View Full Version : Pathfinder Advice/Tips for Oracle in Hell's Vengeance

2016-08-19, 02:01 PM
Greeting Playground!

I will be playing in the Hell's Vengeance campaign in the not too distant future and wanted to get some advice on my character concept and implementation. Here is what I have so far:

Things that will not change:
Race: Tiefling (Div-spawned, +2 Dex, +2 Cha, -2 Int)
Alt Racial Traits: Healed by Positive and Negative Energy
Point Buy: 15pts
Class: Oracle (Spirit-Guide) [I will be limited to three spirits, regardless]
Mystery: Life
Expected Party Role: Full divine caster
Unchained: Item Crafting, Background skills, One skill unlock (determined by GM)
Ult. Campaign: Running a business
House rules: Only one archetype (period), one alternate class (ie, multiclass or variant multiclass), prestige classes are GM approved only (ie, don't expect anything unusual)

Barbarian (Unbreakable)
Sorcerer (To be determined)
Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel)
*insert another melee focused class as yet to be determined*

So, into the character description. Tieflings are not looked upon fondly in Cheliax and this character is no exception. Born to some obscure, but important enough, noble house (even if just the bastard of a son so far removed from being the heir that he might as well be lowborn, doesn't matter really) the tiefling was looked upon with scorn and the house never really accepted him. When he was old enough, they decided to sell him off into slavery. He was a fairly attractive person, despite his infernal heritage so he ended up learning his trade as a courtesan.

When his powers began to manifest themselves, he was unluckily in the presence of an Asmodean priest and his Hellknight bodyguard. Powers over life and death made him too valuable to waste in a mere brothel, so he was purchased by the Asmodean church and anything that was in him that could be called 'Good' was stripped from him over the course of his training. He found out the hard way that negative energy heals him, despite the pain that wracks his body when it flows through him. Over time, he began to enjoy the sensation and uses the power often.

The tieflings motivation for participating in the adventure is one of service to the Asmodean church. As one of their initiates that can channel positive energy to heal those around him, he has been extremely useful in interrogation and prolonged skirmishes.

So, here are my ideas going forward. These are subject to change as needed to better fit the group as a whole.

Alternate class: Most likely VMC Cavalier (Order of the Star), bound to the church of Asmodeus.
Reason? Getting +1/2 your level towards channel energy is the goal.

Oracle revelations: Definitely channel to start with. Perhaps pick up Life link. I won't be having very many revelations and will be somewhat feat starved, but whatever. I'm a pure caster. I'll manage.

Spirit Guide: I want two channel pools, so life spirit will be one of my choices. Looking for two other spirits that will help fill out the character. Flame will help with blasting, if I want. Heaven is amazing. Battle helps too.

Long term goals: Get to level 7 Oracle. Pick up Warrior Priest as a feat. Prestige into Hellknight Signifer. Hunt down spellcasters for Asmodeus. Between Cavalier and Signifer boosting my channel, I won't have need for more oracle levels.

Secondary goal: Find a way to get Arcane bond (object) with little investment of feats as possible, as early as possible (ie, level 9) to help boost Signifer mask.

2016-08-19, 02:30 PM
I am currently running Hell's Vengeance for my wife and will try not to spoil it for you.

You probably know that you will be the bad guys. The first 2 Parts (Hellfire Compact and Wrath of Thrune) are city bound and need a certain investment.
For your spell/skill selection I would advise you to get sneaky and social as your first choices. You will see yourself in need of disguises and solutions for social interaction.

Asmodeus is a solid god to believe in in Cheliax. Remember not everyone (even in your party of misfits) will be on the same page what is Evil. You should talk about that INGAME. Literally make a code of conduct for yourselfes that makes it easier for you in the first part as a unified group will handle the social matters better (was not important in a solo campaign, but I imagined the first part with our regular group instead of a solo campaign... it wouldn't have worked quite as well as it did).

The most valuable spells you can have in the first 2 adventures are Invisibility, Disguise Self and Undetectable Alignment.

Good luck and have fun being evil >:D

2016-08-19, 03:03 PM
I am currently running Hell's Vengeance for my wife and will try not to spoil it for you.

Much appreciated. Thank you

You probably know that you will be the bad guys. The first 2 Parts (Hellfire Compact and Wrath of Thrune) are city bound and need a certain investment.
For your spell/skill selection I would advise you to get sneaky and social as your first choices. You will see yourself in need of disguises and solutions for social interaction.

Good advice. I do plan on investing ranks into Diplomacy, Bluff and Sense Motive. With the background skill variant, that gets me 2 additional ranks I can put into profession and/or other skills that wont impact my 5 skill ranks i get a level.

Asmodeus is a solid god to believe in in Cheliax. Remember not everyone (even in your party of misfits) will be on the same page what is Evil. You should talk about that INGAME. Literally make a code of conduct for yourselfes that makes it easier for you in the first part as a unified group will handle the social matters better (was not important in a solo campaign, but I imagined the first part with our regular group instead of a solo campaign... it wouldn't have worked quite as well as it did).

Yep, our GM has gone over the whole 'what it means to be Evil' thing and pretty much means no one is playing Chaotic Evil (not that its banned, just no one wants to). I will have my character take the Legalistic curse, so that alone gives him plenty of reason to be interested in party dynamics.

The most valuable spells you can have in the first 2 adventures are Invisibility, Disguise Self and Undetectable Alignment.

Good to know. I'll try and get a wand of Undetectable alignment or pick it up myself if needed. It really won't be needed until we hit level 5 though, since 4 HD creatures and below (barring Paladins, clerics, etc) have an Aura power of (NONE) for detect alignment spells.

2016-08-21, 12:19 AM
If you want to do the life link thing and be a mass healer, it will be very strong.

Since you are CHA based, eldritch heritage is going to eat 2 feats, but well worth it to pump your mask and get your bonded object. Seeing as you are probably the only party member with knowledge: religion as a class skill, skill focus for religion would not be the worst thing in the world. Likewise, you have planar knowledge but it does not come up as much in this AP. Being the spirit guide, you have all so pick the one that your party needs most for your skill focus.

Second disguise self, invisibility, and undetectable alignment as spells. Although you need wands or your sorcerer for those first two.

2016-08-21, 01:35 PM
Got some more info:

Party comp (final)
Barbarian (Unbreakable)
Sorcerer (Wild-blooded)
Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel)
Inquisitor (no archetype)

Determined potential level progression
Oracle 7 / Hellknight Signifier 9 / Holy Vindicator 4
(It's very unlikely we'll make it to level 18 but I like to plan ahead anyway)

Feats look like this: (* means temporary due to Hex/Spirit choices)
1) Warrior Priest
3) VMC (Challenge 1/day), *Life Link
5) Skill focus (Know: Arcana), *Nimble Moves (Cinder Dance Hex)
7) VMC (Calling)
8) Alignment Channel (bonus feat), *Weapon Spec (Battle Master Hex)
9) Eldritch Heritage (Arcane) [Bonded Item]
10) *Acrobatic Steps (Cinder Dance Hex)
11) VMC (Tactician)
13) Spirit Talker** (Heaven's Lure Hex, or whatever suits the day)
15) VMC (For the Faith)
17) ?????????? (Undecided, maybe Extra Revelation?)
19) VMC (Greater Tactician)

**(GM is allowing Spirit Guide Oracles to meet qualifications)

Chosen Spirits are going to be Battle, Flames and Life. Use Spirit Talker to cherry pick whatever hex I like from a different spirit, if needed.

Ability Scores are looking like:

Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 10
Cha: 17

2016-08-24, 11:33 AM
Don´t go Life/Lifelink/Spirit Guide in this AP and with this party when using an Oracle.

In this AP, you´ll face the problem of fighting Paladins and Good Outsiders, both with Smite, and Lifelink healing doesn´t cut it here as it is burst intensive.

As has already been mentioned, social/intrigue plays a huge part in this AP and either your Oracle or the Rogue should be able to handle it.

Either go Oracle (Godclaw Mystery)/Signifer based on a standard Reach Cleric build, or, what I´d prefer for this AP, Human Cavalier 2 (Order of the Ennead Star)/Oracle 5 (Godclaw/Haunted)/Hellknight 2/Signifer 1+

2016-08-24, 02:07 PM
Don´t go Life/Lifelink/Spirit Guide in this AP and with this party when using an Oracle.

In this AP, you´ll face the problem of fighting Paladins and Good Outsiders, both with Smite, and Lifelink healing doesn´t cut it here as it is burst intensive.

I can drop life link, but the Spirit Guide / Life Oracle is what I am playing as the entire character concept I will be role playing is centered around it (hence why this class was listed in the "Things that will not change" section). Do have another suggestion on an alternate revelation to pick up instead of Life Link?

I was planning on convincing the group to effectively combining our HP into one large pool between Life Link, Shield Other (on multiple characters), and my increased ability to burst heal. That should help us weather the storm of OP Smites from Paladins. I will be able to smack around good outsiders fairly well once I pick up Alignment Channel, as the VMC cavalier will be boosting my channel dice above and beyond what a character of my level should have.

Either go Oracle (Godclaw Mystery)/Signifer based on a standard Reach Cleric build, or, what I´d prefer for this AP, Human Cavalier 2 (Order of the Ennead Star)/Oracle 5 (Godclaw/Haunted)/Hellknight 2/Signifer 1+

The Godclaw mystery is a new one to me and I took a look at it. The only ability that sorely tempted me was the Might of the Godclaw revelation. It would be interesting to combine with the Evangelist prestige class in a future game.

2016-08-25, 01:17 PM
Sorry, but Healing simply is not a relevant thing in this AP.

2016-08-26, 04:48 AM
The problem is giving tips w/o spoiling the content.

See, a lot of the combats in this AP use the formula of "Bunch of Mooks, one big serious enemy", a set-up that is geared towards very basic battlefield control and aggressive damage dealers.

That will pretty much dictate spells known as well as basic spell usage in combat. You should be able to cast at least Magic Circle against Law to deal with outsiders and at least one of the damaging wall spells to funnel the mooks.

Knowing that this AP deals with Paladins and good outsiders, you should also know that you need to push your spell DCs and CL to beat SR to keep your spells effective.

The Order of the Godclaw will play a prominent role late in this AP, that´s why I´m proposing either being a Signifier of that Order or choosing the Godclaw Mystery if you don´t want to PrC, so you get the most out of it.

If you´re open to suggestions, go for Elf Oracle, Ancient Lorekeeper and Spirit Shaman archetype, Shadow Mystery, Limp curse and than go for Hellknight Signifier, Godclaw Order.
You´ll want to do this so you get (Greater) Possession on your list of spells known and use it to a) Shut down Aura of Menace and b) use their SLAs to heal and buff your party.

2016-08-26, 07:01 PM
See, a lot of the combats in this AP use the formula of "Bunch of Mooks, one big serious enemy", a set-up that is geared towards very basic battlefield control and aggressive damage dealers.

That will pretty much dictate spells known as well as basic spell usage in combat. You should be able to cast at least Magic Circle against Law to deal with outsiders and at least one of the damaging wall spells to funnel the mooks.
Duly noted. I'll have a conversation with the Sorcerer and Rogue about battlefield control spells. Between the three of use, we can all contribute fairly well.

Knowing that this AP deals with Paladins and good outsiders, you should also know that you need to push your spell DCs and CL to beat SR to keep your spells effective.
Unfortunately, I never focus on pumping caster level or spell DCs. The reason is two-fold. One, I usually stick with spells that do not allow saving throws (if at all possible) or still have some effect with a successful save. Second, our DM never runs the mooks in the adventure path exactly as written. He generally updates them with new/flashier abilities and plays them intelligently (as a counter to the players' grasp on good tactics). Overall, our 'normal' battles tend to be at least 2 CR over our actual levels. Healing will be necessary in emergency situations, as personal experience has shown me.

The Order of the Godclaw will play a prominent role late in this AP, that´s why I´m proposing either being a Signifier of that Order or choosing the Godclaw Mystery if you don´t want to PrC, so you get the most out of it.
I will be using some of the Signifier flavor in my character build. I have taken Hellknight Aspirant as a character trait (Order of the Rack) but will officially join under the Order of the Godclaw when I take my first level of Hellknight Signifier. I am glad that the Hellknight will play a significant role in the campaign.

If you´re open to suggestions, go for Elf Oracle, Ancient Lorekeeper and Spirit Shaman archetype, Shadow Mystery, Limp curse and than go for Hellknight Signifier, Godclaw Order.
You´ll want to do this so you get (Greater) Possession on your list of spells known and use it to a) Shut down Aura of Menace and b) use their SLAs to heal and buff your party.
While I am open to suggestions, my concept is pretty much set. I couldn't combine Ancient Lorekeeper and SPirit Shaman archetypes even if I wanted to (see limit of one archetype in original post, under House rules).

On a side note, I've discovered a little gem of a spell called Imbue with Spell Ability, and the better versions (Spellcasting Contract). I fully intend to make use of these spells to allow each of our party members to cast Shield Other among ourselves, as well as granting some useful 1st and 2nd level spells.

Any suggestions?

2016-08-30, 04:11 AM
I think you might be over thinking it bud. Just make a character that your will enjoy playing an that your can get into. Be the evil! You sound like your have back story and class levels down. Now just start thinking about personality quirks, how they would react in certain situations and with certain people. Your going to have a blast! I'm sure!:cool:

2016-08-30, 12:49 PM
I think you might be over thinking it bud. Just make a character that your will enjoy playing an that your can get into. Be the evil! You sound like your have back story and class levels down. Now just start thinking about personality quirks, how they would react in certain situations and with certain people. Your going to have a blast! I'm sure!:cool:

I am definitely over-thinking it. :smallsmile:

I tend to do so when I really get attached to a character and do not want them to die horribly due to something I can reasonably control. The personality and style of evil sort of sorted itself out, especially after I read the guide to Lawful Evil by Red Fel. Red Fel. Red Fel.

Going for a mix of Dragon / Bad Cop. The character will have ranks in Profession: Courtesan and Profession: Torturer, thanks to the Background skills from Unchained. He is a bit of a sadomasochist and actually enjoys pain (negative energy might heal him, but it still causes pain, which he learned to like). He will find satisfaction in hurting people a little more than necessary to carry out his orders, while working towards his goal of joining the Hellknights. He is seeking to climb to some level of power to actually influence the laws that exist in the country so that he is not quite so bound by his Oracle curse (Legalistic). If he gets to make the laws ... :smallamused:

One quirk I might give him is that he doesn't really enjoy killing people that don't deserve it, though what "deserves" punishment might be something subtle and/or simple. He may feel a little bad about offing someone like that but it would be a passing thing that he gets over quickly. Killing just seems wasteful to him. He is going to be the kind of Evil that you can't help but like, even if you hate what he stands for. He will be charming, trustworthy, approachable, unapologetic, and his style will be unmatched. Definitely taking the Hedonistic drawback.

Red Fel
2016-08-31, 09:31 AM
I am definitely over-thinking it. :smallsmile:

I tend to do so when I really get attached to a character and do not want them to die horribly due to something I can reasonably control. The personality and style of evil sort of sorted itself out, especially after I read the guide to Lawful Evil by Red Fel. Red Fel. Red Fel.


Going for a mix of Dragon / Bad Cop. The character will have ranks in Profession: Courtesan and Profession: Torturer, thanks to the Background skills from Unchained. He is a bit of a sadomasochist and actually enjoys pain (negative energy might heal him, but it still causes pain, which he learned to like). He will find satisfaction in hurting people a little more than necessary to carry out his orders, while working towards his goal of joining the Hellknights. He is seeking to climb to some level of power to actually influence the laws that exist in the country so that he is not quite so bound by his Oracle curse (Legalistic). If he gets to make the laws ... :smallamused:

One quirk I might give him is that he doesn't really enjoy killing people that don't deserve it, though what "deserves" punishment might be something subtle and/or simple. He may feel a little bad about offing someone like that but it would be a passing thing that he gets over quickly. Killing just seems wasteful to him. He is going to be the kind of Evil that you can't help but like, even if you hate what he stands for. He will be charming, trustworthy, approachable, unapologetic, and his style will be unmatched. Definitely taking the Hedonistic drawback.

I like the sound of the character. Pain and pleasure in equal measure, the joy of service, it's all great. I find that torturers with a perverse appreciation for their work are uniquely unsettling. I recall one episode of Burn Notice in which Bruce Campbell's character Sam Axe has to play an interrogator. The voice-over explains that one of the best ways to torture people is to start by giving yourself a little taste (shown when Sam slices his own finger open while trembling in visible pleasure); the idea is to show your victim that if he'll do that to himself, what am I in for?

I love the classiness of it, too. Dark and classy. I hope to hear wonderful things about this character.

2016-08-31, 10:30 AM
:smalleek: I am not worthy!

I like the sound of the character. Pain and pleasure in equal measure, the joy of service, it's all great. I find that torturers with a perverse appreciation for their work are uniquely unsettling. I recall one episode of Burn Notice in which Bruce Campbell's character Sam Axe has to play an interrogator. The voice-over explains that one of the best ways to torture people is to start by giving yourself a little taste (shown when Sam slices his own finger open while trembling in visible pleasure); the idea is to show your victim that if he'll do that to himself, what am I in for?
You grace me with your presence and then give me even more delicious ideas to apply to my future roleplaying of this character. The idea of having the character cut himself while torturing someone else would have never crossed my mind.

(PC) "Come now, my lovely prisoner. Tell us what you know and I promise mercy." (Legalistic curse kicks in. He is bound by his word or he suffers)
(NPC) "I'll never tell you anything!
(PC) "Never?" He appears taken back by the outburst. Pursing his lips with a slight pout and his eyes widening, "Never is often a very long..." He licks his lips, pupils dilating slightly, "Long time. Hmmm...." He pauses for a moment, inhaling the scent of his soon-to-be victim. The pause draws out while he merely studies his victim, making no movements to harm them.
When it is obvious the silence begins to bother the victim, he relents and lets out a sigh. "Well, I'm given no choice then. Disobey my sworn masters or extract the information from you, with force if necessary." He busies himself preparing for the event ahead, his hands visibly trembling, though with excitement. When he turns around, his eyes light up with anticipation and he lifts a curved cutting tool. "Tell you what. We'll play a game. Every time you tell me something I want to hear, I'll cut myself."
(NPC) Obvious disbelieving, their eyes widen as (PC) demonstrates his willingness to play the game, carving a sizable gash in his own forearm. "What... What are you playing at!?" The (NPC) exclaims.
(PC) "Oh, come now." He says with a hint of satisfaction in his voice. He runs a finger over the blood pooling on his forearm and lifts the finger to his mouth. "You can't be the only one having a little fun, can you? That would be a tad .. selfish."

I love the classiness of it, too. Dark and classy. I hope to hear wonderful things about this character.
As soon as he wrap up our Giantslayer campaign (2 - 3 weeks from now, hopefully), I'll try my hand at a Campaign journal. :smallamused: