View Full Version : Victoria 2 Vanilla: Playing Prussia, Four wars of containment, peaced out, what Next

2016-08-26, 02:47 PM
I recently purchased Victoria 2, in vanilla, and started a game as Prussia (technically second game as Prussia). I finished the war for Holstein, getting it liberated. After that was done, I was thinking about unifying the German states to form Germany, and recalled in the Vic 2 Paradox Wiki about needing to take over some states from Austria.

So I went to war to take Baden and Wurrtemberg(sp?), which I was successful at. Declaring on Wurt caused the British, then the French, Austria, and Russia to declare wars of containment. I made peace on each, mainly the French because I had few armies left. So now I don't have really any military, but I own Baden and Wurt. Just need Saxony and Bavaria, plus the northern areas.

How long does the containment point last? Is it better to just restart and try again? or can I still salvage matters, using the containment time to improve my army to smash France, take everything needed to Form Germany, and really wreck France's day?

I am thinking that there should be people here who have played this game and have advice.

Other countries I have tried out so far: Japan, Austria (To wage war against the Ottomans and seize the Balkans, it didn't pan out as I had been hoping, I released Lombardy so it could conquer Italy, and I am probably to do this again), Belgium (Got annexed by Netherlands after the British didn't agree to help out).

Countries I plan on playing a game as: Japan, Prussia, Austria, GB, Ottomans, Sweden/Denmark, others depending how interesting (fun, Prussia is fun for establishing Germany, while Austria is fun for taking over the Balkans. This is not Dwarf Fortress, and I will accept some loss, but again, this game is not Dwarf Fortress [where wrecking oneself is kinda of the point]

2016-08-29, 09:11 PM
What you need to do is use assert hegemony on austria, that way all the small states would be under your influence to form North German Confederation, and take alsace lorraine from france and you can form the Great German Reich, oh and take schleweig holstein too.
You can also add humiliate Austria and take Bohemia and Moravia so that they can become a second rate power and put them under your influence, and after taking alsace lorraine you can for, Greater German Reich