View Full Version : DM Help 3 caster NPCs

2016-08-19, 05:05 PM
Hey guys,

In a module, I have three »Evil mages«(NPCs), but I want to diversify their »spells known« to reflect each one's past.

First one is actually sort of a clerk. City official who often gets sent to borderland regions and settlements to represent authorities there. He is not so much a person that would be a sheriff, he is more a guy who sets up local records, tax collection, etc. He also happens to be a caster. He must make sure he is safe (often, he has a few bodyguards). He is casting as lvl 4 caster.

C: Light, Prestidigitation, Ray of frost
1(4slots): Comprehend languages, Sleep
2(3 slots): Scorching ray, Blur

If time to prepare: Blur, Scorching ray, then Ray of Frost. If many enemies: Sleep.

Second one is a explorer-mage. He is looking out for magical items of ancient empire. He also has at his disposal a dozen zombies he can control and replace in a day if destroyed. He travels a lot, encounters random monsters, bandits, etc. He is casting as lvl 4 caster.

C: Light, Fire bolt, Minor Illusion
1(4slots): Detect magic, Mage armor
2(3 slots): Scorching ray, Mirror image (I thought Rope trick, but it only lasts one hour:smallfrown: )

Detect magic is a must for his line of work.
If time to prepare: Mage armor, Mirror image, then Scorching ray, Fire bolt and minor illusion to perhaps manipulate battlefield.

Last one is a a drow and a former gish (warrior-caster) of ruined drow family. After destruction of his house, he seeked his luck outside. He was supposed to be an optimised in-dungeon killer.

C: True strike, Fire bolt, Minor Illusion
1(4slots): Sleep, Mage armor
2(3 slots): Scorching ray, Mirror image

If time to prepare: Mage armor, Mirror image, (IF Scorching ray)True strike, then Scorching ray(2 or less enemies), Sleep (many enemies). Minor illusion for battlefield manipulation, then Fire bolt spam.
Always target smallest/least armored target unless they are barbarians.

What do you guys think?