View Full Version : Pendragon 5th edition! Online Character sheets?

2016-08-20, 06:50 PM
Hello! Wondering if anyone around here plays Pendragon (I imagine there must be SOMEONE)

My friends and I are starting a game soon and are going to be doing a private forum game. We are having trouble finding a good way to track our characters online though, and we'd like to be able to view each others sheets easily, etc.

We usually use Myth-Weavers but alas they have no Pendragon sheets!

Anyone know of a similar site or something that supports Pendragon?

2016-08-21, 09:10 AM
Google Docs could work, and you can just upload an existing editable sheet or usable template to Google Docs. I'd imagine that someone has made a decent template at the very least already.

2016-08-21, 10:25 PM
I'll have to take a look I've found some stuff that might work...I just need to convince my group to use roll20 for dice and character sheets is all I think.

2016-08-21, 10:40 PM
At the author's own website:


From 1985 to 2005 I bought four different editions of (King Arthur) Pendragon. The rules and setting looked awesome!
Sadly I never got to play it.
It remains an "I'd like to try it".