View Full Version : How expensive is this wine?

2016-08-31, 12:09 PM
In CoS I obtained a bottle of fancy wine in the death house, when we finally escaped the death house the DM said everything we obtained inside the death house was aged 100 years. The wine was already described as fancy and now it is 100 years older, my question is how much money would I get if I sold the wine?

2016-08-31, 12:40 PM
1) As much as you can negotiate for
2) as much as your DM gives you
3) Depends on whether it is a type of wine/vintage that will in any way benefit from being more mature. Older is not always the same as better.

2016-08-31, 12:46 PM
Even assuming that the 100 years of aging improved the wine (a huge assumption), how do you convince the buyer of the quality? Assuming the bottle has some identifiable vintage markings on it, those would indicate a still-young wine, right?

2016-08-31, 01:28 PM
Most wine would be undrinkable if it were that old. Some wines (for example some ports) could potentially still be drinkable and may be improved. If your DM intended the wine to be better after 100 years then it's better.

The price would all depend on demand of course. If no one in Barovia would even think of drinking wine more than a few years old, then you just have a curiosity on your hands. You may be able to sell to some eccentric noble. If your DM intended it to be valuable then it is.

Wine quality even today is always subject to a Schrodinger situation. The only way to be sure of the quality is to drink it- and then you can't sell it. It would help if you had a case of it from the same vintage.

2016-08-31, 02:34 PM
If your looking at selling it then consider:

1. Quality - is it still good? Clearly marked? Legit?

2. Location - Is it in demand? Where would you need to travel to sell at best price?

3. Cost - Is traveling 10 days West to a Kingdom who would pay top dollar worth the expenditure to sell it?

4. Are you thirsty?

2016-08-31, 02:34 PM
You probably have a bottle of vinegar.

If you're lucky.

I would never drink a bottle of magically aged wine owned by cannabalistic cultists that was left in a cursed house for 100 years.

2016-08-31, 02:58 PM
There's also the fact that, in my experience, there's no-one to sell things to in Barovia anyway. All the shops we visited had crappy selections and huge markups; after eighth level we were pretty much all still using our starting gear-- and most of the rest came from said death house just before I joined.

(Of course, we also kept getting kicked out of towns. Goddamn AL players...)

2016-08-31, 04:16 PM
I don't know about CoS, but if I was the DM, I'd say 15 gold, maybe 25 if it was improved by the aging. Naturally you could sell it for half. You might get a higher price if you sell it to some sketchlord who really likes death houses.

Safety Sword
2016-08-31, 05:04 PM

I would never drink a bottle of magically aged wine owned by cannabalistic cultists that was left in a cursed house for 100 years.

And your call yourself and adventurer? Go on, try some. :smallamused:

Or as I say to my players on a regular basis, "What's the worst that can happen? You have a backup character, right?"

2016-08-31, 07:00 PM
Unless the seal is perfectly in tact, you have a bottle of potentially poisonous vinegar. Most alcoholic beverages only improve with age while they are in the cask. It has to do with the exchange of flavors between the wood of the cask and the liquid, primarily. The reason really old bottles of wine are sometimes really valuable is because the conditions that produced the grapes, and sometimes the technique for making the wine can't be reproduced combined with the "na na, you can't get it" factor.

The Scotch Whisky museum tour was very educational. They even have a little Pirates of the Caribbean style ride to take you through the history.

2016-09-01, 12:02 AM
It could be really valuable to the original vintner.

2016-09-01, 08:49 PM
50 gold pieces