View Full Version : Pathfinder Reading Between the Lines - An observation about a poorly worded archetype.

2016-08-22, 06:20 PM
Core class has this At 1st level and at 6th level, and then every four levels after, the warlord gains a bonus combat feat or teamwork feat of his choosing. The warlord must qualify for the feat before selecting it.

The archetype says "This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level" and "This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 10th level."

At this point, you gain all the other bonus feats as per normal.

However.... the archetype also has this
At 1st level and at 6th level, and then every four levels after, the steelfist commando gains a bonus combat feat or teamwork feat of his choosing. The warlord must qualify for the feat before selecting it. Alternately, starting at 6th level, he may instead choose to select a rogue talent instead of a bonus feat. At 14th level, he may select advanced rogue talents.

The way its written is a tad confusing. By RAI, it is saying that it replaces the normal 2 feats as said above, and the archetype changes how it works. However, by RAW, since its two different entries, you loose the Warlord bonus feats at 1 and 10, but you gain them back with the archetype with the adjusted rules on it. Potentially by RAW also, since the bonus feats is not fully replaced, you get the bonus feats from the core class AND the archetype at the same time at the various levels that they intertwine. Clearly no sane GM would allow this, but is my observation correct on this matter?

2016-08-22, 07:29 PM
but is my observation correct on this matter?

Yeah...that's a bit messed up. But there's been worse (sadly, there's been worse from Paizo themselves...).
Going on what's given/taken and when, I'd say this is probably what was intended:
Normal bonus feats are altered into Feat OR Talent at 6th, 14th, and 18th.
1st level bonus feat turned into the Unarmed Combat bonuses.
10th level bonus feat turned into Powerful Pugilist.

2016-08-22, 09:18 PM
The Bonus Feats listing has some awkward wording that's being fixed in the eventual errata. You trade out your 1st-level bonus feat for Improved Unarmed Strike at 1st level and Greater Unarmed Strike at 3rd level, and you trade out your 10th-level bonus feat for Powerful Pugilist.