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2007-07-06, 10:11 PM
The Blackout Raider and Imperial Guard fleets are picking up dropships and shuttlecraft are docking with carriers. The ships are entering formation, and the Imperial Guard ships are being refitted with hyperspace engines.

Nukular's Phantom docks with the Base-Ship, which is at the head of the formation.

If AMEN wants this rock, they can have it.

2007-07-06, 10:22 PM
The BR ships and IG ships finish refitting, and activate hyperspace engines, and set course for another star system.

Commence hyperspace jump.

2007-07-06, 10:25 PM
No you're not getting away this time!

A small golden object streaks towards the ships. It's Raril,he's angry, and he has a very large set of sharp looking claws. He starts attacking near the engines, hoping to disable them.

((And Draken said they should cut through))

2007-07-06, 10:27 PM
Open a channel. Attention all Town denizens with a radio: The Blackout Raiders are pulling out. Raril, if you can hear this, your fired.

((Raril should still have a radio.))

2007-07-06, 10:30 PM
He continues attacking the ship's engines. "In case it wasn't obvious before, General, I QUIT!" Raril screams over the radio.

2007-07-06, 10:30 PM
:smallannoyed: Open fire.


2007-07-06, 10:33 PM
((I knew I should have taken out the weapons first))

"Not good" Raril pulls back, doing his best to dodge the weapon's fire, and falls back to the Town cursing the whole way there.

2007-07-06, 10:37 PM
E attempts to enchant the weapons to shoot a mixture of rubber chickens, live weasels, and pudding.

2007-07-06, 10:42 PM
(nooo, leave the weapons as they are... Let's just strengthen Raril)

Raril will hear Draken's voice coming out of his armor.

How about some buffing? He then speaks the name of lots of spells in a small amount of time.

Greater Heroism
Immunity to Elements (all)
Stoneskin (almost wrote snotskin)
Empower (Epic, consider it like Intensified version of all these 2° level buffs that give you +4 on some stat. That means, +8 on all stats)

Right now, Raril should feel like he could get on a God alone and win.
But he probably wouldnt win.

Then the metalic blot speaks for himself.

None of the other fell like this, but it gives me the creeps when someone else in the overmind speaks trought me...

2007-07-06, 10:50 PM
((Aww man, I don't want to be left in a deadtimed fight again, Blackout's gone.... but he ahsn't left the system yet so yeah let's keep going, I'll just randomly create a new character until then.))

Raril, feeling stronger, renews his pursuit. Curious as to what the armor is talking about he asks. "What do you mean?"

2007-07-06, 11:04 PM
Well, you see, His Lord, me, Azzulon, these daffodil thingies, and all the others, we are linked by some sort of hivemind, or overmind, and using that link we can use the bodies of our fellow members to speak or cast spells at the place where the others are. i think you already saw His Lord doing that, but, I don't know, the other actually like that but it chills me when someone else speaks thought me, it's creepy.

2007-07-06, 11:06 PM
"You're a bit different aren't you?"

2007-07-06, 11:12 PM
That's what my brothers say, there are times they ask me what His Lord was thinking when he animated me, because, you see. Most of us have our personalities based of roughtly on how His Lord was when he gave us sentience...

2007-07-06, 11:15 PM
"And how was His Lord feeling when he created you?" there;s a nervous twinge to his voice, as Raril has realized he's inside something that is essentially an extention of Draken. He could be crushed with a thought.

2007-07-06, 11:26 PM
I actually have no idea, some of the golems say he was drunk, but he doesn't drink... Another said he was in love, and the rest of us laughted at his face, another said he was venturous, with is probably the right assumption because I have proved to be the most daring of the constructs so far, also heard that just after animating me he left to hunt dragons, heard he came back really bored.

2007-07-06, 11:30 PM
"So you caught his adventurous spirit. That's rather interesting. I seems to have made you more independent." Raril speculates as he continues to float in orbit chasing a deadtimed ship.

2007-07-06, 11:33 PM
Probably, sometimes I wonder if he could just release me of the hivemind so I can, dunno, go adventuring arround the word or something of the like... But the idea is just as chilling as the air arorund him.


Of course, Right now Draken is watching that scene.

2007-07-06, 11:45 PM
Raril thinks back. "I sort of know what you mean, I haven't left my House completely behind me." He subconsciously touches his throat, where an amulet hangs, his House Symbol. "But I fear if I ever completely leave them, it would be the end of me." His hand now drifts to the right side of his head, where hidden from the world, a nasty reminder of his past lays.

2007-07-06, 11:49 PM
Well, that is a possibily and...

Part of the construct begin to move at it's own will, it forms a tentacle, at the end of the tentacle lies a head, yes that head.

Umm... Hello His Lord, what brings you here.

Cut it #3000. I was watching this whole conversation down there.

Am I in trouble?


What about Raril?

He isn't in trouble either, I came for another reason.

2007-07-06, 11:51 PM
Raril raises an eyebrow. "What's up? Aside from me." He chuckles at his own joke, as bad as it may be.

2007-07-06, 11:57 PM
The head just keeps there staring, if raril was in the overmind he would know that the conetion was overloaded of reclamations about the really bad joke.

The head then suddenly restarts.

Right, yes. Raril, this kid here (he is refering to #3000) seens to be a bit... unfit to normal life within the hivemind, there where times he attempted to resist when others wanted to speak thought him. And that is not actually acceptable.

Am I going to like how that conversation is going to end?

Actualy, yes, you will. Raril, would you take this rookie as your companion? I don't really want him wandering alone out there, and of course, he would be separated of the hivemind.

2007-07-07, 12:09 AM
"Really? Hmm, I guess I can't find a problem with that offer, and gods know I'll need the protection after all this madness. Yeah I'll take him in."

2007-07-07, 12:17 AM
Well then, #3000, you will now be severed of the overmind stcik along with Raril, you two will probably work well along each other.

I guess it's goodbye then... Father.


Draken's head disapears, the metalic blot have control over his own body again.

(Fell free to give him a decent name and control him now Artemis, I felt you could use a few more characters, so i wanted to give you this guy I designed sometime ago I was using Orange for his speech.)

2007-07-07, 12:23 AM
((Thanks Draken, Raril needed a new sidekick anyways, now that Lillith's left his head. :smallsmile: I think this guy's adventurous spirit will offset Raril's cowardice nicely.))

And with that they both deadtime, but if their quarry wake up before they do assume they are still being chased and attacked. Raril should know where the vulnerable points of the ships are, having worked under Nukular in the recent past.

2007-07-07, 02:56 AM
((Actually, they never covered that, so, no, he doesn't know.))

The fleet's engines activate and they jump through hyperspace, on a random vector.

2007-07-07, 08:57 AM
The IG warps out as well. They're coming back...with Space Marines.:smallamused:
Also, there's no way Raril could have survived fire from over 100 capital ships. Just a heads-up.:smalltongue: And he can't do ****, at least not against my ships. If he persists, he draws fire from over 40 ships ranging from a half-mile long to eight miles. They will attempt to warp out as well.

2007-07-07, 01:01 PM
((Eh, it was worth trying anyway...so back to my original plan when the weapons fired: ))

"Uh-oh" The Drow does his best to dodge the weapon's fire, but could never escape it all. Draken's spells and the living golden armor stave off a lot of the damage, but not enough. With a scream of pain and frustration, Raril falls out of orbit, heading fast for the surface of Planet Town.

2007-07-07, 01:03 PM
E attempts to catch Raril in a teleportation bubble that will take him to Draken's.

2007-07-07, 09:30 PM
Six Phantoms jump in and head to the surface.

2007-07-11, 02:47 PM
Moose's Coyote enters orbit and begins just flying in a straight line, away from the planet.

Ok, let's see here... Moose pulls down a small computer monitor from over his head.

2007-07-11, 02:50 PM
You know he is by your side so I am not repeating.

Umm... i can see the castle up here... And look, it is the old TDI headquarters... and trog's... And a Volcano with Vespe's face on it...

2007-07-11, 02:52 PM
:smallconfused: O...Kay...moving on.

2007-07-11, 02:52 PM
ah i can already sense the change, while i yearn for souls i cannot help but feel crowded by so many auras, here ins pace there are so few, it is peacefull

2007-07-11, 02:54 PM
Yeah, lemme tell ya, it's pretty calm...at least until the laserfire starts flying and you get into a dogfight, and then Sammy tells ya you got a Kamov on your six, and you know your shields are down and he has a clear shot at your engines, and your ship blows up and you have to eject, but the button's jammed, and ya die, but, yeah, it's calm for the most part.

2007-07-11, 02:55 PM
Ehlana appears, apparantly cluching Sorry by the throat. She is laughing.

(Yes, it's a fake, no you don't know that. That it's an illusion should be obvious, but it looks in every way like one of E's projections.)

2007-07-11, 02:57 PM
:smallmad: Oh, great, it's the kid....hey, who's the evil hottie? :smallamused:

2007-07-11, 03:00 PM
That is Lillith's extremely evil and insane sister, who would impale your ass in her sword before you even notice.

2007-07-11, 03:02 PM
:smalleek: Ok, note to self, stay away from the evil one.

2007-07-11, 03:02 PM
(Close, but not quite. She'd rather lock you up in a cell for a while, without food or water, then slowly carve your skin, then give you a really bad acupuncture treatment, then have flies eat you alive, then insert about 100 knives.)

2007-07-11, 03:03 PM
Kertath looks out at space and begins mumbling to himself

what could i have done to be exiled...

2007-07-11, 03:05 PM
Got the signatures. Jumping out! The ship's engines glow blue for a moment, and then the ship goes REALLY fast.

2007-07-11, 03:07 PM
The image follows. Yes, it moves that fast. After all, it's magic.

2007-07-11, 03:08 PM
((Right I need to respond to things a bit faster...))

Lillith glares at the image of Ehlana, her anger should be nearly tangible to those in the ship with her. As she speaks her voice is as cold and cruel as the empty space arounf them. "I am going to find a way to destroy my sister if it is the last thing I do. But first I am going to get my hands on that police officer, if Ehlana doesn't have him already. If she does, I pray for him."

2007-07-11, 03:09 PM
Mitharion follows the spacecraft, it is possible to see pads of blue light at his feet, but it doesn't seen to be fire.

2007-07-13, 11:48 AM
The fleet arrives and drops out of FTL.

2007-07-13, 05:11 PM
Coronox appears, a pair of fiery wings form at his back, then he starts forming large fireballs and flinging them off into space

2007-07-19, 06:57 PM
A HUGE BR fleet arrives on the far edge of the system. Radio chatter is on the fleet's communication channels as fighters and bombers launch, capital ships arm their guns and Fabricators pull back and prepare to crank out new ships to replace the ones lost in the battle. The base-ship is heading up a large formation.

Alright, all units, keep your eyes peeled for targets! All fighter pilots, report to hangars!

Moose wakes up, hears this, and rushes to the hangar to climb into his Venom. He launches, and sees all sorts of activity in the TDI fleet. It's actually kind of an amazing sight.

2007-07-19, 07:05 PM
Khaldan immeadently runs to the bridge.
We takin back the town sir?

2007-07-19, 07:10 PM
An image of PM appears in front of Nukular. Again.

"Alright, this time I'm not here to annoy you. I'm here for diplomatic reasons. Of course, seeing how you treat diplomats..."


Meanwhile, Malshrenn communicates with a PirateMonk clone on the planet surface.

"Sir, we seem to be suffering from a drastic quantitative mismatch."

"Hm... well, I'm already infinitely rich, what do I need an empire for? Call in a tenth of the fleet. No mother ships, though. We have enough of a magical edge, we don't need players whining about ships the size of red giants."

"Of course." A rift opens. More ships come through.

2007-07-19, 07:13 PM
Khaldan, seeing PM, draws his sword.
Havent you tried enough to kill me?

2007-07-19, 07:14 PM
Nukular blocks the halfling from doing anything by standing in front of him.:smallannoyed: Ok, so, what kind of absurd offer are you giving us?

2007-07-19, 07:22 PM
Sir, permission to find lillith. She needs to now whats going on.

2007-07-19, 07:25 PM
:smallannoyed: Does it really matter? We're kind of in the middle of a situation here.

2007-07-19, 07:27 PM
"we don't need players whining about ships the size of red giants."1) Don't metegame in a serious or semi-serious plot.
2) I take insult to that.

2007-07-19, 07:27 PM
Well then how about that downtime you promised? And to me, it does actually.

2007-07-19, 07:31 PM
....So lemme get this straight. You want to go down to the planet...in the middle of a very dangerous situation....RIGHT WHEN WE'RE ABOUT TO FIGHT AMEN...and you wanna go down to the planet and find Lillith.

2007-07-19, 07:34 PM
Yeah, thats about right. You should know that halflings arent exactly sane.

2007-07-19, 07:35 PM
:smallannoyed: Allow me to shove you out the airlock, in the direction of the planet's atmosphere. It'll get you down there faster.

2007-07-19, 07:35 PM
Is that a yes?

2007-07-19, 07:35 PM
A blue-robed figure and a spaceman walk in.

"Still looking for the kitchens. Could any of you tell me where that is exactly? And why are we attacking the Association of Muffins, Elephants, and Newbies?"

2007-07-19, 07:36 PM
:smallfurious: NO, THAT IS NOT A YES! Nukular aims the majority of his guns in the direction of the Mindflayer, who happened to say AMEN's fake name, which REALLY makes Nukular mad.

2007-07-19, 07:39 PM
yessir. And i have no idea why we are attacking AMEN at this time, the reason we are attacking them is to boot them out of the town.

2007-07-19, 07:40 PM
Saand'Ra is unimpressed "No need to be so hostile. Is that a custom amongst your kind?"

2007-07-19, 07:42 PM
Nukular blocks the halfling from doing anything by standing in front of him.:smallannoyed: Ok, so, what kind of absurd offer are you giving us?

"I'm offering you a chance to avoid bloodshed, and let the citizens decide whether they'd rather live under an evil tyranny that commits mass murder to squelch the truth and prevent rebellion, or a semi-evil government that doesn't really care what they do as long as it isn't a threat and commits mass murder because they're really, really bored, rather than just having the citizens vaporized. And it will come to that, and you'll only have yourself to blame. Mostly because we'll all be dead by that point."

2007-07-19, 07:45 PM
:smallannoyed: Ok, who would make the vote?

2007-07-19, 07:47 PM
"Democracy is such a chaotic system. Government officials should logically deduce what is best for everyone instead of leaving it for the people to decide."

2007-07-19, 07:48 PM
I admit, it's a bit chaotic, but it's for the best.

2007-07-19, 07:50 PM
"What do you mean?"

2007-07-19, 07:51 PM
I mean, would average every-day NPCs be making the votes, or would PCs, like you and me, be making the votes?

2007-07-19, 07:53 PM
"NPCs will be the ones most affected by this, as PCs do whatever they want no matter who's running things, so logically they should vote."

2007-07-19, 07:55 PM
....Fine. :smallannoyed: Whoever wins the vote ends up staying in town. The other group disarms all weapons, traps, and anything with an intent to annoy or harm the other side, and gets out of town.

2007-07-19, 07:57 PM
Can i ask how the heck would the votes be counted?

2007-07-19, 07:57 PM
At this point Raril steps up on the bridge, content to listen for now.

2007-07-19, 07:58 PM
Simple. Super-computers. :smallamused:

2007-07-19, 08:00 PM
"Okay. I'm glad we're in agreement. I need to check with the leaders, but I feel confident they'll accept. Wow. I can't believe that actually worked." The image vanishes and appears in Magtok's cell.

2007-07-19, 08:03 PM
"Leaving decisions to a vote. How stupid could that be? Let us say a group of humanoids are trapped underground and their is not enough oxygen for all of them. One purposes that in order to stay alive they must selectively kill one another. They take it to a vote and only a few are in favor of the proposal. What happens? Their suffocated bodies are found a few days later.

Now if they only logically made the decision then at least some of them may have survived. Humans are prone to using there emotions over reason and even more to coming up with the wrong conclusion when they don't know what they're talking about. Democracy is like rolling the dice."

2007-07-19, 08:03 PM
Sir, You might want to order a full stand-down. But id keep everyone ready in case they counter-attack.

2007-07-19, 08:05 PM
Nukular gets on the radio to the cell. By the way, PM, neither side is permitted to rig the vote in any way. Feel free to try and convince the voters in any way you deem fit, short of mind control, spells, psionics, or blackmail of any kind. Or bribes.

2007-07-19, 08:06 PM
Raril's ears twitch at PM's parting words. "I'd prepare to be double crossed, if I were you. But I am glad you were willing to use diplomacy. You're learning, General."

2007-07-19, 08:07 PM
"What are the requirements to vote, general?"

2007-07-19, 08:07 PM
:smallannoyed: Oh, please. Do you honestly think I'm not expecting them to pull something? That's why I'm gonna suggest each side bring alot of security personnel to place around the voting computer. And the requirements for voting are you being an NPC.

2007-07-19, 08:09 PM
"I'm sorry, a what? I've never heard that term used before."

2007-07-19, 08:11 PM
Basically, it means someone who's completely unimportant in the grand scheme of things. People like you and me are moderately important or capable of influencing our universe is a major way. NPCs are just average joes that really can't do much. I dunno what it stands for.

2007-07-19, 08:14 PM
"So a mindslave would be an NPC right?"

2007-07-19, 08:17 PM
Weeeeeell, probably. PCs don't seem to become mindslaves very often.

2007-07-19, 08:17 PM
The drow looks a little nervous. "Mindslave? Yeah, it's an NPC, but it's being controlled and couldn't vote."

2007-07-19, 08:18 PM
Yeah. Sadly, your mindslave will be barred from voting.

2007-07-19, 08:20 PM
"Who said I have a mindslave? And anyway, I was just thinking of a loophole you could use in your favor. You didn't say 'no mindslaves' to him."

2007-07-19, 08:22 PM
"Well Mindslave sort of implies mind control, but that does give me an idea: Music, people like music and with it I can influence the vote, if we ever get to it."

2007-07-19, 08:23 PM
Come on, that guy's completely spacing out. He's obviously a mindslave. He points at the spaceman that came with Saand'ra. And Raril, PLAY YOUR ****ING HEART OUT AT THE VOTE. :smallannoyed:

2007-07-19, 08:25 PM
The drow salutes. "Yessir" A moment later, he has his guitar in hand, plucking out a few chords.

2007-07-19, 08:26 PM
But only if it looks like we're gonna lose. :smallannoyed: I'd like for the people to reinstate us on their own steam, but if we have to resort to influencing them through music, by the gods, make it happen.

2007-07-19, 08:27 PM
"My friend? He has a combination of autism, ADD, and mild downs syndrome." he decides to change the subject "Hey, are you hungry? I sure am hungry! Let's get something to eat."

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 08:30 PM
As the hacker messes around with his robot half, Magtok comes out of deadtime and quietly hums Ode to a Superhero. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yix1O0_70XU)

2007-07-19, 08:31 PM
The Hacker decides to shoot the breeze with Magtok while he's trying to modify the robot-half's personality. So....you feeling anything like 'don't kill' yet?
You sucked the poor bastard's brain out, didn't you? :smallmad:

2007-07-19, 08:34 PM
(( Can I assume battle plans have been temporarily called off? I want to play Lori again. ))

":smalleek: Whatever would give you that impression? And why would you assume I am capable of such a thing?"

2007-07-19, 08:34 PM
Raril blinks. "Not another Illithid."

2007-07-19, 08:35 PM
((For now, yeah.))

Operator: *over radio*Emergency recall, emergency recall, all units break off!
Nukular rips off the hood of Saand'ra's cloak. Knew it. :smallmad: Put his brain back in. NOW.

2007-07-19, 08:36 PM
"Not going to happen, they eat brains."

2007-07-19, 08:37 PM
Then I'm gonna make him throw up. As long as it causes this sick bastard discomfort, I'm good for it.

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 08:38 PM
Feel anything yet, droid? Still homicidal?

Oh, master, I could not allow myself to harm another. What if they have families? Or children?[/sarcasm]

Nothing yet. Try cutting that green wire.

2007-07-19, 08:39 PM
So.. Would a mass mild complusion be out of order?

2007-07-19, 08:39 PM
The Hacker does so, types something on his computer, and then pushes the 'Try Again' button. Anything?
:smallannoyed: Yes, it would.

2007-07-19, 08:40 PM
"Now general, don't make him angry. Illithids are fairly formidible opponents and allies."

2007-07-19, 08:41 PM
His orange tentacle-faced head is reviled when his hood is ripped off. "I already ate his brain. How can I get it back? That would be like me asking you for a hot fudge sunday from your stomach."

2007-07-19, 08:42 PM
One created an entirely new species of infernal creature that was meant to ease relations between the demons and devils, and as a result, divert MORE infernal attention to the Prime Material Realm. That same one sucked out the brains of three of my soldiers, and this one sucked out another guy's brain. How could I possibly consider them allies? And you, start retching.

2007-07-19, 08:44 PM
How about 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend?

2007-07-19, 08:45 PM
Raril gestures to the Halfling. "Exactly, besides E was a little whacko."

2007-07-19, 08:47 PM
"Rule 57: The enemy of my enemy is my enemy's enemy, no more, no less." That little rule is from the Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates.

2007-07-19, 08:47 PM
"...and I'm still hungry. Do I have to eat another brain?"

2007-07-19, 08:49 PM
Raril jumps at the thought. "Gah! no! there's a galley that way" He points down the hall.

2007-07-19, 08:49 PM
A small glass bubble, about the size of a cart, floats past the scene. There is nothing in it. It has no visible entrances/exits.

2007-07-19, 08:49 PM
:smallfurious: No, you don't have to eat another brain, because you won't get the chance. I'm not taking an eye off you...and I've only got ONE eye, so that's saying alot-...WHAT THE ****!? :smallfurious: Nukular just stares at the bubble.

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 08:51 PM
Wait... did you really just cut that green wire? That was the one connected to that clone-signal thing. That means there's a second Magtok on the world's surface. :smallamused:

2007-07-19, 08:54 PM
((Clever, Magtok))

Raril watches it too. "Well, that's odd."

2007-07-19, 08:55 PM
"Thank you, drow. My name is Saand'Ra for future reference." as he goes to leave, Lori enters the bridge and bumps into him. She back away slowly and there is a strong look of fear on her face. "H-h-elp!"

2007-07-19, 08:56 PM
So, crazy maggot in my head, you gonna say anything or am i supposed to find you?

2007-07-19, 08:57 PM
Relax, Lori, he's...not hostile, at least.
:smallannoyed: Ok, just for that, I'm upping the shocker.
He hits the button. ZAP!

2007-07-19, 08:57 PM
The glass orb floats away, before colliding with a piece of space junk and smashing with a small tinkling noise.
((Even though though you're in space you still hear it.))

2007-07-19, 08:58 PM
:smallannoyed: ...

((What was the point of that? :smallconfused: ))

2007-07-19, 09:00 PM
Raril's eyes flash and his dagger slides into his hand, the guitar dissappearing with a smal *pop* "Lori, get away from him."

2007-07-19, 09:00 PM
((no point at all... It was just a random freak of nature floating in circles around the earth and it got broken))

2007-07-19, 09:00 PM
(The same point Bookboy places in sending giant cheesewhells to crash on the moon, or the point Nightwing has in making characters over, and over again...



Edit: well, look at that, we hit the "Submit" button at the same time...)

2007-07-19, 09:01 PM
"Mmm... A female- smart one too. Your brain is so delicious." the tentacles reach out for her.

Lori screams "Raril! Help me!"

2007-07-19, 09:03 PM
The squid-head suddenly finds dozens of guns aiming at his face.

:smallfurious: I'll be burned in the fires of the Nine Hells before I let some FREAK OF NATURE eat ANOTHER OF MY SOLDIERS! He fires like crazy...at point blank range....from nearly a hundred guns.

2007-07-19, 09:03 PM
Want anyone elses help? forcecage, windowless varient.

Saand'ra should find himself in the forcecage.

2007-07-19, 09:04 PM
The dagger goes flying on a direct path for Saand'ra's left eye. Raril comes quickly after it, another dagger in his hand. He tries to shove Lori out of danger.

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 09:05 PM
You can find me in the Death Room, shorty. I doubt they call it that here, but it amounts to the same thing. I'm that prisoner that was mentioned earlier.

Magtok is shocked, and twitches a little afterwards.

Ow. That was unneccesary. I only tricked you so I'd have a back-up me in the Town. I sure as hell don't plan to spend the rest of my life in this filthy cell.

By the way, does this ship have any anti-teleport thingies? What about non-magical teleporting? I think the clone will probably try to warp in a few troops, kill you, and get me out of here. As much as I dislike what I've become, allying with you guys clearly isn't the answer.

2007-07-19, 09:06 PM
So thats where you are.. They still interogating you?

((who the heck went first?))

2007-07-19, 09:07 PM
"Hey guys, wait! It was just a-" Saand'Ra is shot up in a hundred different places, gets hit in the eye by the dagger, and goes down as a forcefield comes around him. Lori is pushed out of the way and collapses against a wall, breathing franticly.

2007-07-19, 09:09 PM
Raril hits the ground and goes into a roll, coming up with his own rifle aimed for the Illithid. Seeing that he's been contained he turns to Lori. "Are you alright?"

2007-07-19, 09:09 PM
Uhh... damn. You want to keep him there sir?

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 09:10 PM
Interrogating? That ended a looooong time ago. Now they're just being sadistic a**holes. I've been needlessly electrocuted over a dozen times, and they've got a computer attached to part of my head. It isn't very fun, and it makes AMEN look like the Justice League.

2007-07-19, 09:11 PM
:smallannoyed: Look, pal, you didn't have to trick us. Nukular needed a hacker. Your part computer. Put two and two together. You treat prisoners the same way, don't you? And yes, this ship is LOADED with anti-magical teleport and technological-teleport jammers. The only way he could get aboard would be to send in some troop carriers, and we'd swat those fast. As for the whole 'spending your life in this cell thing', relax. I just need to alter your robot side's programming. That way, you won't be insane and homicidal. Afterwards, you would've been let go.

2007-07-19, 09:11 PM
The justice league? Damn, that must be a lot of torture. Try making them do push-ups.

2007-07-19, 09:15 PM
Lori calms down a bit "I'm fine, I think. Just keep me away from that thing."

2007-07-19, 09:16 PM
He looks dead. :smallamused: Job well done, men.

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 09:17 PM
The robot accomplished that earlier. It was Raril who had to do the push-ups. I almost feel bad for him, but its his fault for choosing to side with Nukular.

Maybe the others might treat captured NPCs like this, but I've never tortured anyone. The robots were designed to take no prisoners, so that I wouldn't worry about what the others could be doing in the back room.
Anyways, how are all these people getting here if there are anti-magic and anti-tech wards set up?

2007-07-19, 09:18 PM
Saand'Ra moans inside the forcefield and one of the tentacles move upwards. Lori sees this and points at the forcefield containing the creature as her eyes grow wider.

2007-07-19, 09:21 PM
We drop them whenever a confirmed friendly entity is entering the area through magic means.

2007-07-19, 09:21 PM
"He's not quite dead. Hey, short-man, how about a fireball or two inside there?" He looks over to Khaldan.

2007-07-19, 09:22 PM
"Yeah, so, Magtok, I need to talk with you. Hacker, would you mind leaving us alone for a minute?"

2007-07-19, 09:22 PM
Hold off on that.
Sorry, dude. No dice. :smallannoyed:

2007-07-19, 09:22 PM
Wait a sec. Im talking to the human part? Can you fake the Robots voice?

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 09:23 PM
I could, but I don't feel like it right now.

How did I get this power anyway? Did they shock my brain so many times it woke up something, that I just never bothered to try until now, or that

PM, if its about something I told them, don't worry. As I said earlier, everything is flexible and can be changed at a moment's notice.

2007-07-19, 09:26 PM
PM frowns and Flame Strikes the Hacker. "Nah, they'd be idiots not to bug this place, I just don't want that guy staring at us and interrupting."

2007-07-19, 09:28 PM
Dude, what the hell!? :smallmad: I'm just doing my job, if it makes you feel better, I'll listen to heavy metal rock music on full volume while I work.

2007-07-19, 09:31 PM
Saand'Ra sputter blood from his mouth, adding to the pool on the floor, as he pushes up with his arms and speaks "Please, I didn't mean it..." he falls to the floor again.

2007-07-19, 09:33 PM
"Threatening to suck out someone's brain is not a joke and will always be taken seriously. You know the reputation your people have, you should know full well what we'd do." He glances again at Khaldan, wondering if he'd ever get the fireball he asked for.

2007-07-19, 09:34 PM
Ok, im not letting you kill him. wish(heal).

2007-07-19, 09:35 PM
It's not a species thing, so much as a 'you did something we don't like and your not gonna get the chance to do it again' thing.

2007-07-19, 09:40 PM
He is fully healed and he stands up. "Who healed me? I owe him my life. And miss, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause any trouble by my joking..."

Lori grabs Raril out of fear. "Don't let him anywhere near me!"

2007-07-19, 09:42 PM
It was me, but dont expect it again. If you want to go back to the town, and the general allows it, ill teleport you down. Otherwise, you're staying in that cell.

2007-07-19, 09:44 PM
Raril thightens is grip on his rifle, his red eyes never leaving Saand'ra. "I won't, don't worry. Now get on the bridge. You'll be safe there."

2007-07-19, 09:44 PM
:smallconfused: We're ON the bridge, Raril.

2007-07-19, 09:48 PM
((oops, I figured the three of us were just off the bridge, seeing as Lori was just coming in and Saand'ra was walking to get to the galley. So on the bridge proper. If it really makes no sense disregard it.))

2007-07-19, 09:50 PM
soooo... what now?

2007-07-19, 09:51 PM
I dunno...Guess we wait for PM to get back with word from the AMEN leaders.

2007-07-19, 09:51 PM
"Listen, I want to help your side in the struggle. A kobold told me I should side with the Association of Muffins, Elephants, and Newbies and if I were to make decisions based on morality I would agree with him but because I like the prospect of outer space better and I am eternally grateful to the halfling I'll side with you. The only problem I see is my necessity to eat brains, but I only need to do so once a week."

Lori remains at Raril's side, clutching onto him. A voice runs through her head Your a fool, Lori. You still fear monsters and have romantic views of the drow; it's time for you to stop living in fairy tales and grow up. She ignores the voice.

2007-07-19, 09:52 PM
:smallannoyed: Can you eat the brains of animals?

2007-07-19, 09:53 PM
You probably shouldnt say the muffin thing. It makes people mad.

2007-07-19, 09:54 PM
"Mindflayer Mead, you can get it at Trog's. Guess what's in it." Raril grins wickedly.

2007-07-19, 09:56 PM
If it ain't the brains of sentient creatures, I'm ok with it.

2007-07-19, 09:58 PM
Oh come on, Its trogs. Its not of sentient creatures.
You there crazy cyborg?

2007-07-19, 09:58 PM
"Perhaps but I would hate to have animalistic traits. And I don't want any mindflayer mead; it can cause bad nervous habits. You are what you eat after all."

2007-07-19, 09:59 PM
"Well then I think you're out of luck."

2007-07-19, 10:00 PM
You could always eat the AMENites..

2007-07-19, 10:01 PM
Hey, from my perspective, animalistic traits are a small price to pay...Uh, Lori, you ok over there? :smallconfused: He notices she's kind of clinging onto Raril.

2007-07-19, 10:01 PM
"What about prisoners of war or the condemned?"

Lori answers, letting go of Raril slightly "I'm fine, sir. Just nervous after the attack."

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 10:03 PM
What do you want? I'm very busy. Being electrocuted every few minutes, trying to decide if I want to stay with AMEN, thinking up new strategies, etc.

And did you just say what I thought you said? I'm going to make your life a living hell if you don't take that back. Every single moment of your life, my voice will be there, keeping you up at night, trying to trick you into getting yourself in trouble, etc.

2007-07-19, 10:04 PM
Raril gives Lori a reassuring smile. "It's okay, he can't get out of that." Until the spell wears off, or he dispells it, but it's best not to worry her.

2007-07-19, 10:06 PM
You want to do something no one is expecting?

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 10:08 PM
Hell, yes. Especially if it pisses off Nukular.

2007-07-19, 10:09 PM
Sorry, no PoWs are slated for death. :smallannoyed: I'm afraid I'll have to feed ya the brains of animals...like deer.
The Hacker finishes his work. And, activating 'Good' programming. He hits a button, which should make Magtok considerably less evil. He won't be a saint, but he won't be as evil, at least.

2007-07-19, 10:11 PM
Theres going to be an election soon on who we want to make the town 'defenders' or 'leaders' or whatever the hell they want to call themselves. just about everyone and every thing, including NPCs is going to be there. About halfway through the voting, have two of your robots pick a fight, which should eventually devolp into a brawl. Use that as a diversion. If you cant figure out what the hell to do, then you arent as smart as i hear you are.

2007-07-19, 10:12 PM
((No! NONONONONONONONO! :smalleek: ))

2007-07-19, 10:14 PM
"...A personal sacrifice I'll have to make. Though I don't want to be blamed if I do something stupid like eat bark off a tree or something."

Lori lets go of Raril, except for her hand which slides down to his. "I'm sorry, I've always been deathly afraid of these things."

2007-07-19, 10:14 PM

2007-07-19, 10:15 PM
Ok, good. SO....doodoodoo....who's bored?

2007-07-19, 10:17 PM
Me. Anyone know where moose is?

2007-07-19, 10:17 PM
"Hey, did someone order a dozen pizzas?"

"THANK YOU!" Because no force in the universe can now stop his hunger, the forcefield disappears as he rushes over to the pizzaman and opens up a box and starts eating a piece from one of the pies. With another tentacle he points at Nukular. "He pays."

2007-07-19, 10:17 PM
((*cackles evilly* I love watching these thing unfold.))

Raril gives her hand a squeeze and leans over to whisper. "So have I."

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 10:18 PM
That might work. I think I can come up with a better way to change things, though. I have a feeling a few alignment tests could change a few minds. Nukular always seemed a little on the Nuetral Evil side.

So I'm no longer going to be tempted to messily slay random NPCs? And I won't be as impolite to biological beings anymore?


Do you still have that copy of the old me at the base?


Then please destroy it if we ever get out of here. I don't want to revert back to that.

2007-07-19, 10:19 PM
((you still are in the forcecage AK.))
Pizza. Oh gods do i need this.

Id say more of a lawful neutral, leaning towards LE. But thats just me.

2007-07-19, 10:20 PM
Oh, you rotten squid-head...:smallannoyed:
:smallamused: TDI has every intention of blowing up the clones and cloning facilities.

((He's actually chaotic evil, leaning towards true neutral.))

2007-07-19, 10:24 PM
:smallconfused: "How...How did he get up here?" Raril points at the Pizza delivery guy.

2007-07-19, 10:25 PM
Raril, sometimes it's better not to ask. :smallannoyed: Something tells me we really don't wanna know.

2007-07-19, 10:26 PM
(( Edited last post. ))

Lori whispers back to Raril "You weren't so scarred when you went to save me from him." there is a certain admiration for him in her voice.

The pizzaman walks over to Nukular. "That would be one-hundred and thirty-seven platinums for twelve pies and a box of crazy bread. Oh, and a tip would be nice." he puts his hand out graciously.

Saand'Ra answers the drow while eating his pizza "I had my mindslave call him by radio."

2007-07-19, 10:27 PM
The hell? how did you get out of the cage? no matter. forcecage(windowless varient)

2007-07-19, 10:28 PM
I kinda figured, but HOW DID HE GET UP HERE?! :smallfurious: Oh, and here ya go, ya bastard. He hands the pizzaman two-hundred platinum. Keep the change.

2007-07-19, 10:29 PM
Raril grins. "I didn't have time to think about that. You were in danger, and I simply reacted."

2007-07-19, 10:32 PM
Raril begins to hear someone in his head.

"Use the force...use the force...Use the force, Luke!" The voice suddenly comes from Raril's right, and is very loud. "USE THE ****IN' FORCE!"

DAMMIT, YA CRAZY GEEZER, GET OFF MY SHIP! Turns out there was an old guy whispering to Raril. Nukular grabs him by the collar of his robes, and tosses him out a nearby airlock.

2007-07-19, 10:32 PM
Khaldan does an unusual geusture, and then says
You can take it outta my pay sir.

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 10:33 PM
So it wasn't enough to murder me the first time? Having me splattered all over a mountain didn't satisfy Nukular? Wow. Y'know, sometimes I wonder if you're trying to convert me, or make me even more of an Associate.

2007-07-19, 10:35 PM
Dude, you wanted the clone killed, right? :smallannoyed: We're blowing up the clones and cloning facilities. One incarnation per AMEN member. My boss has enough on his plate as it is.

2007-07-19, 10:36 PM
Saand'Ra is caged in a forcefield with one pizza. "Nice try, but now that I have my delicious pizza to chew upon nothing can upset me." he takes out another slice of pizza and bites into it.

"Wow! Biggest tip I've ever got. The Convenient Pizza Delivery service; we'll find a way to get your pies in on time even if physically impossible." he walks off the bridge.

* * *

"Well I think that deserves something then." She goes to kiss him on the lips, and at the same time a voice in her mind tells her Lori, you are going to get yourself either killed or heartbroken. You stupid, stupid girl.

2007-07-19, 10:40 PM
:smallannoyed: Y'know, even though he was friendly, I still hate him.

2007-07-19, 10:41 PM
Why? Because it was impossible?

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 10:42 PM
He was referring to the thing stored on the computer. I kept a copy of his mind in the computer, along with my own mind. It's how I keep my memories and stuff intact.

2007-07-19, 10:43 PM
Well, you tell us what's ok for destruction and what isn't when we land, ok? We'll blow up anything that needs blowing up.
Actually, it's because I'm still trying to figure out how he got into space.

2007-07-19, 10:46 PM
Raril grins even wider and doesn't resist her.

2007-07-19, 10:48 PM
Hey,hey,heyheyheyhey! WHAT did I say? Do it in bed, not on the bridge! I just cleaned this room. :smallannoyed:

2007-07-19, 10:49 PM
Ya know, i dont think that letting them go to a room is a good idea either, think of moose..

2007-07-19, 10:50 PM
:smallconfused: Why? What's wrong with Moose?

2007-07-19, 11:01 PM
He got thrown into a wall, ya could hear it from here..

2007-07-19, 11:06 PM
Azzulon speaks up, yes he was here all the time.

Moose bribed his way into the same room as her, that pissed Lillith off, in fact, His lord said she and Therrin where on each other throats for... Therrin's past acts regarding lifes.

The chances it happens this time is calculated on a 5% rate, based on some minor scryings, a few mind readings, and the overall fact that this ship is filled with small serpent spies that could tell me the color of Nukular's panties if he used any.

2007-07-19, 11:16 PM
:smallannoyed: I wear boxers, ya dumbass. So, Lillith and Moose were having a little tiff, eh?

Lord Magtok
2007-07-19, 11:19 PM
Why is it that you're the one telling me this stuff? I thought you were just some freelance guy. And since when were little geeky technophilliacs like you interested in politics?

2007-07-19, 11:21 PM
Are you kidding me? :smallannoyed: I'm being paid overtime, so for awhile I'm gonna be with the TDI. Might as well know the organization I'm working with...of course, I'm not really not supposed to know this. :smallannoyed:

2007-07-19, 11:24 PM
Saand'Ra is busy enjoying his third slice "Mmm... pizza.... :smalleek:" upon seeing Lori kiss Raril he starts coughing up his food. "Oh my god... acts of sexual affection... I don't think I can eat anymore."

Lori lets go of Raril and looks at him, smiling and seemingly unable to find words.

2007-07-19, 11:25 PM
HEY! I said "NOT! ON! THE! BRIDGE!" :smallmad:

2007-07-19, 11:28 PM
Raril smiles and doesn't take his eyes off of Lori, completely ignoring everyone's reaction. I've still got it.

2007-07-19, 11:29 PM
:smallannoyed: Nukular picks up Lori and Raril and drags them down to a nearby cabin.

2007-07-19, 11:30 PM
The odd part is that I just said I have dozens of spies all over his fleet and the thing he realy cares to say is correct me on what kind of underwear he uses...

2007-07-19, 11:31 PM
:smallannoyed: Oh, and I'll have to ask you to remove the spies.

2007-07-19, 11:32 PM
"Heey! Put me down!"

2007-07-19, 11:33 PM
":mitd: Are they gone?"

2007-07-19, 11:33 PM
He drops them in an empty cabin. There ya go, ya rabbits. Have fun. :smallannoyed: He walks back to the bridge.

2007-07-19, 11:38 PM
"Shall we do it again?" she wraps her arms around Raril, and the voice in her head returns to her which she ignores once more.

Back on the bridge, Saand'Ra returns to eating his pizza. "Hey, would anyone else like some?"

2007-07-19, 11:38 PM
Ok, already done.

In your dreams...

If the Ilithid tries to read his mind... Well, don't. he is a construct, you can't read his mind, end of story.

2007-07-19, 11:40 PM
Yes please. And Azzulon, I ****ing mean it. :smallannoyed: He grabs a slice of pizza and eats it. Pepperoni, mmmm...

2007-07-19, 11:46 PM
They are gating back to the castle as we speak Nukular, don't worry, you aren't going to see any of my small brothers here unless I am here to.

Because you will never find them...

There is no sarcasm in Azzulon's voice, and again, he is a construct, he is immune to magic, and technological devices to find the truth rely on things like heat signatures and heartbeats, and he's got none of these.

2007-07-19, 11:47 PM
:smallannoyed: Call it a hunch, but I think your lying to me.

((Why do you need spies in the TDI fleet? :smallconfused: Why should Draken care?))

2007-07-19, 11:50 PM
Raril chuckles and asks Lori "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into, do you?"

2007-07-19, 11:50 PM
((Ooh, boy. Drow, possibly evil, in a room with a woman who's relatively defenseless compared to him, alone...This is gonna be fun. :smallamused: ))

2007-07-20, 12:01 AM
((....Breathe, people, breathe. :smallannoyed: ))

2007-07-20, 12:02 AM
Well, it must be just your many years as a military comander with mild sociopathic tendencies speaking louder, you should relax, enjoy all these bloodlusting beasts of devastation that you just acquired.

But here, keep this one near you, that way you can call on us anytime for some more wicked devices of doom.

(I have twelve heads with Lawfull, Neutral and Evil alignments only. If I had a small motivation for placing a spy on the toilet of a gas station, there would be a spy on the toilet of a gas station.)

2007-07-20, 12:03 AM
((Raril is definately evil, but he's not that stupid. He's on a ship, full of people with guns, in the middle of space. One wrong move and he's dead, besides she's still useful to him))

2007-07-20, 12:03 AM
No, really, I think your lying. :smallannoyed: Draken's not stupid enough to think that I don't think he's leaving spies in my fleet. Bottom line, I want 'em GONE. There's nothing you need to see.

2007-07-20, 12:08 AM
He's right, Lori, you don't know him that well. In fact, you could be safer locked up in a room with the mind flayer. Do you really want to spend the night with a stranger? Lori turns away from Raril and looks concerned. "Raril, I don't know about this. I think I'm in love with you, but I also think it might be best if we go back to our own cabins before we might do something we will later regret."

2007-07-20, 12:15 AM

A large gate appear on Azzulon's back, and several metalic snakes move out of the smallest holes into the opening.

Well, since His Lord has no wish to take sides. I think we will be recaling the ones headed to AMENs base now. Selling information for both sides doesn't work if you only have it about one side...

2007-07-20, 12:15 AM
:smallconfused: Wait, you had spies in AMEN's base, too? Why? What could you possibly hope to gain by having spies in either base?

2007-07-20, 12:16 AM
Raril looks a little confused for a moment, then remembers they do things differently on the surface. "I understand and it's alright. If you ever change your mind, I'll be waiting." He leans forward to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead before turning ot exit the room.

2007-07-20, 12:23 AM
I will use the padronized answer of the Aboleths, Illithids and Beholders to answer your question.

"Don't try to use your puny monkey brain to understand the affairs of of beings superior than you."

Plus, the head that came out with this plan is pretty insane, the others will probably dispose of him soon...

2007-07-20, 12:25 AM
Wait! Don't go! she thinks in her head as he leaves; but at the same time realizes that it is for the best; there would be plenty of time for them to get to know eachother better. She falls asleep on her bed into deadtime.

2007-07-20, 12:28 AM
Raril walks back to the bridge.

2007-07-20, 12:29 AM
:smallannoyed: First off, I'm a Tau. I'm not even related to monkies. Second, tell the head that came up with that insult to piss off. The rest of the heads are ok though. Third, how much would it cost to have your spies rig some bombs to blow up the cloning facilities in the AMEN base?

2007-07-20, 12:30 AM
The mindflayer, having been in a forcefield for so long, falls into deadtime.

There is still plenty of pizza left over for anyone who's hungry to eat.

2007-07-20, 12:32 AM
Raril walks onto the bridge. "Wait, we have spies in their base? Why didn't I know about this?"

2007-07-20, 12:36 AM
Dude, I didn't even know about it until about five minutes ago, and I'm in charge here.

2007-07-20, 12:37 AM
Nukular, we aren't taking sides, we will sell weapons, information, but we will not sell actual infiltration service, you must remember that asking such a thing to us is opening the chance that we do the same services to AMEN.

Also, they never reached the base. Due to the lack of information on the insides of the place and sensors arround it, they where moving on the commom means, no gates.

2007-07-20, 12:39 AM
Well, does AMEN know about your services? Because I didn't until now...well, aside from the 'living weapons' business.

2007-07-20, 12:40 AM
Raril sighs. "So we don't have spies in their base. Nice plan though, profitable." He comments to Azzulon.

2007-07-20, 12:41 AM
Raril, why are ya even here? I thought you were getting intimate with Lori. :smallconfused:

2007-07-20, 12:46 AM
The drow looks offended. "What sort of man do you take me for?"

2007-07-20, 12:48 AM
:smallannoyed: The kind of guy that would jump at the opportunity.

Meanwhile, Nukular's brain is shouting GET BACK THERE YOU SKITTISH BASTARD AND DO HER! :smallfurious:

((No, he has no intent of watching, he just thinks if a guy has a chance, he should go for it. :smallannoyed: ))

2007-07-20, 12:53 AM
"I have learned to respect a woman's wishes, although I do find it odd to be rejected. Wars have been fought over me, back in Mezoberranzan." Raril chuckles.

2007-07-20, 12:55 AM
:smallannoyed: Wakka, wakka, wakka, fruit. No one cares. Your turning up a perfect opportunity here, man. Take the chance I never had, and get back over to that cabin! He tries to sound inspirational.

2007-07-20, 01:01 AM
Raril laughs again. "Is that a hint of jealousy I hear?"

2007-07-20, 01:02 AM
:smallannoyed: Raril, I'm a Tau. A Tau who's had his reproductive organs REMOVED. This is not jealousy, this is an injection of common sense.