View Full Version : Optimization Evil Party, what should I do?

Moo, I'm Human
2016-09-02, 05:28 PM
My DM is going to be running a evil campaign starting at 5th level soon, and I don't know what to play! Could you guys give me a little help?
Party consists of:
Oathbreaker Paladin 3/Death Domain Cleric 2
Werewolf* Barbarian 5
Necromancer 5
...and a few others who haven't decided yet. The werewolf will be slightly changed, only transforming on a full moon, having no other abilities from being a werewolf otherwise, and the DM will control him.
My stats are:
Thanks in advance!:smallsmile:

2016-09-02, 05:44 PM
Whatever Class, it looks very tempting to play a Half-Elf to get three 18's from level 1. I'd then be tempted to take Resilient for whatever Ability Score you shove that 5 in, not only to bump the mod up by one, but also to balance out that massive Save weakness.

So...what suits having Cha:18 alongside two other 18's and isn't too fussed about having a massive dump-stat?

- Paladin might be an obvious answer, dumping Dex with the 5 and Int with the 8. With Resilient (Dex), your Dex Save will be at +1, going up to +5 next level when you get Aura of Protection. There's already a Paladin in the party, so maybe that's not an option.

- Swashbuckler Rogue with Dex, Con and Cha:18 could be beastly in melee. Shove that 5 in Wisdom, take Resilient (Wis) and Expertise in Perception and you'll almost never notice the fact that it's been dumped so incredibly hard.

- Bard (either Lore of Valour) is a shoe-in for such god-like stats.

That's what I'd go with, anyway.

2016-09-02, 05:46 PM
Looks like an excellent warlock to me with the urchin background to fill in the missing sneaky skills.

2016-09-02, 05:56 PM
Looks like an excellent warlock to me with the urchin background to fill in the missing sneaky skills.

Could be an interesting roleplaying opportunity to play a character with abysmal Constitution...

2016-09-02, 05:59 PM
What kind of evil arch type would you want to roleplay?

Moo, I'm Human
2016-09-02, 06:59 PM
I was originally thinking a Oathbreaker/Vengeance Paladin of Hel, but there already was one, so I guess a rogue might work. I was also debating a warlock, but I think that may be wasting the stats. I really don't care what role-play wise, I think I can make nearly anything work, but what class I should go is my problem. Thanks for the replies btw guys.

2016-09-02, 07:27 PM
I was originally thinking a Oathbreaker/Vengeance Paladin of Hel, but there already was one, so I guess a rogue might work. I was also debating a warlock, but I think that may be wasting the stats. I really don't care what role-play wise, I think I can make nearly anything work, but what class I should go is my problem. Thanks for the replies btw guys.

A Fiend Pact Bladelock could totally rock those stats and has a remarkably similar theme to your original Paladin of Hel idea. 5th level is where the Bladelock really starts getting fun.

2016-09-02, 08:09 PM
I'd worry more about that 5 than anything else. Pick a class that doesn't use Charisma, and stay quiet and broody. Suggestions include Fighter, Ranger, Monk and Rogue.

2016-09-03, 01:22 AM
Do you know what kind of weapon the pathbreaker will use? With those stats id say you could make a great sword and board EK.

Go Vhuman

18 str
18 con
5 dex (14 would be the better power gaming move, but bare with me)
16 int
8 wis
14 char

Grab res dex as your Vhuman feat and war caster at lvl 4.

Your initiative might suck BUT with spells such as absorb elements fx failing dex saves against most AOE's isn't a big problem.

With res dex you'll have +1 on dex saves at lvl 5, which is decent.

You could switch dex and char but I personally hate playing a low char character.
I don't know which world you are playing in but making an evil EK should be easy, worship whatever god the necromancer does I guess

2016-09-03, 02:34 AM
My DM is going to be running a evil campaign starting at 5th level soon, and I don't know what to play! Could you guys give me a little help?
Party consists of:
Oathbreaker Paladin 3/Death Domain Cleric 2
Werewolf* Barbarian 5
Necromancer 5
...and a few others who haven't decided yet. The werewolf will be slightly changed, only transforming on a full moon, having no other abilities from being a werewolf otherwise, and the DM will control him.
My stats are:
Thanks in advance!:smallsmile:

That 5 is what will dictate what you play. My gut-reaction is to stick it in Charisma, but that's my personal go-to dump stat. But you could stick it somewhere for role play goodness, like Intelligence, Charisma, or Dex and play someone incredibly dumb, disfigured/horrendous, or lame.

Evocation Wizard with 8 Str, 17 Dex, 16 Con, 17 Int, 14 Wis, 5 Cha. You like to blow **** up with magic and just don't give a damn.Just be that nasty old evil wizard they normally send adventurers to slay.

If I were playing in that game with those stats, I'd go Circle of the Moon Druid/Totem Barbarian. 14 Str, 16 Con, 17 Dex, 5 Int, 17 Wis, 8 Cha. A druid that has retained the bestial nature regardless of what form they take. A big dumb brute who turns into big dumb brutes. Goes well with the party werewolf.

ES Curse
2016-09-03, 02:53 AM
If you want to get things done "evil-ly", you're going to need someone sneaky.
-Bard as a Killer Clown, throws knives (High CHA/DEX/CON, low INT/STR)
-Shadow Monk if you want to get really tricky (High DEX/WIS/CON, low CHA/INT as those skills do not befit you)
-Long Death Monk has solid survivability (High DEX/WIS/CON as before, low CHA/STR and be gaunt/near-dead)
-Assassin Rouge for raw damage (High DEX/CON, do what you like with the other stats to feel right)

This is also a good time to mention "What Does Your Dump Stat Say About You?":
-Low STR implies a lack of physical training, either due to extreme isolation or being sheltered
-Low DEX shows a serious lack of coordination, maybe you're so bulky it's hard to move around
-Low CON makes you sick and ill, and probably requires an explanation as to how you haven't died yet
-Low INT is just dumb, plain and simple. An Orc is INT 7, you're approaching Ogre levels of stupid
-Low WIS indicates you have trouble seeing/understanding things. Likely damaged in the eyes or brain.
-Low CHA reflects a lack of personality. Maybe you're just "creepy". Maybe you're REALLY boring and talk in monotone.

2016-09-03, 03:04 AM
You've got great rolled stats. That potentially allows you to play a sub-optimal race/class combo without being penalised.

So for example you could be a Drow cleric of Lolth. Your wisdom and constitution could still be very good for a starting character and your dex would be awesome, so with the criminal background you could scout pretty well.

Of course you can also start out with something more obvious and spend your ASIs on feats if you prefer.

2016-09-03, 05:28 AM
Ignore my stat suggestions (hadn't had coffee) 17 str 17 con 16 int 14 wis 8dex and 5 cha is the way to go for a vhuman EK