View Full Version : Two NPCs I made for a Campaign I run. In need of CR evaluation.

2016-08-26, 09:50 AM
I know a player in my group stalks these forums, so I put them in spoiler tags.

Guild Master (https://docs.google.com/document/d/17704IczJl1_-7J4g9Fa-U3tx8M7hYVqMZyJdDn60KSI/edit?usp=sharing)
Diviner (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1v4RvVSdpjQtKqw0vICOq4W9Z_8-tuFMXbySHWVLgcWk/edit?usp=sharing)

I tried to calculate the Guild Master's CR the best I could, but I could need help with Diviner.

Both are former adventurers so I made them as I would have made player characters.

And, of course, let me know what you think :3

2016-08-26, 10:40 AM
So Thaskisiel is a level 14 assassin rogue and Balmiol is a 13th level diviner wizard.


One mistake I noticed in your calculations is that you adjust the CR by the full difference between actual and expected AC/attack bonus. Actually, every 2 points of difference is worth +1 CR.

AC 16, HP 101
You may want to note his saving throws; based on the rogue, they would be Dex +9, Int +9 (no Slippery Mind yet). Not enough to change defensive CR.
His defensive abilities are Uncanny Dodge, Evasion, and Cunning Action (sort of). Together, Uncanny Dodge and Evasion are probably worth +2 CR.
HP says CR 3, AC brings it to 4, defensive abilities bring it to 6.

He's doing (1d6+4) + (1d6) + (7d6) per round, which comes out to around 35 dpr, in line for a CR 5. Assassinate doubles all this damage, so 70 for the first round and then 35 after, meaning that average dpr is 47/3 rounds for OCR 7. +9 attack bonus is worth +1, so overall OCR 8.

Overall this is a CR 7 (I think, I'm awful at calculating CR).


Minor error: Green-Flame Blade deals 2d8+5 damage to the second creature rather than 3d8+5. Booming Blade is correct.

AC 16, HP 80
HP says DCR 1, but Stoneskin resistances are 1.5x HP for initial DCR 4. AC adjustment is +1. Shield spell is worth +1 (since it's not infinite-use). Mirror Image is worth another +1. DCR 7 total.

If you really want him to not have Disintegrate (I wouldn't prepare Rary's since that's a ritual) then his first spells might be:
Stoneskin and Mirror Image (cast before the fight if possible, as a diviner he might know the PCs are coming)
Chain Lightning (40d8 total = 180 damage)
Confusion (break up the PCs)
4th level Thunderwave (5d8 * 3 = 67 damage)

Overall this is 247 damage, which means about 82 damage per round. Seems like a lot but this is a spellcaster and they do a lot of damage. Comes out to OCR 13.

Overall CR 10 (again, maybe). If you play this guy right he could probably cause a TPK, especially with those Portent rolls allowing for auto-failed saves.

Someone else please check my calculations, as I'm not particularly good at this.

Fflewddur Fflam
2016-08-27, 02:24 AM
Generally, spellcaster's CR= 2/3 level and non-spellcaster's CR=1/2 level. So CR 8 for the 13th level wizard and CR 7 for the assassin.

2016-08-27, 03:42 AM
Generally, spellcaster's CR= 2/3 level and non-spellcaster's CR=1/2 level. So CR 8 for the 13th level wizard and CR 7 for the assassin.

Is that from the 5e DMG or where did you come up with this? Just curious as I don't remember seeing this.

I actually forgot to add saves for Thaskisiel, and to clarify a bit: EAC and EAB refer to Effective AC/Attack values, not Expected AC/Attack values. I assumed that if you have to take effective levels into calculation, you'd have to compare Actual values to Effective values. That's why the rogue's CR came to be 10.
(And all that keeping in mind that every 2 points of difference equals +1 CR)

Regarding Balmiol's spell selection, I chose prepared spells part because flavor (as a diviner he should have a wide array of divination spells) and part because Diviners have this additional spell slot recovery when they cast divination spells.
Besides, wizards must have their rituals prepared if they wish to cast them even as rituals.

I don't intend my players to fight against these two, but I'm keeping all doors open, if they end up to. Or if I have to put the NPCs into an encounter for other reasons.