View Full Version : Domonic Degan's house

2007-07-06, 08:04 AM
A link to the web comic (http://www.dominic-deegan.com/view.php?date=2002-05-21)

Dominic Degan is a seer (an oracle). You can come ask him fore advice, only 50 gp. So come on down!

Vespe Ratavo
2007-07-06, 11:06 AM
Nightwing, come up with something original! Stop ripping stuff off, and stop making a thread every two days!
But mostly stop making a thread every two days!))

2007-07-06, 11:07 AM
A meteor by BM heads towards the ouse

2007-07-06, 11:09 AM
*Dominic, having seen this coming has put up a beerier around the house. The meteorite bounces off*

2007-07-06, 11:21 AM
BM having also forseen it by way of blue magic casts dispel before the meteor hits

2007-07-06, 11:25 AM
A New Exachix appears.

"It's time. Water and Air! Hear my call!"

He raises his arms and is surrounded by lightning. A vortex of grey clouds form, circling around the home. He Speaks a word, and the heavens open, rain falling like hail, bouncing on the ground, denting rocks. The Earth heaves, and lightning crashes on four spots around the house, from each, fractures open.

"Feel the rage of the Elements! Fire and Earth! Cleanse the plane!"

The Fractures are hit again, and open winder, suddenly the ground heaves once more, and a circle around the home ridges out of the ground and rises up, throwing magma rocks and fire around. The Volcano formed, around the home, cleansing with the fire of magma and also with the water of hail, turning to steam as it hits the magma, but mostly hitting the home and denting the roof.

"Now... The Finale."

He lowers his arms and four separate orbs, One blood red. One Sky Blue. One Sea Green. One as brown as mud. Exachix dissipates and they all converge on the 'home' and crash into each other. From this a blast emanates and then implodes upon itself as the energy released creates many particle-antiparticle pairs, forming and annihilating faster than their effects happen. The matter around compacts in:- the hail, the earth, the electrons from lightning, and the magma. All into a singularity. Which promptly sucks in alot. Finally, due to entropy, it collapses in so far it *poofs* out of existence.

Read a Breif history of time. It's possible.

Also Note that the event horizon here would have covered quite an area, enough to cover the house. Little more though.

2007-07-06, 11:31 AM
The voice of black mage is heard where the house was

why didn't i think of that...

Vespe Ratavo
2007-07-06, 11:33 AM
Vespe runs up and high fives Exy.
Woo! That was awesome! :smallbiggrin: