View Full Version : Additional Skill benefits

2016-09-07, 06:48 PM
I was considering adding some new benefits to existing skills and was looking for input on what I already have as well as suggestions for any more. Would prefer for the benefits to be based on ranks rather than DCs so that I know exactly when about the players would get access. Also looking for ideas on limitations (per day? per 8 hour? per hour?). Probably going to be used in conjunction with the "Maximum Ranks, Limited Choices" variant of skill ranks

Appraise: Can be used to Identify Magical Items (as the spell) at 10 ranks. Considering allowing it to be used on Artifacts at 20 ranks.
Balance: Can ignore falling for 1 round/2 ranks at 10 ranks (so a bare minimum of 5 rounds.) Mostly to be used in conjunction with Jump to emulate flight temporarily.
Concentration: Can ignore negative effects for 1 round/2 ranks, but less 1 round per highest spell level currently capable of casting. Lets martial characters have some ability to ignore debuffs, but means that casters will have to devote resources to removing their own.
Heal: Every 4 ranks, gains access to the next level of Cure spells (Light, Moderate, Severe, Critical), can used as Revifify at 10 ranks.
Handle Animal: Can be used to gain a number of animal companions, though the maximum number of HD cannot exceed skill ranks (partial HD creatures count as 1 HD). Classes that already gain a companion (Animal Companion, Special Mount) have the hitdie of their class-based companion count against this limit.
Intimidate: at 13 ranks can be used even on creatures immune to Fear.
Knowledge Architecture: Allows the user to take a round to study a creature. The user can then ignore 2 points of all DR per 5 ranks in the skill. So a character with 10 ranks could ignore 4 points of DR on a creature, even DR/-
Listen: Can take a full round action to gain Blindsense out to 5 feet per rank. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your ranks in the skill.
Hide+Move Silently: gains 10% concealment for every 4 ranks put into both skill, capping at 50%. Ranks in just one have no effect.
Spellcraft: At 4 ranks, can attack a spell effect itself. Spells would have an AC of Caster Level used and HP of 10*Spell Level. Spells cannot be used to attack other spells. (So casters don't get a buff from this as much)
Spot: Constant See Invisible @ 13 ranks, constant True Seeing at 18 ranks.

Any ideas for more? Critiques?

2016-09-07, 06:54 PM
A lot of these sound like the Epic skill checks already, just saying.

2016-09-08, 02:53 AM
Wait, does this mean that Wile E. Coyote really has that many balance ranks? :smallbiggrin:

2016-09-08, 03:30 AM
Appraise: Can be used to Identify Magical Items (as the spell) at 10 ranks. Considering allowing it to be used on Artifacts at 20 ranks.

Heal: Every 4 ranks, gains access to the next level of Cure spells (Light, Moderate, Severe, Critical), can used as Revifify at 10 ranks.


Knowledge Architecture: Allows the user to take a round to study a creature. The user can then ignore 2 points of all DR per 5 ranks in the skill. So a character with 10 ranks could ignore 4 points of DR on a creature, even DR/-

for constructs maybe

Spot: Constant See Invisible @ 13 ranks, constant True Seeing at 18 ranks.


definatly take a look at the epic uses of skill

Firest Kathon
2016-09-08, 04:10 AM
Also, check out Pathfinder Skill Unlocks (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/unchained/skillsAndOptions/skillUnlocks.html). They are, however, less powerful than the options you were considering.

2016-09-08, 09:10 AM
I miss 3.0 Alchemy's ability to identify poisons and other substances; identify potion moved to Spellcraft (and was made significantly easier to do, mind you), but I think identifying poisons is left to detect poison now, and identifying substances might be a part of Spellcraft?