View Full Version : The First Plane of Death

2007-07-06, 10:17 PM
The First Plane of Death

This is a small world, unremarkable really. Just a soft sandy ground, entirely covered in roughly a foot and a half of murky grey water. The only objects that breach this surface are two "gates". One gate is comprised of two giant marble pillars, and moving between these will return you to life. The other is a large stone archway which will lead into a deeper plane. It should be noted that there is a slight current coming from the pillars and going to the archway.

2007-07-06, 10:19 PM
Osnagard appears beside the two pillars and waits to see who else might show up. He watches as the marines march through the archway.

2007-07-06, 10:22 PM
AK finds himself in this plane and feels the wind of the archway. He holds his ground and sees the two giant marble pillars. Deciding that it would be better to go a way in which he is not forced he tries to go through that way by walking towards it.

2007-07-06, 10:24 PM
Osnagard stops him, "You shall stop your men from fireing and retreat in peace."

He then motions to the archway, "Or we shall take a trip through there."

2007-07-06, 10:35 PM
AK shouts "Listen, necromancer, I do not take orders from you." he advances forward as he speaks "You unjustly killed my men for doing what had to be done. What do you have to say to that?" he is now four paces away from Onsguard.

2007-07-06, 10:41 PM
Osnagard also walks towards Ak, "This One is trying to save the lives of the innocent, not give you orders. Your men are shooting in a crowded area. TELL THEM TO STOP!"

2007-07-06, 10:48 PM
"Well you killed them, so I suppose that solves that problem. And I believe the riot has dispersed. If it is truly your wish to prevent the deaths of innocents, then let me pass. I must reorganize my men so that they can fight and crush the threat that soon faces the Town."

2007-07-06, 10:50 PM
Osnagard, gives AK a dark look then strides between the pillars, returning to life. He forgot to mention that that's the way back, hopefully you're good with directions (( ;) ))

2007-07-06, 10:51 PM
AK follows, hoping it is the way out.

2007-08-24, 02:33 PM
Somewhere in this near-featureless plane, a murder of gore-crows numbering eleven in all fly about. Souls pour through everyday, seemingly pointless passers by, traveling directly from one gate to the other, but a few in particular close attention is payed to. The birds watch as these especially strong souls make their journey, eager to relay to their master what has come to pass.

2007-09-25, 08:12 PM
Val is standing next to the pillars, waiting for the ice to spread over Raril and bring him here.

2007-09-25, 08:18 PM
Raril appears, pulling himself out of the water. "Well that wasn't so bad. So...where are we?" The drow asks, looking around.

2007-09-25, 08:21 PM
First plane of death, and thawing hurts alot worse than freezing. He says matter-of-factly

He then points to the Archway, We go through there, try not to fall through any holes.

2007-09-25, 08:23 PM
Ab appears with them, having agreed to see this through.

2007-09-25, 08:26 PM
"That's what levitation's for, my friend." The drow replies with a chuckle. Yes, he was happy to be in the world of the dead, glad to be finally moving on with his quest.

2007-09-25, 08:27 PM
Ab simply walks over to it. Boots of Levitation, duh.

2007-09-25, 08:34 PM
Val walks through the archway, and when the others do the world should simply melt away and reform with them back standing next to the pillar.

There is only one safe path through here.. hole free that is, not that either of you have to worry about it now.

Val walks through, relying on memory. Halfway to the archway he stops and opens up his bag, pulling out a bell that seems to be made of bone and a severed Drow head.

2007-09-25, 08:37 PM
Raril follows carefully behind Val. His cheeriness leaves when he sees the bell, remembering all to weel the circumstances under which it was obtained.

2007-09-25, 08:39 PM
Ab follows.

2007-09-25, 08:45 PM
After dunking both underwater, and pulling them back out the bell has turned a black colour. Both items are replaced in the bag.

Val then walks to the Archway and goes through, worlmelting and reforming with them next to the pillars again. Only now there is no water on the ground, just nice sandy beach. And instead of murky weather it's nice and sunny out.

There should also be a distinct feeling of being followed.. which is NOT normal for this section.


Val takes off for the archway.

2007-09-25, 08:46 PM
Ab simply floats away at a very high speed. He floats backwards, so as to see what is chasing them.

2007-09-25, 08:46 PM
Raril curses and quickly follows Val, not looking back.

2007-09-25, 08:52 PM
Ab MIGHT, just maybe, see the tips of some horns. PERHAPS a claw.

That is before the tidal wave crashes into view.

DOn't let the wave hit, I have to dip the bell, go through and wait on the other side, once there DO NOT MOVE!

2007-09-25, 08:53 PM
Ab reaches the other side (hopefully) and doesn't move. H accomplishes this perfectly via deadtime.

2007-09-25, 08:53 PM
Raril's still running, and intends to follow Val's instructions to the letter.

2007-09-25, 08:56 PM
Val reaches the Archway and sidesteps, turns and pulls out the bell and head.

When Raril goes through he should be standing on a Stone surface. Murky sky back, and a vast nothingness before him. I guess "and don't move" meant "or you'll fall off a cliff".

2007-09-25, 08:58 PM
Raril does the classic windmill arms on the edge of the cliff before stabalizing. "Vhaeraun help me." He whispers.

2007-09-25, 09:10 PM
Val pops through the archway, and replaces the items in the bag.

Where'd the bridge go?

2007-09-25, 09:14 PM
"There was a bridge? To where?! What could have taken out the bridge? What in the world was chasing us?" Raril asks, loudly and quickly.

2007-09-25, 09:17 PM
Hmm? Oh, that, the tidal wave. It's one of those traps to send you to one of the hells. Did you get that weird feeling too? No clue what that was, if we had more time I'd have went to see.

He thinks for a moment.

I could build a new bridge, but it's gonna take time.

2007-09-25, 09:20 PM
"Anything I can do to help?" Raril glances around, and gets the feeling Val's not telling him everything, but he was probably better off not knowing anyways.

2007-09-25, 09:22 PM
Just try and stop anything... erm deadly from coming between those pillars.

Val raises his hands to the sky and bodies fall, creating the foundation of a bridge.

2007-09-25, 09:24 PM
Raril draws his twin frozen shortswords and nervously watches the space between the pillars. "Why would anything come through the pillars, Val?" The Drow asks, uncertain.

2007-09-25, 09:28 PM
Well particularly strong things don't end up like them he indicates the falling bodies

And if they're smart as well they'll know to hurry through there.

The bodies start pileing up quicker, forming the first few feet of a bridge. But they're not dead, teh bridge-bodies are still groaning, and breathing in a wheeze one and all. Naked and obvously in pain for so long they no longer scream the bridge continues to grow.


2007-09-25, 09:36 PM
Raril glances back at the bridge for a moment and shudders. "Who are they?" That's it, ask questions you're better off not asking.

2007-09-25, 09:39 PM
Just souls that refused to move on, but weren't strong enough to gain their freedom.

The bridge complete, and - as if in celebration of this fact - A low Roar is heard from the other side.

So THAT'S who was helping, I wondered why it didn't take long enough.

2007-09-25, 09:42 PM
"Who's helping, now?" the drow looks over his shoulder to the source of the roar.

2007-09-25, 09:45 PM
And as an answer A giant cyclops appears. It's wearing a spiked turtle shell on it's back and and a huge tusk strapped to one forarm and the roots of a tree strapped to the other. It bellows, and charges (running on all fours) towards Val and Raril

Maybe "Help" wasn't the proper word.

2007-09-25, 09:48 PM
Raril sheathes his blades and draws his crossbow. The crossbow specially designed for accuracy and distance. The one loaded with exploding bolts. He takes a moment to take aim, and provided Val doesn't object, fires.

2007-09-25, 09:54 PM
The arc is perfect, a direct shot to the single eyeball. The the cyclop's head explodes, and the body falls onto the bridge lifelessly.

Val looks to Raril, Remember that thing I said about how if you get killed you don't really die because there's nowhere else to go? umm he points as the Cyclops stands back up with a new unharmed head. It looks confused for a moment, then takes a small pouch off it's belt.

Opening the pouch to check the contents a scream comes out... which sounds distinctly like Lori's.

2007-09-25, 09:58 PM
"LORI!" Raril shouts, eyes wide with fear, but his grin shows he was undeniably happy. He loads another bolt, this one coated in knockout poison.

2007-09-25, 10:02 PM
The cyclops reaches in and pulls out something swirling and black, and holds it over it's open mouth.

I think it's going to eat her.. well that part of her

Val forms a Bone Spear in one and and prepares to throw.

2007-09-25, 10:19 PM
"No he won't."

Raril runs up to the beast, a dagger appearing in one hand. He'll attept to cut the pouch off the monster's belt before activating a teleporting wand to get him above its head, hopefully putting the soul fragment back in the bag and out of it's grip.

2007-09-25, 10:26 PM
upon the cutting of the belt the cyclop's head snaps to look straight at Raril. This allows the teleport to put Raril in a perfect position to snatch Lori back.

Also a perfect position for that tusk to come straight for him.

Val runs up, throwing the bone spear at the cyclops and hitting it in the knee. It just might have a limp now.

2007-09-25, 10:30 PM
Well he's definately going to get Lori back, all the while praying he can twist out of the way of the tusk, using his levitation to aid him in what will probably be a narrow escape.

2007-09-25, 10:33 PM
Lori in the bag, The cyclops does a funny little twist thing, delaying the tusk arm momentarily and allowing the tree arm to also smash towards Raril. This will also have it landing on it's back shortly.

Val, with battle axe now in hand, positions to deliver another crippling blow to the other leg as soon as the beast lands.

If you can help it aim to disable. Killing it at this poit will just help it out.

2007-09-25, 10:41 PM
Raril ties the pouch to his own belt and his second dagger slips into his other hand. Next he'll try to vault off the creature's arms and onto its torso for a killing strike. Now I wonder what vampiric weapons do on this plane.

2007-09-25, 10:51 PM
The beast hits the bridge and the impact knocks a section away. Tottering on the edge when Raril's daggers plunge into it's throat at almost the same time as it is hamstrung by Val.

Overkill much?

Since everyone is technically dead here they're unlikely to do much in the way of stealing life force. You could have a nice screaming evil cyclops living in your head if you'd like, but I'd advise against it.

2007-09-25, 10:55 PM
Yeah, they aren't that vampiric.

Raril dislodges his balds and backflips off the creature, hopefully landing on an intact section of bridge.

2007-09-25, 11:00 PM
It's wounds healing quickly the Cyclops tries to stand, this serves to further crumble the bridge. Then a peice lets go. The monster falls, thrusting the tusk arm out and slamming it into the bridge where it lodges. It starts trying to scamper back up.

But it's too far down, shadowy black hands grip the Beast and pull in under the dark water and into an especially nasty hell. As it goes, so too does a section of the bridge, leaving Val on one side and Raril on the other.

Looks like I'm back to fixing it again.

2007-09-25, 11:03 PM
"I'll...err wait here shall I?" He paces at the edge of the bridge. "Hey! What do I do with this soul fragment and the gems?!"

2007-09-25, 11:07 PM
((Someone needs to cast Soul Bind (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/soulBind.htm). Val's the most likely candidate being a necromancer.))

2007-09-25, 11:08 PM
While fixing the broken section

I could put it in a gem.. but the bag seems to be working for now. We'll see what's more convenient for the re-forming.

2007-09-25, 11:11 PM
"Alright." He continues pacing.

2007-09-25, 11:15 PM
upon the completion of the Bridge Val will deadtime.

2007-09-25, 11:20 PM
A feint voice calls out from the bag. "Raril? Am I imagining you again?"

2007-09-25, 11:22 PM
"Lori! No, you're not imagining anything. I'm here, I told you I'd bring you back." He assures her.

2007-09-25, 11:28 PM
"Raril! Its you; its really you." She says, sounding a bit overjoyed, although the voice is still feint. "Let me out. Please..."

2007-09-25, 11:29 PM
"I don't know, Lori. I don't want to lose you again, and I can't put this part of you in one of these gems."

2007-09-25, 11:41 PM
"I think I can become visible to you- and I want to see you again more than anything. You won't loose me; I promise."

2007-09-25, 11:42 PM
"Oh...alright." Raril carefully opens the bag.

2007-09-25, 11:54 PM
A swirling black something come out of the bag and stays still in front of Raril for several seconds. Then it starts to take shape, eventually forming Lori's image, although transparent like a ghost although with color. She steps forward close enough for her to kiss him and reaches out a hand to touch the drow's chest, but it goes through him slightly. A look of sadness can clearly be seen in her eyes as the hand comes down; no feeling at all.

2007-09-25, 11:57 PM
Despite her incorporeality, Raril smiles. "Don't be sad. Now we can talk to eachother again, and soon you'll be ressurected and everything will be fine." He then deadtimes, his player needs sleep. But they're gonna have a lot to talk about when he wakes up again.

2007-09-26, 06:56 PM
Ab floats towards them again.
What did I miss?

(Does Raril have all three gems on his person, or does Ab still have one? I can't remember.)

2007-09-26, 07:00 PM
Val breaks out of deadtime and waits for everyone else to do the same.

2007-09-26, 07:01 PM
Raril has all three gems, and look he's awake!

2007-09-26, 07:03 PM
Nothing important, really... we just killed somthing that was already dead and saved part of Lori.

2007-09-26, 07:05 PM
Wait, if it was dead how did you kill it- actually, I don't really want to know.

2007-09-26, 07:08 PM
With logic like that you'll doom us all. Now come on

He begins walking to the other end of the bridge, and when there, indicated the waterfall after dunking the head and yet another bell in it.

This is the way through, it's gonna be slippery on the other side.

2007-09-26, 07:11 PM
"Is it safe?" Raril wonders. "Nevermind. Nothing here is safe, is it?"

2007-09-26, 07:12 PM
That's why I said nevermind.
Ab just floats around. It's probably safest not to touch the floor.

2007-09-26, 07:20 PM
Val walks under the water, appearing on the other side. They are on the top of a giant waterfall. Round smooth rocks treacherously wet are the only path down through the mist.

Long drop eh.

2007-09-26, 07:22 PM
Raril follows. "Thank gods I'm nobility." by which he means he can levitate, common Drow can't apparently.

2007-09-26, 07:25 PM
(If you mean as in the first level spells Levitation, that only goes up. Just an FYI.)

So, do we go down? You're the only one touching the ground right now.

2007-09-26, 07:27 PM
((Yeah, it only goes up, if he falls, it'll keep him from going splat. Technically he could try BASE jumping right now and live.))

2007-09-26, 07:29 PM
Oh, right, hadn't noticed.

Val begins his decent untill completely surrounded by mist with no bottem in sight... actually nothing more than a foot or two away is in sight.

He manages quite well as he's been through here a few times, another of those things that's been committed to memory.

Everything goes as planned untill


Squish? I don't remember a squish on this path

The membrane he stepped on retracts.

2007-09-26, 07:30 PM
Ab simply floats down beside him.
Raril, I'm going to give us some light. I'd suggest you cover your eyes.

2007-09-26, 07:34 PM
"Light's not going to help against the mist, and it'll be a beacon to whatever is out here." Raril decides before turning to Val. The drow is walking as well by the way. "Squish? I take it that's not good, is it?"

2007-09-26, 07:36 PM
I beg to differ. Light tends to bevisible through mist, and therefore make it easier to see clearly.
The fact that his lit sigils provide candle light should be noted.

2007-09-26, 07:46 PM
aaaaaand the mist reacts just like mist should, reflecting it back and not clearing up by very much.

I'm not sure, nothing's ever gon... *bubbleing noises.

Val was cut off by that long slimy... thing. The one that he's now inside.

2007-09-26, 07:48 PM
Raril curses and tries to grab Val before he gets sucked further inside whatever is there.

2007-09-26, 07:56 PM
Raril's hand will touch the traslucent skin, but not pass through. It seems to have control of that, and a filled stomach.

The creature's flat arrow shapped head swings around from the other direction. Razor teeth gnashing away.

2007-09-26, 07:57 PM
The drow steps back and draws his shortswords, hoping to cut Val out of the thing.

2007-09-26, 07:57 PM
Ab tries to fire a blast of Ki energy at it. It is dooway shaped, so it should make an exit for Val.

2007-09-26, 08:06 PM
The swords will cut through with no problem, the Ki will too... whatever it is. The skin is apparently VERY fragile.

The creature edges towards them, mostly in view now. I looks lik a ver large, very flat worm. With a strange projection coming out of it's back and into the mist, wonder what that could be. In any case, you've been attacking it's tail, because that's where Val is.

Val tries to breathe, it's not easy...

2007-09-26, 08:08 PM
(It's basicly a power monks are able to summon due to the control they gain over their bodies. Don't ask about specifics. I can't give them.)

Ab sees that it's fragile, and throws five shurikens at it.

2007-09-26, 08:11 PM
Raril sheathes one of his swords and pulls out his crossbow. Taking a one handed shot he fires an explosive bolt at the head, his other hand continues to slash its way towards Val. Did I mention the shortswords were frozen?

2007-09-26, 08:16 PM
The head explodes in a very messy fashion. Raril will also reach Val. I remembered they were frozen, but let us asume for the sake of arguement that the creature has a high salt content, so that wi wouldn't matter even if I had forgotten. ((Innocent face))

Val pulls his way free with Raril's help, coughing fitfully.

The shurikens also puncture into the creature.. well into its head... right before that exploded.

A long tenticle falls down and lands next to Ab, hung over a rock. It's quite lumpy.

2007-09-26, 08:21 PM
Ab proceeds to use a quick Burning Hands spell to try and incinerate it.

2007-09-26, 08:26 PM
Raril quickly reloads his crossbow. The thing was probably going to come back just like the cyclops had.

2007-09-26, 08:30 PM
As the fire touches the tentacle the lumps explode. as in explosive decompression. High pressure liquid ((harmless)) flys all over, conceiling the high speed stingers((containing neurotoxin)) that come flying out. the liquid also manages to keep the flames at bay ((that actually was a genuine coincidence, had it been cold same thing would have happened only it'd all froze, too bad there's not enough reaction time for that anymore))

Val decides moveing towards the next gate is in order and scampers down the path while the worm's still dead. It's not like him to retreat, but it's equaly unlike him to get eaten.

2007-09-26, 08:38 PM
Raril quickly follows after Val, and then he notices the poison starting to work on his body. "Damn, poison. Stupid monk." He mutters a Remove Poison spell, and if he catches up to Val will do the same for him.

2007-09-26, 08:40 PM
Ab doesn't notice the posion, high level monks being immune to posion.

2007-09-26, 08:46 PM
Val will be cured of the poison and finally find the way out, a nice muddy sinkhole. This is it, through there

He also does another bell.

The worm's head reforms and body heals, good as new.

2007-09-26, 08:49 PM
Raril shoots the damned thing again before following Val.

2007-09-26, 09:07 PM
After going throught the sinkhole they'll find themselves waist deep in rapids. oh, and a Dark swirling something hovering around, waaaaaaay of in the distance.

2007-09-26, 09:25 PM
"What is all this?!" Raril aks, surprised by the rushing water.

His player apologizes for not posting for so long.

2007-09-26, 09:29 PM
((I guess the first collected piece of Lori was put back in the bag- but she'll have to be put inside a soul gem in order to be transported out (mentioned that at the temple a while back).))

Our heros go down the hole and into the next plane, where they will find departed souls wandering about waiding through the waters.

((Aaand Osanagard has switched position of DM to me.))

2007-09-26, 09:34 PM
Seeing the souls Raril shouts. "LORI!"

2007-09-26, 09:35 PM
And as such I deadtime.
It's safe here, just the souls to worry about. and the rapids, but everyone's got good strong legs right?

2007-09-26, 09:42 PM
Raril will be able to make out a feint cry that sounds like Lori, almost as though responding to him. The dead mostly stay out of his way, though a few walk past him in one direction or another.

2007-09-26, 09:46 PM
Raril runs in the direction of the sound, still calling for her.

2007-09-26, 09:48 PM
Raril will feel something brush by his leg; something big and serpentine.

2007-09-26, 09:51 PM
The drow freezes and prays silently. Running and shouting would only attract its attention, time for a new plan. With a small *pop* his guitar appears in his hands. He starts to play. He plays that song he played for her back in the Tavern, what seemed like a lifetime ago.

2007-09-26, 10:09 PM
The fragment of Lori moves towards the bard as the song is played. It moves through the air slowly getting ever so closer.

Somewhere outside of Raril's view, the sound of a male soul screaming in terror abrubtly ended by a large splashing sound can be heard.

2007-09-26, 10:13 PM
Raril plays louder, willing her to move faster. Please, come to me before that thing finds you.

2007-09-26, 10:19 PM
Something with the same serpent like feel grabs the drow by the legs and attempt to pull him.

2007-09-26, 10:26 PM
Raril tries levitating out of the water and the creatures grasp. although he's deathly afraid his quest will soon come to a sudden and horrible end, he doesnt' miss a singly note as he struggles to escape.

2007-09-26, 10:34 PM
The serpent comes out of the lake and reveals itself. It is a giant sea-snake; the head the size of a crocodile’s with large sinister eyes and huge fangs that look capable of killing in a single bite. It attempts to fling itself at the drow almost as soon as it appears.

The fragment of Lori is now only a few feet away, not moving and not speaking as though paralyzed in fear.

2007-09-26, 10:38 PM
Raril summons a globe of darkness around the Serpent's head and cancels his levitation, diving into the water and hoping to avoid its teeth.

2007-09-26, 10:39 PM
Ab undeadtimes and sees the snake. He moves upwards so he's out of range, then pulls out a book on sea monsters.

2007-09-26, 11:00 PM
The serpent is temporarily blinded. It flings itself into the opposet direction to get away from the magical darkness surrounding it.

The fragment of Lori moves down very close to the water where Raril landed.

2007-09-26, 11:01 PM
Ab considers his readied spells, before casting Lightning Bolt towards the serpents head.

2007-09-26, 11:19 PM
As the darkness is centered on its head it will move with it.

Raril surfaces and reloads his crossbow again.

2007-09-26, 11:28 PM
The monstrous snake gets hit by the lightning bolt- bad move, since in doing so the whole area around them is shocked. Several of the dead fall over paralyzed in the process.

2007-09-26, 11:31 PM
Ab resorts to Magic Missle. The uber basic offensive spell.

(Two most well known spells to non-DnD players: Magic Missle and Fireball.)

2007-09-26, 11:34 PM
Speaking of fireball, Raril fires an explosive bolt at the monster.

2007-09-27, 05:10 PM
Assuming Ab and Raril are in the water, wouldn't the shock in the water electrocute them? Each attack will hit respectively provided their is a reasonable explanation as to why the shock did not at least stun them.

2007-09-27, 05:17 PM
((There are thousands of bolts of lightening striking the ocean every day, yet when you step in you don't get electricuted. Also Raril was completely submerged when the spell hit. the energy would have traveled around him, not through him. Ever see those demonstrations with the big copper cages? something like that.))

2007-09-27, 05:30 PM
((Artemis: Cat-Girl Slayer Extraordinaire :smallwink:))

In that case, the creature is hit by both the bolt and the spell; the remains burning in flames as it sinks down into the water.

The second fragment begins to take form like the first one did. After a few seconds a transparent Lori is visible in front of her rescuer. "Raril!" She calls out to him and tries to hug him, but slips through part-way.

Movement can be made out through the water where the massive water serpent was killed, though it is not very noticeable.

2007-09-27, 05:36 PM
Raril smiles, relieved the creature didn't get her. "Lori, you're alright."

((I think I'm gonna sig that))

2007-09-27, 05:44 PM
((Feel free to.))

She backs away from the 'embrace', apparently not noticing her incorpereal state. "Yes I am." She says smiling back at him, though it drops slightly after a short moment when she resumes speaking. "But you are putting yourself at huge risk-" Her expression becomes more sad. "Because of me again."

2007-09-27, 05:52 PM
The drow shakes his head. "No, don't you dare blame yourself for this."

2007-09-27, 06:10 PM
There is a pause before she speaks again. "But it's true. I remember what happened to you because those times I was in danger. You cared for me so much that you were willing to risk everything and sometimes you got seriously hurt. I don't want to ever leave your side, but I don't want to put you in anymore danger." A few tears begin to form in her eyes.

2007-09-27, 06:17 PM
"Lori, you would never have been put in that sort of danger if it weren't for me. Those demons targeted you because of me. My kin encouraged them to attack you in order to punish me. It's my fault this happened." He admits sadly.

2007-09-27, 06:38 PM
"No, Raril, your not them. Don't blame yourself for what they did." She goes to touch Raril's face the same way she did the night she died, though due to her current state it is more like putting her hand on him without passing through.

2007-09-27, 06:42 PM
Raril closes his eyes, now close to tears. "I just don't want you to get hurt again."

2007-09-27, 07:45 PM
(Where'd you get the idea Ab was in the water? I specificly stated that he floated out of reach of the serpent. He went up.)

Ab floats over to Raril.

2007-09-27, 08:10 PM
Val manages to come out of deadtime and look upon Raril and Lori speaking, as well as AB floating up in the air somewhere.

2007-09-27, 08:14 PM
Raril wonders if two soul fragments could fit intot he pouch he picked up. he looks over at Val. "We've found two of the three. Sould we put them in the gems?"

2007-09-27, 08:16 PM
If you want

Val readies the two gems for the spell.

2007-09-27, 08:17 PM
Which would be hard to do since they're sitting at the bottom of Raril's bag. but the Drow digs them out quickly and hands them to the Necromancer.

2007-09-27, 08:18 PM
They'd probably be safer. I don't know, soul magic isn't an easy topic to write about. Usually it's dangerous and can kill the user.

2007-09-27, 08:25 PM
Abashedly Val takes the offered stones, and throws away the smooth rock he'd thought he was supposed to be using. oops

Val, one at a time, lifts a hand and binds each fragement of Lori's sould into the gems. Or at least tries to. (I'm uncertain if I can say does definatly because it's still AK's character)

He then looks at Ab, It's not all THAT difficult, besides Lori's perfectly willing so it's not like she's going to put up a fight.

2007-09-27, 08:26 PM
Yes, but how normal is it to have a willing subject? Also, only Gravewhisper cabals really do much with undead and souls.

2007-09-27, 08:27 PM
Raril simply prays the spells work, he wants nothing more than for her to be safe.

2007-09-27, 08:36 PM
((for the sake of arguement we say it works, if not she just stayed in the sac.))

Gems loaded, val hands them back to Raril. And now we go this way.

He heads to a section of calm water, which upon stepping into transforms into a a sandy beach. Another step and sheer rock ledges are on either side.

This is were all the really strong ones choose to fight. We're gonna be challenged for our passage. Unlike the others there are no traps, and death counts. That's what sends you to the associated hell.

2007-09-27, 08:38 PM
Raril follows, reloading his crossbow.

2007-09-27, 08:41 PM
Ab brings up the rear.

2007-09-27, 08:43 PM
Halfway down the path they encounter a lone human. Gaunt and wearing naught but a loin cloth, hair in a long braid touching the ground, and a thin sword at his side.

Choose your champion.

2007-09-27, 08:46 PM
"What does he mean? I could probably take him out with one shot, but..." Raril looks at Val. This was his area of expertese.

2007-09-27, 08:49 PM
Want's us to choose who to fight him. I havn't seen this particular one before, last time is was a Dragon. I suggest one of us declareds themselves champion and the other two help out anyway. What's the worst that could happen?

The man just stands there waiting for a reply. Faces start forming in the rock ledges, other dead, trying to watch the fight to come.

2007-09-27, 08:49 PM
Who should go?

2007-09-27, 08:51 PM
"I'll go. I'm the reason we're all here anyways." Raril steps forward, takes aim, and fires.


2007-09-27, 08:56 PM
NAd so the canion explodes. Raril should feel a tap on his shoulder.

I'm over here

The gaunt man draws his sword and holds it level with his head, pointing towards Raril and unmoving,

Val hadn't noticed till he spoke and turns with a jolt, the forms a bone spear.

2007-09-27, 08:59 PM
Raril drops his crossbow and stabs backwards with both daggers as they slip into his hands.

2007-09-27, 09:07 PM
Val throws the spear at the man and summons another.

The man shifts backwards far enough to avoid both attacks... he's really really fast. The sword darts forwards and stops a hairs width away from Raril's forhead, he head then turns to focus on Val. Cowards He says in a disgusted voice.

The faces in the walls jeer, they're out for blood.

2007-09-27, 09:15 PM
"You are the one who is running. Why don't you Hold still." as in the spell of course.

2007-09-27, 09:18 PM
And so he does. Eyes glossing with rage.

Val summons his battle axe and aims for that neck thing.

2007-09-27, 09:21 PM
Raril draws his rapier, gives the gaunt man a short salute with the blade before lunging forward and hopefully driving it through the man's heart.

2007-09-27, 09:27 PM
The wall spirits send various spells towards the man, dispell, haste, and others of the like. Effectivly breaking the hold.

The man ducks and the sword darts forward, toward Raril's left calf.

Val changes the angle of his swing.

2007-09-27, 09:34 PM
Raril dodges, muttering a Haste spell of his own, while lining the man in blue Faerie Fire.

2007-09-27, 09:38 PM
The fire works, lining the man. The uses the momentum of hte strike to roll out of the way of the axe, and stabs Val through the elbow. The braid whips around towards Raril's face, if it connects Raril might notice the exceptionally painful spiked balls tied into it.

Val pulls he arm back in pain, freeing it from the sword and thrusts a newly formed spear towards the man's throat.

2007-09-27, 09:44 PM
Raril's actually still dodging, going into a roll and throwing up an arm to absorb the strike from the braid. It tears the silk on his shirt, revealing the shiny silver bracer beneath.

Ah, and the man may find himself surrounded by darkness.

2007-09-27, 09:50 PM
The man flips through several poses, the fire bluring when he moves and reapearing unexpectedly far away. He keeps doing this, only stoping for a short time in between movements.

Val tries to follow with his eyes, timing the movements for a throw, if a pattern appears that is.

2007-09-27, 09:54 PM
Raril watches the flames and casts a Sound Burst spell at it. The blast should stun the man.

2007-09-27, 10:04 PM
A pattern hasn't emerged yet, but the fire was within the radius of the spell when it was cast, meaning he was stunned. And then he grew a thrids leg after Val grunts ((threw and connected with spear))

2007-09-27, 10:06 PM
The drow moves in for what should be a quick kill, drawing one of his shortswords and stabbing with both blades.

2007-09-27, 10:13 PM
The blades sink into something. Which promptly stops moving.

2007-09-27, 10:17 PM
Raril withdraws his blades and dispells the darkness.

2007-09-27, 10:23 PM
The man is lying on the ground, dieing eyes looking upward, he smiles and disintigraes.

The walls boo and revert to normal

Well that does him, shall we move on?


2007-09-27, 10:28 PM
Raril sheathes his blades and picks up his dropped crossbow. "Yeah, let's keep moving."

2007-09-28, 07:20 PM
Upon exiting the cavern the world shifts into a shallow lake. Same murky grey sky, same cold water. Same fins protruding from the water.... wait... what?

You can even see the next gate, it's only a few steps away, and it's a small dirt island on this huge lake.

there are just a few precautions for when we go though.

2007-09-28, 08:44 PM
"Alright, what do we need to do?" Raril asks, watching the fins cut through the water.

2007-09-28, 08:50 PM
It's simple really, "don't walk into the light"
Val smiles and walks towards the island, not yet touching it.

The fins gather and start coming closer.

2007-09-28, 08:55 PM
"Heh, no problem. I don't like the light remember." The drow grins and his red eyes seem to twinkle as he follows, drawing his shortswords.

2007-09-28, 09:06 PM
Val steps onto the island, the world shifts. They're in the same lake, only it's empty now.

The sky is clear and glittering with stars, and the island at the far side has a single beam of pure light shineing down on it. There is a figure walking towards that light.

2007-09-28, 09:10 PM
Let's take a guess...

"LORI!" Raril shouts out of fear.

2007-09-28, 09:15 PM
The third fragment of Lori, unlike the first two who appired as floating swirls, is visible in transparent form. She stops when the drow calls for her, but dose not turn back to face him.

2007-09-28, 09:17 PM
"Lori! Please come back to me!" Raril takes a few steps forward, cupping his hands around his mouth so his voice is amplified.

2007-09-28, 09:17 PM
Stop her, but don't look at that light yourself, lest it draw you as well.

2007-09-28, 09:28 PM
Lori turns back and runs for Raril, but stops when she is ruffly three feet away from him. "Raril; how did you get here?" She speaks with a combined sense of longing and nervousness; although her face contains little expression.

2007-09-28, 09:33 PM
Raril walks closer, focusing on her, blocking out the light from his mind. "Lori, I told you I would come find you. It took some time to get all the pieces together, but I'm here now."

2007-09-28, 09:39 PM
Trembling, Lori replies "Raril... I- I don't know how I can say goodbye to you again." Her face turns to sadness as she stares into his eyes.

2007-09-28, 09:43 PM
The drow suddenly looks worried. "You don't need to say goodbye. I can bring you back. We can leave this place right now. Please. come with us." No he couldn't lose her now, he was so close. Too close to turn back now.

2007-09-28, 09:59 PM
She turns her head back towards the light. "Everyone that I knew who died is there. I can go talk with my mother and father again. Donna is calling my name, telling me she wants me to catch up since the last time we met. The afterlife looks so wonderful; everyone seems so happy..." She turns back to face him. This is heaven's gateway." Her neutral expression looks as though she could smile happily or cry in sorrow.

2007-09-28, 10:09 PM
Val just stands there, watching, it's not his place to interupt.

2007-09-28, 10:14 PM
Raril's heart is breaking. He knew what lay on the other side of that barrier for Lori. Paradise, happiness, everything he could ever hope to give her. For him, it was a very different thing. Inside that light was the endless pain and suffering he feared for his entire life. The Demonweb Pits. If she left him now, he would never see her again. Could he truly bare to let her go completely?

Yes, he could. To bring Lori back, only to put her through the pain of the mortal world again, to have to say goodbye once more. He couldn't do that to her. As much as it hurt to let her go, this was what he had always wanted for her. She'd finally be happy and safe. Yes, he could live with that. He'd miss her terribly, but he could be happy knowing he hadn't been selfish. That he'd done what was best for her.

After a long moment of thought, The drow is in tears. "Are...are you sure this is what you want?"

2007-09-28, 11:14 PM
"I-" She streches the sound of this word out before going straight into tears. "I don't know! Raril, if I go I know I'll never be seeing you again. I can't live being away from you and you being in such misery. Yet I want to go there so much." She points at the light without looking at it. She starts sobbing uncontrolably, torn between her love and eternal happiness.

2007-09-28, 11:22 PM
"Lori, go, be happy. I couldn't bare to cause you more pain. If I can know you are there, safe, with all of your friends and family, I think I'll be alright." He manages a small reassuring grin.

2007-09-28, 11:31 PM
The smile causes her to stop sobbing but she continues trembling. "I-I'm not looking at it, Raril. I refuse, no matter how wonderful it is..." She stairs into his eyes, fear and anxiety in her face.

2007-09-28, 11:46 PM
Raril looks back at Lori, seeing her fear. What would happened if he brought her back? The things he'd done, the consequences he'd brought upon himself, all would reflect on her, hurt her. She was about to throw away eternal paradise for him. Who was he to deny her that? A thief. A scoudrel. A murderer. A liar. The drow slowly shakes his head. "Lori, listen to me. I do not deserve you. This proves it. You are too good, too pure. If you come back with me, I cannot guarantee your happiness or safety. It is far too late for me to change who and what I am. As much as I wish I could stay with you, doing so would only cause you more pain and I will not do that to you. Please, turn around, claim your happiness, for both of us."

2007-09-29, 12:10 AM
Lori sobs for over a minute in a pool of tears, even loosing balance and crying on her knees. When she stops, she stands up and looks into Raril's eyes. "No." She sniffs. "You do deserve me. We've been through too much not to be together. As long as I am with you I will always be happy. Remember, the night we proclaimed our love to eachother at the tavern? I said I was staying with you, and that means even now. Any pain that comes I can go through if it means for us to being together. Please, Raril, if you do love me and I know you do, please take me back and ask me to marry you." Her eyes turn to desperation, as though this would be her last chance to convince him to take her back.

2007-09-29, 12:26 AM
Marry him? Oh gods that was going to complicate things, but...she loved him, cared for him enough to give up a chance at paradise. Would he do the same for her? Absolutely. How many times had he risked death and other horrible fates simply to get the chance to speak with her again? He did love her, the drow finally realized, truly and completely. Surely Heaven would let her return when the time came.

Raril smiles. "Lori, please, come back with me, marry me, and spend the rest of your life with me."

2007-09-29, 12:45 AM
Lori reaches out and hugs him; not noticing going through him slightly in her intangible state. She whispers passionately in his ear "Yes Raril, I will marry you. I am forever yours..." The light now seems dim in comparison between what these two lovers hold for each other.

The final fragment deadtimes but in a way which allows her to follow Raril where he takes her and be free to be put into a soul gem.

2007-09-30, 07:45 PM
Raril simply grins for the first time in a very long time. He also bumps the thread. Silly Drow.

2007-09-30, 07:50 PM
Val remembers that he should be getting them out of here.

The binds the last Lori fragment to the gem.

Shal we make out way out?

2007-09-30, 07:52 PM
Raril nods and turns away from the light, back into the darkness, back towards life.

2007-09-30, 08:16 PM
Ab also goes back.

2007-10-02, 07:02 PM
Val leaves as well, unfreezing back at the sancturary.