View Full Version : 3rd Ed Party Tier? and Build Help

2016-08-29, 09:39 AM
What tier do you think this (semi-gestalt (explained later)) party of two is? Semi-Gestalt is a house rule saying that your gestalt side of your build's class features only advances every other level (2, 4, 6, etc.) Vecna-Blooded Dragonwrought Kobold StP Favored Discipline Erudite 5/Thrallherd 4//Incarnate 3/Warblade 1 and Vena-Blooded Half Minotaur Warforged (w/ Ritual granting him the acid subtype) (using LA buyoff to buy off Half-Minotaur and then to buy-off the ritual and then the Vecna-Blooded (so he only has 1 LA at any one time) This has been approved by the DM) Warblade 5/Warforged Juggernaut 2/Wild Soul 2. It uses Precocious Apprentice and Versatile Spellcaster as well as Sanctum Spell to qualify for Wild Soul. It uses Practiced Spellcaster, Obtain Familiar, and the DCFS trick to gain feats and has Troll-Blooded. It uses Mantle of the Fiery Soul and the Acid subtype to gain immunity to damage and the absolutely cheziest interpretation of Wild Soul's "immunity to magic and non-magical sleep effects" to become immune to magic. The Thrallherd uses his minions as fodder for a liquid pain farm as well as crafters. One of his followers is a Cleric using a wand of Guidance of the Avatar to make the DC: 50 Kno. (Religion) check to get a free wish once a day. (He gets a new cleric every day)

2016-08-29, 10:22 AM
StP Erudite is Tier 1 despite being weaker than a Psion utilizing StP.

2016-08-29, 10:49 AM
One is a tier one, the other a tier 3 (Might become tier 2 with enough work) So I would peg you as a safe T-2. Hope that was semi Helpful

2016-08-29, 11:06 AM
Tiers don't really work that way. They are a measure of problem-solving capability, so a party's "tier" would always be the tier of the highest-tier party member. Does your party have a T1? That means they can solve all the problems, and the party is a T1 party. Does your party have ten T3s? They're still T3s, incapable of breaking the campaign world.

The lower tiers work slightly differently. A smooth-talking rogue, beefy barbarian, crafty warlock, and blasty warmage can add up to a T3 if they manage to have an answer to all situations between themselves. Similarly, a party of T5s where everyone is good at the same thing (an all-fighter ensemble, or troupe of monks, for example) might round up to a T4 problem-solving entity just because they can dogpile any problem with raw tenacity, and become an effective solver of that problem (dealing damage, or sneaking).

But the second paragraph doesn't apply to your party, because it's got a T1 guy. so it has T1 problem-solving capabilities.