposes I was given by the group I'm trying to join (I need to be able to do one or more of the primary purposes, though one primary is enough):
• Capable of dealing massive spike damage to two or more targets. (Primary)
• Capable of containing groups of enemies at the same time. (Primary)
• Capable of surviving a fight against the rest of the party by fleeing, healing, and hiding. (Secondary)
• Capable of fulfilling several non-combat roles. (Secondary)
• Capable of dealing consistent, substantial damage, over long-distances, whether single-target or spread out among many targets. (Primary)
• Capable of drawing most enemy attention and absorbing ludicrous amounts of damage. (Primary)

2016-08-18, 09:04 PM
I am not sure fi it is what you are looking for but there is a race/feat/class combo you can do to get 16th level casting at 7th level

be a quillboar, and then be a shaman I forget the feats name though...

anyways just take that feat and POW at 7th level you have casting as if a 16th level shaman, I'm not talking 'acts as if your caster level is 16' I mean you literaly have shaman level 16 casting progression I.E> 1st through 8th level spells.

if that's not optimized enough for you then I do not know what to tell you.

2016-08-18, 09:05 PM
First off, pretty sure there have been two Warcraft d20 RPGs. Which edition are you using

2016-08-19, 07:25 AM
Both, and these are the books I can use to create a character:

1e -- a&h compendium, core rules 1e
2e -- alliance player's guide, horde player's guide, core rules 2e, dark factions

As for the quillboar idea, I'll look into that.

2016-08-19, 11:47 AM
It is 9th level shaman casting at 6th level, and I think I'll be using it. Thanks!