View Full Version : Need help/advice

2016-09-06, 12:07 PM
So I am about to start the Curse of Strahd campaign with my group. For this my group has actually created new characters for the first time in a long time. I am requiring each character to be a member of one of the big factions in the game, and are coming together/working together in sort of a "hunters" group. Think Van Helsing, Supernatural, Grim, etc.
Anyway, I was going to do something kinda neat at the start, and was thinking of having each faction and member have their own agenda. As such, I was toying around with the idea of having each member open a letter addressed to them by their faction with a hidden agenda the other members wouldn't know about.
Problem is, I'm having a real hard time coming up with it. At the moment, the characters don't know they will be running Curse of Strahd, they think they are just grim hunters on missions to kill werewolves and investigate supernatural things.
Any ideas on individual letters? I was thinking the Harpers letter could be something along the lines of "dont trust the Zhentarim member" but it seemed way too simple.
Right now they are in the Daggerford area and are just about to meet each other for the first time and get their secret letters.

2016-09-06, 12:16 PM
Do you really want to sow such blatant distrust between your players? I don't know your group, but I know mine wouldn't like that. Besides, no self-respecting Harper will trust a Zhent anyway, without needing any prodding.

It would be better to give them objectives that don't necessarily align, or that will require taking actions others won't agree with. Maybe the Zhent has a secret agenda to obtain a certain item, but they later find out that they have to break into a Lord's manor to steal the map to it, which would upset the Alliance member. Or something.

2016-09-06, 12:30 PM
I don't want them to be totally mistrusting of each other (except yes, maybe the Harpers and the Zhent) but I would like each faction to have kind of their own agenda for forming this supernatural team.

I have it worked out for some reason that the factions got together (I know, that's already crazy, but this is DnD...) for a temporary accord to form a special monster hunters group and sent one member to join this group.

2016-09-06, 03:01 PM
Just some quick ideas

Harpers - reestablish the order of the amber temple or safe guard it so no one else can make bargains with the dark vestiges.

Zents complete opposite of the Harpers :) Secure the dark vestiges for more power!!!

Gauntlet: Securing the Sunsword for another mission outside of Barovia ( Kill another powerful undead NPC)

Enclave: Securing 1 or all 3 gems from the winery to use in special ritual...Barovia won't need them once Stradh is dead :P

Brotherhood: Get Mordy's spell book and staff