View Full Version : Evil uses for a sphere of annihilation

2016-08-27, 12:28 AM
I am trying to design a subplot for my campaign. I figure start with bad guys go for amulet, succeed, follow up with going for actual sphere (which is guarded by noble but hopelessly outclassed folks). Phase 3- never recycle again? Phase 4 - profit?
Basically I need nefarious uses for a sphere of annihilation. Any ideas?

2016-08-27, 12:31 AM
Make the plot-hook that the bad guys are trying to get it. If the players fail or ignore it, find out what they like.

2016-08-27, 12:33 AM
I take it if you're considering making use of the sphere you're familiar with the standard methods of moving one? Depending on the level of the players using one as a siege weapon should be plenty terrifying.

2016-08-27, 01:54 AM
Siege device? Umm isn't that what sorcerers are for?

2016-08-27, 02:37 AM
Siege device? Umm isn't that what sorcerers are for?

Spellcasters can do a lot of things, many of which are better than sorcerers at pretty much everything in life. You know what's fun about sphere of annihilation as weapon against fortress or castle? It doesn't care what the fortress or castle is made of. It doesn't care if you warded the castle against teleporting. It doesn't care about most defenses that can be raised against it in a practical sense outside of high level magic and specific items. No you know what sphere of annihilation says to castle? There's now a gaping ten foot hole in your front door, all the walls behind it will follow soon enough, and there was a nasty set of summoned minions and a mage behind me.

There's also the point that most methods of moving the thing are slow to the point that it really only has use as an anti-structure weapon, an extreme close range weapon against non-casters, a method of killing off captured people rather thoroughly, or as part of an extremely mean trap in a dungeon. As I assumed you wanted something rather direct? I'd take the first one.

2016-08-27, 03:13 AM
Send It strait down for a do it yourself volcano kit? Could be great fun in the middle of a city.

2016-08-27, 05:03 AM
Maybe the bad guys could use it with the gate spell or a rod of cancellation magic item as a last ditch attempt to take the PCs with them? Depends on what level they are.

2016-08-27, 05:41 AM
3rd edition listed sphere of annihilation as a minor artifact so we decided to build an artifurnance powered by one and turned a pyramid into a spelljammer with it
it also doubled as our trash and waste disposal system

2016-08-27, 07:09 AM
Drain a lake?

Grand Poobah
2016-08-27, 07:32 AM
Invite people to a party. Lots of commoners and other low level NPCs. Have the sphere hiddenin a box in the middle of wherever the party is at. A party game is announced where a guest must push a rod (of cancellation) through a hole in the box. BOOOOM!! Everyone in 60' radius just took 2d6 x 10 untyped damage, no save.

Extra Anchovies
2016-08-27, 10:35 AM
Elder Evils explains that putting a Sphere of Annihilation into a Well of Many Worlds (a non-artifact item whose 3.5 source I don't know) creates a black hole that eats the universe, so an apocalyptic death cult might want to get ahold of one. Be sure to use an Entropomancer (Complete Divine) at some point :smallsmile:

2016-08-27, 12:12 PM
Their is a topic kicking around here someplace about weaponizing SoA. They got up to som terrifying stuff

2016-08-27, 03:32 PM
They're looking for something more useful, which is hidden away in a well walled and warded location.

2016-08-27, 03:43 PM
For simple "kick the puppy" type evil, set up a donation box around the SoA so that all donations are simply destroyed.

Or maybe threaten to destroy the city's food reserve or treasury with it?

Something low key enough to warrent stopping the villain rather than outright obliterating them, but Loki enough that it cannot be ignored.

2016-08-27, 03:56 PM
For simple "kick the puppy" type evil, set up a donation box around the SoA so that all donations are simply destroyed.

Or maybe threaten to destroy the city's food reserve or treasury with it?

Something low key enough to warrent stopping the villain rather than outright obliterating them, but Loki enough that it cannot be ignored.

Why only stop? Destroying food supplies and the economy is to strike at the very heart of society. Adventurers kill things over less serious crimes every day.

2016-08-27, 04:29 PM
Why only stop? Destroying food supplies and the economy is to strike at the very heart of society. Adventurers kill things over less serious crimes every day.

Murder Hobos may kill for less, and hot headed adventurers may kill for less, but my group at least tries to take in alive unless there is no other option.

2016-08-27, 04:39 PM
Murder Hobos may kill for less, and hot headed adventurers may kill for less, but my group at least tries to take in alive unless there is no other option.

I mean if this was a lesser thing than threatening the food supply, and livelihood of an entire community I'd be less inclined to be so harsh. Mercy has a place in many situations. It's often commendable. Less so when we start having to ask how many innocents have to die because of it. It's the batman problem.

2016-08-27, 05:08 PM
I mean if this was a lesser thing than threatening the food supply, and livelihood of an entire community I'd be less inclined to be so harsh. Mercy has a place in many situations. It's often commendable. Less so when we start having to ask how many innocents have to die because of it. It's the batman problem.

*shrugs* I guess just compared to the earlier example of destroying the entire universe I didn't see one city's food supply as that dire. But, you are right that it is a big problem for the city itself, so it's all a matter of perspective.

2016-08-27, 07:58 PM
Use the sphere to destroy other artifacts?

Jay R
2016-08-27, 07:59 PM
The thread title caused me to stop and ask:

What possible use for a Sphere of Annihilation wouldn't be Evil?

2016-08-27, 08:01 PM
The thread title caused me to stop and ask:

What possible use for a Sphere of Annihilation wouldn't be Evil?

Disposal of non-recyclable refuse and sewage? Other than that, you've got me.

2016-08-27, 08:31 PM
Easy way of killing people so they can't be resurrected by any means short of divine intervention? Good method of removing vital figures who'd otherwise be raised immediately.

2016-08-27, 08:34 PM
The thread title caused me to stop and ask:

What possible use for a Sphere of Annihilation wouldn't be Evil?

Killing the otherwise virtually unkillable BBEG eldritch abomination sounds like a very non-evil use to me. :smalltongue:

2016-08-27, 08:40 PM
Disposal of non-recyclable refuse and sewage? Other than that, you've got me.

Instantaneous, painless execution of criminals that must absolutely remain dead comes to mind. It doesn't -seem- to destroy the creature's soul, since a deity can recover it, but negates its ability to be connected to a mortal body in some supernatural fashion.

2016-08-27, 11:11 PM
There's an epic level spell in Champion's of ruin called Necromantic Singularity that uses a Sphere of Annihilation as a spell component, that kills 1000 hd of creatures within a 1 mile radius.

2016-08-28, 02:20 AM
Sayt. That's what I am talking about.

I was thinking of using it for tunneling.

So I plan for my party to fight these guys around lvl 14. So here is idea roughly:
Lvl 7: Party fights Magus character who is seeking amulet of the sphere. He and his (non-combat participating) halfbdrow friend escape with or without the amulet, depending on the PCs.
Lvl 10: Magus and theurge necromancer secure distract party while BBEG secures SoA.
Lvl 14: BBEG uses sphere to tunnel to center of town and kill everyone at the annual meeting of some big muckety mucks with Necromantic Singularity.

So ideas for big muckety mucks?
What about the Arcane Order like from the PrC? Is there much info about them anywhere? Any other groups that might be worthy of being mass murdered by a deranged caster?

2016-08-28, 10:03 AM
For simple "kick the puppy" type evil, set up a donation box around the SoA so that all donations are simply destroyed.
This is deliciously petty.

2016-08-28, 11:35 AM
Disposal of non-recyclable refuse and sewage? Other than that, you've got me.

But then you are depriving Otyugh's their food... you monster!

2016-08-28, 06:25 PM
The problem is that there is no truly non-recyclable waste material. Everything breaks down eventually and ends up in some other form, through either natural or artificial means. The timescale for such degradation is exaggerated compared to human experience, but when we're talking about actual elimination of the material from the universe, I'd be hesitant to throw any piece of trash into a sphere of annihilation.

The evilest use for the sphere? Point a bunch of fans into it to hasten its gradual annihilation of the entire atmosphere.

2016-08-28, 06:54 PM
The real question is whether a Sphere of Annihilation can move through a Gate spell :smallwink:

2016-08-28, 11:00 PM
The evilest use for the sphere? Point a bunch of fans into it to hasten its gradual annihilation of the entire atmosphere.
"Ahahaha! Now that my devious trap is complete, all shall suffocate as all of the air of the world is fed into this sphere! Now to wait... and wait... and wait..."

2016-08-28, 11:47 PM
"Ahahaha! Now that my devious trap is complete, all shall suffocate as all of the air of the world is fed into this sphere! Now to wait... and wait... and wait..."


Willie the Duck
2016-08-29, 11:27 AM
Evilist use of a SoA -- imply its existence, but have it be a red herring. "The big bad evil guy is demanding one million gold pieces or he's going to place a Sphere of Annihilation at the bottom of the water slide at the We Love the Kingdom day picnic. Please stop their evil plan." Party jumps through crazy hoops, beets the sub-bosses, the enemy's dragon, then finally destroy the enemies plans entirely. While they hold their guns (er, crossbows) to the BBEG's throat and demand, "Where's the Sphere?" He looks at them and says, "Wait, so you actually bought it? Where did you think I could actually get a sphere of annihilation?"

Next adventure: was he telling the truth?