View Full Version : Optimization How to give a Pseudodragon a Breath Weapon, and other questions

2016-08-22, 02:20 AM
Hey playground. I posted here recently regarding a Pseudodragon familiar/companion I was building. At the moment, he's got two levels in Cleric, and I'm looking to probably get him some heavy armor to wear. Anyway, I previously posted asking for feat suggestions. Other than mindsight (which the DM approved provisionally at a higher level, as it was too strong for the current setting), I didn't really get much else out of the thread.

I was reading over some things, and I was curious: is there a fairly straightforward way to get my pseudodragon to have a breath weapon? I thought that might be an interesting thing to add.

Also, any other feat suggestions for a cleric pseudodragon companion? (He gets XP and levels alongside the party, he doesn't get bonuses from being a familiar/companion.)

2016-08-22, 06:14 AM
Well, the most obvious way is 1 level in Dragonfire Adept.

2016-08-22, 06:17 AM
^That. Dragonfire Adept does it all. It gets your companion a neat invocation as well, such as Endure Elements, which can make people immune to its breath weapon for 24 hours, or a +6 bonus to all Knowledge checks.

2016-08-22, 08:03 AM
Dragonfire Adept has already been mentioned, but other (prestige) classes that grant a breath weapon are Dragon Samurai and Talon of Tiamat.

2016-08-22, 09:36 PM
Sounds cool! Talon of Tiamat might not fly (heh) as that sounds like it has an alignment/worship restriction and the pseudodragon currently is a NG cleric of Bahamut.

I'll look into the rest of those. In the meantime, can anyone recommend some feats (other than mindsight) that I should look into taking? Before it's mentioned, I probably won't be doing the DMM stuff because our magic system is a bit funky and I don't think my DM would appreciate the cheese.

2016-08-22, 09:55 PM
If your Pseudodragon is going to be a stealthy type, Darkstalker is always a good feat.

If you want him to be able to inflict more melee damage, then couple DFA knowledge invocation with the Knowledge Devotion feat.

If you want to invest in a feat chain, Fey Heritage (Complete Mage) will net your pseudodragon some SLAs at 6HD and 9HD (if it advances that far).

2016-08-22, 10:16 PM
If your Pseudodragon is going to be a stealthy type, Darkstalker is always a good feat.

If you want him to be able to inflict more melee damage, then couple DFA knowledge invocation with the Knowledge Devotion feat.

If you want to invest in a feat chain, Fey Heritage (Complete Mage) will net your pseudodragon some SLAs at 6HD and 9HD (if it advances that far).

He is pretty naturally stealthy, so I might pick that up. The DM plays the natural hide bonus as a sort of chameleon-like ability to essentially turn invisible, so I'll run Darkstalker by him.

His role basically is, he sits on my shoulder and uses cleric spells to support me, or he scouts ahead a bit (but not terribly far because it's a high lethality game and I don't want to lose him).

Does that feat chain count class levels as HD? Right now he only has the original 2 monster HD and then 2 more class levels in cleric, which he'll be exclusively advancing in cleric.

2016-08-22, 10:41 PM
He is pretty naturally stealthy, so I might pick that up. The DM plays the natural hide bonus as a sort of chameleon-like ability to essentially turn invisible, so I'll run Darkstalker by him.

His role basically is, he sits on my shoulder and uses cleric spells to support me, or he scouts ahead a bit (but not terribly far because it's a high lethality game and I don't want to lose him).

Does that feat chain count class levels as HD? Right now he only has the original 2 monster HD and then 2 more class levels in cleric, which he'll be exclusively advancing in cleric.

The feat chain counts total HD (monster HD and class levels combined), so you could take 1 at 1HD, 3HD and/or 6 HD. Only the 6HD feat gives you SLAs (you need the 1st level or 3rd level feats as a req), and then the 9th level gets you more (better) SLAs (3 for each feat, 1/day each. CL = HD).

2016-08-22, 11:33 PM
The feat chain counts total HD (monster HD and class levels combined), so you could take 1 at 1HD, 3HD and/or 6 HD. Only the 6HD feat gives you SLAs (you need the 1st level or 3rd level feats as a req), and then the 9th level gets you more (better) SLAs (3 for each feat, 1/day each. CL = HD).

That looks like a pretty cool chain, but a couple things: it's pretty high lethality so I don't suspect I'll make it that far, and this seems just a bit too out there for my DM to accept it. He'd expect an explanation for why my pseudodragon suddenly had ties with fey when there haven't been any interactions with fey so far.

Other than those, anything else come to mind? I was thinking getting an Improved Natural Attack for the sleep poison DC, but I dunno if that'd be worth it.