View Full Version : Common 3.5e third party resources?

2016-09-07, 01:55 AM
Hi all.

So as a DM, I sometimes use third party books to spice up my games. Its great when my party is expecting an assassin vine and gets something from the "Monster Compendium" instead.

But I am really bad at finding more 3rd party resources. I have Monster Compendium Vol 1 and 2. And Glade of Death. Any other 3.5e third party resources I should be looking at? Does L5R have a 3.5 compatible version? Anything for Fey or Undead? Anything for Viking settings? Anything African?

Thanks all

2016-09-07, 02:15 AM
Hey there!
I'd recomend you the Legends and Lairs, there're 22 books based on d20 system, where you could find some interesting things.
And if you want to fit Africa in d&d... I suggest you to look at Conan role books, you can fix Atlantis world pretty sure.

2016-09-07, 02:24 AM
Anything African?

Does L5R have a 3.5 compatible version?
the main book is published by WOTC, the rest are all 3rd party but have 3.0 rules

mongoose publishing has a lot of material I like
legends & lairs
necromancer games
green ronin
there are others as well, if you troll through amazon under d20 you can find a lot of stuff

2016-09-07, 07:39 AM
I'm a big fan of the Pathfinder Bestiary series. Those books have lots of interesting new fey and undead. You have to back-convert PF undead for use in 3.5, but it's not as painful as it looks.

Falcon X
2016-09-07, 09:53 AM
It's gamebreaking at times, but as a DM I've loved Bastards and Bloodlines (https://www.amazon.com/Bastards-Bloodlines-Guidebook-Half-Breeds-Renown/dp/0972675604/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1473259823&sr=8-1&keywords=bastards+and+bloodlines) to make NPCs with.
Besides general ideas of how how crossbreeds often happen and turn out, it has dozens of examples (Half-beholder, Elf/Ogre-Mage, Gnome/Pixie, Lurker/Halfling, Half-Medusa, etc.), as well as feats designed to draw out bloodline features.

[edit] Not to be confused with the Blackadder RPG (http://www.geocities.ws/conallk/bastards-bloodlines-p.pdf) of the same name, which looks utterly fantastic