View Full Version : [PF]spontaneous cantrips on a prepared caster

2016-09-04, 11:47 PM
Is there any way to permanently memorize set cantrips(either not have to prepare them or prepare without a book) without wasting spell mastery.
Preferably but not exclusively non class specific.
Or any way to do this at all as an arcanist(other than the spell specialist and collegiate initiate archetypes) or to get spell mastery on an arcanist without dipping.

It's an odd thing to ask but it's for character concept reasons(not very bright caster, leaves class features lying around and learns to run on instinct at a severely reduced capacity to compensate)

2016-09-08, 02:04 PM
The FAQ allows you to apply Spell Mastery to non-Wizard classes (though not during PFS.) It's described as a houserule, but an "official" one, so getting your GM on board shouldn't be too hard unless they're spiteful.

2016-09-08, 03:04 PM
I don't know the arcanist, so I can't be sure my advice would be meaningful, but your post has me curious: does the arcanist not get to cast his cantrips at will?

2016-09-08, 03:23 PM
I don't know the arcanist, so I can't be sure my advice would be meaningful, but your post has me curious: does the arcanist not get to cast his cantrips at will?

They cast their cantrips exactly like wizards. I guess the OP is trying to get them to cast them like sorcerers. So they can get them for spending an hour pondering their navels like sorcerers watching the wizard prepare his spells while avoiding morning camp chore duties by PRETENDING to be meditating instead of an hour pondering their spellbooks like wizards.

It's an odd thing to ask but it's for character concept reasons(not very bright caster, leaves class features lying around and learns to run on instinct at a severely reduced capacity to compensate)

Your fluff is a sorcerer. Be a sorcerer.

2016-09-08, 04:10 PM
Technically, there's no "refreshing" cantrips for sorcerers. They know what they know, and it doesn't change except at level-up. They never run out, either.

Wizards only need to study their spellbooks to change out their cantrips.

In essence, cantrips are already spontaneous. I may be misunderstanding the OP's question, though.

2016-09-08, 04:18 PM
Technically, there's no "refreshing" cantrips for sorcerers. They know what they know, and it doesn't change except at level-up. They never run out, either.

Wizards only need to study their spellbooks to change out their cantrips.

In essence, cantrips are already spontaneous. I may be misunderstanding the OP's question, though.

Okay. fixed it.