View Full Version : Volo's races AL

2016-08-25, 10:37 PM
Volo's guide to monsters is sited as a source for the storm kings thunder players guide. Has there been any word from wizards on if Orc, goblin and firbolg will be Adventurers league legal?

2016-08-25, 11:42 PM
Considering the book is an official WotC 5e publication, they should be. My question is more whether those are confirmed to be the races we're getting.

2016-08-25, 11:45 PM
Considering the book is an official WotC 5e publication, they should be. My question is more whether those are confirmed to be the races we're getting.

Though they may restrict you to only that book if you use them just like they did with the last books.

2016-08-26, 01:26 AM
Considering the book is an official WotC 5e publication, they should be. My question is more whether those are confirmed to be the races we're getting.

I hope we get Kobolds

Fflewddur Fflam
2016-08-26, 02:37 AM
The PHB+1 thing is wacked. Your Volo monster PC race won't be able to use Booming Blade, or be a Swashbuckler, or cast Absorb Elements, etc. etc. So stupid.

2016-08-26, 02:41 AM
The PHB+1 thing is wacked. Your Volo monster PC race won't be able to use Booming Blade, or be a Swashbuckler, or cast Absorb Elements, etc. etc. So stupid.

Your Storm Sorcerer can't cast storm sphere... But I'm not bitter.

2016-08-26, 04:43 AM
I'm not really into AL, but I'd reckon it's a bit too early to say anything about whether you can play those races or not. I can only compare to Pathfinder Society which I've played more frequently, and Living Greyhawk before that, but sometimes, even if new options are presented for the playerbase, some options are banned for balance reasons. But again, can't really say what will be the case with those Volo's races.

I'm especially interested in Firbolg and orcs as playable races for various reasons, although I do hope there are many more available as well, such as goblins, gnolls, kobolds, maybe even those yakfolks which were confirmed to appear in SKT.

2016-08-26, 08:34 AM
I hope we get Kobolds

Yes please!!!, i will recibe new small race options with open arms!

2016-08-26, 11:16 AM
For races, Goblins, Orcs, and Fireblogs are the only ones confirmed, but Catfolk and Tritions have also been spoiled (not sure where, so I don't have any links). I'm hoping we also get Kobolds, Gnolls, Bullywugs, and the Yakfolk.

Also, for word on whether the races will be AL legal; the Storm King's Thunder AL Player's Guide was just released on DM's Guild, and it says this:

Character Creation
To create a character for the D&D Adventurers League, follow the steps below. All characters begin play at 1st level.
Steps 1 & 2: Choosing a Race and Class
You may use all options presented in the Player’s Handbook with regard to race and class, in order to build and advance your character. For example, if you are playing a human, you are allowed to use the Variant Human Traits, as presented on page 31 of the Player’s Handbook.
In addition to the Player’s Handbook however, you may also choose to use one other resource from those listed below to build your character. If you do so, please indicate your chosen additional resource on the first ‘Notes’ entry of your character’s logsheet.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print and photocopy this document for personal use only.
As new player resources become available, they will be added to this list.
• Elemental Evil Player’s Companion
• Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide
• Volo’s Guide to Monsters
NOTE: Race options that grant a fly speed at 1st level are not allowed for D&D Adventurers League play at this time. Additionally, options presented in other resources, such as the Death Domain found in the Dungeon Master's Guide, or content from the various Unearthed Arcana articles, are not allowed for play unless you possess specific campaign documentation that indicates otherwise.

So yes, it looks like they will be options.

2016-08-26, 11:34 AM
I hope we get Kobolds
*I hope we get Draconic Kobolds!

2016-08-26, 06:53 PM
Once the book is released, it should become adventurer's league legal for the most part. Obviously, WotC won't allow any flight features at 1st level, so we won't bet getting any playtime with winged-kobolds. I'd expect it to become legal within a week of release, much like the SCAG did.

I myself are excited to play a Kobold Bard.

2016-08-26, 06:59 PM
Once the book is released, it should become adventurer's league legal for the most part. Obviously, WotC won't allow any flight features at 1st level, so we won't bet getting any playtime with winged-kobolds. I'd expect it to become legal within a week of release, much like the SCAG did.

I myself are excited to play a Kobold Bard.

Actually, based on an above post it has already been approved.

2016-08-26, 09:44 PM
Actually, based on an above post it has already been approved.

Having reread the player's guide for this season, it does seem the case. Not sure how I missed that.

2016-08-27, 07:39 AM
Where/when can I pick up this Volo guide book?

2016-08-27, 08:17 AM


2016-08-27, 08:23 AM


I would say this proves that the Adventurer's League management are idiots. All the more reason to not give a s**t of their rulings and play the scenarios without reporting them.

2016-08-27, 09:07 AM
Does it say when the new AL season starts by any chance?

2016-08-27, 09:45 AM
I was informed that AL may still rule out specific options once the book is out so it's not 100% that all those races will be playable. They can't say until it's out.

2016-08-27, 11:53 AM
Where/when can I pick up this Volo guide book?

It's coming out November 15th. The cheapest deal I've found has been on Amazon Here (https://www.amazon.ca/Volos-Guide-Monsters-Wizards-Team/dp/0786966017). You should also be able to order it from wizards, or you can pick it up from a game store.

I find that PHB+1 rule really annoying. I just ignore it for any of my games. It makes it so that you can't play a water genasi storm sorcerer, and my orc character would never be able to use booming blade. And, the EE Player's Guide has a ton of fire spells, so that means that pretty much any race will be better pyromancers than goblins.

Fflewddur Fflam
2016-08-27, 01:48 PM
I would say this proves that the Adventurer's League management are idiots. All the more reason to not give a s**t of their rulings and play the scenarios without reporting them.

THIS. Pretty much everyone hates the PHB+1 rule, but these guys aren't listening. The silly thing about the PHB+1 rule is the only broken combinations in the game already exist within the PHB itself! (talkin' about certain feat combos)

2016-08-27, 05:55 PM
I find that PHB+1 rule really annoying. I just ignore it for any of my games. It makes it so that you can't play a water genasi storm sorcerer, and my orc character would never be able to use booming blade. And, the EE Player's Guide has a ton of fire spells, so that means that pretty much any race will be better pyromancers than goblins.

Not ALL goblins are pyromaniacs, you know. The good ones, sure, but still...

I'm kinda glad I don't do AL things, though. What good does the PHB+1 do? The DM will still need all the splat books because not everyone is going to use the same +1. Heck, the other players might need those other splat books just to see what their fellow players are doing, and know how to react and assist accordingly. Might as well just let people mix and match.

2016-08-27, 07:11 PM
Your Storm Sorcerer can't cast storm sphere... But I'm not bitter.

Thankfully, homebrew exists for those Storm Sorcerers who want more spells with 'Storm' in their name. Alas, AL ruling can be a bane.