View Full Version : The Crimson Enforcer

2007-07-07, 12:41 AM
Docked along a secret harbor near the Town along with thirty-nine other ships, The Crimson Enforcer lies.

(( will give a more detailed description later ))

2007-07-07, 12:43 AM
AK and several marines board the ship. Four of said marines carry the unconscious Osnagard to the ships' hospital wing and put him on a bed.

2007-07-07, 09:52 AM
(You misspelled Crimson in the thread title. Just an FYI.)

2007-07-07, 09:55 AM
(( Geeze, what is with me? I seem to be editing every single post I make due to one small spelling error or use of the wrong word. ))

2007-07-07, 10:18 AM
AK has a meeting with his captains aboard the ship.

"Where do we stand?" he asks.

"We have 4,000 sailors capable of fighting, roughly 2,500 marines, 40 ships although useless except for attacking the enemy near the shore, 100 eliet corps, and 700 chaplains." replies one of the captains.

"And one ninja." replies another, who is indeed that ninja.

AK asks "Alright. Do we have any idea where or when AMEN will attack?"

The first captain responds "No, there is no way of knowing. We do know they will attack sometime today."

AK thinks for a moment. "Move out. I want our forces evenly divided across the Town, although due to the other night's massacre they might not take a liking to our presence. Has the necromancer awakened?"

"Still in a state of deadtime."

AK faces the ninja captain. "I have a special mission for you. Leave a note by for him saying to meet me at the Town's creek when he comes to. Allow him to leave freely, but if he tries any funny business you know what to do."

The ninja nods and heads out. AK and the other captains organize their forces and leave for the Town and spread out.

2007-07-07, 06:41 PM
Osnagard wakes up with a serious headache. He reads the note then leaves the ship peacefully, heading for Trog's. ((because AK isn't online))

2007-07-08, 09:32 PM
There is again another meeting on the ship amongst the captains. The naval forces had all been called in from patrolling and fighting in the Town.

One of the captains speak "The enemy appears to be highly powerful and highly stupid at the same time. They have one major battle and several small random attacks throughout the Town."

The Admiral replies "Yes, I noticed this. They also have very horrific forces- although fighting pie almost made my die. What are the casualties from today's battle?"

Another captain says "At least one-hundred dead sir. I cannot give an exact number..."

"Unnecessary. At least this means we can hold our ground against the enemy for the time being. I presume the Necromancer is dead, ninja?"

The ninja speaks "I am sorry to displease you, master, but I was stopped by his allies. He is part of a crime ring who have declared themselves neutral in this war."

"Neutral eh? I warned him; now he and his organization will pay. Where are his headquaters?"

"In the middle of the swamp."

"Good. We will level that castle and make an example of them before continuing the war with AMEN. A small Thieves' Guild won't stand a chance against the Royal Navy."

2007-07-22, 12:23 PM
Nearly a week had passed since the Royal Navy pulled out of the swamp areas when four ships arrived. Admiral Kelly stood by the port as they came into the harbor. An emissary stepped out from one of the ships.

"Two thousand reinforcements aboard these ships, sir."

The Admiral glared at him. "I requested ten thousand at least for this mission. Why is there only two thousand?"

The man replied "His majesty is still at war with the other nations. He only allowed us four ships; we had cram as many soldiers as we could aboard them."

"Fine. We'll just have to improvise then." he sees an elite coming towards him. "You soldier; status report."

The elite replied "The fighting seems to have come to a lull on all sides, sir. Talks of peace negotiations between the Town and AMEN. No news about the Thieves Guild. We have also discovered a new hostile faction known as 'The Order of Anarchy'. Six dead by them in one incident."

He turns to his secretary. "Put down The Order of Anarchy as the third greatest threat we face. I want everything known about them; who they are, how they operate, where they reside, and what we're up against. Why is AMEN talking of peace negotiations instead of raping and pillaging the Town?"

The elite responds "Reasons unknown, sir. Their leaders spend most of their time at a Tavern drinking and plotting murders."

"Oh really?" the Admiral thinks for a moment. "I want ten elites into the Town undercover and to meet me at the Tavern. We'll rush in, kill any AMENites we find, then disperse just as quickly as we came.

2007-07-24, 12:22 PM
The elites who were left in the swamps behind including Alexander return. Alexander is the first to confront the Admiral who recognizes him.

"Ah, Mr.Marelton, one of my most best elites; how goes the spying?"

"Terrible. The ninja caught onto even before I came in. Locked me up in a dungeon for days- managed to trick one of the guards and narrowly escaped."

"Fine. I can't blame you for that. How many did you kill on your way out?"

He grins as he recalls the time he, the Admiral, and his friend were captured and the three of them killed nearly thirty enemy soldiers. "Nope, wasn't like that last time." I still didn't forget what you did to my family. I don't care what experiences we went through together.

"No matter, not all escapes can be epic. You may of heard of the destruction of our base camp which led to us pulling out. Very unfortunate event."

"Yes, unfortunate indeed..." And yet they wouldn't have died had you not been out for blood.

"But I do have good news. Reinforcements arrived just the other day with some of our best commanders. We have devised a devastating strategy that will take down the castle for good."

"In which I assume I will be at your side?"

"Of course; we have fought together since I started the elites and whom I trust the most."

"Let us hope our trust in each other lasts until the bitter end." So you won't be suspecting the bullet I lay in the back of your head.

Just then, AK's secretary walks into the room. "Admiral sir, the six captured elites have made it back. They have good news for us; AMEN and the Order of Anarchy have both disbanded."

AK replies "Then all that is left is the Guild. Things are finally starting to go to our favor."

Alex speaks "Yes they certainly are." For MY side, not yours. You have no idea what you're up against.

2007-07-24, 12:24 PM
(( If you come for the castle, expect to take a beating. Basilisk>Royal Navy soldier.:smalltongue: I'm just kidding, it'll be fun.))

2007-07-24, 03:09 PM
(Oh, don't worry. We have our own double agent. E messed around with our prisoner's memory.)

2007-07-27, 01:49 PM
Inside the Admiral's cabin, AK and an elite discuss the meeting in the woods.

"How did the meeting go?" Kelly asks.

The elite replies "I would say the operation was a success. We got him to agree to the job of killing Artemis."

"And the necromancer Osnagard?"

"Dead. Or so he claims."

"If he is truly dead then good. I would of preferred that he die by our hands, but it is only a slight disappointment. However, drow are known liars. If tonight we find him still living then we will capture this deceiver and he will be at Smiley's mercy."

"Are you sure he can actually take out a ninja?"

"No, but he dose have the advantage of surprise over him. And even if he dose fail we will have the second highest guildmember dead. We don't loose anything by this."

"And if he alerts the guild of the assualt?"

"It won't matter. Suffice to say the castle is ours."

"There's one other thing. The girl; I promised she would be safe while we held her here. May I request to guard her personally?"

"No. I need every elite on the battlefield this day and the last thing I need is one of my soldiers having an emotional involvement with a prisoner."

"It's not like that. I need to fulfill my word and I do not trust Smiley to leave her alone."

AK thinks for a moment. "For the sake of keeping your honor you may do so. But I do not want you and her alone in the same room together unless truly necessary. When you guard her, you will stand outside the door; is that clear?"

"Yes sir."


The elite leaves the room as a marine enters the cabin. He salutes before speaking "Commodores Smith and Neil have sent me to report to you that the soldiers are ready ready to march into the swamps for the approaching battle."

"Then we are off." AK replies.

Soon afterwards, the Royal Navy marches off leaving the secret harbor and heads for the swamps.

2007-07-27, 01:50 PM
((Goddamnit! I have to deadtime right when the castle is being attacked!:smallfurious:))

2007-07-27, 05:21 PM
(( Relax. They're only advancing; the attack is still 2 1/2 hours away in which there will be a new thread for it. ))

2007-07-27, 09:29 PM
Raril, disguised as an average human guy, the same one he used at the Rally in fact, approaches the ship. He has a wine bottle in his hand and he's weaving a bit, looking quite intoxicated.

2007-07-27, 09:38 PM
He dose not go unnoticed. Two sailors spot him.

"Looks like a drunkard stumbled into our area." says the first sailor.
"Perhaps he's a spy. We are well hidden." says the second.
"Let's see what he's up to."

The two sailors confront Raril. One of them asks "What is your business here?"

2007-07-27, 09:45 PM
He takes a swig of the wine. His speech is horribly slurred. "Heeey, Paige schweetie. Bring me anotherr round." The man laughs and sways, apparently he thinks he's at Trog's. Of course the disguised Drow is not drunk at all, and is using the time to search the area for guards and traps and any other important information.

2007-07-27, 09:52 PM
"Should we sound the alarm?" one sailor whispers to the other.
"No. We can handle him in ourselves. Listen, buddy, you're not at the tavern anymore; but if you really want a drink we have some grog on board our ships."

2007-07-27, 09:56 PM
He takes another swig then looks sadly at the bottle, it's empty. "I could do with a refill, Coshmo."

2007-07-27, 09:59 PM
"Just come with us." The two sailors attempt to each grab an arm and carry him inside.

2007-07-27, 10:02 PM
And away we go! Raril continues to act drunk, wabbling and leaning heavily on the two guards, while inside, he looks for signs of Lori, or Smiley.

2007-07-27, 10:12 PM
They take him onboard the Crimson Enforcer. When they do so, Smiley, the ship's boatswain, confronts them.

"Who's this? Did you just give me a reason to flog you?" he asks with his usual cold voice.

"We found him by the harbor drunk." says one of the sailors.

Smiley attempts to grab Raril by the hair and smell his breath for alcohol.

2007-07-27, 10:18 PM
Smiley gets a strong grip on Raril's hair and there is definately alcohol on his breath. "There'sh no need to get rough. I'll pay the tab tomorrow, aright?"

2007-07-27, 10:23 PM
A sinister grin comes on Smiley's face. "Alright, no punishments for you two tonight. But bring him into the interrogation room for questioning."

"But shouldn't we inform the captain?"

"That's not your decision. Take him there without any further commentary or I'll change my mind about not punishing you."

Fearing Smiley's sadistic pleasures, they attempt to take Raril to the interrogation room.

2007-07-27, 10:31 PM
He doesn't resist, but mumbles "I don't wanna go in the cooler again. I shwear I'll pay." Again he's looking for any sign of Lor, or that Elite from the other night, or possibly the admiral.

2007-07-27, 10:36 PM
None of those who Raril is looking for can be seen on board. The sailors take him down to the lower decks into a room filled with torture devices, crude looking weapons, and whips used for flogging.

"Put him in that chair, lock him tight." they attempt to put Raril down on a chair and lock his wrists and ankles to it.

2007-07-27, 10:38 PM
Easily done, the man still complains. "Aww, come on. I jusht want anotherr drink."

2007-07-27, 10:43 PM
Smiley's grin stays on him; once it is on his face is doesn't seem to be able to come off.

"Where to start... He's drunk but I want him awake for this; inject him with that tonic over there."

The sailor take a tube with a needle and attempts to stab it into Raril's arm. This should give him a sharp pain but also relive him of any drunkenness if any. It will also probably cause a headache.

2007-07-27, 10:54 PM
As Raril is nearly completely sober, the tonic hits him fairly hard. He's felt worse though, and it doesn't break his concentration on jthe act. "Hey! What was that for?! Where the hell am I?"

2007-07-27, 11:01 PM
Smiley answers him. "We found you trespassing on our secret harbor. Now I know you might claim you were drunk but I think otherwise. Now answer me; what we're you up to when we caught you?"

2007-07-27, 11:07 PM
"I..I was in Trog's! We had a good catch today and went to celebrate. Joe dared me to try one of those funny drinks they serve. Last thing I remember was this popping sound. Please don't hurt me, I swear it's the truth!" The man sounds genuinely scared and honest.

((Are the two sailors still in the room?))

2007-07-27, 11:34 PM
(( Yes they are. ))

"A likely story." he pulls out a pair of something resembling pliers and attempts to push part of it underneath the nail of his index finger. If successful this will cause severe pain and Smiley will ask "Now answer me truthfully; what were you doing here when you first came? And remember, we're just beginning."

2007-07-27, 11:39 PM
Raril's dextrous enough to dodge the torture device for a little while and starts squirming violently in the chair. "No! It's the truth! I swear!" The man looks terrified, but it's all really an act designed to cover the movements of his other hand, which is discreetly picking the lock on that cuff.

2007-07-27, 11:48 PM
Smiley seems to get even more delighted if possible. "Pretty quick aren't we? You two; hold him still." the two sailors attempt to grab Raril on either side to keep him from squirming. Smiley sees Raril picking the lock with his other hand, so he picks up a hammer off a table and attempts to unexpectedly smash it.

2007-07-27, 11:51 PM
It's hard to hit what you can't see. The room is filled with darkness and Raril continues to pick the lock, abandoning all pretense and just trying to get a hand free.

2007-07-27, 11:56 PM
Chazz, a drow, and a samurai approach the harbor.

Are you sure this is the place Quarein?
You dare challenge my skills, samurai?
Not your skills, but your intent. Perhaps your bretheren are here to ambush us.
I departed from my city long ago.

Silence! Ouarein, you stay in the back. Taigen, stay to the front.

The three make their way to the harbor, slowly, and under an invisibility spell.

2007-07-28, 12:00 AM
When it suddenly goes dark, one of the sailors stumble into the other and there is a clatter followed by one of the sailors screaming "YE GODS MY EYE!".

Since the hammer was sung before the darkness came in, the hammer should hit his hand anyway. Either way, Smiley yells "You fools! Which one of you knocked over the candles?" he pulls out a small curved sword from under his cloak.

If the hammer dose not hit Raril's hand, he should be able to pick the lock.

2007-07-28, 12:03 AM
The three men find the enterance to the ship, and try to sneak on unheard.

2007-07-28, 12:05 AM
Raril's able to move his hand aside quickly enough to pick the lock and free his hand. Using the time his distraction has given him he works on the other locks.

2007-07-28, 12:13 AM
"My eye's been stabbed! I can't see a thing!"

"Well I pulled it out for you, and I cannot see either!"

Smiley hears Raril trying to escape and slashes violently at where his hands are.

2007-07-28, 12:16 AM
The three hear the screaming sailors, and try to make their way to the room.

(AK, do they find it? I don't want to godmod it by saying they appear in the room.))

2007-07-28, 12:20 AM
Unfortunately for Smiley, Raril can see perfectly thanks to some True Seeing magic. The disguised Drow pulls out a dagger he keeps up his sleeve and blocks the attack with his free hand while continuing to pick the lock with the other. Isn't ambidexterity great?

2007-07-28, 12:25 AM
As the trio try to make it to the room, a chaplain detects them on board. "Intruders! Masked under an invisibility spell!" he attempts to cast a dispel spell on them. If they can remember well enough where the screams were coming from, they should be able to find the room.

* * * * *

Raril finds the second lock harder to pick then the first. Smiley pulls out a long dagger and, in a fury of frustration, slashes repeatedly at where he thinks the drow's hands are. The two sailors stumble their way out of the room to avoid the darkness.

2007-07-28, 12:29 AM
Fortunately Raril's fast, and blocks the strikes against his cuffed hand, as his free hand is no longer where it once was, smiley should hit nothing but chair. He continues to pick at the lock.

2007-07-28, 12:31 AM
Chazz' spell fails, and the three are exposed.

Damn it.

Quarein loads a bolt into his crossbow, and fires it at the chaplain. It contain Drow Sleep Poison. The three dash off, not checking to see if the bolt hit, and open the room door. Chazz casts a Quickened spell, flooding light into the dark room. The three assume fighting positions. Quarein shoots another poisoned bolt at a sailor, Chazz casts Hold Person at Smiley, and Taigen draws his Katana, bowing before the remaining sailor, before assuming a defensive stance.

2007-07-28, 12:38 AM
The chaplain is hit in the leg and falls asleep. The same thing happens latter when the sailor is shot by the crossbow. Smiley, being taken by surprise shouts "What the hell is going on?" before being parallelized by the spell. When the samurai bows before the second sailor, he simply draws his pistol and fires, aiming for the chest.

Raril picks open the lock.

2007-07-28, 12:42 AM
Finally! The disguised Drow thinks. He glances at the newcomers, but doesn't worry about them too much instead throwing his dagger at the remaining sailor, aiming to paralyze the man.

2007-07-28, 12:44 AM
The bullet pierces the armor, and the samurai flinches, but doesn't appear to be very hurt. He swipes his sword, aiming for the chest of the sailor.

2007-07-28, 12:57 AM
When Taigen goes in for an attack the sailor attempts to draw his cutlass in response but before either can strike he takes a dagger to the chest and collapses.

2007-07-28, 01:01 AM
The average looking man chained to the chair starts to work quickly on picking the remaining ankle locks.

2007-07-28, 01:07 AM
He is completely free after a few minutes. Apparently, Smiley kept using the same rusty old locks for his prisoners.

2007-07-28, 01:12 AM
Raril stands and retrieve his dagger. Well that could have gone worse.. He looks to the three men who just came in the room with a raised eyebrow, wordlessly asking who they are and why are they here?

After a while the disguised Drow deadtimes.

2007-07-28, 04:32 AM
Chazz Gavin, Archmage of the High Magics. And these are my friends, Kitsune Taigen and Quarein.

Greetings comrade. It would seem that you are enemies with these despicable men, as are we.

Of course he is. Why else would they tie him up? Hey, you can drop your disguise. I know you're a drow. Hopefully not affiliated with any house, or I'll have to kill you, right after I wasted two bolts saving your ass.

Drow? Well, anyway, we won't let him kill you. But if you are loyal to a House of the Spider Queen, you'd best be going.

2007-07-28, 07:42 PM
Raril nods, but maintains his disguise. "Riiight, thanks for the help."

2007-07-28, 08:55 PM
Several marines being led by the ship's acting captain enter the torture chamber.

He belows "Who are you four and why are you attacking my men?"

2007-07-28, 09:22 PM
Raril has by this time returned his weapons and lockpicks to their respective hiding spots and stands there rather innocently. "I..I don't know who they are and these guys brought me in here. Please don't kill me. I thought I was still in Trog's. I just wanted a drink." He's trembling a little, obviously scared.

2007-07-28, 09:25 PM
A few Scrin Stormriders fly overhead, but seem to completely disregard the little fleet. At the same time, they do nothing to disguise their prescence, and openly reveal themselves to the entire fleet.

"Naval forces are not a threat, Foreman. Advise ignoring them for now."

Very well.

2007-07-28, 09:51 PM
*pokes thread, waiting for Admiral Kelly to reply*

2007-07-28, 09:59 PM
The thread is tickled and laughs, thus alerting A_K to make a post.

Smiley overcomes the paralysis. "No, he's definitely lying! I had him strapped to that chair for interrogation and he created some sort of a darkness and picked away at the locks!"

The captain looks at Raril. "He created a darkness? He's a drow in disguise then."

Smiley speaks again "Wait; we had negotiated with a guildmember who was a drow! Maybe he has something to do with it." He walks over to Raril and attempts to smear the makeup on his face.

2007-07-28, 10:06 PM
That will be difficult, as Raril activates a wand on his belt and slips into the ethereal plane, seeming to dissappear. Now to find Lori. He attmepts to walks through the wall, passing through smiley along the way and giving him a nasty chilling feeling.

2007-07-28, 10:09 PM
Smiley feels Raril pass through him and shakes nervously for a bit. The capatain shouts "Get a couple of chaplains down here! We have a drow on the loose!"

He orders eighteen of his men to stay in the room and point they're guns at the deadtime drow trio as he and the other six spread out in search of the forth. Smiley heads for the cabin in which Lori is being held, hoping to get their first.

2007-07-28, 10:18 PM
Raril pauses in the next room and casts a scrying spell centered on Lori.

2007-07-28, 10:20 PM
Lori's cabin is on another part of the ship. He should be able to find a path to get there.

2007-07-28, 10:21 PM
Ah but who needs paths when you have magic? raril activates another wands and teleports directly to that cabin.

2007-07-28, 10:34 PM
When he teleports inside, Lori can be seen asleep in the lower bunk of a bed. The cabin, although quite small, looks like a sleeping quarters for guests and even has a few pieces of furniture in the room.

2007-07-28, 10:36 PM
Raril dispells the magic keeping him on the ethereal plane and quietly steps over to Lori, gently shaking her awake. "Lori, wake up."

2007-07-28, 10:41 PM
She wakes up. At first she dose not who's face she is looking into, but then recognizes it to be the disguise that he was wearing at the Rally. "Raril!" she forgets where she is and the troubles she faces and attempts to kiss him.

2007-07-28, 10:51 PM
He briefly accepts the kiss before puling back. "Come on, Lori. I've got to get you out of here." Raril glances nervously to the door. "They know I'm on the ship and it's only a matter of time until they figure out where I've gone."

2007-07-28, 10:56 PM
Lori silently nods. A moment later, the door opens and the elite who was standing guard points a pistol at Raril through the door. "How did you get in here?"

2007-07-28, 11:00 PM
As Chazz, Taigen, and Quarein stop deadtiming, they see 18 men with guns about to shoot them.

Chazz casts Meteor Storm at the troops.

Taigen slices at any who survive with his katana.

Quarein shoots bolts injected with a killing poison at any survivors.

Chazz grabs Quarein and Taigen, and they teleport to Raril's position.

2007-07-28, 11:10 PM
Of corse the Royal Marines will not be dealt away with so easily. When Meteor Storm hits, it kill four marines in the room and wound another five who fall to the ground. Those who can still fight draw their shortswords and rush in for an attack; three per drow.

2007-07-28, 11:14 PM
((Only Quarein is a drow btw. Chazz is a Human/Avian (The blind guy in my sig), and Taigen is human))

Chazz stands still, listening to their breathing. He turns in their direction, and casts a Maximized Lightning Bolt.

Taigen holds his sword steady.
Three against one? Dishonorable rogues!
He swipes at their chests with his katana.

Quarein drops his crossbow, and draws out a dagger. It's coated in lethal poison crafted from scorpion venom. He tumbles behind them, and attempts three Sneak Attacks.

2007-07-28, 11:15 PM
Raril stands and grins, quietly activating another wand behind his back. "I'm just that good, my friend. You honestly have no idea who you're dealing with."

2007-07-28, 11:21 PM
The lightning bolt causes the three against Chazz to go down.

When Taigen swipes his katana at the first marine it goes into his chest, causing him to sputter blood from his mouth before going down. At the same time the other two swing their weapons at Taigen from the other side.

Quarein fails in sneaking behind his three, mainly since they charged at him, and he is now faced against three swords being swung down against his torso.

* * * * *

"What are you doing back here? I told she would be safe!" he dose not put the pistol down.

2007-07-28, 11:26 PM
Taigen ducks under one attack, but takes another in the shoulder. The sword pierces the armor and some blood spurts out. He continues attacking though.

Quarein smirks, and jumps. He shoots up in the air, landing on the other side of the three. He swipes at the three with his dagger, attempting to rake the dagger accross their backs in one swipe.

Chazz shoots a Scorching Ray at on of the Marines fighting Taigen.

2007-07-28, 11:31 PM
And that doesn't bother Raril in the least. "So you did, and so she is, but I'm afraid or little deal is off. As I told you before, attacking my guildmaster would be suicide and depending on how the battle turns, I cannot trust you to keep your word. Now, I'm going to get her out of here and you will not stop me."

2007-07-28, 11:52 PM
A few more strikes and one marine attacking Tagien is wounded. The other is hit by the scorching ray, causing him to burn up and fall to the ground. Quarein hits two of the marines, the third dogging in time. The last two marines drop their weapons and attempt to escape the room.

* * * * *

It is just then that a spider is flown above the elite's head and is heading directly for Raril.

2007-07-28, 11:59 PM
Taigen and Quarein pocket their blades, and Quareing retrieves his crossbow. Chazz thinks for a second, and casts Arc of Light. Not caring if the marines survive, the three teleport to Lori's room.

((Basically he draws a star in the air, and pushes it. An orb of light flies towards the ceiling, then divebombs at the fleeing marines. It explodes upon impact.))

2007-07-29, 12:01 AM
((Why?!*curses character's flaws*))

Raril glances up at the spider and his right eye starts twitching and he puts a hand to the side of his head, gripping the hair on the side of his head. A small line opens there, revealing black skin. The drow whimpers a little.

2007-07-29, 12:04 AM
((Your drow is afraid of spiders too? *curses Artemis for having similar ideas*))

2007-07-29, 12:08 AM
((Yeah, Menzo will do that to a guy, especially one who's screwed up as many times as Raril has.))

2007-07-29, 12:14 AM
A familiar cold voice enters the room. "Scarred? We found out about your weakness; deathly afraid of spiders. Ha!" Smiley enter the room, the elite keeping an eye on him. Lori is scarred still, not saying a word.

As the three teleport in, Smiley calls down the hallway "We found them! They're all in here!" running of feet can be heard coming towards the door.

2007-07-29, 12:14 AM
((I see. I just bought Drow of the Underdark, so I'm going to say that Quarein had an unfortunate encounter with an Arachnomancer. Raril's from Menzo huh? Quarein's from Xaniqos. Does Raril mean anything in Undercommon btw?))

Quarein sees the spider and freezes. His dagger shakes nervously in his hands.

Taigen draws his blade and fiercly attacks the guy in front of Raril.
Preying on a fear. Pathetic. You make me sick.

Chazz conjures a Wall of Force by the doorway, making sure the others cannot come in the room.

2007-07-29, 12:20 AM
((It's totally made up, but I looked up the syllables once and it came out as something like Omen and fate.))

Unfortunatley for Smiley, Raril's hatred for the man is a bit stronger than his fear of a single spider. His daggers appear in his hands and he rushes at Smiley, making six quick and deadly stabs, not caring about the pistol in the elite's hands.

2007-07-29, 12:23 AM
((Quarein means First Archer or First Sniper. Also Chazz put up a Wall of Force, so Raril runs right into it. Smiley's outside.))

2007-07-29, 12:30 AM
((Neat, and That's just his kind of luck))

There's a loud thud and a crunching noise as Raril smacks into the wall of force then falls to the ground, his nose bleeding.

2007-07-29, 12:31 AM
(( No, Smiley had entered the room. ))

Smiley revels his dagger and small curved sword that he was holding in anticipation of a fight. He blocks most of the attacks and makes some thrusts of his own but he cannot prevent getting stabbed by the dagger once. The wound is non-fatal.

The elite grabs Lori and pulls her away from the others, pointing his pistol towards their heads.

2007-07-29, 12:36 AM
Taigen grips his katana with both hands.

Ancestors of the Kitsune Clan, grant your humble son your strength, agility, wisdom, and honor. I shall fight in your name.

He seems to move with incredibly increased speed, and sprints towards the elite holding Lori. He jumps and swipes at the elite. If the blade comes near Lori, he pulls it back.

Quarein shudders and slowly draws his crossbow. He loads a bolt, and fires at the spider, shaking.

Chazz smirks and casts Disintigrate at Smiley.

2007-07-29, 12:38 AM
Raril pulls back from Smiley and trades out his right dagger for his rapier. Bolstered by the fact he's drawn frist blood he makes a complicated series of feints and thrusts, focusing on scoring a hit with the poisoned rapier.

2007-07-29, 12:44 AM
The elite lets go of Lori and fires upon Taigen before he himself is hit. If he misses, he will be killed by the oncoming blade.

Smiley is capable of holding his own in a fight with light weapons, but when he is hit by Chazz's spell he is severely weakened and Raril stabs him through the heart, falling over onto the bed.

Quarein kills the spider with the crossbow bolt.

Outside the door, a few marines try to get in but the force wall prevents them. A chaplain steps through and attempts to dispel it.

2007-07-29, 12:47 AM
Taigen is hit by the bullet in the leg, and blood begins bursting from the wound. He doesn't even seem to notice, and brings his sword down on the elite.

Chazz nods, feeling that Smiley is either dead or badly wounded.

Quarein digs out a dagger, and tries to slit Smiley's throat. (If's he's dead, he does it, just in case. If he's not dead, he can still dodge it.))

The chaplain dispels the Wall, but Chazz casually casts Field of Icy Razors, causing razor sharp ice spikes to appear right by the marines.

2007-07-29, 12:53 AM
Raril pulls his blade from the man's chest, a satisfied look on his face. He turns and looks at the marines on the other side of the force wall, trading out his second dagger for one of his icy shortswords. If any enter the room he'll attack. It's unlikely that Smiley will be dodgeing anything, as he's either dead or unconscious from the poison on Raril's blade.

2007-07-29, 12:53 AM
The elite is slashed in the throat. Blood gashes out of his throat and he falls down, quite dead. Smiley was killed instantly when he was stabbed in the heart, so when Quarein slits his throat no blood seem to pour out; just sort of sits there.

(( Deadtime. If you want to teleport Lori out of there to bring her somewhere safe, feel free to do so. ))

2007-07-29, 01:06 AM
Seeing that the marines weren't rushing into the room just yet, Raril turns and gives a respectful nod to Quarein, he had killed the spider after all.

He then deadtimes.

2007-07-29, 12:39 PM
A long while later, Raril comes out of deadtime looking around and wondering what's going to happen next.

2007-07-29, 12:43 PM
Two of the priests work togther to dispel the force wall. At least a half-dozen marines rush into the room, pointing their bayonet equipped rifles at everyone. The captain can be seen behind them, who shouts "Surrender or you will be shot!"

2007-07-29, 12:52 PM
And all Raril can do is laugh while he begins casting a spell. Suddenly there are two of him and they're both grinning.

2007-07-29, 01:08 PM
Before the marines can fire their weapons, Lori shouts "Wait! Captain, don't you think it might be better to give us a chance to talk? This could all be a gross misunderstanding." the captain is unaware of this, but Lori is actually using Suggestion on him.

The captain answers "If your friends decide to work things out peacefully we might not need to kill them."

2007-07-29, 01:21 PM
Both Rarils nod in agreement, and the first one speaks. "Yes I believe we have had some sort of miscommunication. you see I had made a deal with this gentleman here." He gestures to the dead Elite while the second Raril picks up the speech. "And I was just coming to make sure he was upholding his end of the bargain. Namely to keep him" The second gestures to Smiley and the first speaks again. "Away from her." The original Raril grins and tries to put an arm around Lori.

2007-07-29, 02:23 PM
The deadtimes trio wake up, but stay silent.

2007-07-29, 03:15 PM
Raril and his copy grin at the three as they wake up.

2007-07-29, 03:21 PM
Lori allows Raril to put his arm around her. She is no longer nervous or scarred of the situation.

The captain says "I highly doubt he will be upholding his end of the bargain now that he is dead; although since Smiley is also dead he needn't worry about it from whatever afterlife he is in. What about you three?"

2007-07-29, 03:44 PM
The first Raril speaks. "Well if they're both dead..."
The second cuts in. "Then the deal is void"
Back to the first. "What shall we do now?"
The second replies. "How about some music?" And sure enough a guitar apppears in his hands which he begins to play. Subtle, but powerful, magic is woven into the song, causing at least half of marines to want to attack and kill their comrades.

2007-07-29, 03:49 PM
But the captain is smart enough not to let that happen. When the guitar is pulled out, he aims his pistol at the second Raril's head and fires.

2007-07-29, 04:04 PM
The double collapses in a rather bloody mess. Too dramatic? Probably but that's Raril's style. Speaking of the crafty drow, he's activating another wand, to teleport him and Lori to safety, probably the swamp castle.

2007-07-29, 04:29 PM
Lori screams at the sight of Raril being dead- although it is quite odd to say the least since another Raril is holding onto her. They teleport away, and the marines advance into the room, pointing their bayonet equipped rifles at the trio.

(( deadtime. ))

2007-07-29, 04:41 PM
As Raril and Lori dissappear, so does the 'dead' Raril. Apparently that one was only an illusion. The guitar does get left behind though, it's a rather nice instument.

2007-07-29, 05:05 PM
Chazz yawns.

Honestly, you'd think they'd figure out they can't win, but I guess not.

He shoots a Fireball straight at them, and Quarein throws twin daggers at two marines that stay alive.

Taigen draws his blade in anticipation, but doesn't make any attacks.

2007-07-29, 11:43 PM
Overconfidence is one of the worst enemies you can face. When the fireball is cast, eight guns go off at once at point blank range. However, four marines are killed by the fireball and the rest are injured, and two get killed by the daggers.

2007-07-30, 03:55 PM
The bullets pepper the three, but when the gunpowder clears, they are still standing, although they each have a few wounds.

Chaz sighs, wiping blood off his face and sends another fireball their way. He then opens his wings and flies up in the air, gracefully flying arbove the marines.

2007-07-30, 04:10 PM
In fear, the captain runs out being nearly charred by the fireball. The two wounded marines are roasted and very well dead.

2007-07-30, 06:36 PM
Quarein chases after the captain attempting to shoot him with a bolt.

2007-07-30, 06:38 PM
He is blocked by a marine who thrusts his cutlass through the doorway. Two shots are also fired into the room.

2007-07-30, 06:46 PM
Quarein ducks under the cutlass, and tries to stab the marine with his poisoned dagger.

Chazz casually lobs a Greater Draconic Ally behind the marines. A large gold dragon appears, and shoots fire at any marines he can see.

2007-08-01, 01:17 PM
Quarein kills the marine in the doorway. The others fire upon the summoned dragon. A few priests attempt to dispel it. The trio seems to have been ignored.

(( Do you mind just teleporting away? I plan for the Royal Navy to leave and head back home soon. ))

2007-08-01, 06:40 PM
((They're all dead.:smalltongue:))

2007-08-01, 07:18 PM
(( They left some men to man and guard the ships, and 3,000 escaped. Not all dead. ))

2007-08-01, 07:22 PM
((Actually, at least some of those 3,000 would have been killed by the Wyverns and Dragon Flies sent to run them down. Others would have lead them here. Thus, as soon as they report back, Alon will know the RN's location. Expect swift, immediate vengeance.))

2007-08-01, 07:25 PM
(( Vengeance? You beat the crap out of them by using cheap magic tricks! Just let 'em go or I swear I'll toss a nuke at the castle. And yes, many of the roughly three-thousand died before getting here; so there's less than three thousand. ))

2007-08-01, 07:26 PM
((Actually, I didn't use any magic compared to Draken. And letting them go would not be a valid IC response. Alon will try to kill any survivors. He's really pissed. He won't have enough creatures to kill them all, but they'll be able to do some damage. And you shouldn't have nukes.))
At least one of Alon's flying beasts should spot the ship. It begins winging its way back to the castle.

2007-08-01, 07:36 PM
(( Actually, there's forty-four ships in total. And I don't care, Vader. I really expected to win this battle when I forgot that you had god-like charachters at your side. And I'll admit I made several mistakes along the way too.

You attack, the Royal Navy suddenly has nukes which they are normally not aloud to use. ))

A few thousand soldiers make it back to the fleet. They look as though they were through a battle and utterly defeated. They begin to go back onto the ships in a hurry.

A man shouts "The enemy is upon us! LET'S MOVE OUT!"

All the ships bells start ringing as men pour onto the ships and those already on board get into battle positions.

2007-08-01, 07:37 PM
((And I suddenly have invisible shields which the nukes will bounce off of. Bull****. And you would not have won, even if it had just been me. You magically went from on the edge of the swamp to right outside the castle! Apparently, your men were moving forward while they were fighting.:smallannoyed:))
Black specks appear in the distance, moving towards the RN, fast.

2007-08-01, 07:45 PM
(( No shyt sherlock. Maybe I should point out that suddenly they were swarmed by thousands of monsters who had no knowledge of them being there? Or the fact that you never specified how many forces you had? Or maybe that E's apparently an all-seeing god that has to be in every major conflict? Or maybe that I never fought against any actual guildmembers? ))

Giddian appears right in front of the horde of monsters. "Your enemies who have invaded your homeland have been defeated and they dare not strike again. Even as I speak they flee now in terror. Do not loose your rage upon them, for there is no further need of doing so."

2007-08-01, 07:48 PM
((Oh yeah, gee, because Alon's a total idiot and doesn't put out scouts in the swamps. What an idiot. OF COURSE HE PUTS OUT SCOUTS!!! And you did fight Alon, you would have fought Erica, except it's the Thieves' Guild, not the uber-tank guild! We're not designed for close-up combat against thousands of foes. And it wasn't thousands of monsters. A couple hundred at best.))
Suspecting a last-ditch attempt to save the fleet, the monsters give Giddian a wide birth. They are still flying in midair.

2007-08-01, 07:55 PM
Giddian, seeing the monsters fly off, creates a thunderstorm. The thunderstorm seems to surround them and them alone. The thunderstorm should cause fear, prevent them from flying the the vast amounts of rain, and make it hard to see through. If they head back towards the castle they will discover that the thunderstorm seem to let up.

2007-08-01, 07:57 PM
Several of the wyverns have riders. At least two of these are Lizard Mages. They combine efforts to attempt to dispel the cloud.
((You shouldn't have expected to win the battle. Overconfidence is the one supreme mistake an attacker can make.:smalltongue:))

2007-08-01, 08:00 PM
Giddian's storm is too huge to be dispelled and as they continue to fly through it it only gets bigger and more rain pours down upon them. Thunderbolts now start hitting the riders, targeting spellcasters first.

2007-08-01, 08:04 PM
Unfortunately, no magic is too huge to be dispelled, and thus, it will be dispelled. If it isn't, the mages cast a Mass Anti-Magic. The monsters are now safe from the storm and it's effects.

2007-08-01, 08:07 PM
Actually, that is not exactly so. If they attempt to dispel the storm, they can only dispel a small portion at a time, to which more clouds cover it. Two lightning bolts rain down upon the casters.

2007-08-01, 08:09 PM
Who are protected from the bolts due to Anti-Magic. They will cast a visions to determine the proper course to take towards the ships. They fly low over the water, about 20 feet up.
((AK, if the storm was a single spell, then a single dispel is all it takes.))

2007-08-01, 08:17 PM
(( It is a single spell but it was created by Giddian; my charachter, my spell, my rules. The dispel is either an are effect, a single target, or a beam of some kind. Dispelling Giddian will not affect the storm the areas can hardly be that huge, and a single beam is too weak. Beside, did it occor to you that Giddian might be more powerful then two lowly casters put together? ))

Two angelic beasts descend from the skys in the middle of the storm and attempt to knock off the two casters into the waters below.

If the flyers are close enough to the ships the RN ships will fire a volley of cannonballs at them.

2007-08-01, 08:21 PM
The flying beasts will do what they came to do. The Mages will cast Inferno at the ships, this should smash apart a good deal of whatever ship it hits. The Lizardmen riding Serpent Flies will fly close, and hurl jars of something remarkably like napalm. There are ten of them. The four Wyverns will then pull away, but not before the mages summon twelve Medium Air Elementals to fight the angelic beasts.

Ironically enough, the flyers will pull up to deck height right before the cannons fire. Thus, the RN ships should be putting more then a few holes in one another. Two Serpent Flies are killed, however, they weren't fast enough.

((Sorry, AK, but no dice. You can target a dispel on a particular spell, like they did in this case. Now I grant that it would probably fail, due to Giddian being a much higher level, but if the dispel went through, the entire spell would disappear.))

2007-08-01, 08:28 PM
(( No, it wouldn't; there isn't enough anti-magic to so. ))

The Royal Navy's fleet takes severe damages, loosing one of their ships even. Giddian, who sees this from ashore, become outraged and casts a large dispel on the entire area. If the anti-magic shields are dispelled in this manner, Giddian will cause the thunderstorm to rain down upon all the riders. The bolts are strong enough to kill them and the beasts they ride upon.

2007-08-01, 08:32 PM
The very nature of anti-magic prevents dispel magic from being used on it.
((AK, you're not getting it. It's not a question of whether there's enough "anti-magic." One dispel, and the entire spell goes down. Dem's da roolz, sorry.))

2007-08-01, 08:49 PM
(( That's gaming logic. I'm starting to dislike RPing with you. ))

The Royal Navy unleashes it's secret weapon. On the Crimson Enforcer, some of the crew rotates a massive hammer-like wheel clockwise to the highest point. Once this happens, it then slams down, blasting shockwaves through the ocean.

From the watery depths a kraken surfaces. Upon seeing the dragons attacking the ships, the kraken extends it's over one-hundred fold massive tendrils, which reach up to seventy feet, and grab onto the flying monsters. The tendrils suckers should prevent any form of escape for any creatures caught onto and dragged down to their watery deaths.

(( :smalltongue: ))

2007-08-01, 09:01 PM
Davy Jones revives, appears throught the wood, slaps A_K in the face for the copy and goes back to the Locker, probably taking the kraken back.

(Ok, on to business.

Giddian probably used Control Weather, followed by Call Lightning Storm. The storm generated by Control Weather cannot be dispelled, but the Call Lightning Storm spell, used to focus the lightning bolts on specific targets, can be countered, but it can't be dispelled.

Antimagic field has a small percentage of being destroyed by Mordecaynen's Disjunction, and only by that spell [or some kind of superior, epic or godly power]

Hope to be of use.

Don't listen to my advice and I will rain chaos on both of your asses.)

2007-08-04, 11:32 AM
((Giddian did not use Control Weather. I know Control Weather cannot be dispelled, as the storm is nonmagical, just like you cannot dispel a Wall of Stone. This stom caused fear. Which means that it was magical. Which means that Dispel cancels it. AK, Dispel is not a beam, or a ray, or whatever. Dispel "cancels out", if you will, a single spell that was cast. The spell used to summon the magical storm was a single spell. And it's not gaming logic, it makes perfect sense! Dispel dispels one spell that was cast!:smallannoyed: ))

The Kraken will be completely ineffective and will be ignored unless Admiral Kelly can explain why it attacks the small, flying creatures and completely ignores the massive Royal Navy fleet.

2007-08-04, 11:39 AM
The Royal Navy had caught this kraken years ago when it was much younger and smaller. Because of the way they raised it, the kraken responds to the call of the hammer, can recongize RN ships, and will attack their enimies. And the wyvrens have also been acknowledged as being massive.

2007-08-04, 11:41 AM
((Two more questions. First, how does it know what their enemies are? Second, how can it recognize the bottom hulls of RN ships from any other ships? Right, I was referring to the flies, the Wyverns are high enough to avoid the tentacles.))
Regardless, the wyverns are high enough in the air to avoid the tentacles. Several flies will be caught and dragged into the water, but since they are small and fast, the other six escape. The two Lizard mages shoot Infernos at the Kraken's eyes.

The caught Lizardman riders will smash the firebombs on the tentacles, which will immolate them, along with blowing apart a good-sized chunk of tentacle, and scorching even more.

((You may say you dislike RPing with me, but I didn't even think about Alon having some uber-cheesy weapon in case he was attacked, like you were saying with the "nukes". And you shouldn't have expected to win, attacking Alon on his home turf. You would have taken even more casualties if you hadn't magically gone from a half-mile away to the gates while your men were in hand-to-hand combat the entire time.))

2007-08-04, 05:25 PM
(( The fly flags at the bottom of their ships for this purpose. And the Kraken sees your guys attacking mine, that should be a dead giveaway.

I had thousands of soldiers you had hundreds. In hindsight, I should of wiped them all out. And they were not in hand-to-hand combat; they were killing and slaughtering there way to the castle. Or at least that is the way that should of went, but you had godly power at your side.

In fact, I never wanted to fight you. I wanted to fight the real Thieves' Guild. But you spoiled that too killing all kind of drama and plot. And this fight here will not last very long.

And I also resent Bookboy for bringing E into this. Why are all of his charachters on the same page anyway? I'd like an explanation for that.))

The Kraken submerges underwater so it's eyes will not be hit by the infernos, not that the mages can hit accurately in the storm. When the infernos hit the water, they should drown instantly.

Giddian sens out four more angelic beasts to kill off the remaining mages. He already killed two of them and there should not have been more than four to begin with.

(( How many flyers do you have, Vader? ))

2007-08-04, 05:35 PM
Of course, since the Infernos remain little glowing dots until they hit the Kraken, it shouldn't see them coming, and regardless should have no idea what they do.
Alon teleports in, missing the Wyvern he was aiming for. He flies up, and lands on it's back.
He will summon a group of 16 Medium Air Elementals, which proceed to attack the angelic beasts.
((6 flies, 4 wyverns. Alon is joining it now. And AK, you fighting the Thieves' Guild by themselves would have been a horrible slaughter. 4 PCs against what, like 9,000 soldiers? Bull****. Get over it.:smallannoyed: Also, I may have had hundreds of soldiers, but those were monsters, not humans. 1 Gorgon or Basilisk> 10 RN soldiers, at least. Unless you think a single human can kill a Gorgon with a bullet? No. You were not slaughtering your way through my troops.))

2007-08-04, 05:47 PM
(( The guild has an unspecified amount of NPC thieves. And again; why is everyone aligned with eachother? I don't get why these swamp guys are interested in the going-ons of an organization of common thieves. And earlier, Giddian's angelic beasts felled to casters, you acknowledged this.

And I'm sick of this battle. I have no real anti-air support except these things Giddian keeps summoning. You defeated and humiliated the Royal Navy; what more do you want? :smallmad: ))

Two angelic beasts are cast down, the others avoid the air elementals. Giddian summons four more angelic beasts and all eight target and attack Alon using teeth, claws, and wings.

2007-08-04, 06:01 PM
((I said that some beasts were killed. I never said the casters died. Those beasts had normal Lizardmen riding them. And AK, this is an IC response. This is what Alon would have done IC. And since Alon is a member of the Thieves' Guild, and he hosts the Guild, his army will defend against any attacks. And regardless, you attack their castle, they will defend it. That is what interest "those swamp guys" have. And I'll be leaving soon. Alon's not stupid, he knows he can't stop the entire fleet. He just wants as much vengeance as possible for what they've done.))

Alon and the two casters are flying in wedge formation now. The casters fire off a pair of Fireballs at a ship: Alon follows up with a Meteor Shower. They then gain altitude and attempt to pull away. Alon summons four more Air Elementals, and seeing as the original 16, twelve now, presuming the beasts put up a fight, should be as least as fast as the beasts, the 16 elementals close with the beasts to defend Alon. Any that break through to Alon will be met with the Titan's Thunder, and attacks from the Wyvern as well.
The six remaining fly riders hurl another volley of bombs at a different ship, and then pull up as well.
((Also, you never said what happened with the Infernos. They're like a Fireball in regards to how they reach their targets, the Kraken wouldn't be able to see them coming, although it is certainly plausible that some tentacles would accidentally intercept the Infernos instead of its eyes.))

2007-08-04, 06:24 PM
(( ...The kraken submerged underwater; I stated that already! And let me get the quotes on the casters who were killed:

"Two angelic beasts descend from the skys in the middle of the storm and attempt to knock off the two casters into the waters below."

"The flying beasts will do what they came to do."

That sounds pretty dead to me, no? Unless you ignored that part, in which case I brand you for godmodding.

At this rate they actually can take out the whole of the RN. They don't have any friggin' anti-air support and your guys are at least eighty feet in the air. ))

Several meteors and fireballs hit one of the ships, causing it to burst into flames and subsequently explode. The angelic beasts busy themselves fighting back against the air elementals.

Giddian becomes outraged by this. He teleports directly onto Alon's wyvren behind his back and attempts to place his staff around Alon's neck all in on action. If he succeeds, he will put Alon in a tight strangling position and tell him to call off the attack.

2007-08-04, 06:29 PM
((I didn't see that. Sorry.:smallredface: The wyverns should have been going fast enough to avoid them, and the casters would have attacked them. I'll say one died, then. And they're leaving now.))
Since Alon is wearing full-plate armor, the staff won't strangle him. He attempts to smash Giddian in the face with his plate-armored hand. The elementals will continue to engage the beasts. Several die, but there are still twelve left.

"Why ssshould I call off the attack? Thisss isss vengeance for the unprovoked attack on my castle!"
All the beasts will continue to head towards the Castle, with the exception of the elementals.
((And the kraken had no reason for submerging, really, but whatever.))

2007-08-04, 06:39 PM
(( The kraken saw the infernos coming. Kraken's not stupid. ))

Three more beasts go down. The rest continue fighting.

Alon should find it difficult to hit Giddian with accuracy since he still has a hold on him. Giddian shifts his head out of the way from the attack.

"Revenge is a wronghood. It is a petty action meant to sustain a near-animal need for bloodlust. You should curve your anger and resentment towards them and learn forgiveness. Your enemies are defeated and their leaders are dead. When they return to their kingdom telling the horrors of what happened none will be willing to return. There is no need for this."

2007-08-04, 06:58 PM
((But a fireball is a tiny dot the size of a pea. The inferno is the same until it hits. It wouldn't have been able to see them!))
"Why do you care for them ssso much? I didn't sssee you helping usss when they attacked our cassstle. Preach all you want. I don't care."
Alon will cast Protection from Energy on himself. He then points a hand back towards Gideon. A Lightning Bolt will erupt at point-blank range.

((Deadtime. Feel free to respond to this.))

2007-08-04, 07:32 PM
Giddian is hit by the bolt of lighting and falls over.

2007-08-04, 09:29 PM
The creatures will fly away at full speed. The Air Elementals will continue distracting the beasts, but if the beasts attempt to disengage, the Air Elementals will let them go and follow Alon.

2007-08-04, 09:32 PM
One of the beasts flies towards Giddian's aid. The other four fight on, two more die during the fight.

(( How many elementals are left? ))

2007-08-04, 09:37 PM
((I think there's about four left.))
If able to escape unhindered, the four wyverns and six Serpent Flies will head towards the swamp and eventually the castle.

2007-08-04, 09:56 PM
The Wyvrens and Serpents fly away without resistance. Giddian appears riding on an angelic beast. "Your men have fallen back. I suggest you go with them."

2007-08-05, 08:46 AM
((AK, Alon is riding a wyvern. So if he appears in front of Alon, he appears in front of the entire group of beasts.))
Just to be a pain in the ass, Alon will use Control Weather to summon up a storm to harass the RN fleet. It won't do any serious damage, but it should be pretty annoying.

2007-08-05, 09:11 AM
(( For the record, you did not specifically say he was going away with the others. ))

The Royal Navy speeds up, traveling away from the storm the best they can.

2007-08-05, 09:22 AM
((I didn't need to. I said he was on a wyvern. All the wyverns left. Thus, Alon left as well.))
The Air Elementals will continue fighting until they're all dead.
"Burn in hell, ssscum."

2007-08-05, 07:19 PM
Giddian emerges riding upon the angelic beast who went to save him. He calls back any other angelic beasts still fighting the elementals and attempts to cast a rather large area-of-effect dispel over them.

2007-08-05, 07:51 PM
It will succeed. The elementals disappear.

2007-08-05, 08:20 PM
Giddian teleports and the winged beast flies away.