View Full Version : How to make homunculi?

Scarey Nerd
2016-08-23, 02:05 AM
Is there anything in the books about how to make a homunculus? A spell, a ritual, etc?

2016-08-23, 02:17 AM
Nope. There is nothing in the books.

My advanced crafting (https://www.dropbox.com/s/hss8hp08v4dvrh2/Advanced%20Crafting%20Rules%202.pdf?dl=0) thingy touches on it (on page 5-6), if you're into that sort of thing.

2016-08-23, 02:30 AM
you can do it but it costs an arm and a leg

FMA memes aside, I don't think there's anything RAW on it, it basically just has to be DM improvised.