View Full Version : Player Help Backstory Feedback and suggestions please.

2016-08-26, 01:49 AM
I'm building a half-elf rogue whom I intend to be a Swashbuckler. He has the Charlatan background. My group just finished the Curse of Strahd campaign and my character was a paladin who had gotten the Sunsword, which my DM allowed me to carry over to this character, with the stipulation that it's lost most of its magic and the crystal blade had been replaced (basically, it's now just a longsword that can glow, providing dim light for 15 feet, still has the finesse property though). The objective is he's going to be a gentleman's thief but behave sort of like Nyanta from Log Horizon.

Connor Fairway backstory

When he was still only 4-5, his family was attacked by bandits and he was the only survivor. Thanks to a Paladin wielding a sword of light who unfortunately arrived too late to save the rest of his family, he made it through the attack alive. Since that day, he followed the paladin as his disciple, training to protect others from evil, unfortunately, fate had other plans for him. One day during their journey, when Connor was just 10 they were attacked by a powerful foe. The paladin recognized that both of them wouldn't survive and the only hope for survival laid in Connor. If he had fled, they would both be hunted down, but if he stayed back, Connor could escape. Knowing this, he handed his sword of light that he inherited from his master and passed on his name to Connor, the Fairway name that had been passed in this line of paladin masters and apprentices (The first Fairway was my paladin, he had no kids, just an apprentice later in his life) . After giving these to him and having him flee, the paladin stood his last battle, only to fall, but Connor succeeded in escaping. From then on, he continued to train his sword arm, and sought a way for more power to help others. He couldn't find a master who would take him, and ended up living in the poor side of a city where he hid the sword of light. He started going down a bad path and caused trouble around him, deceiving them and conning them. One day, he happened to see a man injured in an alley hiding, shortly after the man hid himself so he couldn't be seen. After this, a group of men came by asking for the hidden man, and Connor sent them in the wrong direction. After a few more minutes, the man came out of hiding and thanked him, saying he would repay him. Later, he returned and introduced himself as the head of the local thieves guild, the incident had occurred because he had an honor code, and some under him wanted to overthrow him and eliminate the honor code. As Connor had a hard life but still had light within him that resembled the honor code, he offered to train him as a Rogue. Taking up the training, Connor learned all he needed, when he turned 20 as an experienced rogue, he left the city to refine his techniques for himself.

2016-09-01, 11:55 PM
I'm building a half-elf rogue whom I intend to be a Swashbuckler. He has the Charlatan background. My group just finished the Curse of Strahd campaign and my character was a paladin who had gotten the Sunsword, which my DM allowed me to carry over to this character, with the stipulation that it's lost most of its magic and the crystal blade had been replaced (basically, it's now just a longsword that can glow, providing dim light for 15 feet, still has the finesse property though). The objective is he's going to be a gentleman's thief but behave sort of like Nyanta from Log Horizon.

Connor Fairway backstory

When he was still only 4-5, his family was attacked by bandits and he was the only survivor. Thanks to a Paladin wielding a sword of light who unfortunately arrived too late to save the rest of his family, he made it through the attack alive. Since that day, he followed the paladin as his disciple, training to protect others from evil, unfortunately, fate had other plans for him. One day during their journey, when Connor was just 10 they were attacked by a powerful foe. The paladin recognized that both of them wouldn't survive and the only hope for survival laid in Connor. If he had fled, they would both be hunted down, but if he stayed back, Connor could escape. Knowing this, he handed his sword of light that he inherited from his master and passed on his name to Connor, the Fairway name that had been passed in this line of paladin masters and apprentices (The first Fairway was my paladin, he had no kids, just an apprentice later in his life) . After giving these to him and having him flee, the paladin stood his last battle, only to fall, but Connor succeeded in escaping. From then on, he continued to train his sword arm, and sought a way for more power to help others. He couldn't find a master who would take him, and ended up living in the poor side of a city where he hid the sword of light. He started going down a bad path and caused trouble around him, deceiving them and conning them. One day, he happened to see a man injured in an alley hiding, shortly after the man hid himself so he couldn't be seen. After this, a group of men came by asking for the hidden man, and Connor sent them in the wrong direction. After a few more minutes, the man came out of hiding and thanked him, saying he would repay him. Later, he returned and introduced himself as the head of the local thieves guild, the incident had occurred because he had an honor code, and some under him wanted to overthrow him and eliminate the honor code. As Connor had a hard life but still had light within him that resembled the honor code, he offered to train him as a Rogue. Taking up the training, Connor learned all he needed, when he turned 20 as an experienced rogue, he left the city to refine his techniques for himself.

Not bad. There could be some interesting internal struggles to roleplay given the contrast between his savior (the Paladin) and how your new character is (Charlatan, deceitful, hanging out with thieves etc). The Charlatan background is tailored for people who like deceiving others, but it sounds like your character is a little less dodgy, given that your description was "seeking a way for more power to help others."
Perhaps Folk Hero or similar could be a consideration for background, given that you are one of the common folk who has been blessed with skill and a magic weapon?

Just my thoughts.