View Full Version : Would any of this break anything? (Minor TWF change and a 'thug' feat)

2016-08-23, 04:54 AM
Hey guys so I have a twofold question here (and I apologize if part two should be in the homebrew section)

Would it break anything to allow TWF to work with a non light weapon plus a dagger?
I can see that it might be a ever so slight buff for rogues but otherwise 1d8 + 1d4 = avg damg 7 which is the same average as 2d6 anyway.

It just seems very odd to me that by RAW I have to pick up the dual wielder feat if I wanna do a d8 plus dagger combo, which is a pretty cool combat style and for those who care about such a thing a way more realistic way of TWFing than dual scimitars is fx.

It would also give TWF chars more diversity and a chance of adding some flavor, any feedback would be awesome.

Part 2 - I am the type of player who keeps on making chars even though I might never play them. On my list of 7+ contingency chars is a gruff greedy selfcentered dwarven rogue, a classic 'thug' rogue - however 5e has made sure that the Strength rogue is forced to use finesse weapons which is.. Not to my liking. Anyway I came up with a half feat (well I stole ideas from the internet) that would support the 'thug' rogue a bit, and id love some feedback on that as well.

You know what you want and you always get it, be it through intimidation, cheap shots or brute force.
+ 1 strength or dex (your choice)
You can use sneak attack with non finesse weapons
You have advantage on intimidation checks against creatures with a lower strength score than your own.

Does it seem okay ? Anything broken I have missed? I guess the most broken part would be that it could be 'abused' by a player to get an idea about random NPCs/Monsters strength score, but that dosent seem like a major issue.

2016-08-23, 07:19 AM
Nah, I think you're fine on both fronts. Your TWF tweak is how it used to work, and-- as you noted-- pretty power-neutral. You could even do a d6 weapon in your off-hand; one damage die is hardly noticeable. And if you saw the "non-finesse weapon sneak attack thread" from a while ago, I'm a big proponent of ditching the finesse requirement altogether.

2016-08-23, 08:07 AM
Yeah so am I, but I might have to ease my table into that suggestion. For now I think the half feat works - completely removing the finesse requirement might make the rogue dip to good? I don't know, but thanks for the input.