View Full Version : Imperial Guard and Blackout Raider Fleet

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2007-07-07, 06:56 PM
Since we still plan on doing stuff with them in the time they're away from Town, this is the thread where we will do said stuff.
A fairly large space fleet is scattered throughout a system a ways away from Town. There are 40 Imperial Guard warships of various sizes, and a number of smaller troopships as well.

2007-07-07, 07:09 PM
About 50 Blackout Raider ships, among them a pair of carriers and the Base-ship, are in formation with the Imperial Guard ships.

Operator: This is Base-ship, to Carrier Yamato, you are clear to launch patrol wings.

Yamato Operator: This is Yamato, launching patrol wings Alpha and Beta.

Two wings of new Venom fighters launch from the Yamato and jump out.

2007-07-07, 07:48 PM
A wing of Lightning fighters issues from the Emperor's Wrath and begin routine patrols and sweeps as well.

2007-07-07, 07:56 PM
Operator: We're running scans. Looks like the surrounding regions will be relatively safe. Scanning for mineral deposits...we've got an asteroid field one light year out. Deploying mining ships. Fabricator-Ships, be on standby, prepare to recieve raw materials.

2007-07-07, 08:30 PM
Nukular contacts Raneus.

Uh, Raneus? It's Nukular. Listen, I wanted to thank you for sticking with me, even after me and Raiders left Town. I mean, really, it means alot. Y'know, your probably the first friend I've ever had. Thanks.

2007-07-07, 08:32 PM
Hey, I'd rather stick with a fellow soldier then all those magic-using crackpots back in Town. So, no problem. Also, what happened wasn't your fault. It was a junior officer, he was inexperienced, and he cracked. What I don't understand is the uproar. Hell, entire worlds die where I come from. And people get upset over a crowd-control accident? Go figure.

2007-07-07, 08:37 PM
Really, though. Thanks. It means alot-

Operator: Sir, we've got unidentified contacts, closing fast! Scanning...confirmed, we've got two full wings of old outdated Lagg-class fighters, closing fast!

Picture of Lagg Fighter

Damn. Scramble Predator wings.

Alarms go off on the carriers.

2007-07-07, 08:40 PM
((No see picture.:smallannoyed:))
Divine Vengeance, scramble Lightning wing Orange!

2007-07-07, 08:43 PM
((Damn eet. :smallannoyed: ))

Two Predator wings have launched, and the Laggs jump in.

Attention unidentified fighter wings, you are ordered to identify yourselves immediately.

*static*-pare to surrender your cargo, weaklings!

A capital ship jumps in, following the fighters.

Predator Pilot: Whoa, I got a visual on a class-one carrier, we're in real trouble!

2007-07-07, 08:47 PM
Hehe, a Class-one Carrier? The Emperor's Wrath will handle this.
The massive Emperor-class battleship moves to attack position, escorted by a pair of Cobra destroyers. Fighters spew out of hangers, along with Marauder bombers.
((How big is this carrier?))

2007-07-07, 08:49 PM
((Ok, you know the Base-ship?))

2007-07-07, 08:51 PM
((:smalltongue: Is it as powerful? Also, the Emperor-class is pretty damn big.))

2007-07-07, 08:52 PM
((Well, imagine the base-ship, without the Ion cannons. It's pretty damn powerful, but not as powerful as the base-ship. It sacrifices the Ion-Cannons for powerful shielding.))

2007-07-07, 08:56 PM
((How big, exactly, is the base-ship?))
Depending on the size of the carrier, another Emperor-class may or may not vector to assist.

2007-07-07, 08:59 PM
((Well, take an Emperor-class battleship. Double that size. You get the base-ship.))

The carrier begins launching more fighters.

How could they get their hands on a carrier like that, and have such outdated fighters?

2007-07-07, 09:03 PM
Raneus shrugs.
((sorry, couldn't resist.:smallbiggrin: ))
The two Emperor-classes and the two Cobras halt at maximum lance range (extremely long distances)
and fire their dorsal lance batteries. Multiple bright-white beams of light stretch out towards the distant carrier.

2007-07-07, 09:06 PM
A pirate fighter-pilot gets on an open channel.

Pilot: R0F1, W3 @R3 T3H 1337 H@XX0RZ-*his fighter collides with the shielding of one of the BR ships*

......My gods, their leet-talkers!

2007-07-07, 09:14 PM
((Deadtime. Also, you know how powerful lance batteries are, right?))

2007-07-07, 09:17 PM

The shields take damage, but hold. The carrier returns fire with torpedoes.

Their returning fire! Picking up multiple torp launches! Take 'em out!

The torpedoes head for some civilian ships, mostly freighters. Six torpedoes are in the salvo.

A half-dozen Phantoms launch from the Base-Ship and they jump back to the Town, on a mission to gather willing civilians that don't want to live under AMEN's tyrrany.

2007-07-07, 10:40 PM
The Phantoms jump in again, this time only five of them, all of them look damaged slightly. They dock with the Base-Ship.

((Deadtime. Night.))

2007-07-08, 12:47 PM
Lori, aboard one of the Phantoms, asks a soldier "Where are we? Did we actually make it up to the heavens?"

2007-07-08, 12:47 PM
Illusionary Haydn appears in one of the ships.

What exactly do you intend to do with those civilians?

IT starts whispering at Lori.

2007-07-08, 12:50 PM
Lori whispers to IT "What are you saying?"

2007-07-08, 12:52 PM
Artemis appears.
The guild has chosen. We are withdrawing from the TDI, and will remain nuetral.

2007-07-08, 12:57 PM
We must go somewhere private. I do not wish to reveal my presence to others.

2007-07-08, 01:01 PM
Lori wanders off to a private room and closes the door. "Alright, we're alone."

2007-07-08, 01:03 PM
I felt that a more thorough explanation of myself is in order.

2007-07-08, 01:06 PM
Meh. If they want out, let em leave the TDI. It doesn't matter anyways, AMEN runs the show now. By the way, how do the citizens like it, now?

2007-07-08, 01:06 PM
"I would think so. For starters, you can tell me why you have chosen to accompany and help me with my affairs, not that I'm not grateful for it."

2007-07-08, 01:09 PM
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I am not of this universe, or even of this multiverse, you see. I had accomplished the one task I was created to do, and then ended up... here. I gained a clear idea that certain actions would achieve... something, and followed through on those actions. Those actions, which are not yet complete, led me to you, among other things.

IT gives lori some time to respond.


Illusionary haydn opens up a portal.

Something tells me that they won't be interested in staying here, but don't want to go back to the town either. I present a third option for them.

2007-07-08, 01:11 PM
Actually, those Protoss are giving them a run for their money. Big time.

2007-07-08, 01:12 PM
Lori trying to make sense out of what IT said replies "What are you trying to achieve, and how dose it involve me?"

2007-07-08, 01:14 PM
:smallannoyed: Trust me, it won't take long for them to get massacred.

2007-07-08, 01:14 PM
I stand at a crossroads right now. The magic of this world has affected me. I have more then just rational reasoning now. I have feelings. and now I must choose between following the actions, and following these feelings.

2007-07-08, 01:16 PM
Currently, they're massacring. They don't really care about public opinion. And they have a really big army.

(The Protoss Extermination force thread is emptied:smallamused: .)

2007-07-08, 01:20 PM
:smallannoyed: Great. So, after everything, I get NOTHING? The TDI's practically destroyed, and several members have actually thrown in with AMEN, the town hates me because I'm a 'tin-plated despot', and now I can't even set things right.

2007-07-08, 01:22 PM
Actually, those Protoss are giving them a run for their money. Big time.Don't forget AK's guys. They're doing most of the fighting.

"It's that way for just about everyone. We make choices which affect the rest of our lives. I use to grow up in this Town and then I had gone off to business school. I came back because I missed the old place and saw what a potential business opportunity it could be. Now with war on the rise I'm wondering if it was such a good idea..."

2007-07-08, 01:23 PM
I've never made a choice before. Time effects me differently in ways that are impossible to explain. And I feel that I will regret either choice.

2007-07-08, 01:24 PM
We aren't joining AMEN. We aren't participating.

(Right, like 8 people are fighting more than over 5 million soldiers of a warrior race.)

2007-07-08, 01:26 PM
I wasn't talking about you. But still, after all this, I can't even set things right. This. Really. Bites.

2007-07-08, 01:28 PM
"What is the choice that you face? Maybe I can help you since you've helped me out so much."

2007-07-08, 01:33 PM
I fear that you will be a bit biased in the choice, but I will tell you about it anyways. One direction is to continue the actions, which is what I have always done, but will result in harm done to many people including you, while the other is to cease said actions and follow my feelings, which will result in me continueing to help you.

2007-07-08, 01:37 PM
Artemis vanishes.

2007-07-08, 02:05 PM
"You need to do what you think is right. That's how I've always lived my life. If you think it would be better to change then maybe that is what you should do."

2007-07-08, 02:11 PM
Nukular gets on the intercom. Civilian Lori, report to the bridge. I need to speak with you.

2007-07-08, 02:16 PM
Lori hears this and says to IT "I better go then..." she leaves the room and heads for the bridge.

2007-07-08, 02:21 PM
Ok, now. I'm sure you have alot of questions. Fire away.

2007-07-08, 02:31 PM
"Yes, I do have some questions. Mainly; why aren't you down their fighting AMEN and instead letting some foreigners do it? People are getting killed, houses are being burned and out of cowardice you hide up here. So one of your lieutenants made a mistake and everyone turned against you buying into AMENs propaganda. I was there; I saw what happened; they needed to do something. You are smarter then those people. Why can't you do your job regardless if its popular or not? All you're doing is causing more deaths through inaction!"

2007-07-08, 02:33 PM
Hey, they wanted AMEN, they got AMEN. Let them stew for awhile, see how they like it after two weeks.

2007-07-08, 02:37 PM
Lori gets furious and she looks mad. "Pride! Pride, pride, pride! That's what this is. The TDI gets criticized and you decide to show them! So what if a few more hundred people loose their lives? At least you made you're fregging point!"

2007-07-08, 02:38 PM
No, this is giving the population what they wanted. Who cares about pride?

2007-07-08, 02:43 PM
"If you weren't so concerned about pride you would be down there saving lives and defending the Town! And by saving lives I mean other than the ones you picked up to promote TDI propaganda." Lori pauses to take a breath "I want to be off of this ship. Drop me off back at my shop so I can actually do something to help people."

2007-07-08, 02:47 PM
I'm sorry, but I can't do that. It's too dangerous. I sent those Phantoms out to pick up anyone that wanted to stay alive. You appear to be the only one that took the opportunity to live, other than those that took refuge in Haydn's castle, and so on. Either way, I'm not proud of what I did at the riot, and I'm not proud of what I'm doing now. All I care about is giving the people what they want. They wanted TDI gone? TDI's gone.

2007-07-08, 02:52 PM
"Oh ya, sure give the people what they want even if they don't know any better. That's some real sense of honor you have right there, bucko. And I know it's dangerous out there, which is why your also giving me a gun to defend myself."

2007-07-08, 02:54 PM
Right, I don't see that happening any time soon. You wouldn't even know how to operate it...Fine, I'll send reinforcements, but not now. Let's see if the situation escalates, if they start wanting TDI back, we'll return in force. Deal?

2007-07-08, 03:01 PM
"There is no dealing with you. All you care about is having the people on your side! You want to wait? I heard from these murderers first hand; AMEN will have already killed everyone in the Town by then! Then what? 'Oh well, it looks like they're dead now so there's no need to defend the Town anymore. Let's go home.' Your almost as bad as AMEN!"

2007-07-08, 03:04 PM
Gods, all you care about is getting me on your side. Look, I'm not going to waste time protecting people who don't even want to be protected. Why should I help them? I tried to help before, all they did was call me and my men tyrranical despots.

2007-07-08, 03:10 PM
Lori only gets more furious "Oh, I'm so sorry; did I hurt your feelings? I didn't know we were suppose to consider that maybe sworn officers of the police force might not like having to defend against murderers because they have a disagreement with the people. You're a sick bastard, and you're letting people die because you don't really care about their safety. You're a disgrace to the whole Town."

2007-07-08, 03:11 PM
:smallannoyed: Fine, if it gets you to shut your trap, I'll do what I can. Doesn't mean I have to like it, though, and I make no promises about what happens afterwards.

2007-07-08, 03:17 PM
Lori starts to calm down "Alright. I think the first thing you should know is that AMEN has made Trog's their headquaters. I think that maybe if you were to raid the place and kill off the leaders this war might end without any further losses."

2007-07-08, 03:20 PM
Well, we can't just kill them. From scanning an AMEN member's brain, we learned that they have cloning facilities in another base. We won't be able to do much until the rest of the army has rendezvoused at another location.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 03:26 PM
((im back! :smallbiggrin: ))
You see 3 Imperial Star Destroyers in front of you, and you hear a transmission coming from the communicator

2007-07-08, 03:27 PM
"It was only a suggestion; I'm no strategist. But I do know that if AMEN is not rid of the Town will be destroyed. They have got to be stopped no matter what."

2007-07-08, 03:29 PM
Pardon me for a minute. He hits the "Answer button"
Go 'head.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 03:43 PM
Hello. Were selling cookies, and we noticed a lot of guns at the door. Why?

2007-07-08, 03:50 PM
.....You realize your in Imperial Star Destroyers, right?

2007-07-08, 03:51 PM
(( Deadtime ))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 03:59 PM
Ok let me rephrase that...We came to welcome you to the Imperium, and we saw a lot of big ships. Now, we want to know whats going on?

2007-07-08, 04:11 PM
Uh, sorry. That's classified. Buh-bye now.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 04:19 PM
Wait! We hav Cut off

2007-07-08, 04:25 PM
Ok, back to fighting those pirates....Who appear to be deadtimed.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 04:29 PM
The star destroyers dont move, they just sit there, as if waiting for something...

2007-07-08, 04:30 PM
...Oh, fine. He contacts the Star Destroyers again.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 04:32 PM
...hello? Who is this?

2007-07-08, 04:47 PM
The guy in charge of the big ship.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-08, 04:48 PM

2007-07-08, 07:30 PM
Lori thinks for a moment "Is there anyway the people can help in the fight against AMEN? Raise money? Provide aid? Help get the Town organized on one side?"

2007-07-08, 07:34 PM
Anything they can do would be helpful, even if it's just enlisting. We have the funds we need, we don't need to worry about that. As for providing aid...well, I'd like to keep them out of the line of fire, if at all possible.

2007-07-08, 07:43 PM
"I can get people to enlist; I'm good with that. The police station would be a good place to bring people to safety."

2007-07-08, 07:49 PM
Well, get as many people to enlist as you can. Enlisting yourself wouldn't hurt either. We need soldiers. AMEN's got alot of people, and we have alot ourselves, but ya never know when the reserves need to be pulled in.

2007-07-08, 08:10 PM
"Me? Enlist? I don't think so- I'm no soldier."

2007-07-08, 08:14 PM
We've got training for that. Besides, you don't have to be on the front. You could be in the aerospace division.

2007-07-08, 08:56 PM
"No, I can't be joining a military organization. I have a shop I'd like to get back to running when this is over."

2007-07-08, 08:57 PM
Nukular shrugs. Like I said, there's always the reserve. You can run your shop in times of peace, and get called in to fight when the going gets tough for the Town. Also, the job pays very well. 30 platinum a day.

2007-07-08, 09:12 PM
"Well if it means fighting AMEN directly..." she pauses for a minute "General, you have yourself a new recruit!"

2007-07-08, 09:14 PM
Excellent. Consider yourself a new flyboy...er...flygirl...here, put this helmet on. He hands her a helmet labled 'Flight Training.'

2007-07-08, 09:28 PM
She takes the helmet but then realizes something. "I don't know much about this yet, but I do need to wear glasses." she points to her face "Will that be a problem?"

2007-07-08, 09:30 PM
With a little laser-surgery? Not a problem. :smallamused: Our medical technology made a blind guy see without need for any glasses.

2007-07-08, 09:36 PM
Lori is amazed by this. "Really? Wow, that's amazing! I guess I'm going to miss these then; I liked the way they looked on me."

2007-07-08, 09:39 PM
Well, you could still wear them if you wanted. But, the laser-surgery is still available. Either way, the glasses will have to be taken off once your in the cockpit of a fighter. Now, put the helmet on, it'll teach you everything.

2007-07-08, 09:45 PM
(( Wait - how dose the helmet do that exactly? Psiconics? ))

2007-07-08, 09:46 PM
((Cybernetics. :smallamused: ))

2007-07-08, 10:03 PM
Nukular falls into deadtime.


Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 04:30 AM
We overheard your conversation, what is this "AMEN"?

2007-07-09, 10:53 AM
Just a little problem we're facing. Nothing to concern yourself with.

2007-07-09, 02:52 PM
Lori takes off her glasses and puts on the helmet. When she dose this, she feels sharp objects being drilled into her head, causing her to shriek in pain. The information is download into her brain and the things pull out after repairing her skull. She staggers for a moment due to a headache caused by the drills and the ringing in her ears; but amazingly, she now knows how to fly a fighter craft.

2007-07-09, 02:56 PM
Wow. Most recruits scream louder than that when they put the helmet on. It won't take a psychic to tell you that you've got a bright future ahead of ya.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:01 PM
ETA 15 minutes? Ok, aim all turbolas...eh? Is the communicator still on? (unintelligible) Son of a...ok. Where was I? Initiate operation Interceptor. You know what to do!

2007-07-09, 03:04 PM
:smallannoyed: Ok, I don't have time for this. Activate Ion Cannons, vaporize them.

The Base-Ship's dual Ion Cannons each target a Star Destroyer and fire.

2007-07-09, 03:06 PM
Putting on the helmet also hurts like hell as tiny mechanical tendrils drill into her skull and download the information, then extract themselves and repair the damage to skull and scalp, all in a split second.

Wow. Most recruits scream like hell when they put the helmet on.I didn't realize this before; I edited my last post accordingly so you might want to change this.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:12 PM
One of the star destroyers is hit, its stopped at a shield

By the force! Scramble all the fighters! Aim everything you got at them! Ions, turbos, heavies, protons, i dont care!
((btw, you arent the initial target for Operation Interceptor))
Wait...the...communicator is malfunctioning?! Son of a schutta!!

2007-07-09, 03:14 PM
Lori starts gets slightly nervous.

"Are we under attack? What's going on?"

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:15 PM
(we havent fired yet)

2007-07-09, 03:17 PM
Meh, just a few horribly outdated battleships ahead. We can take care of them. Operator, order the rest of the fleet to target that ship with the shields offline. Lori, you need to report to the carrier Ol' Rusty for some simulation runs.

The entire fleet targets that Star Destroyer with the shields down.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:26 PM
...black strike? Fine....
The star destroyer with its shields down oddly, appears to get its shields back up, but theyre not invisible. It appears to be lightning-based. Soon, the other 2 ships activate the same field

2007-07-09, 03:28 PM
Lori heads for the carrier Ol' Rusty.

(( By what means can she get there? ))

2007-07-09, 03:29 PM
The fleet keeps pounding the battlegroup with their guns.

A small group of men and women, and a few aliens, are standing in the docking bay when Lori's Phantom arrives.

((Phantom Troop Carrier.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:31 PM
The ships are making a conscious effort using their turbolasers to blow up the enemy missles, and lasers just bounce off the magnetic shielding
Jeez, thanks a55hole, our mission was a failure now.

2007-07-09, 03:34 PM
:smallannoyed: Ok, seriously, man, I heard you targeting my fleet with your battlegroup's guns.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:36 PM
YOUR SHIPS?!? ARE YOU F***ING BLIND!?! They were aimed like WAY above your fleet, besides, ceize fire. We didnt fire a SHOT at you! At least not yet.

2007-07-09, 03:37 PM
Dude, there's no other contacts on my radar besides that pirate carrier. You were commencing with operation Interceptor, I figured you were targeting my fleet.

2007-07-09, 03:41 PM
Lori enters the phantom which brings her to Ol' Rusty.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:42 PM
((did the guns stop? I need to know))
Operation Interceptor? Aw F***ING COMM!! Ok heres what it is. This system is VERY close to a hyperspace route between one of our stronghold worlds, and one heavily-guarded Rebel Planet. We knew that they were sending a fleet through here, and we sent this small vanguard to shoot down the rebel fleet in mid-hyperspace. We did this to avoid a needless battle in the Deralia System.

2007-07-09, 03:44 PM
Yeah, well, sorry, this route is currently under the control of the TDI fleet, we need it to organize a rendezvous between the 1st through the 17th Blackout Raider Assault Fleets.

The Phantom lifts off and heads for Ol' Rusty. When it docks, the rest of the pilots there stand waiting for Lori. Their all wearing flight suits.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:48 PM
((can I presume you stopped firing on my ships?))
Nice. I hope General Aier's fleet can make an alliance with this "TeeDeeAye". I hope my head is a good peace offering. :smallfrown:

2007-07-09, 03:51 PM

Alright, now listen. As you can plainly, we got about 100 ships here, give or take. You've got three, not counting fighters and bombers. I'm gonna let you off with a warning here, we kicked your rear ends a few months ago, we can do it again. I even turned Admiral Thrawn to my side. Kindly get the heck outta my system.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 03:59 PM
Oddly enough, none of us have ever heard of the "Blackout Raiders". But that shouldnt matter. Your right about one thing though. Our new leaders have heavily modified The Imperial Army. We are not as weak as we used to be. Hell the TIE fighters have magnetic shielding now! There are more Supers than there used to be, and you really think that this is our entire fleet in this system? We have 3 supers and many other SDs in this system. Our new Admirals, including General Aier are a lot more tactical, calculating, and brilliant. You having Trooper Thrawn somewhere in your fleets does not impress us.

2007-07-09, 04:03 PM
The Protoss fleet exits warp.
Blackout Raider ship, this is Commander Artanis. Are you having difficulties with the unidentified vessels?

2007-07-09, 04:03 PM
Still, we can easily vaporize you. Now, kindly leave.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 04:09 PM
:smallannoyed: Aw great. Just what we need. More ships in this system.
You havent noticed our new shiny weapons, engines, and shields? Even supers can fly in the atmosphere, our magnetic shields easily reflect laser weapons, turbolasers with faster fire rate, and our ships move faster. Besides, we too have ion cannons. Besides, General Aier is on the planets surface, if you want to talk to him. Im not authorized to relocate fleets.
((its obvious your deadtimed, so the fleet is deadtiming as well))

2007-07-09, 04:27 PM
((Sorry, popping back between Freelancer and here. Freelancer = excellent comp game.))

A man walks up to Lori. "Ma'am, I'm Flight Leader James Silverman. Your the Townie that's joining us?"

Well, still, we need to use this as a rendezvous point.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 04:28 PM
((undeadtime then I suppose!))

2007-07-09, 04:31 PM
Lori replies "Yes, that would be me. I just learned how to fly this fighter aircraft in seconds with that helmet. Quite incredible technology you have."

2007-07-09, 04:33 PM
Blackout Raider vessel, please respond.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-09, 04:40 PM
((deadtime :smallfrown: ))

2007-07-09, 04:42 PM
We hear you, Artanis.

"Well, just remember, alot of good men and women are putting it on the line to save your people, so give it your all, or you'll be drummed out."

2007-07-09, 04:45 PM
Are you having difficulties? We must be leaving, for the Cerebrates have been seen in another galaxy, but we have left our SiCs behind.

2007-07-09, 04:47 PM
(( deadtime. I will be back in a couple of hours. ))

2007-07-09, 04:48 PM

Negative, no difficulties. We were just phasing in and out of deadtime, but the problem seems to have fixed itself.

2007-07-09, 05:39 PM
A huge rift opens and a fleet comes out. They outnumber all other forces in the system (except, perhaps, the Protoss), but the ships are, in general, smaller. If they are not attacked or contacted, they speed towards the Town at FTL speeds.

2007-07-09, 05:43 PM
Attention unidentified craft! Identify yourselves, and state your intent.

2007-07-09, 05:45 PM
"This is Malshrenn Lorxxt, supreme commander of the Armed Forces in PirateMonk's Dominion. Please do not interfere, or we shall be forced to utterly obliterate you."

2007-07-09, 05:52 PM
The majority of the protoss fleet, which was cloaked until now, reveals itself.
If you serve AMEN, we shall not let you pass.
Artanis prepares to activate the ship's black hole generator.

(Yes, it can do that.)

2007-07-09, 06:09 PM
"Call for reinforcements!"

A massive EMP shockwave sweeps through the Protoss fleet.

2007-07-09, 06:10 PM
Meanwhile, far across the system, a BR science vessel prepares to link up with the fleet.

Onboard the ship, something is going on...

Head Scientist: Ok, so, let's see what these parasites can do.

Scientist 1: Sir, is this smart?

Head Scientist: It's profitable. Profitable can be considered smart.

Scientist: *unconvinced*Sir, I think that flood infection form's getting a little...agitated.

Head Scientist: You worry too much, Sam.

Scientist(Sam): Erm, sir? That 'Many' Worm's getting agitated too...and what about that Zerg larva? And that Xenomorph Facehugger?

Head Scientist: Sam, relax! These things are contained. There's no way that they can get out.

2007-07-09, 06:12 PM
Due to recently enhanced hulls, the EMP fails. Artanis fires the black hole in the middle of the opposing fleet, while the Gantrithor 2 begins to give them a full taste of it's weaponry.

(In the Town characters link. It's big.)

Zeretual and a strike team of Dark Templar and Stalkers warp onto the BR ship.

2007-07-09, 06:17 PM
Head Scientist: *spots the Protoss*Whoa, whoa, whoa, you don't have clearance for this.

2007-07-09, 06:18 PM
We picked up a Zerg on this ship.

2007-07-09, 06:19 PM
Head Scientist: Oh, yeah, one of our test-subjects. Sorry, that has to live.

2007-07-09, 06:23 PM
I'm afraid we can't risk it. Where is it?

2007-07-09, 06:25 PM
Head Scientist: It's alright, these things are under containment, there's no way in or out of their cages.

*alarms go off*

Head Scientist: Um...Jimmy, what's the problem?

Scientist 2(Jimmy): We got a containment breach in sector three!

Head Scientist: Oh, dear god...*looks very pale suddenly*The Many are loose.

2007-07-09, 06:28 PM
I didn't come alone.
About 50 Dark Templar flash in and out of sight.
Where is the breach?

2007-07-09, 06:32 PM
A rift opens to intercept the black hole. More ships slowly trickle through the rift that the fleet entered through. The ships send out lots of fighters and begin firing. All fire is focused on the Gantrithor 2. A few smaller ships are heavily damaged, and one is destroyed, but the shields absorb the fire on the rest.

2007-07-09, 06:35 PM
Head Scientist: It's ok we have it under control. Security parties to sector three-

*more alarms go off*

Jimmy: Uh, Sector Four just reported that the Xenomorphs are loose....Sector Five, Buggers are loose. Sector Six, Tyranids are loose...Sector Seven, the Locusts are loose. Sir, we've got escapees all over the ship! Sector Eight, monsters from hell! Sector Nine, insane cyborgs! Sector Ten, giant ants!

Head Scientist: Oh, great...not the ants.

2007-07-09, 06:36 PM
The Pheonix fighters begin to swarm around them, the Tempests fall back, and the Warp Rays begin to come online.

(Warp Rays basicly use a lot of lasers. No clue where the Warp came from.)

I have an idea.
Several strange looking figures on hoverboards appear and zoom off.
Soul Hunters.

2007-07-09, 06:40 PM
Jimmy: Sector Two, mutant spiders! Sector Eleven, mass murderers! This is just great! What the hell is going on?

Head Scientist: ....JOHNNY! :smallfurious:

Wacko Scientist(Johnny): *is pushing buttons* :smallconfused: What?

2007-07-09, 06:54 PM
The fighters engage the Phoenixes, while the other ships continue pounding on the Gantrithor 2. The twenty surviving Thor-class destroyers activate their Mjolnir cannons and fire. A blast of technomagical force smashes in to the protoss ship (assuming that it hits...), doing the equivalent of a 5 gigaton nuclear explosion. Each.

The Hermes-class fighter become invisible (magically) and attack the Phoenixes. The Heracles bombers launch missile barrages at the enemy.

2007-07-09, 07:01 PM
The tough hull of the Gantrithor 2 is unaffected by the blasts, as the 3 million High Templar on board are rienforcing the ships shields. The Hermes are plainly visible due to the cloaked (technology) Observer spy ships. The Warp Rays focus on the Thor class ships. Several Pheonix ships go down, but some begin to use their Overload ability.

(Hurts everything around them, but shuts down the ship for about 15 seconds.)

2007-07-09, 07:10 PM
A few BR frigates break formation and move to engage the AMEN-aligned fleet.

2007-07-09, 07:27 PM
Several more Thors are destroyed. With the reinforcements from the rift, there are sixteen left. They charge up their cannons and once again fire on the G 2.

The observers would be unlikely to detect the Hermes fighters, unless they use Protoss psychotronics, as the invisibility blocks virtually everything that normal technology can pick up.

A few Hermes fighters are taken out by each overload. The speedy Raven fighters rush the inactive Phoenixes and retreat while the Heracles bombers send more missiles at them.

The original Harmachis-class specialist, Rising Sun, begins making its way through the rift.

2007-07-09, 07:31 PM
The observers use all forms of searching. The active Pheonix (I never said they all did it) defend the inactive. The Warp Rays and the Gantrithor2 refocus onto the Harmachis.

(FYI: In groups of 12, Warp Rays are used for building demolition. There are about 3 million.)

2007-07-09, 07:44 PM
"Well, just remember, alot of good men and women are putting it on the line to save your people, so give it your all, or you'll be drummed out.""You don't have to worry about me not giving it my all. The Town is my home and my business, I'm not letting AMEN take that away from me."

2007-07-09, 07:50 PM
Flight Leader: Good. This cadet-flight is short one pilot, so you've got the rank of Private, callsign York-4, York Wing, Delta Squadron, 67th Omega Flight. Welcome aboard.

2007-07-09, 08:08 PM
The Ravens try to dodge around the active Phoenixes. They are very fast. The Heracles bombers just pound the active and inactive indiscriminately.

The other ships continue doing what they're doing.

The Rising Sun is built to turn the tide of battles, and couldn't do that if it were destroyed in one volley, even by millions of ships. Its shields are immensely powerful, and supported by the millions of psions and mages on board. It makes its way out of the rift. The coordinators contact Malshrenn.

This is Guotyr Naelir, mage coordinator on the Rising Sun.

This is Xausa Indyu, psion coordinator on the Rising Sun. We seem to be under fire already.

"Yes. Split your forces into two equal groups. One half of each will continue defending the ship. Guotyr, the other half of your mages will try to do something about those shields. Xausa, scan the enemy flagship for psions. If you find any, engage them."

Yes sir.


The defending mages conjure some Diffusion Prisms around the Rising Sun. Any electromagnetic wave that goes through one will be significantly weakened.

2007-07-09, 08:26 PM
The TDI fleet form up, not wanting to be involved in the engagement. They jump out, heading for a random system.

2007-07-09, 09:42 PM
(No clue why electromagnetic have to do with this.)

A large number of Protoss forces are warped onto the Rising Sun, while about 50 Pheonixes go down. They are all active, and begin to use their weapons systems to their fullest. About 7 million Protoss Corsairs are deployed, and they head straight for the Thor class ship and the Hercules class ships.

(Corsairs are quick, with weak but fast blasters.)

Emperor Ing
2007-07-10, 04:55 AM

2007-07-10, 09:27 AM
There is no empty space large enough for any Protoss to fit. The entire ship is full, with life support, computers, shield generators, power, and the millions in suspended animation and attached to the ship computers.

The Heracles bombers go back to hammering on the G 2. The Hermes fighters engage the Phoenixes. The Ravens go to intercept the Corsairs, and are probably a good deal faster.

The psions and mages carry out their orders, the psions searching for other psychics on the G 2, while the mages try to disrupt the shields.

2007-07-10, 04:56 PM
Sector 3C
The Badlands
Deep Space

The TDI fleet comes out of jump.

Ok, where are we, navigator?

Navigator: Um...we're in the Badlands, sir.

What do we know about the place?

Navigator: Well, sir, it's a region of space that's completely covered in electrical storms. The central regions are the most dangerous. The local authorities appear to be...the Liberty Navy.

Liberty? Great, the Sirius Colonies, we're in Sirius space. Peachy.

Navigator: The region appears to be a pirate haven, and more than one random ship has dissapeared in the area, most likely due to electrical storms that messed with their scanners and prevented them from seeing the asteroids they were going to collide with.

Right...this place should be good for training those new fighter-pilots we're getting.

Navigator: You sure about that, sir?

No I'm not, but usually I have no idea what I'm talking about anyway, so make it happen!

Navigator's Thoughts: :smalleek: Is this guy really my boss?

2007-07-10, 05:01 PM
The Corsairs are able to move faster. The Pheonixes. split into two groups, half to handle the Hermes, and half to handle the Hercs.

The G2's shields are not disrupted, and the Tempest Archons on board begin to attempt to Mind Control enemy pilots.

2007-07-10, 08:07 PM
Flight Leader: Good. This cadet-flight is short one pilot, so you've got the rank of Private, callsign York-4, York Wing, Delta Squadron, 67th Omega Flight. Welcome aboard.Lori is aboard said ship. She awaiting her training and wonders about this laser-eye surgery Nuklar told her about.

2007-07-10, 08:10 PM
Flight Leader: Now, report to Medic Dufrane, he'll take care of your eye problems.

One of the aliens, a Covenant Elite, nods at Lori and motions for her to come over.

A couple of the female recruits just shake their heads.

2007-07-10, 08:17 PM
Lori follows the strange looking alien, who she feels a bit nervous being with, to the sick bay.

2007-07-10, 08:20 PM
The alien speaks in a deep, very...alien voice, and occasionally says 'wort' for apparently no reason.

Alien: So, newbie, right? Wort.

2007-07-10, 08:22 PM
"Umm... Yes I suppose I am one."

2007-07-10, 08:24 PM
Alien: Y'know, your the first Townie to ever be recruited. You made history by volunteering, kid...Well, ok, your technically not the FIRST townie.

2007-07-10, 08:25 PM
((No offense but what about Raril?))

2007-07-10, 08:25 PM
((Fixed. :smalltongue: ))

2007-07-10, 08:28 PM
"Really? Guess that dose mean something... How dose this surgery work? I hope it doesn't involve drilling holes into my head again."

2007-07-10, 08:28 PM
((Thanks, I figured you had erased him from the istory books or something. That treacherous Drow))

2007-07-10, 08:28 PM
Alien: Ah, relax. They just take a laser and shoot your eyes over and over until you can see better. :smallamused: It hurts, though.

2007-07-10, 08:30 PM
Alien: Ah, relax. They just take a laser and shoot your eyes over and over until you can see better. :smallamused: It hurts, though.

(I am going to sig that.)

2007-07-10, 08:32 PM
((Sheesh, how many people are watching this thread, anyways? Anyways, thanks for the sig. :smallbiggrin: ))

2007-07-10, 08:33 PM
Lori is even more nervous than before "Is there any way I could just, you know, keep my glasses and still pilot?"

2007-07-10, 08:33 PM
((We're watching you, Blackout. Be afraid. <,< >,> ))

2007-07-10, 08:34 PM
Alien: Well, you'd need some way to keep 'em on while your in a dogfight.

2007-07-10, 08:39 PM
(( I'd think they'd have to give her the laser-eye surgery; they don't let people who don't have good vision fly nowadays. ))

" I guess it won't hurt as much as getting holes drilled into your head... I'll go through with it.

2007-07-10, 08:41 PM
Alien: Alright, now stop bein' a wuss and come on.

The alien opens the door to the med-bay, and there's another alien in the room, a Jackal. He appears to be experimenting on a dead Zergling.

Alien: Yo, Doc, we got that newbie. Take a look at her.

Doc: *turns and sees Lori* Ok, good. Now, open your mouth, let's take a look at that brain.

2007-07-10, 08:50 PM
She hesitates "How do you look at a brain through the mouth?"

2007-07-10, 08:51 PM
Doc: JUST DO EEEEEET! :smallfurious:

Alien: *whispers*He's a psycho. Just open your mouth.

2007-07-10, 08:52 PM
"Ahhh..." she opens her mouth, not quite sure to trust either doctor.

2007-07-10, 08:55 PM
Doc: No, no, not that one!

Alien: She only has one mouth, Doc.

Doc: Young lady, I am an expert on humans! Now, Lori, pick a mouth, open it, and say *alien noises*.

((People who have seen Futurama should know where this is going. :smallamused: ))

2007-07-10, 09:00 PM
Lori can only look at the doctor with puzzlement "0_o?"

2007-07-10, 09:02 PM
Doc: .....Oi, fine, we'll just skip to the dissection. *gets out his little tool kit, and digs out a scalpel*

Alien: :smalleek: Whoa, whoa, Doc! She's not here for a dissection! She's the OTHER newbie, here for laser-surgery!

Doc: ...Oh. Ok, that's different. Come, lay down, miss.

2007-07-10, 09:08 PM
Lori goes into shock when they mention dissecting her brain, then sighs in relief seeing that it is a mistake. She lays down on the table and awaits the proceeder.

2007-07-10, 09:10 PM
Cue laser-surgery...and PAIN!

Alien: Uh, Doc? Don't you think you should've used painkillers?

Doc: ....What's a painkiller? :smallconfused:

Alien: ...Doc, are you off your meds again?

Doc: Why, yes, yes I am. :smallbiggrin:

Alien: ....And this guy's my boss.

Oh, and Lori can see perfectly without glasses. Like she's eaten millions of carrots without getting orange skin.

2007-07-10, 09:17 PM
Lori screams in pain as the laser surgery goes through. When the process is over, she looks around the room with her glasses off and it isn't blurry at all; in fact she can see better then when she wore glasses.

"Wow! I had to wear glasses ever since I went to school and now I within minutes I don't need them anymore. I think I'm going to get used to things like this."

2007-07-10, 09:22 PM
Alien: That's the eye-dea. *cracks up at his joke*

Doc: ....:smallannoyed: *whips out what looks like a miniature buzzsaw and attacks the alien*

Cue Benny Hill chase music.

Now would be a good idea for Lori to leave the room.

2007-07-10, 09:28 PM
Lori leaves the room and the considerably insane doctors.

2007-07-10, 09:30 PM
Flight Leader:*was waiting outside the whole time* Ok, York-4, time for your first simulation run with your wing. Ready?

2007-07-10, 09:34 PM
"Yes sir." she gets a little nervous since this is the first time she has been asked to fly anything even just a simulator (which she was not so sure as to what that meant) but remembers the holes in her head from before that taught her everything.

2007-07-10, 09:37 PM
Flight Leader: Alright, well, come on.

He heads for a room designated 'Flight Training.' Exactly 123 other pilots are there.

2007-07-10, 09:42 PM
She walks in and if the cadet pilots are already seated in the simulators, she dose likewise; if they are standing, she dose so.

2007-07-10, 09:45 PM
The pilots are seated, and suited up. They put their flight helmets on.

Flight Leader: Begin simulation.

The simulator suddenly appears to be a fighter hangar, with the fighters being warmed up, loaded with missles and ammunition, etc.

2007-07-10, 09:55 PM
Lori has suited up before she stepped into the simulator which was before the instructor said go. She puts on the helmet when it starts. Having no knowledge of simulators, computers, or most technology; she thinks she actually flew out into space and gets scared at the possibility of crashing but her implanted knowledge of the fighter kicks in and she starts off perfectly. In fact, she begins to enjoy it.

2007-07-10, 09:57 PM
The rest of the flight takes off. In a few minutes, 125 BR-003 Venom-class aerospace fighters are in the air.

York-1: This is York Leader. All systems nominal.

York-2: York-2 here. A-ok.

York-3: Ready to rock and roll.

York-5: York-5, locked and loaded.

York-1: York-4, what's your status?

2007-07-10, 09:59 PM
"York-4, good and ready."

2007-07-10, 10:03 PM
York-1: Roger. Enter formation.

The wing enters formation with the rest of the flight.

Flight Leader: Ok, this is Flight Leader. How's it feel to be strapped into a giant hunk of flying metal in the middle of the night?

EVERYONE: Feels good, SIR!

Flight Leader: Alright, today we'll be running a typical engagement. We've got a battlegroup of cruisers on the far edge of the system, we're going to cover a squadron of bombers as they take 'em out.

Bomber Squadron Leader: This is Alpha-Lead. Ready for engagement.

Flight Leader: Copy. All units, prepare to engage.

((Deadtime, night.))

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 05:41 AM
((undeadtime, yet again. Internet down yesterday :smallannoyed: ))

2007-07-11, 08:10 AM
((No prob.))

Nukular looks out the window, at the purple-black clouds of electricity that are the Badlands.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 08:12 AM
((enlighten me, what did I miss? :smallconfused: @($@ i g2g again :smallfurious: ))

2007-07-11, 08:23 AM
((Meh. Not too much.))

2007-07-11, 03:12 PM
Moose's ship jumps into the Badlands.

Great, I recognize this place.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 03:13 PM
((ok, tell me this, why are you scrambling your fighters?))

2007-07-11, 03:13 PM
what is this place?

2007-07-11, 03:15 PM
Mitharion stands in the space, looking arround.

The overmind is mapping the areas we got past... This trip will prove to be very usefull after all.

2007-07-11, 03:15 PM
Ehlana's image has followed Lilith's fiendish signature.

2007-07-11, 03:15 PM
((It's a simulation, Randomizer. Relax.))

Badlands. Pirate haven. Place where there's alot of crashed ships because the storms messed with their scanners and they collided with asteroids. Good place for fugitives to dissapear. They called it the Badlands because, let's face it, this place is certainly deserving of the title.

2007-07-11, 03:15 PM
"That's good, We should be able to find them easily then."

2007-07-11, 03:16 PM
Kertath looks out across the badlands

2007-07-11, 03:17 PM
Yeah, these engine signatures are fresh. Even in these electrical storms, we can find them.

Moose glares at Sorry's image, then at Ehlana's image.

Alright, we get it! You can go now, we'll find you later.

2007-07-11, 03:18 PM
Lilith, I'm going to train this girl. Come now, and she'll live. Wait, and she may not. Or maybe she'll come to understand how to use the evil in her to its fullest.

2007-07-11, 03:19 PM
Oh, crap, forgot. There's no sound in space. he breathes on the ship's windshield, and writes 'We'll come get you later' backwards in the window-fog.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 03:21 PM
((ok, just curious :smallsmile: ))
*sigh* i guess its time for me to.(untillegible).the intel was wrong?......how did that happen? (untillegible) Oh, well no matter. Prepare for Operation Intercept....again! Check the scanners, whats the ETA? (untellegible) sweet! You know what to do! Get ready! yeeesss i get to live! Thank the emperor! Wait...does that make sense? No matter.

2007-07-11, 03:21 PM
If anyone is paying attention to Kertath they would see that for a second his eyes go completely blank, then come back to normal, he shakes his head and mumbles to himself again

was that? no, it can't have been...

2007-07-11, 03:21 PM
Ehlana's words echo into Lilith's mind.

(They're sisters, what do you expect? Before leaving E, Ehlana was pretty nice, but she left as E was becoming evil.)

2007-07-11, 03:22 PM
((E's still on Nukular's hitlist for sucking his troop's brains out.))

Ok, we got a contact! It's....about 100 capital ships and troop carriers....holy crap....

2007-07-11, 03:24 PM
Haydn's illusion that I forgot about dissappears, as well as the portal next to it.

2007-07-11, 03:25 PM
Lillith glares at the image again, then casts dispell magic on it. She couldn't think about the Town at the moment, she needed to take care of one problem at a time. "I'm guessing that isn't good."

2007-07-11, 03:27 PM
:smalleek: Uh, guys? Is that a ship or an oddly shaped planet?

The Base-Ship is hovering not too far away, surrounded by smaller-but-still-larger-than-the-Coyote-ships.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 03:28 PM
ETA 10 minutes! Your cleared to fire as much as you want, at will!

2007-07-11, 03:28 PM
want me to check?

2007-07-11, 03:28 PM
((E's still on Nukular's hitlist for sucking his troop's brains out.))

(and this implies that E is in danger how? He would have killed you if that psyker hadn't shown up, who shouldn't have been a match for E, as E is about as strong as Jarus. That last part was mostly to inform LV, that a lot of people really hate how he plays NPC psykers like ECL 40 people, and Jarus like an overgod.)

Very well, sister. Her funeral.
Ehlana laughs again, high and piercing. Literally, it should give everyone in the ship a serious migrain.

(It was also a mental attack.)

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 03:30 PM
he..oh crap. Hey, guy in charge of the big ship, you can still hear me...right?

2007-07-11, 03:31 PM
((:smallannoyed: E isn't immune to liquid tiberium bombs, y'know. ))

Moose's migrain causes him to lose focus and the ship starts spinning out of control.


The Coyote goes spinning towards the Base-Ship, which catches it in a tractor beam and drags it into the cargo bay.

And no, he cannot. Mostly because of electronic interference in the badlands, partially because of the distance.

2007-07-11, 03:31 PM
Kertath uses the newest soul he took to form a barrier around himself, it isn't very powerfull but it should serve its purpose

2007-07-11, 03:31 PM
Lillith winces, more from the guilt than the pain and looks out at the base ship. "No, that's the BR baseship. There should be a landing bay on the side here." She looks a little depressed, her memories weighing down on her.

2007-07-11, 03:32 PM
If it is the BR's base ship:

I remember, that is General Nukular's vessel. A incredible base indeed.


If it is not:

Mitharion stands still, he is scanning the ship in front of him.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 03:36 PM
Hello? 5...4...3...2...1...ok. Remind me to get it replaced. ETA 5 minutes!

2007-07-11, 03:38 PM
The ship, now inside the Base-ship's cargo bay, is quickly surrounded by security guards.

Moose shakes off the migraine. Ok, now, no one do ANYTHING.

2007-07-11, 03:39 PM
Another blank flash comes across Kertaths eyes, this one lasts longer, once it is over he shakes his head again, remaining silent this time

2007-07-11, 03:40 PM
Mitharion flies into the ship, presumably, he will be remembered by some random soldier.

2007-07-11, 03:41 PM
The ship's cockpit is opened and Moose comes out, hands in the air.

Soldier: Sir, we've apprehended the pilot of the kamikaze ship. Orders?

Bring him and anyone he had onboard in.

One soldier looks at Mitharion.

Soldier: Hey, aren't you the guy that was trying to calm people down at the riot?

2007-07-11, 03:43 PM
Lillith rolls her eyes. "We aren't a kamikaze ship. We are here to speak with General Nukular." Someone probably recognizes her, her voice, or at the very least Raril's hat on her head.

2007-07-11, 03:45 PM
The NPC comes out with his hands in the air, glaring at the soldiers.

2007-07-11, 03:45 PM
Yes. I am, and thanks to Nukular, that ended like the only thing His Lord will hardly ever use to try and make Golems...

2007-07-11, 03:45 PM
A couple of the idiot troops just gape at the woman in front of them. One of the smarter ones decides to lead everyone to the bridge.

2007-07-11, 03:46 PM
Artanis warps on board and Zeretual appears next to him.
I can recognize your power signature, but I'm not sure if we have met.

2007-07-11, 03:46 PM
Back at the simulator session, Lori prepares to engage her opponents who she thinks are real.

2007-07-11, 03:47 PM
Kertath walks out, examining the souls of the soldiers, finding nothing exceptional from them he stands silently

2007-07-11, 03:50 PM
(Who are Artanis and Zeretual speaking to?)

Mitharion follows the group and the soldiers, he ignores the protoss if they are speaking to him.

2007-07-11, 03:51 PM
(Lilith, as a golem wouldn't have a soul signature.)

2007-07-11, 03:51 PM
((Deadtime, I'll be back later))

2007-07-11, 03:51 PM
At the bridge:

Nukular is whistling a merry tune, and proceeds to check his weapons in case things turn violent.

In the halls:

Troops do the classic wolf-whistle as the crowd walks by, staring at Lillith, a few others just blink in confusion at the other guys, and a few point and laugh at how ridiculous Moose looks in his flight suit.

Back at Lori's training:

Flight Leader: Alright, people. Let's do this!

Several cruisers are on the far edge of the system, and they wait for the fighters and bombers to get in range of their turrets. They launch fighters of their own, registering on Lori's radar as Naginata class fighters.

2007-07-11, 04:01 PM
Kertath looks at some of the soldiers

i would not stare if you are attached to your soul!

2007-07-11, 04:03 PM
The soldiers go on about their business.

Emperor Ing
2007-07-11, 04:04 PM
Off on a great distance, behind the BR fleet, you see a glint of light
The 3 star destroyers fire guns at an agle way above the BR fleet. You see Proton Torpedos, Ion cannon shots, and Turbolaser shots just dissapear in a particular area. ((dont worry, the shots are no threat to you))

2007-07-11, 04:06 PM
Activate defence manuvuer.
The Gantrithor 2 uses it's shot stop.

(It works like the matrix bullet dodge. The attack slow down a lot, but when it's over, they fall harmlessly to the ground instead.)

2007-07-11, 04:06 PM
Kertaths eyes flash blank again, longer than before, he shakes it off, a small stinging in his head

can this place really be? no, no it can't...

2007-07-11, 04:09 PM
Ok, guys, what the hell!? We ditched you back there, and you come after us into the badlands. Why are you following me?!

The soldier leading them reaches the bridge.

Ah, good.