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View Full Version : D&D 5e/Next Epic Invasion of Hell

2016-09-04, 06:17 PM
Alright friends. This is my first post here, so please excuse the informality. I'm looking for help with ideas for the final chapter in my campaign.

For hundreds of years, Asmodeus has corrupted the people of the world to the point to where the "gods" have long been forgotten, so the gods are in a weakened state in their own realm without the faith and prayers of their followers.

The PCs have just reached level 20 and will be confronting a Pit Fiend general posted on the material plane to oversee the Infernal invasion of the plane. Asmodeus has finally achieved a long time goal of his. A treaty has been made with the demonic forces of the Abyss.

In this confrontation with the Pit Fiend general, the PCs will be killed. They will awaken in "The Outlands" and be discovered by a frail old man (who is actually Boccob). The gods are aware of Asmodeus' plan to become the only deity left, and that the PCs are the last hope of defeating the Lord of the Nine Hells. In exchange for a favor/task/mission, each remaining God will sacrifice their essence into an artifact that will be given to each party member. Once the PCs are fully equipped with their legendary artifacts, they will front an invasion force of the remaining angels straight into the Nine Hells.

***OK, So here's where I need your help***
I need quest ideas of what the PC's could do for each God.

I'm thinking defeat some corrupted arcane essence in Boccob's library of lore, the tower will be extremely trapped/warded, but that's about where my ideas stop.

I need quests/tasks for these gods:

- Obad-Hai in the Hidden Wood of Obad-Hai

- Corellon - Realm of the Elven Court Arvandor

- Moradin - Erackinor in Celestia

- Nerull - Agathys in Carceri

- Garl Glittergold - Twin Planes of Bytopia

- Kord - Ysgard

- Heironeous

- Pelor - Thalasia, in Elysium

Any help is appreciated! Thanks!!

2016-09-05, 11:32 PM
Not sure how appropriate these are, but ideas for a few struck me as I read. I'm thinking of thematic counters/weakness to the gods, so tell me if that's the wrong track.

I'm thinking defeat some corrupted arcane essence in Boccob's library of lore, the tower will be extremely trapped/warded, but that's about where my ideas stop.

It might be a bit cruel to the players, but a living Antimagic Field/Disjunction, slowly reducing his store of artifacts and lore to ash? Or some other magic/knowledge eating beast.

- Corellon - Realm of the Elven Court Arvandor

Nothing specific I'm afraid, but since you mentioned a treaty with the Abyss, maybe a scheme by Lloth, now with diabolical aid, to claim her 'rightful' place?

- Moradin - Erackinor in Celestia

- Nerull - Agathys in Carceri

End the outbreak of some infectious form of life (fungus or insects of some sort, probably? Or maybe something positive-energy associated?) in his domain before if destroys the essence of death that ties the place to Hades.

- Kord - Ysgard

Cure the wasting disease that has struck his hall, never killing anyone (which should allow them to rise healed the next morning) but leaving him and his warriors bedridden and trapped in a feverish half-life.

Can't think of anything for the others I'm afraid, but hopefully one of those appeals.

2016-09-08, 12:08 PM
Can we get some hired yugoloth fun times rolling? Like weaponize the Grays to hit Bytopia and cripple Garl Glittergold's petitioners and another group meanwhile sets up a portal to Moradin and starts a protracted siege of the Dwarven Halls and mount celestia? Also St. Just you are a genius!