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View Full Version : DM Help Heart of Nightfang Spire for PF

Cranky Mcduff
2016-08-18, 11:46 PM
I bought it a few years ago because I saw Bruce Cordell as the author and it brought back fond/terribad memories of the meat grinder Gates of Firestorm Peak. Recently my players asked me to run them through a tough dungeon with optimized(no specilization; I told them to be ready for anything), though not cheesed, characters. One sputtering lightbulb later I dug it out of my closet and set about converting/changing some things. I swapped the Mooncalf encounter for the dead black dragon being turned into a Ravener and added the Half-dragon template to most of the corporeal undead since it seemed to fit(them being old cultists and whatnot). I'm going to wing the traps and other assorted bits, but does anyone have any suggestions? Or has anyone done a conversion and wouldn't mind sharing?
